Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 227 Senju Tobirama: Kyuubi, you are controlled by the Sage of Six Paths using illusions!

Beiruhu took out the refined Hashirama cells from the roots.

These Orochimaru's efforts have now become sacrifices to summon the first Hokage and Uzumaki Mito.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath.

There has never been a day when he would use such evil ninjutsu to disturb the sleep of two adults in the pure land...

But there is no way.

To be sure, he had no choice but to do it himself!

The ground is covered with black curse marks, and the Hashirama cell artificial body full of vitality is wrapped in the evil dirt, struggling to become a human form!

And in the pure land...

The Immortal of Six Paths, who was observing the waters of the Kingdom of Water, felt something in his heart.

Someone is summoning his precious collection and fighting power...

The Sage of Six Paths opened the Pure Land and looked down at Hiruzen Sarutobi who was performing a spell. He moved his eyes to Tobirama Senju beside him and began to think deeply.

The so-called technique of reincarnation in the dirty land is essentially a psychic technique that connects the souls of the pure land.

If the Six Paths Sage disagrees, then in today's ninja world, no one can drag the soul out of the Pure Land...

Before, it was just that the Sage of Six Paths didn't care, or deliberately indulged in order to achieve what he called "non-interference in the natural development of the ninja world".

But after Kaguya Otsutsuki was summoned from the moon by Qing Shui and sealed on the bottom of the sea...

Those capable souls in the Pure Land cannot be released at will.

"This ninja named Senju Tobirama was resurrected by the ninja named Uchiha Qingsui who sealed his mother..."

The Immortal of Six Paths stared at Senju Hashirama's soul, and after going through his memories, he said to himself:

"This reincarnation of Asura Chakra is still Senju Tobirama's older brother, so is this going to mobilize the power of the ninja world to seal the mother together?"

The Immortal of Six Paths nodded with satisfaction.

If the entire ninja world can come together to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki with the same hatred, then this planet will definitely get better and better...

"Let me help you, it can be regarded as an insurance..." The Sage of Six Paths waved his scepter, injecting a ray of chakra into the soul of Senju Hashirama, and said to himself:

"In this way, Senju Hashirama will be able to exert a power similar to that in life, and I can quickly contact him at critical moments..."


The Six Paths Sage let the souls of Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito follow the summons of the Reincarnation of the Earth to go to the ninja world.

He himself continued to stare at the sea of ​​the Kingdom of Water, and after a moment he slowly closed his eyes.

Because they underestimated the toxicity of the Ten-Tails, the Six Paths Sage hiding in the Pure Land still needs to sleep to recuperate...

After some operations by the Six Paths Immortal.

Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito both opened their eyes blankly and looked at their surroundings.

"Hey, Tobirama, you were resurrected too!"

Senju Hashirama happily greeted Senju Tobirama and waved eagerly, but the moment he met his brother's eyes, his whole smile froze.

Although Senju Tobirama has a pair of red eyes, there should not be kaleidoscope-like patterns in his eyes...

What's happening here?

Especially Senju Tobirama looks like a living person full of life at first glance, and he has also entered sage mode!

Senju Hashirama suddenly raised his eyebrows sternly, and said in a deep voice: "Tobirama, you have still come this far!"

"I told you a long time ago not to covet the power of the Uchiha clan, and not to disturb the boundary between life and death..."

"It seems that you did a lot of amazing things after I died!"

Senju Hashirama turned to look at Uzumaki Mito, and said impatiently and distressedly: "Mito, when did you die? Why didn't you even control him?"

Uzumaki Mito looked at Senju Tobirama with the same shock...

"Tobirama, you actually took Qing Shui away!"

Mito Uzumaki stared straight at Senju Tobirama and said to himself: "You shouldn't. With your character, if you want to seize an Uchiha, how could you wait until Qing Shui's age before taking action..."

Between the lightning and flint.

Uzumaki Mito's eyes suddenly widened: "I know, you are confusing me, right? You are worried that after I find out, I will use sealing techniques to interrupt your process of seizing Qingshui, so after my death you Move your hands!”

"Okay, okay... Tobirama, you actually plotted against me!"

Uzumaki Mito looked around at the Konoha ninjas present, and his anger instantly surged.

Tsunade's eyes were swollen from crying, and the Uchiha on the side looked furious...

The entire forest of death is like a battlefield in a great ninja war, with the remnants of spells bombarded everywhere.

Who are the big guys in Konoha fighting?

