Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 213 Qing Shui: I will fight this battle alone

As the ninja coalition gathered, Konoha's various regiments followed suit.

Konoha Camp.

Uchiha Fugaku held a child with a tear trough under his cheek and said with a serious expression: "Itachi, don't forget the scene you just witnessed. This is the ninja world, this is war..."

"You want to give Iwagakure, who died in the battle, a drink of water, but he wants to kill you because you are a child of Konoha."

"You have the future of the family in you, and you need to grow up as soon as possible!"

Itachi Uchiha listened to Fugaku's words blankly, feeling very complicated in his heart.

As a child who didn't even go to ninja school, Uchiha Fugaku brought him to the battlefield. He even took him to see the most tragic Iwagakure battlefield in the war just now...

When Uchiha Itachi saw the corpses scattered all over the ground, the broken earth, and the dark red soil that looked like it had been soaked with blood, his whole body felt a strong mental shock.

Is life such a fragile thing?

So what's the point of living?

On the way back, Uchiha Itachi met a dying Iwagakure. After hearing his miserable cry for water, he wanted to help him, but was attacked by Iwagakure after seeing the Konoha logo on his body. He had to Counterattack.

This series of things he saw and encountered made Uchiha Itachi feel very confused...

He felt that something was wrong with the world, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Uchiha Itachi wanted to turn to Uchiha Fugaku for help, but his father told him that he had to bear this because the fate of his family and the ninja world needed him to change...

And just when Uchiha Itachi was confused and wanted to try to ask Fugaku again...

He was surprised to find that his father, who had always been confident, changed his expression at this moment, his expression was extremely nervous, and even his hands and feet became unnatural.

Because Qing Shui walked towards him.

"Fugaku, is this your son?"

Qing Shui greeted Uchiha Fugaku very familiarly, leaned down slightly, and pinched Uchiha Itachi's cheek: "He's quite chubby, but how do you bring such a child to the battlefield?"

Uchiha Itachi wanted to dodge, but Qing Shui's big hand seemed to have magic power, and he couldn't dodge it no matter how hard he tried...

"I want Itachi to mature as soon as possible..."

Uchiha Fugaku was very nervous. Although his pupil technique told him that Uchiha Itachi was the one who led the family and the ninja world to new glory, this was only a prophecy after all.

Qing Shui's powerful force is a definite reality.

The strength, status, and increasingly subtle relationship between the two people made Uchiha Fugaku worried about whether Qing Shui would come to liquidate him one day...

and his family.

After all, Qing Shui is becoming more and more like Qianju Feijian, and even his hair has turned white for no reason...

And even with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, two incompetent disciples of the Second Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku was unable to resist...

"Do you want to mature as soon as possible?"

Qing Shui whispered Uchiha Fugaku's answer and nodded: "Fugaku, you have an idea..."

"Let's go to the war meeting with me."

Qing Shui patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder and glanced at Uchiha Itachi: "Are you a little genius in the family... You have the idea of ​​​​nurturing children early, and I fully support it."

"Take this little guy with you and let me, a senior, tell him how to fight the war..."

Uchiha Fugaku blinked in confusion, what does this mean?

But if you think about it carefully, it is a good thing to have Uchiha Itachi exposed to high-level battlefield command at such a young age...

You know, in fact, even he, the leader of the Uchiha clan, is not qualified to attend the core meeting of the Hokage clan...

Uchiha Fugaku's mind was like lightning and he responded immediately: "Thank you, Qing Shui!"

Qing Shui smiled noncommittally and motioned for the two of them to follow him.

Regarding Uchiha Fugaku, Qing Shui evaluated him as having little value.

Uchiha Itachi, overall, is a genius who can turn on the kaleidoscope and has certain potential...

But the years needed are still too long, and now he is just a little bean curd.

But since Uchiha Fugaku has the idea of ​​​​stimulating the growth of young people, Qing Shui doesn't mind helping his father and letting Uchiha Itachi see what real war is like...

As for how Uchiha Itachi would view Qing Shui, and what he would think...

