Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 7 - Nakanin team being teased

Cherry pink blush and tomato-colored lip-biting makeup are even more tempting crimes.

A decent maid outfit was painted under the entire cliff, with a tight chest and slender legs.

This is really...exciting!

Pooh! wrong!

Unreasonable! Don't rely on forgiveness!

Kota Furuta felt that his nose was a little itchy, and when he reached out his hand, it was a nosebleed.

Damn prankster, you are mad at me!

Uchiha Kazeki is standing on the cliff of Hokage Yanyan watching the sunrise at this moment.

The sun shines on a face that is 70% similar to Zhishui, making it even more handsome.

After returning home last night, he spent half of the night mixing up the paint, which only appeared when he saw the sun.

Then, with the paint, he sneaked to the cliff behind the Hokage Building.

The contrast between the five-year-old and the huge stone wall is so insignificant.

Fortunately, I learned to climb trees. Under the adsorption of Chakra, the cliffs are like flat ground.

He was immersed in artistic creation and passed the second half of the night without knowing it. Looking at the pictures that appeared after the sunrise, the wind nodded with satisfaction.

The ability of graffiti Du Fu and his old man did not fall behind.

Looking at several figures running towards him in the distance, Feng Xi pulled down the Tiga Ultraman mask on his head.The show just started.

After a while, Wu Zhongren ran over in a posture of bending over and stretching his hands backwards, and surrounded him in the center.

"Hahahahaha, you guys come to see my paintings too."

With the breath of the mask, he smiled with his hands on his hips and said to the group of Zhong Ren.

After seeing that it was a child, the five people were obviously relieved. It seemed that it was not an enemy ninja who was making trouble.

The leading ninja made a series of gestures, according to the knowledge taught in the ninja school, which means: pause first and test the enemy's situation.

Feng Xi saw the ninja headed and said to him: "Who is your Excellency, graffiti Hokage Yanyan indiscriminately, please cooperate with us to go back."

"Slightly, I just saw that the three generations of grandfathers are too staid, and want to change his look. Uncles don't have to catch me like this, they are more staid than the teachers in school." Feng Xi said in a childish tone on purpose.

I called Grandpa Three Generations to show that he was from the village of Konoha, and to say that he was more rigid than the school teacher was to expose his identity.

Although it was a death, Feng Xi didn't want to come directly to Shangren to catch him.

When the leader Zhongren heard Feng Xi's answer, he stopped gesturing and shouted: "Brothers grab this kid and send it to Master Naruto's office for Master Naruto's disposal.

"Hi!" the others replied in unison.

Except for the one in the lead who did not move, the other four slowly approached the wind.

Seeing the four people getting closer and closer to him, Feng Xi casually found a direction and rushed over.

They can no longer be allowed to reduce their encirclement.

Seeing Feng Qi speeding through the encirclement, the speed of the four of them was even more straightforward, and their bodies quickly got close to him.

Unlike imagined, even though the subject was just a child, these people did not look down upon themselves at all.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)One person stalked, and four people all grabbed it.

This is the vigilance a ninja should have.

Although he thought so in his mind, Feng Xi's movements were not slow in his hands.

While running, he raised his hands and started to seal, although it was unpleasant but very steady.

Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yin, the art of fire escape and fireball.

A loud fireball technique was called out, and the look of the ninja facing Fengxi was a little surprised. Yin is all paired, and his hands are steady. According to his experience, this giant fireball is likely to be released.

Subconsciously, the body directly moved to the left.

Unexpectedly, Feng Xi didn't stand in place and spit out a fireball.

As if guessing that this Zhongnin would dodge sideways, he flashed to the right and rushed out of the encirclement at a faster speed.

"Hahahahaha, I'm so stupid, how can I get a fireball."

The ninja who was avoiding looked embarrassed, and the three teammates who almost collided with him looked at him with contempt, and then the four immediately chased him towards Fengxi.

The wind that just ran out of the encirclement here hadn't continued to run two steps, and the captain of the ninja who swept on the side appeared in front of him.

"The Art of Fireball" Feng Xi shouted again.

This time.

Zhongren, who was in front of the wind's breath, did not choose to dodge.

But the next moment!A huge fireball ejected from the breath of the wind, and he could smell the burnt smell of his hair in the hot temperature.

Damn kid, don't play cards according to routine.

Although he cursed like this in his heart, his hand movements were not slow. At the moment when Hao Huoqi was about to enter his body, he squatted and slapped his hands on the ground.

Earth Escape · Earth Flow Wall.

An earthen wall rose on the ground, blocking the Hao fireball.

Also blocked the escape route of the wind.

There was an earthen wall blocking the way, and four ninjas stared at him in the back.

Feng Xi did not stop the chakra output of Hao Fireball, but added a chakra.

At the same time, the body leaped high.

The Hao fireball hit the earth flow wall with great speed, making a loud noise, but it did not destroy the earth flow wall.

However, the breath of flames continued to be emitted because the person was in mid-air, and under the huge reaction force, he flew out obliquely to the rear.

While avoiding the four ninja's attacks, he drew a distance of about three meters from them.

"Uncle you are so stupid, hahahaha I won't play with you anymore."

He habitually threw a taunt to the back, and the wind ran towards the village below when he stepped on the wall of the Huoying Yanyan.

"Smelly boy, where do you go!" "Bring me back and see if I won't kill you!"

The next five Zhongren wearing green vests were no longer as calm as they were before, and gnashed their teeth toward Feng Xi.

On the rock wall, a child stood upright at a ninety degree angle, and ran towards the bottom of the cliff step by step.The five in a row at the back cursed at the back.

I don't know if it's too anxious or what's going on. The child running in front suddenly stepped on the bottom of his feet. Chakra did not attach to the cliff and fell straight down.

Captain Zhongnin, who was running in front, saw this situation. He kicked his legs hard, and he didn't even stick to the cliff wall, but leaped directly toward the bottom of the cliff.

It can be seen to protect this child.

Fortunately, there is still a distance of four or five meters from the bottom of the cliff. According to the ninja's unloading method, there is chakra protection, which will not cause much harm.

However, what Captain Zhongnin didn't expect was that the child's falling speed was faster than he imagined. There was no force in the air to touch the cliff, and he slapped it straight on the ground, stirring up a piece of dust.

Looks like something, do you panic in an emergency?

Immediately after the wind fell to the ground, Captain Zhongnin rolled on the ground to relieve his strength, and then looked to the side.

A child with a strange mask just lay on the ground.

"Captain", "Captain".

Ignoring the questions from the team members, Captain Zhongnin waved his hand and said that he had no problem, and he bent over and picked up the child on the ground.

Just about to reach out and lift the mask to see if there was any injury, with a "bang", the child in his arms disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Shadow clone!

Hahahahahahahahaha, today I saw 11 extra collections in the backstage that looked like a 200-jin fat man.

Thank you Xielong Feiyu for the two recommended tickets.

The other brothers who have tickets in hand can help me, so that I have the motivation to write it down!

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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