In the book of Hetuluo, the appearance of the eastern giant beast made the emperor strike again with the power that had been sealed for one or two hundred years.

The king set sail to the east and began a conquest of the behemoth.

A month later.

The king’s frame arrives at the location of the Eastern Behemoth.

This is a tribe called the Phoenix.

The population is sparse, just a few hundred.

When the frame drives into the tribe…

The remaining hundred and ten people knelt on the ground.

“My King….”

Everyone bowed their heads.

Almost all Terrans had heard of Di Hao’s legend, but few could see him personally, even a handful.

“Wang” lived in the deep palace for a long time.

Haven’t been out for 100 years.

This cast a veil of mystery over this virtuous king.

“King, it’s time for the Phoenix Tribe.”

The military minister walked up to the frame and asked.

The curtain is lifted….

The Minister of War saw tired eyes.

“King, your body…”

The Minister of Military Affairs was somewhat worried.

Xu Hao signaled that he was okay and strode out of the royal shelf.

He waved his hand lightly, and a golden aura rose up on his body, forming a majestic golden armor.

This moment….

He was born again.

He became that most powerful hero again.

The style is no less than it was back then.

Seeing the golden armored king coming, the clansmen of the Phoenix tribe were terrified.

At the same time.

They were also excited.

Since the “king” has lived in the deep palace for a long time, few people have been able to face the sky directly.

According to legend, the “king” is immortal.

Life with the sky.

The legend turned out to be true.

“Wang” is still young.

“What is that beast called?” Xu Hao asked slowly.

The ancient behemoth, called a beast by him!

The human emperor and the heavenly god are on an equal footing, just a giant beast…

“King, it’s a phoenix.”

The clansmen of the Phoenix tribe replied.


The words fell, and only a sharp voice was heard.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a flame appear in the sky in the distance, and the temperature around them was also a little hot.

“Such a giant beast must have wisdom, why does it hold on to you?” Xu Hao asked.

The clansmen of the Phoenix tribe looked at each other.

They were silent.

There seems to be some unspeakable secret.

“Don’t want to say it, or don’t you dare to say it?” Xu Hao asked calmly.

“King, it used to be our patron beast, but it became crazy later.” The clansmen of the Phoenix tribe said.

Xu Hao nodded slightly.

He strode into the distance, facing the beast burning with flames.

Not often….

The behemoth is getting closer.

It resembled a phoenix, with a monstrous rage, and the temperature around it suddenly rose several degrees.

“Ancient creatures, stand down.”

Xu Hao said lightly.

It was answered by an angry cry, and the flame behemoth swooped down on him, the blazing heat scorching the earth to the ground.

Xu Hao also rushed out.

One person and one song, fierce fighting.

This flame phoenix had infinite divine power, and the battle between the two lasted for a long time.

The battle was shattered, and the earthquake trembled.

In just a few moments,

There is also a sea of fire all around.

The earth was burned by the blazing heat to create a sea of magma.

Xu Hao rushed through the magma, seemingly not afraid of such high temperatures.

The battle was fierce.

It lasted three days and nights.

With a “boom”, the phoenix fell to the ground like a meteor, rushing out of a huge deep pit on the ground.

“Looks old…”

Xu Hao twisted his neck, and there was a soreness in his muscles.

“Phoenix, stand down.”

Xu Hao looked at the phoenix, and his voice was full of majesty.

He is old though.

But Behemoth is still no match for him.

He just saw that it was not easy for this ancient giant beast to survive so far, so he did not kill him.

The power of the human emperor is terrifying.

A hint of emptiness appeared in Phoenix’s eyes.

Less than a few….

Phoenix went crazy again.

It erupted with a cry that pierced its eardrums, and flames erupted from its mouth, instantly shrouding Xu Hao.

“Since that’s the case, let’s fight.”

Xu Hao stretched out his hands and resisted the blazing flames.

The next moment….

A golden wave of qi was wrapped around his hand.

The qi wave dissipated, and a golden sword appeared in both hands.

Human Emperor Sword.

This sword has been cultivated by the luck of the human race for many years, and it has begun to take shape.


The phoenix spewed out flames again, and the temperature became more and more terrifying, burning every inch of Xu Hao’s muscles.

Afterwards, he wielded his golden sword.

In a flash!

Brilliant light burst out.

A wave of qi slashed at the phoenix, sending it a hundred meters away.

“Boom !!!”

The phoenix rolls on the ground.

The forest in the distance was burned by the flames.

Xu Hao strode over, and saw that the flame had disappeared, and the phoenix had disappeared.


is a little girl in her teens.

Xu Hao’s eyes showed surprise, the phoenix turned out to be a little girl?

No, this little girl is a Terran.

It’s not the ancients…

Anyway, he returned to the tribe with the little girl in his arms, and the clansmen of the Phoenix tribe greeted one after another.

“The witch is all right…”

For a time, the clansmen of the Phoenix tribe were overjoyed.

Xu Hao looked at them leisurely, and these Phoenix Clan people felt a huge pressure.

The Renhuang’s gaze was majestic.

Like a majestic mountain pressing down on them.

“King, this is our witch, our family has guarded the Phoenix Stone for generations, it is our guardian power, and it is also our curse.”

Finally, the Phoenix tribe told the truth.

Phoenix Stone!

It is the crystallization of the power of the ancient phoenix.

One day, the people of the Phoenix tribe discovered it and used its powers.

Since then…..

The Phoenix Witch was born.

The Phoenix family, the era guards the Phoenix Stone.

And also bear its curse.

The Phoenix Witch, as the witch who keeps the Phoenix Stone, will be affected by the power of the Phoenix Stone for life.

If you are not careful, you will turn into a giant beast phoenix without wisdom.

“The Phoenix Clan, from today onwards, will live around the royal city.” Xu Hao said.


There are flowers without a monthly pass, there is a wood with a monthly pass, twenty chapters plus one more oh, and a reward one more oh.

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