Qing Shui didn't care, as long as it could make his emotions boil, it was better than nothing.

Konoha battlefield headquarters.

When Qing Shui entered with Uchiha Fugaku and his son.

Tsunade was looking around in confusion, and asked Jiraiya: "Why didn't Orochimaru come? Hasn't he been in the barracks recently..."

Jiraiya shrugged: "I don't know, maybe that guy is obsessed with some research again?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and shook his head.

These are his three disciples, all of whom have their own way of doing things.

After all, he is still the Hokage now, so Qing Shui will not punish ninjas who disobey orders too harshly...

But if the teacher comes back, it will be easier for Tsunade. If Orochimaru and Jiraiya do something behind the Hokage's back, then they will be greeted by thunderous methods...

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyes, he saw Qing Shui with white hair, and his heart suddenly thumped: "Teacher, are you progressing so fast..."

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

Qing Shui walked straight to the main seat, motioned Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi to sit down beside him, and said in a deep voice: "First of all, we announce an angry and painful news. Orochimaru has rebelled against the village!"

As soon as Jiraiya sat down, he immediately jumped up and shouted: "How is that possible!"

But Qing Shui did not answer, but glanced at him coldly.

Jiraiya immediately closed his mouth and sat down.

This terrifying look made Jiraiya instantly recall the way Qing Shui beat him when he went on a rampage for the first time...

This one is different from the old man. He can really beat him when he is angry!

"Orochimaru attacked me with a secret technique and wanted to take away my body with a forbidden technique, but he was killed by me."

Qing Shui said calmly: "But I don't think he is dead. Anyway, let's file it first and wait for the war to end before dealing with it."

"The top priority now is to face the upcoming collective attack by the Ninja Alliance..."

Qing Shui slowly scanned the crowd.

"Judging from the enemy's combined military formation, they are going to launch a general offensive with us..."

Qing Shui made annotations on the war diagram hanging on the wall and said slowly:

"This is not right... After showing the destructive power of Tobirama's series of weapons, they still dare to group their troops. This shows that they have countermeasures to our existing offensive methods."

"What can be done?"

Qing Shui looked at everyone participating in the meeting and waited for their answers.

Everyone's demeanor is different.

Because of Qing Shui's relationship, Hatake Sakumo and Hiroyuki, who were able to participate in this high-level meeting that only the Hokage family could enter in the past, had indifferent expressions written all over their faces.

In their opinion, they only need to obey Qing Shui's orders.

This is especially true for Kakuzu sitting next to Hatake Sakumo.

Compared with the Konoha identity given to him by Qing Shui, his self-identity is more of "a worker who works hard for the best boss in the world"...

Konoha or whatever has nothing to do with him.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were thinking, but obviously haven't found a suitable answer yet.

Namikaze Minato said softly: "I think they are going to use high-end combat power to collide with us..."

"Objectively speaking, Tobirama's series of weapons are aimed at middle-level ninjas with relatively mediocre qualities, and are not particularly effective against enemies with combat power above the Kage level."

"If I were the enemy, I would think of uniting the shadows of each village to form a special team and carry out beheading operations."

"Konoha today..."

Namikaze Minato looked at Qing Shui seriously: "Without Qing Shui, there would no longer be the possibility of contending with the ninja coalition..."

Qing Shui glanced at Namikaze Minato with admiration, he was indeed a man who could become the Fourth Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also echoed at this time:

"I agree with Minato's view. Although Qing Shui is a flying thunder magician, this magic is not omnipotent after all..."

"We can organize a guard accordingly to protect Qing Shui."

Sarutobi Hiruzen proposed forming a guard?

Even Qing Shui felt a strange feeling when he heard these words.

I don't dare to let you be my guard...

"There is no need to form a bodyguard, I will take the initiative to reveal my location."

Qing Shui said calmly: "In this war, I will use all my strength to fight for at least twenty years of peace for Konoha."

"The tactics are very simple. I will go alone to eliminate as many of their effective forces as possible."

"All you have to do is prepare to catch me when my chakra is exhausted, and then launch a second round of attack."

