Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 202: No one, or famous all over the world? Use your body as a cage to seal the Immortals of

"Tobirama, I haven't followed your train of thought, it's too jumping..."

Qing Shui cooperated with a confused look and said in deep thought: "Why do you think so?"

"According to your statement, Asura and Indra sealed their fathers. Isn't this a bit too bizarre..."

Qianshou Feijian waved his hands, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, but his heart felt a little sore.

In his opinion, if it were Qing Shui from before, he would definitely follow his lead and boldly deduce the truth behind this...

It's just that Qing Shui's heart is now filled with pressure and is still in a state of being eroded. His previously agile thinking must have been dragged down.

Otherwise, why should I ask him?

I figured it out myself!

"Qing Shui, my inference seems to be illogical, but the logic in it is consistent with the clues one by one..."

Senju Tobirama stared at the stone tablet, and the magatama of the Sharingan was like the jumping wisdom in his mind, spinning constantly: "First of all, based on the facts, whether the infinite Tsukuyomi method proposed by the Sage of Six Paths will save the world or destroy it? method?"

"Recover all chakra and integrate one to nine tails into ten tails, so that everyone in the ninja world can be immersed in illusions to eliminate their inner desire to fight, and achieve the so-called peaceful and prosperous age..."

Qianju Feijian snorted coldly:

"This method sounds good, but in fact it means killing everyone, so there is no struggle..."

"Anyone with a normal mind who has not received any major stimulation will never believe it. Only the paranoid people who are deeply involved in demonic nature may have the possibility of falling into it."

Qing Shui coughed lightly: "Okay Tobirama, don't hint, you just want to say that the Uchiha clan is..."

Senju Tobirama nodded naturally: "I made it clear!"

"Six Paths Immortal is not a simple person, Qing Shui, don't think his plan is stupid."

Senju Tobirama continued to explain seriously:

"He has a clear understanding of the development trend of the ninja world. Peace and turmoil are twins. With the development, there will be periodic changes, and it is impossible to be in a stable state for a long time."

"His knowledge of the Uchiha clan is even more powerful. These red-eyed characters are always willing to go to extremes. For example, Uchiha Madara mentioned the "eternal" peace many times when he was arguing with his elder brother and wanted to go Solve the problem once and for all. "

"The logic of this stone tablet is full of loopholes in the eyes of ordinary people, but for an Uchiha who has strong eye power, extremely unstable emotions, and is trapped in demonic nature, it is out-and-out. Words of salvation!”


Don't tell me, what Senju Tobirama said is really fine...

Ordinary people naturally cannot accept Infinite Tsukuyomi, but the descendants of the Uchiha clan are really hard to say.

That's the example of Uchiha Madara, and there's also Uchiha Obito...

Qing Shui frowned and followed Thousand Hands Feijian's thoughts and said:

"So this stone tablet is a secret way out of trouble arranged by the Immortal of Six Paths after he was sealed?"

"Because the war in the ninja world will never end. Within a thousand years, there will always be powerful Uchiha who are stimulated to seek eternal peace. When a suitable candidate notices this stone tablet, he will have hope of resurrection..."

"In other words, the Six Paths Sage is using the conflict between Uchiha's character and the objective law of peace to plan his resurrection?"

Qianju Tojian nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, Qing Shui, you couldn't have summed it up any better!"

Qing Shui was thoughtful and asked another question:

"Although the Six Paths Immortal's method of saving the world is outrageous, why do you think he was sealed after the world was destroyed in the first place?"

"You know, the ninja sect recorded in the historical classics has always advocated mutual understanding to achieve peace. Maybe the Six Paths Sage just regretted his original choice and maybe wants to restart the ninja world..."

Qianju Tobijian chuckled.

"Qing Shui, you have graduated with perfect marks in the Will of Fire. You should remember that your batch has learned that the monkey is the strongest Hokage."

"So, is he the strongest Hokage?"

Qing Shui couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Maybe? I think Uncle Hiruzen has a stronger frontal combat ability than you..."


Senju Tobirama's face darkened. He originally wanted to say that he understood Monkey's approach, and it was just a small way to maintain the stability of Konoha. It was understandable to do so in the position of Hokage.

But if Qing Shui says this, then Qianju Feijian really has to find a chance to prove himself!

