Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 199 Kushina: The Will of Fire Betrayed Qing Shui

Chapter 199 Kushina: The Will of Fire betrayed Qing Shui...


Since the war, Qing Shui has not returned to the village for more than half a year.

Arrange booby traps in advance, command the flying bombing team to make aerial maps, conquer Kirigakure, support Iwagakure...

There are too many things that require him to make decisions and deploy.

This war in which the four major hidden villages joined forces with the remaining small hidden villages to attack Konoha, set the entire ninja world on fire. Panic and fear once swept across Konoha, and the entire village was plunged into darkness.

Almost no one believed that Konoha could possibly win this war.

It is equivalent to a village fighting against the entire ninja world. Even if Konoha has a rich heritage, it cannot withstand such a united side...

Many merchants fled, and the old, weak, sick and disabled who stayed behind also had unstable military morale. In the early days of the war, they were in an atmosphere of constant panic.

But as time goes by...

Everyone was surprised to find that Konoha actually resisted the offensive of the ninja coalition. Every battlefield was blossoming. With the surprising new ninja tools and tactics, it didn't even lose a single line of defense.

After the battle on the Iwagakure battlefield, Konoha instantly returned to a state of vitality and competition.

The hero of Konoha, Uchiha Seishui, led the base formation to kill Iwagakure, an enemy of tens of thousands of people, and strangled two jinchūriki!

This horrific record has allowed the villagers of Konoha to regain the sense of security they once had when they were protected by the God of Ninja...

You know, even during the First Ninja War between Senju Tobirama, Konoha was not having an easy time at that time. It was a head-on fight with gritted teeth. Although the invaders were finally repelled, they themselves were also injured. Injuries to moving bones.

But this time they are faced with a situation of one against four, or even one against six or seven. So far, Konoha has received only good news, not a single bad one...

With the transmission of intelligence, the legend about Qing Shui became more and more distorted, and there was a faint tendency to become a myth.

Along with Qing Shui, those who rose to fame were also the roots under Qing Shui's command.

In the past, the members of the Roots were synonymous with terror and darkness. Under Shimura Danzo, they were only known by their collective name, while individual members were nameless. All achievements were attributed to the Hokage assisting Shimura Danzo. .

But in today's Konoha.

Qing Shui walked slowly on the streets of the busy city, waving to the villagers who were very excited to see him. Every smile made the boy excited and the girl blushing, while listening to the chatter coming from everywhere.

The oil girl takes the root, the mountain wind, the pharmacist No Naiyu, Beiliuhu...

These names are all mentioned in the major taverns in Konoha, and they are all remembered as dazzling war heroes. They are no longer the roots that could not remember their names even after they die in the past, but have become the roots that can be remembered under the sun. Boasting leaves.

Along the way, you can hear the newly admitted children of the Ninja School excitedly expressing their opinions to their parents, saying that they must work hard to practice in the future and strive to join the root of Lord Qingshui.

It is a beautiful and hopeful picture.

Qing Shui looked at it with a smile, walking slowly and with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Qian Shu Feijian keenly caught Qing Shui's eyes, and felt a pain in his heart...

The prosperous scene of the village was all built by Qing Shui, which can be said to have turned the tide.

These villagers could still appreciate the tranquility of the years during the war, but they didn't know that Qing Shui, the so-called war hero, was experiencing suffocating pressure as if the sky was falling.

This feeling made Senju Tobirama feel very uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything.

Qing Shui...!

"Tobirama, Konoha is getting better and better. It's really gratifying." Qing Shui walked slowly, looking at the prosperous shops and the bustling crowds of people, and smiled happily. This smile was as gentle as ever:

"Is the village better now than when you were in power?"

"It's much better, Qing Shui."

Senju Tobirama affirmed without hesitation: "You will be a better Hokage than me, I have no doubt about it."

Qing Shui smiled, moved his gaze to the Huoying Rock on the distant mountain peak, and shook his head: "Will there be another chance like this?"

"To be honest, Tobirama, I don't have much confidence in myself anymore. I don't even know what kind of challenges I will face, let alone why I always have to go through these. It seems that fate is always joking with me. Give me one difficult threshold after another..."

"This time a huge mountain even dropped from the sky. If the God of Destiny exists, he is really quite humorous."