Uchiha Itachi looked at Qing Shui blankly. With his small brain, he could not understand Qing Shui's words.

Jiraiya's expression changed, he could understand, but this was not the method of peace he expected...

Although he has already locked in that Qing Shui is the son of prophecy.

But why did Qing Shui seem to become more and more extreme after visiting the Three Holy Lands?

Is this a battle of 100,000? !

Everyone tried to persuade Qing Shui, feeling that there was a better plan.

But Qing Shui waved his hand and made a plan, saying that he would take the initiative to launch an attack tomorrow, and there was no need to resort to defensive counterattack strategies like before.

After Qing Shui left, everyone had different expressions.

One of the more special ones is Danzo Shimura. After being imprisoned, he fought hard with Sarutobi Hiruzen as a suicide squad on the Sunagakure battlefield. Generally speaking, he did his best.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him to participate in the meeting again.

But after seeing Qing Shui, Shimura Danzo would always think of the most painful day in his life...

When Qing Shui was speaking just now, Shimura Danzo kept his head down, trying to make himself look inconspicuous as much as possible, for fear that Qing Shui would unreasonably humiliate him in public after being named.

The good thing is…

Qing Shui ignored him and proposed a plan that seemed to him to be suicide.

"If you want a person to perish, you must first make him crazy..."

Shimura Danzo laughed in his heart: "Brainless Uchiha are always like this. When they have strength, they don't know how much they weigh!"

"Go ahead, I've already seen you being torn apart by Ipponite and Dust Release. As long as you die, Konoha will still be the same Konoha!"

"Everything will be back on track!"

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes also shone with a strange light.

What his pupil technique saw was that his son Uchiha Itachi would become the strongest man in the ninja world in the future...

But as the battlefield progressed and he realized Qing Shui's strength, Uchiha Fugaku would inevitably have doubts about himself in the dead of night.

Qing Shui is so strong and so much older than Itachi...

How can we cross this mountain?

Looking at it now, it seems that this mountain will collapse on its own, so Itachi can be the last to catch up!

Sure enough, the prediction seen by the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique is absolute and cannot go wrong!

"Itachi, you should carefully watch Uchiha Qingsui's performance in the war. People must be calm before they can do something big. Otherwise, no matter how good the situation is, it will be ruined in an instant..."

Uchiha Fugaku whispered to Uchiha Itachi, with uncontrollable excitement in his words: "Study hard!"

Uchiha Itachi nodded, recalling Qing Shui's appearance, his eyes full of curiosity.

Why does the father, who has always been calm, have such severe emotional ups and downs once he meets this big brother named Qing Shui?

What Uchiha Itachi wants to know more is what method Qing Shui will use to win peace for Konoha for twenty years...

"Let's go and persuade Qing Shui together? This is too dangerous!"

Tsunade found Hatake Sakumo and Kakuto, and said worriedly to this strange pair: "You are important members of the Roots and his caring subordinates, and I am his teacher..."

"He always listens to what we say. Although the situation is very critical, he is not nervous enough to ask Qing Shui to carry Konoha alone..."

"Isn't it a more stable choice to use Tobirama series weapons to pull or engage in guerrilla warfare?"

Hatake Sakumo first nodded in agreement, then shook his head: "Although I agree with your opinion, Tsunade, I don't intend to persuade Qing Shui..."

"He is better at war than anyone in Konoha and calmer than anyone else."

"What we have to do is follow orders and instructions and not interfere with his judgment."

Hatake Sakumo said this, but his heart was not at peace either.

Qing Shui's behavior was indeed abnormal, completely different from his usual strategizing style.

The determination in his eyes was like that of a warrior preparing to die.


Qing Shui would have such thoughts and actions...


A few days later.

On the battlefield.

Qing Shui stood alone in the endless plain, waiting for the arrival of the enemy's large forces.

A few hundred meters behind him was Konoha's military formation.

And on a mountain peak not far away.

Uchiha Izuna and others stared at this scene, with a question mark popping up in their heads...

What is Qing Shui doing?

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