Qing Shui's unintentional attack made Senju Tobirama's desire to teach Sarutobi Hiruzen even stronger...

But this cannot be blamed on Qing Shui.

This is indeed what is written in the Will of Fire textbook...

"Okay Tobirama, go on, I understand what you mean."

Qianju Tojian grinded his teeth in displeasure:

"In short, history is like a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone. The records in any classics have been modified and can only be used as a partial reference."

"What is truly reliable are the facts that we have verified with our own eyes."

"Based on the fact that the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye in Qing Shui's body robbed the tailed beast's chakra, combined with the recovery of chakra on the stone tablet, it is certain that this uninvited guest is the work of the Sage of Six Paths."

Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "The speed at which these eyes absorb the tailed beast's chakra and their movements are so violent is like a person who is about to starve to death snatching the last morsel of food..."

"It can be seen from this that what is said on the stone tablet is false. If the ninja world is really peaceful at this moment, then naturally there will be no need for the so-called infinite Tsukuyomi, and these eyes should not rob you of your investigation. Kara, Qing Shui!"

Qing Shui nodded seriously, yes, that makes sense.

"Qing Shui, did you feel it when these eyes absorbed the tailed beast's chakra?"

"Not really...if you didn't remind me, Tobirama, it would be hard for me to feel..."

Senju Tobirama nodded: "That's right!"

"If I weren't in your body, when these eyes appeared in your body, they would silently absorb your chakra and use it to strengthen myself..."

"Hmph, his plan is pretty good, but despite all the calculations, he didn't expect one problem -"

"The Uchiha clan will have people like you, Qingshui, who are extremely powerful and rational, and there is a me in the body!"

Senju Tobirama continued to explain his conjecture:

"Then let's talk about it. Who stopped a powerful existence like the Immortal of Six Paths with the idea of ​​​​destroying the world back then?"

"Obviously, it can only be his two sons, the ancestors of Uchiha and Senju!"

"The biggest flaw is the selection of successors to the Ninja sect compiled by Sage of the Six Paths. It is decided with such a childish method. The process of selecting the monitor of the Ninja School is more formal than this."

"There must be problems in the relationship between the Immortal of Six Paths and his two sons, and the only one who can stop the Immortal is the Son of the Immortal..."

However, Qing Shui raised a different opinion at this time, shook his head and said: "That's unreasonable, Tobirama."

"If the ancestors of Uchiha and Senju joined forces to stop the Six Paths Sage, then their descendants should be very united. Why did they fight for thousands of years without reconciliation?"

Qianju Tobijian sighed: "Qing Shui, I'm worried about you. Your thinking is a little slow now."

"With the existence of this stone tablet, several generations have passed since Asura and Indra, and after experiencing the wars and differences in the shinobi world, the Uchihas saw the story recorded on this stone tablet, and they will have different opinions on the Senju clan. how to think?"

Senju Tobirama looked at the Uchiha Monument, his Sharingan eyes were as deep as scarlet blood, and he assumed the role of Uchiha.

"I won't be convinced..."

"The twists and turns of the war will give birth to the demonic nature of Uchiha, and the unfair campaign story on the stone tablet will amplify this emotion. The descendants of the ancestors who fought side by side to save the ninja world in the past will eventually part ways and be swept away by the torrent of history. Wash away all the previous bonds..."

"The Immortal of Six Paths is very wise. He looks at problems from the perspective of history. He is worthy of being the supreme existence in the past."

Qing Shui blinked.

Why are you accusing me of being slow?

The logic of belonging is self-consistent, and it has firmly nailed the character of the villain to the Immortal of Six Paths, and he is unable to stand up.

"What you said makes sense, Tobirama..."

Qing Shui said slowly:

"After those arrogant immortals saw me, they showed an extremely fawning attitude. This is very abnormal."

"Jiraiya once said that the reason why he trusted the predictions of the Six Paths Sage was because the Toad Sage had a close relationship with him and was a friend."

"Perhaps from the perspective of the Three Holy Lands, I am already the future Immortal of Six Paths..."

Senju Tobirama nodded dullly.

"So, Qing Shui, we have many enemies..."

"These immortals who are temporarily friendly to us will definitely change their attitude after they find out that we are fighting against the Six Paths Immortal."