Obviously, on one side stood Senju Tobirama, on the other side stood Uchiha, Nebe, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others...

After a quick glance, it was determined that Qing Shui was taken from Qianju Feijian, which triggered an internal fight in the village!

"Monkey, you used the dirt technique to summon the two of us to stop Tobirama, right?"

Uzumaki Mito glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had a very complicated expression, and said coldly: "Well done, Tobirama has obtained the power of Uchiha. Ordinary ninjutsu cannot do anything to him..."

"You need to summon me and Hashirama to deal with him!"

Although Senju Hashirama didn't know who Qing Shui was, he heard that he was an Uchiha...

The kind recognized by Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and so many Konoha ninjas and Uchiha clan members!

But he was actually taken away by Tobirama...

Senju Hashirama was extremely distressed. He clapped his hands and instantly entered the sage mode. He pointed angrily at Senju Tobirama's nose and cursed: "Tobirama, I told you many times! Don't be so mean to the Uchiha clan." hostility!"

"Now that he has entered Konoha, Uchiha is the ninja of the village. How did you become the Hokage?"

"Even if you are my brother and do such a thing, I must make you pay the price!"

Senju Tobirama listened numbly to the criticisms of Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito.

He finally understood why his reputation was so bad...

It’s fundamentally wrong!

Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito belong to his first generation of Kuroko leaders...

After hearing the scolding of the first couple, the other Konoha ninjas, especially the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, felt a lot warmer in their hearts.

He must be the inheritor of the Will of Fire from the older generation, and he won’t even protect his own younger brother and brother-in-law!

Sarutobi Hiruzen tightened his face and tried hard not to raise the corners of his mouth.

You see, even if Senju Tobirama was misunderstood, I was not the only one who thought about it!

Aren't Mito and Hashirama-sama the same...

After Senju Tobirama told the story between him and Qing Shui, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade and others actually believed half of it. After they proposed to let Kyuubi confirm the Six Paths Sage in Qing Shui's body, they were short of this last step. One step verified.

Just what Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito said when they woke up...

It made everyone feel a little nervous, and also made most of the embarrassment towards Senju Tobirama disappear.

Don't say we misunderstood you!

Your eldest brother and sister-in-law both think so, so you can only blame your own reputation for problems!

Senju Tobirama stared at the corner of Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth as if he was pressing a gun, and said coldly to him: "My dear disciple, if you really can't hold it in, just laugh if you want..."

The word "beloved disciple".

It was like a basin of cold water poured on Sarutobi Hiruzen's head...

In fact, from the moment Sarutobi Hiruzen resurrected Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama, he knew that Senju Hashirama was misunderstood.

Because if he really did something evil to Qing Shui, then regardless of all logic, Senju Tobirama would never want to see Senju Hashirama...

For Sarutobi Hiruzen, who knows Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama, this is the most fundamental evidence!

Although the umbrella comes...

But his teacher seems not to let him go!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked, and quickly grabbed Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito who were about to take action, and hurriedly explained:

"Lord Hashirama! Lord Mito! We have some misunderstandings with our mentor. Resurrecting you is also my mentor's idea. It is to concentrate our strength to fight against the Sage of Six Paths and rescue Qing Shui. Please be patient!"

Senju Tobirama crossed his arms and looked at the sweaty Sarutobi Hiruzen with indifferent eyes.

What a monkey!

Just now, I called him by his name, pointed the Vajra Ruyi Stick, and the Five-Escape Continuous Bullet at his face to greet him, and even used them to seal off the zombies...

Did you call me your mentor again this time?

"My dear disciple, just wait..." Qianju Tobirama thought in his heart.

Senju Hashirama turned around blankly, why is the Sage of Six Paths involved?

Is the ninja world so crazy now...

Decades after his death, the Leaf Village has developed to the point where it is about to collide with the Sage of Six Paths?

On the side, Uzumaki Mito still stared at Senju Tobirama with suspicion, holding the chain of King Kong's seal in his hand.

It wasn't until Kushina came over that everyone gathered around and started the final verification.

And when Kushina came over, she was stunned when she saw the resurrected Senju Hashirama, Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama with the Mangekyo Sharingan...

What's happening here!

Kushina glared at Senju Tobirama: "You are still the Second Hokage, how could you do such a thing!"

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath...

Perhaps, he should really reflect on it. Why did a Konoha ninja come over and scold him today?

Yes, he was indeed resisting Qing Shui's pupil power, which looked a little strange.

But how come no one chooses to believe first and then question because of his prestige and reputation as the Second Hokage?

