Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 200 Qing Shui: He is worthy of the Will of Fire.

Kushina felt Qing Shui was pitiful.

From her perspective, Qing Shui is a bright and cheerful boy like Minato.

He was born in Uchiha but has no arrogant character. He has strong strength but is as gentle as a little sun. He is the perfect embodiment of the will of fire.

Even though Qing Shui and Namikaze Minato were once "competitors" for the position of Hokage.

Kushina also has no ill feelings toward Qing Shui...

The emotional Kushina took on Qing Shui's perspective——

An Uchiha who loves the village and aims to become the Hokage is a genius boy. At the peak of his life when he steps into the battlefield and becomes a hero, he is assassinated by the previous Hokage...

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes…

If Mito Uzumaki was nominally taking care of his own clan, but in reality he was trying to take her body...

Then Kushina felt that she would collapse!

If there was still a Kyuubi in her body, Kushina felt that she would tear open the seal and use her life to vent her anger on this dark life...

But the Qing Shui in front of me...

But it seemed like nothing was wrong.

Although there was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes, he was still chatting with Inada Kojiro gently. He had a friendly attitude toward the villagers and carefully tasted the three-color meatballs in his hands.

Is this the pattern?

Kushina stared at Qing Shui's white hair with some fear in her heart.

How she hoped her guess was wrong...

But with her extraordinary perceptual abilities, she could sense a trace of emotion in chakra at such a close distance as she sat opposite Qing Shui...

She felt that in the core of Qing Shui's body, anxiety, hesitation, anger, and helplessness were pulsing. There was even a touch of extreme and darkness, and a coldness lingered in it.

Kushina's perception is accurate, because the target she perceives is the Senju Tobirama in Qing Shui's body.

At this moment, the second-generation Hokage was unconsciously opening a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes, staring at the nine-magatama reincarnation eyes hanging in the air, forcing himself to find a way to help Qing Shui...

However, although Kushina's emotions were very accurate, she misunderstood...

She thought the emotions in Qian Shu Fei were the resentment buried deep in Qing Shui's heart...

Just out of his will of fire and gentle personality, Qing Shui hid it deepest, just like sealing the nine tails in her body.

"What a gentle young man..."

Kushina clenched her fists weakly, many memories appeared in her mind, and her face became more solemn.

She thought of the topic that Tsunade would always mention when she came to see her several times in private...

"Kushina, is there any sealing technique that targets the soul or conscious chakra body?"

"Ah, don't think too much, I'm just curious, just scientific research, scientific research..."

Kushina was still curious about why Tsunade was interested in this aspect.

In the ninja world, the only art that uses souls to attack is the Konoha Forbidden Art Spiritualization Art. After Kato Dan's death, there are no ninjas in Konoha who have mastered this art.

As for conscious chakra bodies, Kushina could only think of the tailed beasts at that time.

She originally thought that Tsunade was trying to help her master the power of the Nine-Tails, and comforted Tsunade not to worry. After all, even Mito Uzumaki couldn't completely control the Nine-Tails, and he could not conflict too much with the demon fox under Qing Shui's mediation. Contradiction is already very good...

Now it seems that Tsunade has known about the situation in Qing Shui's body for a long time and made preparations in private...

Kushina's heart suddenly trembled, and her anger at the atrocities committed by Senju Tobirama eased slightly. There are still good people in this village who stick to their principles!

Even though Senju Tobirama is Tsunade's second grandfather.

But Tsunade still chose to find a way to protect Qing Shui and silently looked for a way to solve Qing Shui's dilemma.

"Evil, evil second generation..."

Kushina couldn't help but cursed in her heart, stood up suddenly, and said to Qing Shui in a deep voice:

"Qing Shui, if you need anything, remember to tell me and I will do my best to help you!"

"After dinner, I have some ninjutsu classics for you. Come on!"

"Coming from the laning target Uzumaki Kushina: You have obtained a special talent - Kushina's Wrath!"

[Similar or complementary special talents have been detected and have reached the standard for smelting——]

[Similar or complementary special talents can be smelted——]

[The current ones that can be synthesized are-Kushina's Wrath and Uzumaki Mito's Blessing! 】

[Synthetic or not? 】


[You get a special talent - the guardian of the whirlpool! 】

[Guardian of the Uzumaki]: The purity of your Uzumaki bloodline is greatly improved, and your power when using the Uzumaki bloodline and secret techniques is greatly enhanced!