Qing Shui said mockingly, with a hint of world-weariness in his words.

Thousand Hands Tobirama fell silent.

He could see that Qing Shui was confused.

"Let's not rush to see the stone monument. I want to stay with the village for a while. Do you think that's okay?"

Qing Shui and Qian Shu Tobijian discussed: "I haven't had time to myself for a long time..."

Qian Shu Feijian nodded heavily, his heart seemed to shrink as he listened to Qing Shui's relaxed yet heart-wrenching words:

"Qing Shui, you can do whatever you want, I support it."

"Thank you, Tobirama." After hearing Qing Shui say thank you, Senju Tobirama felt even more uncomfortable.

What could Qing Shui have to thank him for?

On the contrary, he, the second generation Hokage, should thank Qing Shui!

Thank you Uchiha for everything.

Qing Shui's eyes flashed, and the nine-tailed chakra in his body suddenly started to vibrate, echoing slightly with a three-color meatball shop not far away.

"These individual tailed beast chakras still have the desire to return to their true form and have not been integrated into my own body..."

Qing Shui glanced at the nine magatama samsara eye and sharingan eye, but did not take this matter to heart.

Some of the four-tails, five-tails, and even nine-tails chakra in his body, these tailed beast chakra Qingshui are not intended to be used by himself, they are just snacks prepared to tease Kaguya...

And there is only one possibility to be able to interact with the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Kushina and Kyuubi are in this meatball shop.

Qing Shui walked towards the meatball shop and couldn't help but smile when he looked at the signboard and location.

This is opened by Inada Kojiro...

This Ninja School student who had passed the Will of Fire test on his behalf because Senju Tobirama had become a small boss with Qing Shui's support and started a very prosperous business.

Qing Shui gently opened the curtain and walked into the shop, looking at it with great interest.

Uzumaki Kushina was sitting at a dining table, eating meatballs one after another with an expression of enjoyment.

Inada Kojiro was busy greeting customers. He was extremely busy, but his face was filled with a very fulfilling smile. It could be seen at a glance that he enjoyed this job very much.

Senju Tobirama blinked and recognized the unlucky kid who helped him, the "zero-point Hokage", take the blame.

Acquaintances belong to...

At the beginning, Senju Tobirama asked Qing Shui to help him because he wanted Inada Kojiro to become a ninja.

Qing Shui did not do this, but gave him a rent-free shop and asked Inada Kojiro to fulfill his dream of opening a meatball shop.

At that time Senju Tobirama still didn’t understand...

But after stepping into this store, the busyness and fulfillment of being a boss, and the praise and enjoyment of customers made Senju Tobirama feel warm in his heart, and he laughed with some understanding.

so good…

What a beautiful picture.

When Inada Kojiro glanced at the dish, he saw a familiar figure. His heart trembled suddenly, and he suddenly shouted in surprise: "Master Qingshui, why are you here!"

"Long time no see, Kojiro-kun."

Qing Shui greeted him with a smile: "It seems that business is doing well?"

Qing Shui waved to the other diners, and after saying hello, he motioned for everyone to eat normally. The villagers in Konoha nodded knowingly, but the excitement on their faces was still beyond words.

"Thanks to you, business is getting better and better!"

Inada Kojiro proudly reported to Qing Shui: "The rent I will pay you next month must be enough to cover two S-level missions!"

When Uzumaki Kushina saw Qing Shui arriving, she was about to get up and say hello, but she heard these words that shocked her...

Just making meatballs, but he can handle two S-level tasks in a month?

This makes much more money than many jounin, and it is much safer...

What a dishonest meatball shop owner!

"Why, Kojiro, do you think the rent is too high?"

Qing Shui smiled and said jokingly: "We are classmates at the same time. If you feel the burden is heavy, I will reduce the burden a little."

"Lord Qingshui, that's not what I meant!"

Inada Kojiro puffed out his chest vigorously and said sonorously: "It is my honor to pay the rent for you!"

"Are you here to eat meatballs? Please sit down, Master Qingshui, I will make the freshest ones for you now!"

Qing Shui smiled helplessly and said sincerely:

"What's the honor of paying my rent? You have to be ambitious, Kojiro. I'll wait for you to ask me to take over the business and be your own boss..."

