Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 140: I'm not greedy for you

Empress Du pressed her eyebrows with her hand and felt relieved.

Before thinking about it, Gu Nuoer's face was full of calm, and she pulled her and said she was going to climb the window.

"The Queen Mother, wait for a bad girl Yin to set fire to it, let's hurry and escape from the window!"

Although the little guy is only three years old, he is very rational.

Don't panic, keep calm.

In that carriage, Gu Nuoer was entangled with Ye Siming Ruanuo and acted like a spoiled child.

"Brother Siming, take a look at me, in case you get hurt?"

Ye Siming clutched his collar and turned to avoid: "It's not hurt, I can feel it myself, don't look at it."

The little guy has a soft, white hand to grab his collar.

"I didn't see how I knew there was no injury, don't be embarrassed, there is no one here except Benobao!"

Don't look at her small, she is quite strong.

Ye Siming struggled several times, but she still pulled the neckline open, revealing half of the white neck and collarbone.

Wow, brother Siming's bones are very strong.

Gu Nuoer put her hands on her hips and pouted in dissatisfaction: "Brother Siming, you are shy, Senmo, do you think I will peek at your figure, I am still a child!"

Yesiming lowered his cold eyelashes and looked at the pink little guy in front of him.

Her cheeks are slightly bulging, like an angry little fish.

The round eyes flashed bright colors.

Yesiming took a deep breath, and then, he took off half of his sleeves, revealing his white shoulders.

"See? I'm fine."

Gu Nuoer smiled sweetly, and stretched out her little claws to touch two.

Who knew that Ye Siming quickly pulled the clothes back.

The little guy failed, hummed in a milky voice, and muttered to himself, "It's really bad."

Later, Queen Du brought the maids and guards to the carriage.

Abbot Zhijue led the novices off.

Gu Nuoer twisted her body and slid off the carriage, stood beside Queen Du, and waved at the old monk Zhijue.

"Grandpa monk, I have to go home. Next time I come to eat the little green cabbage you planted, remember to save some for me!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Queen Du folded her hands together and apologized: "Because of the incident of this palace's maidservant, I destroyed several books in the scripture tower, and this palace is really sorry.

When I return to the palace, I will discuss with the emperor before giving compensation to Taishi Temple. "

Only a few books were lost, but the two nobles were unscathed. It is already a blessing from God. Isn't that what the Buddha taught? "

Empress Du nodded slightly.

The group left, Gu Nuoer lay on the window and waved at the old monk.

After returning to the palace, Gu Yihan, who learned the news, has pushed all government affairs away and concentrated on waiting for Gu Nuoer to come back in the Qiushui Palace.

"Daddy!" A small milk voice called softly from the door.

Gu Yihan was pacing back and forth anxiously, when he heard the words, he quickly walked out.

Just happened to follow the daughter who rushed into the door and gave her a full hug.

"Noble, let Daddy see, you didn't hurt anywhere, did you?"

Gu Nuo'er shook her head: "Brother Siming protects me very well, I even helped the queen to kiss once!"

Gu Yihan gritted his teeth as soon as he heard Ayun's name: "Where is that **** now?"

"The Queen Mother sent her to the Palace Penalty Division!"

Concubine Qiao came from behind to confirm that her daughter was okay, and she secretly loosened her brows.

"Your Majesty is looking at Nuoer, and the concubine will deal with Ayun."

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