"Thank you, Kushina."

Qing Shui smiled helplessly: "I'll do my best."

Kushina looked at Qing Shui at this moment, her eyes were a little dazed.

For some reason, Kushina seemed to see Qing Shui's red-white hair glowing red for a moment...

It's like the red hair that belongs to the purest Uzumaki clan!

Kushina blinked hard - was this an illusion?

Qing Shui tasted the meatballs and felt deeply impressed by Kushina's ability to think.

He came to this meatball shop mainly for the nine tails in Kushina's body, and to get some more chakra from the fox as a small gift when he met and got along with Kaguya later.

But Kyuubi hasn’t done anything yet...

Kushina just looked at Qing Shui's hair color, felt him quietly, and then went about emptying out the Uzumaki clan's wealth...

The Uzumaki bloodline in Qingshui's body, under the joint supply of Kushina, Mito, and Tsunade, would exceed the purity of the Senju bloodline if not fused. After all, most of Qingshui's Senju power comes from Between Thousand Hands…

Although Tobirama's immortal body is pretty good, it is not at the top level, and Tsunade is still a hybrid with Uzumaki.

"It's no longer Senju Qingshui, it's Uzumaki Qingshui..."

Thinking of this, Qing Shui joked about the unexpected gold coins and pondered - how could this Thousand Hands bloodline be greatly improved?

Maybe it's time to think of a way to let Tobirama summon his big brother on his own.

"I'm overthinking it. If it's Tobirama, I just need to resurrect him. With his flexible bottom line, he will naturally hold as much combat power as possible in his hands, and then he will naturally be on the line."

Qing Shui thought in a good mood, controlled the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye in his body, and input a piece of Tailed Beast Chakra into it!


The Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan flashed with scarlet light, trembling with great excitement, as if a person who had been hungry for three days finally drank a mouthful of broth that both satiated his appetite and filled him up, his greedy and demanding emotions were nakedly exposed. Come out!

At this moment, Kyuubi was staring at Qing Shui's white-haired Kyuubi in disbelief.

"Why does this Uchiha aura and white hair give me the feeling of an old man..."

Jiuwei's mind quickly flashed back to several encounters between it and Qing Shui.

At first, Kyuubi thought Qing Shui was the reincarnation of Madara Uchiha's chakra, and then the reincarnation of Indra. Then he rejected these assumptions because of Qing Shui's gentle personality, and wondered whether Qing Shui was related to the Six Paths Sage...


Just when Qing Shui was feeding the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye Tailed Beast chakra.

Even if Kushina's body is separated from Kushina's body, the chakra around Kyuubi seems to be out of control, and the fear from deep in his bones makes his body freeze...

Kyuubi's heart was filled with shock and anger!

How many years, I don’t know how many years...

The last time the Kyuubi had a similar feeling, it was Uchiha Madara who revealed the identity of its ten-tailed split...

This time, the Nine-Tails actually felt as if it was facing the Ten-Tails directly, as if its will was about to be annihilated and taken back again!

[From the laning target Nine-Tails: You get part of the Nine-Tails chakra! 】

Qing Shui raised his head slightly, the red light in his eyes flashing undetectably.

Kyuubi's heart trembled. Although it did not feel the loss of its own chakra, the moment it met Qing Shui's eyes, it could clearly feel that there was an extra part of its chakra in this man's body!

How is this possible?

It's still locked in the safe house, and it's still in Kushina's body!

Jiuwei suddenly lowered his head, not even daring to look at Qing Shui.

"Just by looking at Uchiha Qingsui, part of my chakra could be taken away without anyone noticing. How terrifying..."

Kyuubi was hiding in Kushina's sealed space, feeling confused.

It has fist-bumped and held hands with Qing Shui!

Whether it was the ability to sense malice or the interaction of chakra, Kyuubi had a very high opinion of Qing Shui, believing that although he was from the Uchiha clan, he had a generous character like Asura.

Why is this man so dangerous after not seeing each other for a while?

"I...I know!"

Kyuubi's pupils shrank suddenly: "Uchiha Qingshui is not related to Asura and Indra, he is related to the elders of the Six Paths Old Man...!"