"One is a mortal and the other is an immortal. It is obvious who to help."

Qing Shui's expression was a little heavy, but he still smiled and said:

"I have occasionally thought that I can call myself a Tobirama Jinchuuriki, and it seems that I am about to become a Six Paths Sage Jinchuuriki..."

Thousand Hands Tobirama fell silent.

He really couldn't laugh.

Qing Shui also slowly stopped smiling, and the two of them faced each other, sizing each other up just like when they first met.

"Tobirama, I may have made a mistake."

Qing Shui said softly:

"I have been thinking that I summoned you from the Pure Land. Whether it is because your chakra is attached to me, or it is your handiwork as Mito said, or it is a coincidence, this is your The fate between me.”

"Without your help along the way, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I am today."

The iconic Sharingan appeared in Qing Shui's eyes, his gentle smile disappeared, and his eyes were filled with sharp ambition.

"You know what? Tobirama, let me tell you the truth..."

"I used to be unwilling to stand out and hide in the ninja school because I knew that although my talent was outstanding, it was only slightly outstanding and not worth mentioning among the famous figures in history, so I might as well live a stable life."

"It was your arrival that made me feel that I have special luck and strengthened my confidence in fighting."

Qing Shui stared at his hands and murmured to himself: "Being unknown, or becoming famous all over the world?"

"I'm lucky. After you helped me, my life has been wonderful. What do you think?"

"I'm happy getting along with you, and I hope you get along with me too."

Qianju Tobirama took a deep breath and forced out a big smile:

"I'm very happy too. You, a naturally evil Uchiha brat, turned me into Uchiha Tobirama. I feel very happy!"

Qing Shui laughed.

"Then, I'm going to ask you, an old ghost, to go on the road with me, Tobirama."

Qing Shui suddenly stood up, stared at the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan in his body, and said in a deep voice: "I promised to resurrect you, but now it seems that it is too late..."

"Besides, I need your power to suppress Him together."

Senju Tobirama's heart moved, and an arrogant smile similar to that of Uchiha appeared on his face. He had already guessed what Qing Shui was going to do!

He nodded encouragingly to Qing Shui, signaling to continue.

"In the last period of time, I plan to meet with the people close to me for the last time, arrange for Konoha, the newly recruited Kirigakure, and the newly recruited Roots, and then deal with the invading ninja coalition in one go, and win the second chance for the village. Ten years of peace.”

"After that, it's time to deal with the Six Paths Immortal."

Qing Shui smiled slightly: "His plan is very powerful, but he met the two of us..."

"It seems that He is taking away my body, but in turn He has sealed Himself in my body. I will use my body as an indestructible cage, use sealing techniques to bind all my chakra, and finally dive into the deep sea. Completely seal yourself!"

"How about it, Tobirama..."

Qing Shui patted Thousand Hands Tobirama's shoulder: "Do you dare to pull down the immortal with me?"

"Fuck him, Qing Shui."

Senju Tobirama rarely said a foul language:

"What is he? Didn't the Sage of Six Paths say it himself? The combination of the power of Senju and Uchiha can control everything, so let him have a taste of our power!"

"Okay, Tobirama."

Qing Shui stretched out his fist towards Qian Shu Feijian with a deep look: "Let us become unknown saviors together..."

The two men fist bumped hard.

Qing Shui rushed towards the battlefield...

After Qing Shui couldn't see it, Qian Shu Feijian's expression suddenly turned sad.

There is no way around it.

The Immortal of Six Paths is already in the process of seizing Qing Shui. At this speed, before he can think of a way to deal with it, maybe Qing Shui is no longer himself...

The most robust, efficient and cruel method is to seal himself so that he cannot access the chakra needed for recovery.

Just like what Qing Shui said, using your body as a cage to lock up the inherently evil Immortal of Six Paths!

"It's an honor to become the savior with you, Qing Shui." Qian Shu Feijian whispered to himself in his heart.

this moment.

The will of fire is burning in Qianju Feijian's heart!


On the other side of the ninja world, when the will to die sprouted in Senju Tobirama.

Uchiha Madara finally made up his mind and exhaled a long breath.

He wants to resurrect Uchiha Izuna...

Resurrection, my brother!

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