Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 228 Showdown! Hei Jue's love lie made Qing Shui smile gently (1W big chapter)

Chapter 228 Showdown! Hei Jue's love lie made Qing Shui smile gently... (1W big chapter)

Hei Jue forced himself to calm down...

The entire Konoha Village, together with the Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito who had been reincarnated in the dirt, became the targets of Qing Shui's pupil technique and were already useless...

The good news is that the bold Qing Shui dared to pull Kaguya out of the moon, so the Sage of Six Paths will naturally pay attention to this.

"No matter how strong that guy is, he can't be stronger than the Six Paths Sage who has been operating in the Pure Land for thousands of years. Unless he can obtain the power of his mother... Uchiha Qingshui will be silent in the seabed for at least a while, unable to survive in the ninja world. Free activities in…”

"Otherwise, as long as he appears, the Immortal of Six Paths will think that his mother has escaped from trouble, and carry out a powerful attack on him!" Hei Jue analyzed in his heart, with some vague understanding, and kept up with Qing Shui's thinking rhythm.


Qing Shui also expected this step, so he resurrected Senju Tobirama to stimulate everyone in Konoha Village and Uchiha Madara's thoughts...

For him who is temporarily unable to move in the deep sea, provide him with a steady stream of power to fight against Kaguya!

In Hei Jue's view, the Immortal of Six Paths was also plotted by Qing Shui.

The Six Paths Immortal hiding in the Pure Land has long been guessed by Black Zetsu, who has been searching for Asura and Indra's chakra for thousands of years...

It's just that Hei Jue chose to hide, but Qing Shui pretended to seal Kaguya to make him hesitate, making him even more bold and reckless!

If it weren't for the Immortals of Six Paths in the Pure Land...

Black Zetsu is really afraid that Qing Shui's unreasonable pupil technique will bind Kaguya Otsutsuki's treacherous son, which will be really troublesome!

The bad news is that although Kaguya is not in a perfect state and will not be suppressed by Qing Shui, with her IQ, staying alone with Qing Shui always makes Black Zetsu worry that Kaguya will faint due to chatting...

"In short, what Uchiha Qingsui wants to do is what I want to oppose!"

Black Zetsu took a deep breath and thought in his heart: "Since he wants to be alone with Kaguya's mother quietly under the sea, he cannot be allowed to continue doing this. He must find a way to disrupt that guy's progress!"

"He wants to let Senju Tobirama get the attention of Uchiha Senna and Uchiha Madara right now... Then I can't let him succeed! White Zetsu's network is in my hands..."

"Let Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna, who were not hit by the attack, silently improve their strength!"

"In this case, even if they meet Senju Tobirama later, these two people will still have enough eye power to detect or resist Qing Shui's eye skills. Even if they have emotions in their hearts, they will only be bound by him at most and will not be strengthened. He has too much power!"

Hei Jue, who had been informed of his "pupil technique" by Qing Shui, racked his brains to use reverse thinking to fight against Qing Shui.

It's a really good idea and the idea is correct...

The only mistake was that whether it was Madara Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha or Sage of Six Paths, they were all bound by Qing Shui.

If Qing Shui knew Hei Jue's thoughts, he might give him a thumbs up, but he would also ask him with a smile - "Jue, when did you get the illusion that I didn't bind their hearts?"

In order to gain the initiative, Black Zetsu set his sights on Obito at this moment.

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna, who don't know Qing Shui's true face, want to defeat Qing Shui with their help...

It’s so difficult!

As for Black Zeimei's identity as a creature of "Uchiha Madara Yin Yang Dun", he cannot communicate with them from the ground up.

If only Uchiha Madara could still try to think of something...

But after having an Uchiha Izuna, Black Zetsu saw the ambiguous attitude of this Uchiha brain towards the Eye of the Moon project, and was very worried that more tricks would be exposed, even involving Kaguya. .

Therefore, the only communication partner is Uchiha Obito!

"If Obito and I become one, and make him my jinchūriki..."

Black Zetsu's eyes flashed with excitement: "I can actively protect his spirit and try to offset and weaken the pupil technique used by Uchiha Qingsui to bind him..."

"I can also give Obito the power my mother left for me, and make him stronger and stronger before Uchiha Qingsui discovers it!"