Inada Kojiro just giggled, and saw Qing Shui's red-white hair color in his eyes. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

After bending down and bowing seriously to Qing Shui, Inada Kojiro quickly went to the kitchen and personally made the signature meatballs for Qing Shui.

Seeing Inada Kojiro's movements, Senju Tobirama was slightly surprised.

Smooth footsteps and quick speed, this is at least the foundation of a veteran Chuunin in terms of movement...

Isn’t it a bit unfair for such a person to be the owner of a meatball shop?

But looking at Inada Kojiro who was fucking passionately, Senju Tobirama had a lot on his mind.

It would be impossible for Inada Kojiro, who became a chuunin, to earn two S-level missions in a month, and Konoha would also lose a delicious meatball shop...

Thoughts entwined with a hint of smoke and fire sparked the thoughts of the Second Hokage in a meatball shop during the war.

"Qing Shui, come sit over here!" Kushina greeted Qing Shui enthusiastically and motioned for him to come sit over here: "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Qing Shui happily invited and sat across from Kushina: "How are you doing in the village recently?"

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Kushina shook her head depressedly:

"My days in the village consist of eating, practicing, and sleeping. There's nothing bad about it. It's just that every time I hear the battle report, I get so nervous that I can't sleep."

"Thank you Qing Shui... If you hadn't gone to the Iwagakure battlefield to support me, I really don't know how Minato would have dealt with those two Jinchuuriki and so many troops."

In the days when Kushina and Kyuubi got along.

The very bored big fox and Kushina chatted about each other. Although with the coordination of Qing Shui, the Nine-Tails was partially untied and could lie down freely instead of being hung in the sealed space, but Its bad habit of messing with people's mentality has not changed.

When Kyuubi knew that Namikaze Minato was going to face the Four-Tails and Five-Tails, he very carefully told Kushina the characteristics of its two compatriots.

One is an ape who has mastered the power of magma and is extremely restrained by taijutsu ninjas...

One is a porcupine who has mastered the power of steam and possesses unparalleled strength...

Kushina was frightened by Kyuubi like this, and she was extremely worried about Minato's safety all day long.

Even though she knew that Minato had the Flying Thunder God Technique, Kushina knew that his lover really had no way to deal with such an extremely defensive enemy. This was Minato Namikaze's biggest weakness at the moment.

The good thing is…

News from the front came that Qing Shui had eliminated two of Iwagakure's jinchūriki at once!

After Kyuubi and Kushina learned about it, each of them felt very complicated.

Kushina was very grateful for Qing Shui's support, but she also felt a little sorry for Namikaze Minato. From now on, the position of Hokage can only be a luxury.

Kyuubi had a clearer understanding of Qing Shui's combat power. This man's eye power and strength were by no means showy, and perhaps even more terrifying than he expected.

Qing Shui waved his hand: "It's all for Konoha, no need to thank me."

Kushina sighed: "Qing Shui, you have worked really hard for the village..."

But Kushina still looked at Qing Shui's hair color with some doubts.

No matter how tired he is, the black-haired boy will not have all his hair turn gray in about a year, right?

Qing Shui's white hair is a little special.

It's not that old gray-white color, but a red-white color with a touch of luxury...

What's going on?

Kushina began to think deeply, and there was a vague movement in her heart...

White hair and blue water...

It reminded Kushina of the appearance of the ancestor Hokage Senju Tobirama that she learned in the ninja school textbooks when she was a child!

He also has white hair!

Kushina's pupils trembled suddenly, and she tentatively said to Qing Shui:

"Qing Shui, why did your hair become like this? It looks a bit like the Second Hokage. You should pay attention..."

"Have you been feeling unwell lately?"

In her capacity, Kushina didn't know how to deal with such an outrageous thing...

On the one hand is the previous Hokage, on the other hand is Qing Shui who saved Minato.

Under the tangle, Kushina could only remind Qing Shui to pay attention as much as possible...

After hearing these words, Senju Tobirama's face turned dark. This little Kyuubi Jinchuuriki seemed to have a deep misunderstanding of him!

Qing Shui shook his head: "It's okay, Kushina, don't worry..."

The relief in her words made Kushina feel very uncomfortable.

The Will of Fire seems to have betrayed Qing Shui?

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