Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 201 Tobirama: I have seen through the Sage of Six Paths!

It is worthy of facing the will of fire...

"Even now when the situation is so bad, are you thinking about the village?"

"Qing Shui..."

If the Will of Fire really exists.

Then it must be burning in Qing Shui's heart.

Compared to himself who had sacrificed his life to save the future of the village, Senju Tobirama believed that Qing Shui's decision was more valuable and difficult.

After all, when he cut off his queen, he didn't expect to encounter Jinjiao and Yinjiao who took out the Six Paths Noble Phantasm, and he didn't think that he would really die with the Flying Thunder God Technique...

Although he is not afraid of sacrificing for the village.

After the arrival of the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eye, Qing Shui has been in a state of being cut with blunt knives.

The body is eroded, the chakra is taken away...

This is different from fighting the enemy on the battlefield. Qing Shui sees that his body does not belong to him. He is enduring the torture of death and the unknown day and night, but his mind is still as strong as iron and he still thinks about the village in his heart...

Qing Shui has sublimated the Will of Fire!

"do not talk like that!"

Qian Shu Feijian said extremely seriously: "Qing Shui, we can't give up..."

"It's not about giving up..."

Qing Shui shook his head, unwilling to continue this topic, rubbed his face, awakened some energy, and made his tone lighter: "Tobirama, put this chakra away, and look at the stone tablet with me."

"Look at the final method of peace left by these Six Paths Immortals!"

The chakra full of eye power is transported into the soul of Senju Tobirama...

Qianju Tobirama took a deep breath, carefully absorbed the power transmitted by Qing Shui, and sighed with a complicated expression.

The Uchiha clan is also inherently evil...

At this moment, the magatama in Qianju Feijian's eyes became darker and darker, and his eyes were as bright as blood...

With his current eye power, if he didn't have such a high reputation in the ninja world, he would look like a complete Uchiha!

Senju Tobirama never thought that there would be a day when he would let the power of Uchiha enter the depths of his soul.

"I must protect this power seriously. This is the last reserve left by Qing Shui to me and Konoha!"

Senju Tobirama relaxed his mind, fully integrated the power of Uchiha into his soul, and stared at the Uchiha stone tablet in front of him with Qing Shui!

On top of the Uchiha Monument.

There are densely packed lines of black fonts, but without the blessing of pupil power, these fonts are like garbled characters and cannot be read.

But when reading with pupil power...

The information in it will automatically enter the reader's mind, which is very magical.

Qing Shui adjusted his pupil power and found that if he only used the power of the three magatama to read the inscription, all he could learn was some history of the Uchiha clan.

For example, the Uchiha clan is the descendant of immortals, so they should inherit the peaceful philosophy of the Ninja clan and avoid unnecessary killings and battles.

The eyes of Qianju Tobijian and Qing Shui were synchronized, and they read the contents together.

After seeing these contents, Senju Tobirama snorted disdainfully...

This Six Paths Immortal is really naive!

With the fighting style of the Uchiha clan, just advising them to be peaceful will only be ignored. With this information in those red eyes, they are probably the only ones left as ancestors and descendants...

No wonder people in the Warring States Period always boasted about being descendants of immortals. It turns out the roots are here!

After all, the current content can be seen with just an ordinary three magatama.

Qing Shui slowly strengthened his pupil power.

These things are not what he wants to see...

The fonts on the stone tablet seemed to be alive, changing independently and releasing new information.

This time, the information gets interesting...

It tells the story of two brothers, Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and Asura, the ancestor of the Senju clan, during the Ninja sect period, and the conflicts that arose between them as they competed for the heir.

One of them was biased, and in his words he was dissatisfied with Indra's character of believing in strength, and thought that it was right for Asura to pursue mutual understanding like that...

The Sage of Six Paths also mentioned that Ninjutsu and Chakra were originally created to allow people to understand each other...

But Indra went against his original intention and created ninjutsu, turning chakra into a killing tool.

The Sage of Six Paths hopes that the descendants of the Uchiha clan will remember the lessons of their ancestors and trust and cooperate with their brothers in order to create peace.

This is also called…

[Use two opposite elements together to create everything. 】

Back then, Uchiha Madara once said this to Senju Hashirama in front of this stone tablet——

"This principle can be applied to everything. If two opposing forces cooperate, they can achieve true happiness."

"However, it can also be understood as something else..."

