Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 214 Qing Shui: Kill! All things are created to nourish people, and people have nothing to re

Chapter 214 Qing Shui: Kill! All things are created to nourish man, and man has nothing to repay heaven...

Under Bai Zetsu's surveillance network, Uchiha Izuna and others can learn most of the intelligence and trends in the ninja world...

But there was no Qing Shui.

As for why, it was because after Hei Jue learned about his brother's madness, he really didn't dare to be discovered by Qing Shui.

Not to mention asking Bai Jue to actively monitor...

Hei Jue hoped that Qing Shui wouldn't notice this small group of them.

The resurrection of Uchiha Izuna is currently one of the biggest trump cards. If we can join forces with Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara to take down Qing Shui, that would be the best thing...

In Hei Zetsu's view, Qing Shui's danger level even surpassed that of the Sage of Six Paths. After all, this person had sealed Kaguya and had not done anything more extreme.

But Qing Shui is hard to say!

So at this moment.

Uchiha Izuna and others didn't know what Qing Shui was going to do...

Uchiha Izuna looked at Qing Shui standing proudly with his arms folded and expressionless, and his thoughts inexplicably returned to the Warring States Period.

At that time.

In order to protect his tribe to the greatest extent, Uchiha Madara once faced the enemy alone without letting others interfere.

"Brother, this kid seems to be like you back then?"

"Ah..." Uchiha Madara stared at Qing Shui's figure and nodded:

"He is very similar to me."

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, this old man is really a bit self-aware...

Qing Shui looks like you?

You are almost like Qing Shui!

But even with this thought in his heart, Uchiha Obito was watching this battle with great anticipation, not even wanting to blink.

After awakening the twin divine powers, Uchiha Obito, who possessed the White Zetsu artificial body, had a vague desire to compare with Qing Shui...

Although in Uchiha Obito's heart, Qing Shui is on the same echelon as Uchiha Rin and is the most important person to him...

But the more important it is, the more Uchiha Obito wants to be stronger than Qing Shui...

It belongs to the Uchiha clan syndrome.

"That's fine..."

Uchiha Izuna said softly:

"Now that we are in the dark and the target is in the light, two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan and a pair of unique Rinnegan eyes are enough to analyze enough information..."

Uchiha Izuna didn't want to take action easily.

After seeing the collection of Qing Shui collected by Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna initially thought that Qing Shui should be the forbidden art creation of Senju Tobirama...

Similar to Uzumaki Mito's thinking.

But after carefully watching it frame by frame, Uchiha Izuna found something wrong again.

During the battle at Iwagakure, Qing Shui used King Kong to block it and absorbed a large amount of tailed beast chakra from the bodies of the four and five tails...

Combined with what Uchiha Madara said about the Eye of the Moon plan - it is necessary to collect all the chakra of the nine tailed beasts to achieve infinite Tsukuyomi...

Uchiha Izuna, who did not trust this plan, was keenly aware of the strangeness.

Absorb the chakra of two tailed beasts at once?

This is not right!

As an Uchiha who can easily control tailed beasts with his pupil technique, who would want to put a monster into his body?

Especially when you put two at once!

Qing Shui's pupil power is definitely above the Mangekyō Sharingan level, so has he seen the Uchiha stone tablet recording the infinite moon reading?

In the opinion of Uchiha Izuna, Qing Shui's behavior is that he wants to replicate the method on the Uchiha Stone Tablet and gather the chakra of the nine tailed beasts with his physical body!

After all, Qing Shui does not have the Samsara Eye and cannot summon heretic demons...

Uchiha Izuna's understanding of the Infinite Tsukuyomi is that this is a trap left by the Sage of Six Paths...

He didn't want Uchiha Madara to be the first to taste this forbidden fruit, it was too dangerous!

Coincidentally, Qing Shui was at the front like a guinea pig...

Then let the young people of this family do it!

If the Infinite Tsukuyomi is not a trap, then this boy who protected the glory of the Uchiha clan should have this honor and become the person who brings peace to the entire ninja world...

If there is a problem with the Infinite Tsukuyomi, then there is Uchiha Madara, who has the Rinnegan Eye, and Uchiha Obito to help Qingshui out...

Therefore, Uchiha Izuna temporarily stabilized Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito with words, and adopted a wait-and-see attitude.

Black Zetsu stood silently behind the three of them, staring at Uchiha Izuna's towering ponytail, and secretly shook his head.

It doesn't like smart people, especially Uchiha Izuna who can think independently and looks like Qing Shui...

