Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 141: who is the princess talking to

Gu Nuo'er was held in Gu Yihan's arms, and she didn't forget to stretch her head out, softly reminding: "Mother, don't forget that Brother Siming also protected Nuo'er!"

Concubine Qiao scratched the tip of her nose with a smile: "I can't forget it."

She looked at Gu Yihan and said, "Your Majesty will decree the award for Young Master Ye. It's just that this Ayun...I don't know what Your Majesty's concubine means, so I have to ask for instructions."

Gu Yihan's eyes were deep, and he glanced at Concubine Qiao.

"There's nothing to ask for instructions, you can do whatever comes to your mind. When dealing with such people, you don't have to report back to me."

Concubine Qiao made up her mind, nodded yes, and took Wan Xuan out.

Gu Yihan squeezed his daughter's little hand and looked up and down: "Nuobao, Daddy told you not to go out,

How dangerous it is outside, you have lost a lot of weight after you left for a few days. Taishi Temple only has vegetarian meals without meat, and you are starving for my treasure. "

Gu Nuoer waved her little hand to retort: ​​"It's not daddy, the food at the monk's grandpa's house is delicious!"

The father and daughter entered the inner room and chatted.

A Yun was covered in blood and was hung on the shelf.

The chains passed through her shoulder blades, blood dripping down.

Seeing that she was about to faint, the palace tortured mama poured salt water again to wake her up.

Ayun woke up screaming.

At this time, she heard footsteps at the door of the dungeon.

Until now, Ayun is still looking forward to whether Empress Du is considerate and will change her mind temporarily and arrange for someone to let her go.

Who knew she was waiting for Wan Xuan.

A Yun's vision was blurred by sweat and blood, but she could still see the maiden beside Qiao Guifei, Wan Xuan's stern look on her face.

She only heard Wan Xuan and Gong Xingmao say: "The mother's meaning is to suspect that there is another master behind Ayun, but presumably this **** has a hard mouth,

If you don't take a few punishments, you will definitely be unwilling to recruit, so I can only ask you all to worry about it. "

The palace tortured mama respectfully said: "Don't worry, Miss Wanxuan, what the maiden means, the slaves and maids understand that this Ayun has evil intentions, and he will never forgive her."

A Yun looked at Mammy and Wan Xuan, struggling and trembling constantly, with a rag stuck in her mouth, and making a cry for help.

Now that she understands what happened, what does Concubine Qiao want to find out her "master behind".

The imperial concubine just found a nice excuse to make her suffer!

Wan Xuan looked at her with ice-cold eyes, like she was looking at a dead person.

The next afternoon, Ayun couldn't bear the torture and died in the dungeon.

When she heard the news, Qiao Guifei only took a sip of tea.

Looking down the corridor, Gu Nuo'er was playing with the little white tiger with a cute and well-behaved face.

"Ben Gong still overestimated Ayun, I thought she could last two days."

Wan Xuan pursed her lips, and only wanted to be relieved: "Dare to hit the little princess with her head and die like this, it's really cheap her."

And that Wanyin walked into the yard with tea.

When passing Gu Nuo'er, she heard the little princess facing an empty place, softly saying-

"Ayun has been executed, and I have given her the revenge she deserves, so don't worry!"

Wan Yin's face was full of doubts.

Is the little princess muttering to herself?

I heard that this A Yun used to be a bit of a skill, and he did a lot of evil in the court bureau, and indeed bullied many little palace maids.

Does the princess know these things too?

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