"How is this possible? How is this possible? Wasn't He sealed by the two old men and brothers of Six Paths?"

This greed for chakra, Qing Shui's bloodline and aura close to that of Otsutsuki, made the Nine-Tails instantly lock the first generation owner of the Ten-Tails!

As a split body of the Ten-Tails, the Nine-Tails naturally inherited part of its memories, and also heard many stories from the Sage of Six Paths...

After coming to this conclusion, Kyuubi, who had never accepted defeat, lay on the ground and muttered to himself:

"This time, it is really a big change that has not happened in a thousand years..."

"Danger, too dangerous!"

"No wonder the yellow-haired man in Container who worshiped Miaomu Mountain always said that Qing Shui is the son of prophecy. Those toads can really predict some things. I really underestimated them before..."

"what to do!"

Nine Tails covered its head with two paws, and its nine tails swayed around restlessly.

For a fox, the pressure on it from beings above the Ten-Tails and the Six Paths Sage is too much.

Kyuubi is going to talk to Kushina...

"Master Qing Shui, my secret meatballs are ready for you, please eat them while they are hot!"

Inada Kojiro held the steaming plate and placed the fragrant three-color meatballs in front of Qing Shui. Looking at Qing Shui's white hair, he frowned tightly and then sighed softly:

"Master Qingshui, please take care of yourself! You are the future of the village..."

"You too, Kojiro."

Qing Shui thanked you and responded with a smile: "Don't worry too much. I hope to see your meatball shop open in Konoha so that my future sons and grandsons can taste your craftsmanship."

"Promise to complete the mission, Lord Qingshui!" Inada Kojiro solemnly puffed up his chest and promised loudly.

Kushina stared at Qing Shui, who had a normal expression, feeling increasingly uncomfortable in her heart.

If she could have the same gentle and tenacious mentality as Qing Shui, she might be able to reconcile with the fox in her body...

"I want to talk to the Kyuubi. After all, it is the strongest tailed beast, and Qing Shui's condition is like a jinchūriki..."

Kushina secretly made up her mind: "I want to be like Tsunade-sama, even if the Hokage does something wrong, I want to correct it!"

After one person and one fox met Qing Shui, they were all thinking about words in their hearts, thinking about how to talk to each other...

After eating the meatballs, Qing Shui and Kushina went back home and got the classics collected by the Uzumaki clan.

"Qing Shui... the future of Konoha depends on you, and behind you are your friends who are not afraid of power!"

Kushina waved her fist vigorously and encouraged Qing Shui: "Come on, come on!"

"I will, thank you, Kushina..."

Qing Shui nodded very gently, and after bidding farewell politely, he turned and left, heading towards Nanhe Shrine.


Uchiha clan land.

"Tobirama, do you think she misunderstood something?"

Qing Shui sat cross-legged in front of the stone tablet, flipping through the Uzumaki classics in his hand, learning the secret technique "Kagura Heart's Eye" recorded in it, and joked:

"Kushina said my hair color is like yours. Doesn't she think you want to take me away?"

"Play the piano randomly!" Qianju Feijian waved his hand, not really caring about this matter:

"I have already talked with Monkey. With him as the Third Hokage to explain, these juniors will naturally understand what I am thinking..."

"Qing Shui, what you should pay attention to is yourself. The strange behavior just now..."

Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "That Rinne Sharingan absorbed the tailed beast chakra you ingested before!"

"I know, but so what, Tobirama?"

Qing Shui smiled helplessly: "Do you think I can control it?"

Thousand Hands Tobirama fell silent.

Senju Tobirama, who was closest to the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan, saw how powerless the tailed beast chakra, which was previously called ominous by the ninja world, was in front of that eye, and it was completely absorbed in an instant.

At that moment, even his conscious soul seemed to be sucked in...

That cannot be resisted by human beings.

"Tobirama, I have a premonition that I can at least control myself for a while. Although my physical condition is getting worse, my power is getting stronger and stronger. Kagura's mind and eye can control it in an instant..."

"I still have time to put an end to the war and gain peace for the village for about twenty years."

Qing Shui turned to look at the Uchiha Stone Tablet and said in a relieved tone: "In this case, my mission as a Konoha ninja has been completed..."

"You are worthy of the Will of Fire."

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