Black Zetsu, who is well versed in the Uchiha clan and human nature, is keenly aware that Uchiha Izuna seems to be wary of the Eye of the Moon project.

Black Zetsu is thinking about how to find an opportunity to get close to Uchiha Obito...

It requires cooperation with Obito!

This pair of fateful mandarin ducks were first played and controlled by Qing Shui, and then came Uchiha Izuna...

This is so uncomfortable…

While Hei Jue was thinking.

The ninja coalition all over the mountains and plains emerged from the plains and rushed towards Qingshui!

Qing Shui looked at the ninja coalition and smiled.

Under Byakugan's field of vision, Qing Shui could clearly see the back row of the military formation. There were dozens of teams of sizable ninjas accumulating chakra with different attributes. Their fingers were in a state of seals, and they looked up at the sky. , ready to release ninjutsu at any time.

This is probably against Konoha's flying bombing force...

That's the benefit of numbers.

Although Qing Shui developed new weapons, the relatively primitive ninja coalition could make up for it with numbers.

"The number of people can make up for the shortcomings of the middle-level combat power, but it cannot fill the strength gap of the top-level combat power..."

Qing Shui slowly took a few steps forward.

One man watched the tens of thousands of coalition troops rushing toward him like a wave, smiled, and patted the three small white snakes on his hand.

"Go and take my chakra to understand the secret of evolution. You have worked hard during this period..."

The three snake ladies looked at Qing Shui solemnly and whispered: "You have to be careful... take care of yourself!"

When Qing Shui told the Kirigakure people about the seal frankly, he did not block the sight of the three snake girls. After all, it was a glorious thing of self-sacrifice for the peace of the ninja world, so what was there to hide?

Qing Shui nodded, let them teleport back to Longdi Cave, and glanced at the rear of the coalition forces.

There, Qing Shui sensed nearly ten powerful chakras, but he contracted his aura as much as possible and quietly lay dormant there.

And under the combination of Byakugan and Kagura's inner eye, the true colors of those people were exposed.

They are the Third Raikage, the Third Kazekage, Hanzo, Chiyo, the first-tailed Jinchuriki Fenfu Monk, the second-tailed Jinchuriki Yukito, the eight-tailed Jinchuriki Kirabi...

Qing Shui looked at the formation, then looked up at the sky keenly, and the white light flashed in his eyes: "The flying Ohnoki, and the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki whose name I don't know, are very good..."

"Everyone is here, everyone."

These powerful men hidden in the military formation and in the sky were obviously coming for Qing Shui.

But what they don't know is...

Qing Shui also came for them.

At this moment, the roaring ninja coalition had reached less than 100 meters away from Qingshui. The ninjas, each of whom was at least a senior jounin, carried abundant detonating talismans, picked up the sharpest ninja swords, and used the craziest knives. He attacked Qing Shui with an attitude!

They are death squads!

The mission is to consume Qing Shui's chakra, reveal Qing Shui's trump card that has not yet been exposed, and pave the way for the subsequent killing team composed of shadow-level...

Qing Shui walked forward easily, then slowly accelerated, faster and faster!

One person rushes straight into the opponent's military formation! !

Qing Shui didn't use any ninjutsu, but the strength and speed of his original body gave him an unstoppable momentum.

The Ninja Alliance, who were full of confidence just now, saw the power of Qing Shui's attack, and involuntarily felt fear in their hearts...

[Destruction of Stone]: When you make the ninjas of the Rock Ninja faction feel negative emotions such as fear, terror, and inability to resist, your Earth Release Ninjutsu attainments and Ninjutsu will be enhanced.

Infected by this emotion, "Stone Destruction" happily provided power to Qing Shui.

"In order to increase my strength as soon as possible to deal with the Otsutsuki clan that may arrive at any time, I can only make you feel some unpleasant emotions by killing people..."

Qing Shui whispered in his heart: "Although you are dead, I will become stronger and I will use this power to protect this planet..."

"These are just necessary sacrifices, and the planet will remember your contribution!"

What Qing Shui is worried about is not only the earth contract brought about by the final confrontation of "Destruction of Stone", but also the unactivated Sunagakure and Kumogakure...

And Konoha!

If you want to activate these precious special talents at once, the battlefield that gathers the entire ninja world alliance is a rare and perfect stage!

Therefore, the only option is to kill!

"All things are created to nourish people, and people have nothing to repay heaven with..."