Senju Tobirama looked at the information in silence. The Sage of Six Paths also attached an example at the end to prove Asura's correctness.

This was also the selection competition for the successor of the Ninja Sect...

Solve problems for villages that lack water sources.

Asura lent chakra to everyone, and together they found the source of water.

Indra, on the other hand, used his powerful power to help the villagers obtain water.

The Six Paths Sage believes that although Indra's method is more efficient than Asura's, it leads to different results.

Because it was too easy for the villagers who were helped by Indra to obtain water, they fought with each other for the right to use water. The final outcome was ugly.

The villagers that Asura helped worked hard with each other and helped solve the difficulties together, so the water source was used very well in the future.

Therefore, the Six Paths Sage did not choose his eldest son Indra to inherit the Ninja Sect, but chose his second son Asura.

I hope Asura can use the belief of mutual understanding to bring peace to the ninja world...

However, Indra did not accept this result, and rejected the request of the Six Paths Immortal to help Asura, and then became jealous because he failed to obtain the position of heir.

Qing Shui ate the melon left over from ancient times with great interest.

Although Qing Shui was curious about where Black Jue would tamper with the stone tablet left by the Immortal of Six Paths, it seemed like it wasn't here...

This criterion is so outrageous that it can even be said to be intellectually depressing, so it doesn’t seem to be fake...

If it was his dear brother Hei Jue who took action, he wouldn't have made up such a nonsense story to excuse himself.

Qing Shui still relatively recognized Hei Jue's level.

"Tobirama, have you finished reading?"

Although the current scene was very serious, and they had previously talked about heavy topics such as entrusting funeral arrangements, the corners of Qing Shui's mouth still couldn't help but curl up:

"Rational analysis, no exaggeration, no slander, fairness, how to evaluate the story of the Six Paths Immortal, Indra and Asura..."

Senju Tobirama rubbed the center of his eyebrows vigorously. He really didn't expect that his ancestor Asura would be such a successor to the Ninja Sect...

Are these Six Paths Immortals kidding here?

According to the narrative of the stone tablet, Indra's pragmatic style is obviously more recognized by Qianju Tojian. If you have the power, of course you must use it to make things more efficient...

Is this also wrong?

As for the subsequent battles between villagers over water sources or poor utilization, what does this have to do with the way it was established?

It's just a difference in quality.

Konoha was built together by everyone, and the fight never stopped...

It's enough to abolish the elders and establish young ones. After all, the Six Paths Immortals are the owners of the Ninja Sect, and there is no way to be willful.

But for such a ridiculous reason, Indra had to be forced to admit it, and even asked him to help Asura...

Isn't this just disgusting Indra?

Senju Tobirama glared at a pair of red sharingan eyes and stood on Indra's side with objective thinking.

In particular, the Sage of Six Paths criticized Indra for transforming chakra, a tool for communication, into a murderous weapon like ninjutsu...

It made Senju Tobirama feel dissatisfied from the bottom of his heart.

There is nothing wrong with inventing the knife, what is wrong is people cutting each other down.

If people want to fight each other, even if they don't have ninjutsu, they can use fists, teeth, or any other manufactured tools.

Senju Tobirama has begun to question the mind of the Six Paths Sage...

"I don't care if he is an immortal or not..."

Senju Tobirama raised his eyes dangerously, frowned and commented:

"If you're not stupid, you're bad!"

"To kill the eldest son who is practical and intelligent, and to forcefully support the second son, I always feel that something is wrong here..."

"If I were Indra, I would not be convinced, but I still can't believe that this sage would make such an imbecile decision."

Qing Shui glanced at Thousand Hands Tobirama in a funny way.

This is really a historical fact...

But the Six Paths Immortal's outrageous pursuit of mutual understanding seems to have plunged Senju Tobirama into some kind of conspiracy theory.

Are there really such stupid immortals?

Hello, it does exist.

"Keep watching, Qing Shui!"

Qian Shu Feijian said in a deep voice:

"What you said before is correct. This stone tablet is very important. We can analyze the character of the Six Paths Immortal from it. This is very crucial information."

Qing Shui nodded and continued to increase his pupil power, but the words on the stone tablet did not continue to change.

Qing Shui smiled and fed a trace of tailed beast chakra to the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan in his body...

The greedy eyes absorbed the tailed beast chakra that was full of essence, and seemed to have regained some vitality, bursting out with a burst of dazzling white light!

And just like the result of the white light, the words on the stone wall began to twist.


