
The people of the kingdom greeted the “king” returning from the war with a warm cheer.

The power of the “king” has been sealed for one or two hundred years.

Many people have never had luck in their lives… I can see the power of the “king” strike again.

This time….

They were lucky enough to meet.

Although they had not seen the battle with the Eastern Flame Behemoth, they could make up for it on their own.

When the frame of the “king” drove into the royal city, the cheers resounded in the sky.

Although living at the feet of the “king” ….

But many people have never seen a “king” in their lives.

Since the power of the “king” was sealed, he has lived in the deep palace for a long time and has not been born for a long time.

“Brother, there are so many people…”

In the frame, there is also a cute little girl next to Xu Hao’s voice

It’s no one else….

It was that phoenix.

Phoenix witch to be exact.

In order to monitor the power of the phoenix, Xu Hao asked the phoenix clan to live around the royal city.

The Phoenix Tribe is only a few hundred people, and seeing so many people on the street, the little girl is attracted by this bustle.

Soon, the frame entered the royal palace.

“Brother, you live in such a big place….”

The little girl held Xu Hao’s hand, her big eyes looked around curiously, and burst into brilliant light.

The royal palace is large and resplendent.

“Yes, this is the largest residence in the world.” Xu Hao said with a smile.

“Brother, your seat is so big…”

The little girl broke free from Xu Hao’s hand and ran to the throne.

Several ministers around were about to step forward, but were stopped by Xu Hao with a wave of his hand.

“Of course…”

“It’s the guardian of the Terrans, of course it’s big.”

Xu Hao stepped forward, sat up with a smile, and waved at the little girl:

“Do you want to come up and try it?”


The little girl sat next to Xu Hao.

“It’s a bit hard…..”

The little girl sat unaccustomed.

“How can the throne be so comfortable?” Xu Hao smiled happily.

Several ministers looked at each other and also smiled.

“Wang” smiled.

It’s a sight they’ve never seen in their lives.

Since they entered the royal city to become administrators, they have always seen a majestic king, and they have never seen the smile of the “king”.

“Wang” has worked hard for the sake of the Terrans.

“What’s your name?” Xu Hao asked.


The little girl showed doubt.

“The name is also the embodiment of civilization.” Xu Hao smiled.

It seems that the Terrans still have a fish in education.

“I don’t have a name.” The little girl’s head shook, “Everyone in the clan calls me a witch.” ”

“Witch is just a title, just like they call me Di Hao, call me Renhuang, and call me Hero King.”

“And my name is Xuanhao.” Xu Hao said.

“How about I give you a name?” He said again.


The little girl nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Xu Hao looked at the little girl and said, “You are the Phoenix Tribe, then from today onwards, you will be the Phoenix Clan.” ”

“Good, wow, good wow.”

The little girl nodded repeatedly.

Xu Hao said again: “You have lived next to Luoshui for generations, and you take Luo as your surname, then, your name…”

He looked closely at the little girl, who was dressed in a feather shirt.


“Your name is Yuyi.”

“Yuyi, Luo Yuyi, I have a name.”

The little girl clapped her little hands and fluttered through the palace hall like a butterfly, and the laughter like silver bells continued to sound.



“Your name is Yuyi.”

In the main hall of the human palace, watching the little girl in the book of Hetuluo galloping happily, the national master of the empire, the phoenix witch Luo Yuyi’s body was shocked.

She suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and she almost stood unsteadily.

For a while, memories of antiquity flooded into my heart.


“Your name is Yuyi.”

That young, handsome, and majestic face came to mind.

Memories of antiquity….

It’s as if it’s still vividly remembered.

It was he who gave her the name.

Luo Yuyi’s body shook dramatically, and her brain suddenly understood that she and Di Hao actually knew each other in ancient times…

“Senior Sister Guo, you are as old as Di Hao?” King Wu was shocked.

It seems incredulous….

The national teacher also came from ancient times.

“I don’t know, my memory is incomplete…”

The Phoenix Witch shook her head gently, her eyes empty.

She covered her chest…

There seemed to be a bout of colic.

Ever since memories of antiquity flooded into her mind, she realized that she seemed to have lost something most important.

“It’s just a name, it’s not praiseworthy.” King Wu smiled and said, “Senior Sister Guo, you forgot that Di Hao, the tyrant, had weak qi luck before, and in order to maintain the strength of Ziwei Star, he forcibly withdrew the qi luck that belonged to you. ”

“If not, I am afraid that you will be a demigod by now.”


The Phoenix Witch nodded slightly.

King Wu was right.

If it weren’t for this tyrant forcibly taking away her luck…

This delayed her promotion to a demigod, and she would not completely turn to King Wu.

She looked at the River Tulo Book….

Looking at Di Hao, who was full of loving eyes, she suddenly became curious about the ancient era.

From the current situation,

She existed in antiquity.

But why, she has no memory at all?

As everyone continued to watch Di Hao, Xu Hao was also observing them.

Seeing Luo Yuyi’s reaction….

He knew that his writing was working.

His current plan is two, one of which is to rebel against the heroine.

The Phoenix Witch has great power and has become the owner of the two artifacts of Hetu and Luoshu, and is a very suitable target for rebellion.

Just go against her…

There is a certain chance that she will lift the seal.

The last backup plan is its own strength.

If the counterattack fails, he will have to rely on himself and use the reincarnation simulator to continuously increase his strength.

Until he is no longer afraid of Hetu and Luoshu.

Speaking of which, this backup plan is what he values the most.

Instead of relying on others, it is better to rely on yourself.


Your own strength is the last word.

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