Qing Shui jumped into the ninja alliance and shouted in a deep voice: "Kill!"

The first person to appear in front of Qing Shui was a Jonin from Iwagakure.

At this moment, he suppressed the fear in his heart and tried not to recall the sorrow that this demon had brought to him and his village. He swung the knife with all his strength and struck Qing Shui in the head!

But Qing Shui's fist is much faster than his knife...

The powerful and heavy straight punch blasted his head away at a terrifying speed!

This head was like a cannonball, plowing a straight line through the sea of ​​​​ninja allies...

What was supposed to be the corpse of a friendly soldier turned into the deadliest weapon.

All the ninjas that were scratched by this head along the way were knocked away. Some of the unlucky ones who didn't have time to use ninjutsu to strengthen their defense were shattered into pieces in an instant!

Qing Shui chuckled and looked at the body of Iwagakure in front of him. He took the ninja sword in his hand and shook it with some regret: "It's a pity that Muramasa gave it to Shisui and it's not in my hand..."

The words just fell.

Qing Shui held this ordinary ninja sword and slashed out several knives in an instant. The powerful chakra slashes with unparalleled sharpness violently tore apart all the ninjas around him!

Corpses, blood, wailing, and fear that seemed to be materialized were flying in the sky over the battlefield...

Behind Qing Shui, everyone in Konoha stared blankly at Qing Shui, who was slaughtering like a dragon in the military formation.

Uchiha Itachi tightened his grip on Uchiha Fugaku's hand, and nervously approached his father and asked: "This...is this what this big brother said, can bring twenty years of peace to Konoha? "

Uchiha Fugaku had no time to answer Uchiha Itachi.

He unconsciously opened the three Magatama Sharingan and stared at Qing Shui's figure closely, his hands soaked with sweat.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.

Qing Shui did not use ninjutsu or pupil techniques, but relied on exaggerated physical strength, speed and neurological reactions...

Uchiha Fugaku had already come to the conclusion.

An ordinary jounin who has no special skills has no meaning in front of Qing Shui...

The speed allows him to ignore most attacks, and the sufficient strength is faster than ninjutsu that requires seals.

A punch or a knife is the most deadly weapon...

"Father, father?" Uchiha Itachi felt Uchiha Fugaku's moist palm, gently shook his arm, and asked a new question:

"What brother Qing Shui said - all things are born to nourish people, and people have nothing to repay heaven. What does this mean?"

Uchiha Fugaku broke into a cold sweat.

This is the manifestation of Qing Shui becoming possessed!

Being able to say this means that this kid has gone crazy and is considered the most extreme group among the Uchiha clan!

"Itachi, don't be fooled by superficial appearances!"

Uchiha Fugaku shouted in a deep voice, then leaned into his son's ear and warned seriously: "You must stay calm at all times! Blindly believing in your own power will only make you lose your mind..."

"Watch carefully and engrave this war in your mind!"

Because of the prophecy of pupil skills.

Uchiha Fugaku was very sure that Qing Shui would definitely fall in this war!

But how exactly he will be defeated, Uchiha Fugaku doesn't know...

The one who had the same mood as Uchiha Fugaku was Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo even cheered for the ninja coalition in his heart: "Where is the dust escape? Where is the tailed beast jade? Where is your forbidden technique? Hurry up and kill this dangerous Uchiha!"

Just Qing Shui's performance...

If Qing Shui really survived, Danzo Shimura had already made up his mind and was preparing to defect to Konoha for the sake of his life!

Such a crazy Uchiha is still targeting him. If he can't protect himself, one day he will be like that Iwagakure, who will be punched in the head...

But at this moment, many Konoha's chuunin, genin and other grassroots ninjas could no longer hold back their boiling emotions and began to cheer collectively.

turn out to be…

There are really people who can fight one against one hundred thousand!

So if Qing Shui is here, wouldn't Konoha be invincible in the ninja world?

And those like Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo and others were all staring nervously at Qing Shui's figure, ready to provide support at any time...

They all know that this war has just begun, and the real troublesome enemy has not yet appeared!

But Qing Shui's massacre will not stop because of anyone's thoughts.

Under the light of sword and shadow...

Qing Shui either knocked over a line of defense with a punch, or slashed through the obstacles in front of him with a knife. The death squads carefully prepared by the Ninja Alliance were unable to stop Qing Shui's movements at all.

In a sea of ​​blood, Qing Shui began to dance!

Finally released!

This one is from yesterday...

There are two more updates today, at least 8,000!

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