Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 8 - Konoha's light and dark

When did he split up the clone? In other words, it was a shadow clone from the beginning?

Is this still the level a five or six-year-old Ninja school student should have?

"You guys search separately, and send a signal immediately after encountering, don't fight alone. I will report this to Master Naruto."


Regardless of the scattered players, Captain Zhongnin left this sentence and ran towards the Hokage Building.

At the same time, two figures standing high on the roof of the Hokage Building witnessed the battle throughout the process.

One person wears a hat and a red and white royal robe, and three generations of Hokage is written on the back.

The other person was wearing a large gray-black kimono with a bandage on his head and only exposed one left eye.

"Rizhan, I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene after eating breakfast on the rooftop."

"Yeah, he's a funny kid. At the moment he stumbled and landed, he took the initiative to release the avatar and replaced the shadow clone in the distance. When I think of using the avatar like this, it has a good combat IQ."

Danzo shook his head and pointed at Hokage Yanyan in the distance.

"I mean, I didn't expect you, such an ugly old man, could be drawn so cute."

"Hahahaha, it's just kid's pranks. It's probably because I go to their school too much, so get close to me."

Hearing these words, Tuan Zang chuckled, and threw the chopsticks he had been holding on the table behind him.

"After breakfast, I have to go to deal with things. Recently, there is information that a new organization called Akatsuki has appeared in Yurenin Village and has been gathering ninjas."

The third generation of Hokage nodded."Well, I'll leave it to you to investigate. The attitude of the Kingdom of Rain should be careful, don't drag them into the water, our pressure is great enough. The recent battle situation is tense, and the enemy's intelligence interception should be paid more attention, especially in the country of Thunder. And the country of water."

"I know that, I will take care of the root matter."

After leaving a word, Tuan Zang turned and walked down the roof.

The third generation of Hokage narrowed his eyes and stood in place behind his hands.

When people are old, they should be more comfortable in the sun.

After this battle, it is time to hand the burden to the young man.

After a while, the figure wearing a fox mask flashed, kneeling on one knee and appeared behind the third generation of Hokage.

"Report to Master Naruto that there is a kid who is tentatively designated as a student of Ninja School for a prank. The third Ninja team did not catch him. Please give instructions."

"Go to Ninja School to check if anyone happened to be absent from class during this period, and then bring the files of students with the best grades in each class.


Anbu, with his head down, replied. Just as he was about to retreat, he heard the third generation of Hokage-sama instructed: "Also, hurry up and restore Yan Yan! Be quick, remember to call more people."

Root organization headquarters.

In the dark underground space.

Back here, Danzo was extremely relaxed.

Compared to being exposed to the outside, he prefers to stay in this sunless underground world.

Because he is the master here and orders everything here.

Looking at the subordinates who were kneeling down and lined up, he gave orders that belonged to him.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)"The first team will increase communication with the spies of Thunder Country and obtain first-hand information as quickly as possible. I want to report once a day."

The root ninja on the far left stood up, bent over, and walked out slowly, hiding his body in the darkness.

"The second team, I will give you three more days to get into the Wuyin Village."

The second root ninja retreated even faster, even staggering.

"The third group, dressed as Yannin and went to slaughter the people in the Kingdom of Rain, created chaos for me, the bigger the better."

"The fourth group, go to the ninja school to check, what are the students who are not in class during this period of time and who are more capable."

"The fifth team, take a camera of Hokage Yanyan's current appearance and hand it to me."

After issuing five instructions in one breath, Danzo stopped, and after taking a breath, he continued: "The sixth team is on standby at the headquarters, and call'A' over.

The last person also retired...

Only one person was speaking during the whole process, and the rest were only responsible for following orders.

There is only one person in the huge underground space now. In the quiet environment, any movement, even a trace of footsteps, can be immediately noticed.

Closing his left eye, which was exposed, he needs a break at the age of fifty-five.

Teacher, I will prove to you how bad your vision was at that time.


Feng Xi was sitting on the desk in the study, and he had escaped with a substitute technique, and he had already returned to his home.

Now we are summarizing the battle just now.Chakra's control is still insufficient, otherwise when he is about to land, he won't be stuck on the cliff.

The amount of chakra is still too small, it is because of the age of the body.

There are not many ninjutsu clubs, so I need to get a chakra test paper, otherwise I only dare to learn fire ninjutsu.

Often fighting Shisui was suppressed, but he didn't expect the strength of those Zhongren to be so average.

The remaining two back roads prepared are of no use...

Let's practice steadily these few days. Yan Yan can't do anything for the time being, so I will change the place next time.

Be prepared a little bit more.


Inside the Naruto Building.

The third generation of Naruto Sarutobi is looking at the crystal ball in front of him.

What appeared inside the crystal ball was exactly what it looked like in the playground of the Ninja School.

About thirty or forty students formed a circle, and the two in the circle had just finished the seal of opposition.

There was no battle between you and me, and the black-haired boy on the right knocked his opponent to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

He even pads the opponent's head with his feet so as not to bump into the ground.

Until the other party got up, under the auspices of the teacher, the two sides once again formed a seal of reconciliation.

A group of girls next to them were all cheering, and it was obvious that they were very excited to see such a straightforward fight.

Sarutobi Hizen looked at the file in front of him, muttering to himself."No, first-year students don't have any excellent seedlings. The only Uchiha was at school that day, and the body shape is not very similar."

Seven full days have passed since the last time the prank happened, and the students who did not attend class on that day have been checked one by one, and none of them have that strength.

"It seems that you need to go to school to see if the kid is using shadow points for lessons."

If it is really him, the child of an old friend's house, just give him a long memory.

Just ask his teacher to double his homework.

Do not! Triple it!

He waved his hand to close the telescope technique, and Sarutobi slapped the dry smoke in his mouth.

It seems that there is nothing to deal with for the time being.

Another puff of dry smoke.

Somewhat boring.

It's not time to get off work yet.

He closed his eyes and felt it, and felt that there were only two guards at the door under ninjutsu.

They will report when someone comes in.

He opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of mist, and Sarutobi Hizen's expression was a little struggling.

He smoked a cigarette fiercely, as if he had made some decision, and waved his hand.

Here is a detail. Tuan Zang only changed to white clothes when he was 5.5 generations of Hokage. I have changed back to black clothes.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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