They all skipped the believing step and started questioning wildly!

Senju Tobirama couldn't stand it any longer. This time he really felt like "the old ghost Senju who was born evil" was being accused by Senju...

"Kushina, can you let the Kyuubi inside you speak?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted Kushina, whose red hair was flying, and controlled the situation, trying to save some face for Senju Tobirama: "Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama-sama have something to ask it..."

The Kyuubi in Kushina's body wanted to say something at this moment - "If you don't answer, get out!"

But looking at the Uzumaki Mito who has suppressed it for nearly forty years without ever making a mistake, the Senju Hashirama who can't defeat it even if they work together with Uchiha Madara, and the Senju Tobirama's Mangekyou whose pupils are similar to Qing Shui's. Sharingan…

Kyuubi used Kushina's vision to look again.

It doesn't matter, I saw two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan of Shisui and Yashiro Uchiha...

Tired, so tired!

This Konoha really makes the fox unable to stay. Even if Kushina tears open the seal and lets it run out, Kyuubi will not move...

It's too dangerous for this village and these ninjas!

"Kyuubi, you and Qing Shui have met before. Do you sense chakra or aura similar to that of the Six Paths Sage from its body?" Senju Tobirama walked up to Kushina, looking directly at him with a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. She asked with cold eyes.

"Tobirama, go away..."

Uzumaki Mito walked up to Kushina, raised his finger, and felt the chakra of Kushina and Kyuubi...

It's okay, I wasn't hypnotized by the power of the kaleidoscope.

"Kyuubi, don't worry, we will protect you, just tell the truth..."

Uzumaki Mito patted Kushina on the shoulder: "This time, Hashirama and I will stand by your side."

Senju Tobirama secretly grinded his teeth.

Really, my sister-in-law would actually think that he would secretly use the pupil technique to control the Kyuubi!

Do you think he is the evil Madara Uchiha?

But thinking about it privately, this is indeed one of the uses of the Mangekyou Sharingan. Perhaps after the tailed beasts killed by Qing Shui are resurrected, we can find an opportunity to try it and conduct research as a subject...

Kyuubi took a deep breath.

In this battle, it seems that it has no choice but to tell the truth. After all, what it says now still has a trace of decency...

Otherwise, three pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito will go into battle together...

By then, even the Kyuubi-sama will probably end well!

In today's Konoha Village, Kyuubi believes that we should uphold the concept that those who understand current affairs are heroes.

Wood Release, King Kong Blockade, Mangekyou Sharingan, and various sealing techniques, in the eyes of Kyuubi, they are like various instruments of torture, and sooner or later, it will be able to pry open its mouth...

Chakra surged on Kushina's shoulders, and after a moment, a small fox head formed.

The little fox head first glared at Senju Hashirama fiercely, making the First Hokage look confused.

Had he ever done anything to Kyuubi?

Can not remember…

"Senju Tobirama is right...I do sense an aura similar to that of the Sage of Six Paths in Qing Shui's chakra!"

Kyuubi said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know why... I thought at first that Qing Shui, like Uchiha Madara, was the reincarnation of Indra's chakra, but later I found out that he was actually closer to the Sage of Six Paths..."

After hearing the words Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama suddenly cheered up and his eyes were bright.

Next to him, Uzumaki Mito snorted and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

But even so, Senju Hashirama still acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He leaned over and asked quickly: "Madara, what's wrong with Madara!"

Kyuubi sighed and shook his head.

"Indra is the eldest son of the Sage of Six Paths and the ancestor of the Uchiha clan. The relationship between him and the old man of Six Paths is extremely tense. He once tried to conquer the ninja world by force. Asura, the second son of the Sage of Six Paths, and I worked together to stop him. …”

"After Indra's defeat, his chakra has been reincarnated in the ninja world, possessing various outstanding ninjas in the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Madara is one of them!"

Kyuubi stared at Senju Hashirama and said slowly: "With your strength, you can probably sense that there was something wrong with chakra in your body, right?"

Senju Hashirama nodded solemnly.

Uzumaki Mito on the side also looked thoughtful. Senju Hashirama once discussed this issue with her.

"Yes, you are the reincarnation of Asura Chakra!" Kyuubi slowly spit out this secret from ancient times.

But Qianju Tojian, who was on the side, frowned.

This is different from what the Uchiha Stone Tablet says...

According to the deduction on the Uchiha Stone Tablet, it was Indra and Asura who worked together to seal the Six Paths Sage.