Hei Jue has some foundation.

It can control Obito Uchiha, who is in a weak state but still has the power of the Ten-Tails in his body...

You can also stand behind Uchiha Madara, pierce his heart with one claw, and urge Kaguya to come...

It is absolutely impossible to fight Black on weekdays, but if you become an internal strategist and use the key power that can only be used once to warm Obito's chakra and pupil power, it is very suitable!


The question before it is how to explain its identity to Uchiha Obito?

What a wonderful thought!

But whenever Black Zetsu thinks about meeting Uchiha Obito in the form of a pitcher plant or a little black man...

Its heart is filled with reluctance and even a hint of fear!

If what Uchiha Obito likes about him is the skin named Uchiha Rin, then Black Zetsu will become the funniest clown in the ninja world for thousands of years!

It all makes it ugly...

But then again, if Obito Uchiha faced it like this, he would still treat Uchiha Rin like he did before...

Doesn't that mean that Uchiha Obito really fell in love with its heart?

Even if it has no heart.

This kind of worry about gains and losses constantly stimulates Hei Jue's heart...

"That guy, his status in Obito's heart may be second only to mine..."

Black Jue thought about the story of Qing Shui and Obito getting along, and Obito's attitude towards Qing Shui, and his head started to hurt again.

Can you confess to Obito that Qing Shui is actually the mastermind behind the scenes and everything is just to play with him?

No way!

Black Zetsu clearly remembered that when Uchiha Lin's puppet died, Qing Shui absorbed Obito's spiritual power in front of his eyes, and even copied his Kaleidoscope Eye Technique...

If Obito, who was bound by Qing Shui, received such stimulation, wouldn't he have to greatly strengthen Qing Shui's wave?

In that case, Kaguya in Qing Shui's body will suffer again!

In particular, when Black Zetsu, who had lost the body of Uchiha Rin, recalled the story between Qing Shui and Obito, he could not find a place where he could attack Qing Shui...

After occupying a high position, he took the initiative to reconcile with Uchiha Obito, gave money and ninjutsu, and acted as a close and good brother to help Obito fall in love with him...

Even during the war, he deliberately left the Iwagakure battlefield where Obito was to avoid suspicion.

And considering the key point of Ohnoki going out of his way to kill Uchiha Obito because of his fame...

On the surface, Qing Shui had never wanted Uchiha Obito to become famous. It was Obito himself who had worked hard to gain limelight with Uchiha Rin, so Qing Shui had to agree.

And for this reason, Qing Shui specifically asked Matt Dai to accompany him to take the exam, so that the sharp edge of this Taijutsu master could hide Obito.

After Obito's accident, he massacred ten thousand people in Iwagakure. Isn't this revenge?

Therefore, whether it was for fear that Obito would be overly stimulated or to convince him, Black Zetsu found that he could only think of one lie!

He could only take Qing Shui out and throw the pot to Uchiha Madara and others who were not important to Uchiha Obito. After quickly reaching a united front, he possessed Obito and isolated Qing Shui's pupil technique, secretly rubbing it. Strengthen Obito…

"Yes...just do it!"

Black Zetsu's eyes lit up: "We don't have to let Obito and Qing Shui confront each other... we can even let Obito save him!"

Qing Shui hides in the seal, firstly to confuse the Six Paths Immortal, and secondly, the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin that suppresses Kaguya, there must be an explanation!

The more Hei Jue thought about it, the more he understood.

Qing Shui has always done things with one intention, and his glance is like a coffin of some kind of barrier. Perhaps it is the formation that helps him absorb Kaguya's power...

If Obito was allowed to rescue him, Qing Shui, who was rescued from him, would naturally have his plan disrupted.

The amazing thing is.

After figuring out that there was no need to discredit Qing Shui's image in Obito's mind, Black Zetsu breathed a sigh of relief and his confidence gradually increased.

"Am I...am I glad?"

Hei Jue took a deep breath, forced Qing Shui's figure out of his mind, and said to himself: "No, I'm not afraid of him... I'm just thinking of the best way to defeat him!"

"Well, yes, that's it!"

After Black Zetsu comforted himself for a while, he quickly started brainstorming and compiled a short composition that would convince Obito...