There are no words in it that only the Rinnegan can see. After Uchiha Madara obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he learned about the Infinite Tsukuyomi on it.

With Qing Shui's compound pupil power, it is not difficult to read the following content.

But Qing Shui hopes that Senju Tobirama can connect the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan with the stone tablet left by the Six Paths Sage.

This second-generation Hokage, who has a very active mind, seems to have come up with an interesting conspiracy theory...

Qing Shui wanted to know what he was thinking, so he kindly gave him some materials.

Show me your imagination, Tobirama!

Senju Tobirama looked at the shining Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan with hostility, then turned to look at the changing stone tablet...

He snorted heavily!

The two must be closely related, so the origin of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye in Qing Shui's body has been determined——

Definitely the Immortal of Six Paths!

Considering the fact that Qing Shui's body has been eroded, can this immortal still be a good person?

Senju Tobirama temporarily held back his temper and suppressed his anger as he read the words above.

[Seeing the descendants here, you may have obtained the power that belongs to me, and have eyes that can see through everything...]

[Is the ninja world peaceful now? 】

[If it is peaceful, then I am very happy. The Ninja Sect I founded is to let people understand each other and let happiness and beauty grow in everyone's lives. 】

[If it is not peaceful, and wars, fighting, and senseless violence still fill the ninja world, then it seems that the ninja sect I founded has failed. If you don't have a good way to save the ninja world, please restart it. ! 】

[The method of restarting, I named it Infinite Tsukuyomi, can cut off the chains of resentment caused by the struggle, send everyone into a perfect world, and take back the chakra that caused the struggle...]

[If my choice does not bring peace to the ninja world, then I ask you, an outstanding descendant, to help me make up for the mistakes I have made. 】

[The specific method is as follows——]

After that, the origins of the Ten-Tails and the Divine Tree were told, as well as the specific operations of how to summon the heretic golem, seal the tailed beast into it, and finally release the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Qing Shui nodded slightly.

The part written by Six Paths Sage himself is a piece of shit, but the part changed by Black Zetsu is quite good, and the Infinite Tsukuyomi was compiled as the sage's back-up plan...

It's quite reasonable.

Otherwise, a sage unconditionally believes in mutual understanding and peace in the ninja world, as if he has no brain...

Too strange.

"What do you think, Tobirama?"

Qing Shui frowned:

"This immortal's family affairs are full of twists and turns, and the method of leaving behind them is also shocking."

"But if you think about it carefully, if you can eliminate people's current dissatisfaction, it seems to be a way. What do you think?"

"This is destroying the ninja world!"

Qianju Tojian waved his hand vigorously and said angrily:

"What a childish idea!"

"From my many years of experience in scientific research, if you want to achieve a difficult goal, the progress will always be tortuous and spiral, rather than a straight line!"

"It's ridiculous to want to start over from scratch when encountering difficulties. Is the Sage of Six Paths using the ninja world as an experimental field?"

Qing Shui looked at Thousand Hands Feijian quite unexpectedly, how could he summarize the laws of philosophy?

You have found the unity of the progress and twists and turns of things, right?

The evil Thousand-Armed Old Ghost is also a philosopher with quite a dialectical thinking...

Indra, Asura, the Ninja Sect successor competition, the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan that absorbs the chakra of the tailed beast, the sacred tree, the Ten Tails, the Infinite Tsukuyomi Project...

These elements collided in his mind among the Thousand Hands Gate, and the fire of thinking danced!

"I see!"

After a moment, Senju Tobirama suddenly widened his eyes:

"This is a conspiracy!"

"This stone tablet is a lie compiled by the Immortal of Six Paths. The ones we saw before are here to paralyze us. The key lies in this last infinite Tsukuyomi!"

"In my opinion, Infinite Tsukuyomi is not a method to bring peace at all, but a secret method to resurrect Him!"

"This crazy sage should have wanted to activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi thousands of years ago, but was stopped by Indra and Asura, and was finally sealed!"

Qing Shui looked at Qian Shu Feijian blankly and exhaled softly:


I almost want to applaud Senju Tobirama.

You can really guess!

The plot, motives, and characters were all guessed by Senju Tobirama. Although there were slight differences, the plot was the same.

"Listen to me carefully, Qing Shui!"

Senju Tobirama's Sharingan shines with the light of wisdom:

"I have seen through the past of the Immortal of Six Paths!"

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