But what Kyuubi said was that Indra planned to destroy the world, but the Sage of Six Paths was the righteous party and stopped him together with Asura.

Is it possible that the Immortal of Six Paths is a good person?

But if he is a good person, then why would the Immortal of Six Paths try to seize Qing Shui?

And the method to restore the Ten-Tails will be written on the stone tablet, encouraging future generations to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi technique to gather the chakra of the ninja world...

"Kyuubi, how did you help Asura fight Indra?" Senju Tobirama suddenly asked.

"At that time, the Sage of Six Paths dismantled the Ten Tails into nine parts and transformed them into nine tailed beasts, which resided in his body..."

Kyuubi said honestly: "At that time, the Sage of Six Paths used my chakra as the main body to send it to Asura by sharing chakra to help him fight Indra..."

Senju Tobirama's eyes flashed: "Then let me ask you, why did the Sage of Six Paths dismantle the Ten-Tails into nine parts?"

"In order to suppress the Ten-Tails! The Ten-Tails is the ultimate existence, with terrifying and world-destroying destructive power!" Kyuubi said seriously.

"So after splitting you up, has the Six Paths Sage suppressed the Kyuubi?" Senju Tobirama asked again.

Kyuubi thought for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, the Six Paths Sage at that time seemed to be in pretty good shape after splitting the Ten-Tails...

As a result, one day he suddenly said goodbye to them, making all the little tailed beasts cry, and then he pulled out the nine tailed beasts from his body and distributed them all over the world.

"If it was to suppress the tailed beasts, why did you pull you out of the body so that you could die as jinchūriki?"

Senju Tobirama sneered: "Kyuubi, what you see are all illusions!"

"Let me tell you how the Immortal of Six Paths died! What is the truth about you and Asura fighting Indra together..."

Qianju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "The Sage of Six Paths is a demon who was sealed by his two sons because he tried to destroy the world! The so-called splitting of the Ten-Tails is actually the Sage of Six Paths who split one point in order to control the power of the Ten-Tails. Defeat them one by one for the sake of nine!”

"Kyuubi, the reason why you are inhabiting the body of the Sage of Six Paths and helping Asura and Indra fight...is actually because you have been under an illusion. The Sage of Six Paths is using your power to fight against his two sons!"

Kyuubi shook his head violently and denied continuously: "Impossible, I absolutely cannot be wrong!"

"I don't mean to underestimate you, Kyuubi..."

Senju Tobirama pointed at his Mangekyo Sharingan: "But in front of these eyes, you can become a mount controlled by Madara Uchiha to fight with his elder brother, let alone the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan of the Sage of Six Paths. ?”

"I have seen those eyes in Qing Shui's body, and I don't think there is any possibility that you can resist."

Kyuubi suddenly became furious, looking down on the fox, right?

But thinking about the days when it was once controlled by Uchiha Madara, the confidence in its heart became less and less...

If the Sage of Six Paths really controls it, Nine Tails will really not be able to tell what is real and what is fake...

It's just that Old Man Liudao is such a kind person, could he deceive them?

"A very simple truth."

Senju Tobirama raised a finger: "If the Sage of Six Paths wants to suppress the power of the Ten-Tails, then the safest way is to split it and store it in his body forever, instead of distributing the tailed beasts to Ninja. within the realm.”

"I don't believe that the Sage of Six Paths can't understand this truth, so there can only be one conclusion - his ten tails were forced to be drawn out!"

"As for who pulled it out, the answer is self-evident... As for the wrong memory of the Nine-Tails in your mind, it was the Sage of Six Paths who blamed all his crimes on Indra in order to confuse you and future generations of ninjas. The way!"

The starting point of Senju Tobirama's logic is very straightforward - if the Immortal of Six Paths wants to attack Qing Shui, then he must not be a good person.

On the premise that he is not a good person, then everything the Immortal of Six Paths does is problematic and is all for conspiracy!

This state…

In fact, it's a bit like Sarutobi Hiruzen who preconceptionally identified Senju Tobirama as a demon...

Because of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen kept thinking about Senju Tobirama's intentions, and in the end he had to use the corpse seal to prepare to die with Senju Tobirama.

However, as Sarutobi Hiruzen's teacher...

Senju Tobirama was even more extreme, concluding that Nine-Tails was just like being controlled by Uchiha Madara, and had been living in the illusion of the Sage of Six Paths.

This theory even confused Kyuubi.