It is no longer the third son of Otsutsuki Kaguya...

Instead, he was created by Uchiha Madara using a heretic demon and shaped by Yin Yang. He was sent to monitor Obito but unexpectedly fell in love with him...

It fell in love with Obito and did not want to harm Obito, but was forced to do so under the control of the evil Madara Uchiha!

Not only that…

Black Zetsu is still thinking that as the son of Kaguya, the special chakra in his body that can warm Obito's power and bloodline may also be interpreted as the ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan!

In this case, everything falls into place...

After returning to the mountain cemetery.

Orochimaru, Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara rushed to the Heretic Golem in order to quickly follow the plan to restore Uchiha Madara's vitality and quickly reach his most prosperous state...

None of these people were willing to waste any time.

Obito is not interested in this. Unlike Uchiha Izuna, who wants Qing Shui to be a test subject, he does not think Qing Shui will fail...

Didn’t you see that even though there was no heretic demon, Qing Shui still gained the power of the Samsara Eye?

With Qing Shui possessing the Rinnegan Eye, Obito felt that he would definitely not be able to defeat Qing Shui head-on. Uchiha Madara's return to his peak was just a matter of time. It was because the old guy had too much self-awareness and felt that he could compete with Qing Shui when he was young!

The idea of ​​a truly wise man is that after contacting Qing Shui, he should not fall out even if he fails.

After the tailed beast is resurrected, relying on his divine power, he instantly gathers the chakra needed by the heretic demon to resurrect the Ten-Tails and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi!

In this case, even if Qing Shui comes, there won't be a good way to cook the rice, right?

Why are you so anxious?

In Uchiha Obito's view, Uchiha Madara and others will definitely fail...

The reason why they were unwilling to wait was that they did not want to rely on their own divine power and worry about something going wrong at that time, so they still wanted to fight Qing Shui head-on.

If you are willing to have a try with Qing Shui, then go on your own!

Anyway, Uchiha Obito doesn't want to do this. It's only a wise man who gets beaten for nothing. What's more, he really doesn't want to fight Qing Shui...

Uchiha Obito lay on the bed and picked up his treasured diary.

That was what Lin left for him.

Whenever he feels emptiness, Uchiha Obito will always turn it out and take a look, so that he can have the feeling that Uchiha Lin is talking to him, which can make his heart feel a little comfort.

And just when Uchiha Obito was fascinated.

From the ground of his bedroom, a dark figure slowly emerged, staring at him with a pair of yellow eyes without pupils.

Uchiha Obito stood up suddenly!

Don't call it black...

Even when Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara barged in while reading Uchiha Rin's diary, he still showed no face!

Uchiha Obito's eyes instantly showed the pattern of divine power, he grabbed Black Zetsu's neck, picked him up, and said in a cold voice: "Do you want to die? You are such a monster..."

"Are you here to spy on me? You still dare to show up in my bedroom like this. Do you think I'm afraid of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna?"

Even Uchiha Izuna's "Eye Technique: Senyiki" is somewhat incompatible with his divine power...

But Uchiha Obito doesn't think that the kaleidoscope he obtained from Lin will lose to anyone except Qing Shui!

So what if Uchiha Madara has the Samsara Eye?

It’s not like we can’t do anything to him!

Uchiha Obito only felt that the black Zetsu at this moment was a vicious dog raised by Uchiha Madara and had no idea about it, and it came over to give him a blow!

Black Zetsu, who was strangled by Obito Uchiha's neck, was also a little surprised at this moment...

In fact, he had never seen Uchiha Obito angry, and he didn't know that after being stimulated, Uchiha Obito had actually become paranoid and crazy.

The Uchiha at that time was torn apart with divine power in an instant.

It’s just that one of the ninjas I met later was Uchiha Madara, who had the Samsara Eye...

One is Uchiha Izuna, who restrains each other in eye skills and is also proficient in Uchiha human nature...

Under the influence of fists and emotional intelligence, Uchiha Obito has also restrained his violent personality, but this does not mean that he treats others the same way!

For existences like Black Zetsu, even Sasuke, who had the most normal personality in the original Uchiha clan, used Susanoo to kill White Zetsu for fun after opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan...

Uchiha Obito, who is much more extreme than him, will not take humanoid life seriously!