Why did the Sage of Six Paths disintegrate the Ten-Tails? It's because he can't bear the toxicity caused by the whole ten tails...

But is it really impossible to bear it when you pull away?

No, the Sage of Six Paths who successfully established the Pure Land actually took the initiative to expel the nine tailed beasts from his body when his body was still strong, so that his own chakra could be protected from further damage by the Ten Tails as soon as possible and transferred to a stable place in the Pure Land. Collect the souls of the ninja world.

But the Six Paths Sage didn't tell the tailed beasts.

From Kyuubi's point of view, the Sage of Six Paths indeed suddenly pulled them out of his body while his body was strong...

It corresponds one-to-one with what Senju Tobirama said...

Kyuubi was confused for a moment, and the little fox's eyes turned in circles.

I was really dizzy.

Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?

And Qing Shui's body does have chakra that is very close to that of the Sage of Six Paths. This is also an indisputable fact!

With the character of the Sage of Six Paths in front of the tailed beasts, he really shouldn't take away Qingshui...

Kyuubi was silent.

And this silence seemed to everyone in Konoha as if they agreed with Senju Tobirama's statement...

"Brother, I will tell you the story about Qing Shui now..."

Qianju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "We must save him. He is the best inheritor of the Will of Fire I have ever seen!"

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama blankly.

Is this still his brother?

He actually praised an Uchiha clansman for possessing the best will of fire!

And in Senju Hashirama's body.

A ray of Chakra from the Sage of Six Paths is still sleeping, and he himself is also recuperating in the Pure Land, but he is just using magic to be wary of Kaguya's Chakra.

He doesn't know...

There is a ninja named Senju Tobirama, who is trying his best to smear him as the biggest black hand in the ninja world!

And on the other side of the ninja world.

In fact, the controller of the White Zetsu network is a creature named Otsutsuki Lin or Black Zetsu.

After seeing this scene and hearing Senju Tobirama's words, Hei Zetsu was deeply shocked.

Its first reaction - as expected of its elder brother, he had smeared the Immortal of Six Paths like this!

The second reaction - It's over. The emotions of the people in Konoha Village were lifted up by Senju Tobirama. Qing Shui's pupil technique must have locked onto Konoha and absorbed all the shock power in their hearts!

Qing Shui must be getting stronger and stronger...

At this moment, Hei Jue finally knew why Qing Shui wanted to resurrect Thousand Hands Tobirama.

Thousand Hands Tobirama is just Qing Shui's puppet!

It was a tool used by Qing Shui to stimulate everyone in Konoha, so that he could drain the entire village dry with his pupil technique in one breath!

Moreover, the target was not only everyone in Konoha, but also Uchiha Madara, who had a strong hatred for Senju Tobirama...

Even Uchiha Izuna, whom Qing Shui didn't know was resurrected.

If Black Zetsu rashly informed Uchiha Madara and others about the resurrection of Senju Tobirama...

Qing Shui's pupil technique may use Thousand Hands Tobirama as a medium to bind it and begin to absorb the power from their hearts.

And the stronger Qing Shui is, the more uncomfortable Kaguya will be in his body...

Hei Jue's heart was beating loudly. As the mastermind behind the scenes, he was always being taught a lesson by Qing Shui!


There is only one last desperate step left for Black Zetsu to do!

Qing Shui would never have guessed that it would dare to have a showdown with Uchiha Obito. He had far underestimated the bond and affection between Obito and it...

I didn’t know it could provide Obito with strength!


Black Zetsu stared at Obito, a trace of fear and hope flashed through his heart: "What should I tell Obito?"

1,400 words short of 8K words

Will make up for it tomorrow! I'm a bit stuck today...

I found a bug in the anime where Kyuubi and Asura meet.

An anime I’ve been reading for a long time!

Normally speaking - when the Six Paths died, the Ten Tails split into the juvenile bodies of the nine tailed beasts, and then returned to the west. This is reflected in the anime.

But the anime still has this scene - Asura uses Nine-Tails Chakra! This is obviously an adult body, but the Sage of Six Paths is still alive.

I was so confused by Xiaofan that I read anime and setting books for a long time.

So, what I said here is based on the setting book: The Sage of Six Paths divided the Ten-Tails into nine parts, sealed them in his body, and made a second design.

The setting is: There are nine young tailed beasts in the body of the Six Paths Sage. During the battle between Asura and Indra, he borrowed the power of the nine tails in his body.

After the fight is over, the Sage of Six Paths dies and the tailed beasts are distributed.

This episode will end tomorrow!

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