Just kill them casually...

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes dangerously, and sharp spatial turbulence appeared around Black Zetsu like a blade...

Black Zetsu will be twisted into pieces soon!

At this critical moment...

Hei Jue tried his best to shout out a barely audible voice: "Lin...Lin!"

After hearing the word "Lin".

As if being electrocuted, Uchiha Obito suppressed the turbulent flow of divine power, but the ferocious aura in his eyes became more intense.

You, an inhuman monster, dare to call Lin's name here?

What are you!

When he killed Uchiha Setsuna, Uchiha Obito felt that he had struck too quickly and let him die too neatly...

Couldn't vent my anger.

Today was a good day. A monster created by Madara Uchiha actually dared to come over and use Lin to provoke him?

He must be killed with the most cruel method, and then he and Uchiha Madara go to fight against him!

Uchiha Madara used force in his hands to lift Black Zetsu up and threw it on the ground...

The power was so great that the entire cave trembled slightly.

Uchiha Obito laughed ferociously, but looked at the diary in his hand and put it away very carefully.

And it was the time when he put away the diary that gave Hei Jue the chance to speak completely.

Black Zetsu resisted the dizziness caused by being thrown by Obito, and forced himself to sit up and said: "Obito, I am Rin, I am Uchiha Rin..."

Uchiha Obito instantly fell into a crazy rage.

Are you Lin?

Are you worthy of being Lin?

But when Uchiha Obito was so angry that he couldn't control himself and was about to get mad at all costs, he said:

"Obito, your favorite food is three-color meatballs and Oden fried eggs, but you think these foods are too childish and others will laugh at you if you tell them, so you say that you like to eat grilled fish and sushi, but Every time you go home, you keep asking me to do it for you..."

Uchiha Obito, who was still extremely angry just now, cooled down in an instant, and his mouth opened slightly.

This was what he had only told Lin!

"You are a very careful person. Do you still remember when I first got together with you? At that time, I washed your clothes every day after practicing. One day when I got sick, I washed less vigorously. You still asked me Has it been sent to the laundry room..."

Hei Ze tried hard to recall the details of the two people.

This is also true.

In the beginning, Black Zetsu was too lazy to serve Obito Uchiha. After a few days of doing the laundry and other household chores, he would find some White Zetsu to take his place...

But what I didn't expect was that Obito Uchiha could even tell the difference in how to wash clothes...

Therefore, Black Zetsu could only lie that he was sick and had no strength in his hands, and from then on he personally washed Uchiha Obito's clothes.

Uchiha Obito was a little unsteady on his feet.

Black Jue seized this opportunity and still worked hard to prove himself, even taking out Qing Shui: "You always told me that you felt that you owed and misunderstood Qing Shui too much, and you wanted to become his Hokage assistant in the future..."

"That's enough!" Uchiha Obito shouted: "Don't try to lie to me!"

"Do you think I don't know?"

There was a trace of madness in Uchiha Obito's eyes: "With White Zetsu, you can monitor most places in the ninja world. Because of my talent, you may have already monitored my and Lin's home, right?"

"I just want you to pretend to be Lin and make me obey your words!"

"Don't try to lie to me. I already knew something was wrong with Uchiha Madara. How could I survive Ohnoki's pursuit? It must have been his fault!"

Uchiha Obito laughed coldly:

"Onoki personally came to kill me. Before I was suffocated by the Earth Release, I felt the Dust Release's chakra condensing... If it wasn't for Uchiha Madara's deployment, how could Onoki's Dust Release not be killed by me?"

Black Jue's heart skipped a beat.

Is this a subtle thing?

After being with it for a long time, Uchiha Obito actually became suspicious of Uchiha Madara...

In fact, it really has something to do with Black Zetsu.

After Black Zetsu showed off that he was Lin, the strong emotional stimulation caused Uchiha Obito's brain to move...

Temporarily promoted from Xian Er to Xian Jiu! I figured out some things that I thought were problematic before but couldn't figure out...

"I saved you, Obito..."

Hei Jue took a deep breath and slowly knelt on the ground:

"I am Lin, I am the Uchiha Lin, but I am also a life form created by Uchiha Madara using Yin-Yang Release and the Heretic Demon. In order to confuse you, he also used forbidden techniques to add Uchiha to my body. Wave bloodline.”

"I shouldn't have deceived you, Obito...but I can't continue to watch you fall into a more terrifying trap!"

"Obito, have you forgotten? Those words you told me about Qing Shui were secret whispers we hid under the quilt. Could it be that such words would also be monitored by Bai Jue?"

Hei Jue lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that others would hear him, and his tone contained pain and guilt.

After saying this, Uchiha Obito felt like his head was going to explode!

He remembered!

That evening…

He met Qing Shui after quarreling with Lin, and the two settled their differences and had a happy chat. Qing Shui gave him a large amount of banknotes and gave him instructions on how to buy flowers, and taught him how to get along with Lin.

Therefore, Lin, who was very happy to receive the flowers, made an exception and slept in the same bed with him.

Hei Zetsu can even know such details, which can only prove that it is indeed Lin...

Is Lin made by Madara Uchiha?

Doesn't that mean that the most beautiful love he had before was a child's play that was manipulated?

A clown mask seemed to emerge from the void and was about to be placed on Uchiha Obito's face.

Uchiha Obito can't even feel anger at this moment...

If all this is true, then his emotions have exceeded the peak of anger and he just wants to commit suicide.

Leave this world behind and rest quietly.

The scarlet color in Uchiha Obito's eyes dimmed, but suddenly there was a bit more color.

Wait a moment…

Assuming everything Black Zetsu said is true, then why come to him now?

In other words, Lin actually still loves him?

Although Uchiha Obito is very concerned about Uchiha Rin's skin, because after all, it really suits his taste.

But after many years of getting along, what Obito Uchiha pays more attention to is the heart called "Uchiha Rin"!

"W-why are you telling me this?"

Uchiha Obito asked tremblingly: "How can you prove that you are Lin? I still don't believe it!"

Black Zetsu stood up slowly and walked towards Obito step by step.

Uchiha Obito watched Black Zetsu approaching, but made no other move.

Black Zetsu gently pressed Uchiha Obito's temples and hummed an unknown tune.

All of a sudden…

Uchiha Obito confirmed, this is Lin!

This kind of massage technique, intensity, and the rhythm of humming the song are definitely not something that others can replicate!

"Why, why did you lie to me!!"

Uchiha Obito's eyes were filled with tears, and he wanted to strangle Black Zetsu's neck with both hands, but when he remembered that this was Lin, he quickly retracted his hand. Unable to vent, he could only jump back and forth in powerless rage, like A bomb about to explode.

Black Zetsu rushed over and covered Uchiha Obito's mouth, and reprimanded him naturally: "Keep your voice down, don't let them hear it!"

Even in this scene, listening to the tone that belonged to Uchiha Rin, Uchiha Obito was like Pavlov's dog, closing his mouth in response.

Seeing Obito like this, Black Zetsu felt warm in his heart, but it also felt vaguely painful.

But there is no way…

For the sake of Kaguya's mother, Black Zetsu must deceive Obito again!

But there is a gap between deception and deception.

Perhaps, it can selectively tell some truths...

"Obito, as I said, I am a life form created by Uchiha Madara. The first time you encountered an enemy attack, I rushed up to block the knife for you. It was also under the control of Uchiha Madara. It was carried out under..."

Hei Jue lowered his head and whispered:

"Uchiha Madara has long noticed your outstanding talent. He believes that the kindness in your heart is the best medicine for Uchiha's demonization, so he wants me to get close to you, develop a relationship with you and then act in a play, and let me You fell into madness and became his pawn..."

These are all true.

A trace of madness flashed in Uchiha Obito's eyes.

Damn Uchiha Madara, do you really think that you are a thing just because the world calls you Shura of the Ninja World?

But just thinking about it, Uchiha Obito's thoughts focused on Black Zetsu.

How he was killed can be discussed later. The most important question now is - Lin, Hei Ze, or whatever the name is, does his lover really love him?

"At first, I just followed his orders..."

Hei Jue slowly clenched his hands and said in a muffled voice:

"But because of the kindness, beauty and enthusiasm in your heart, I really fell in love with you... I don't want to see you get hurt, but I can't resist the restraints of Uchiha Eye Technique..."

"I can only keep urging you to train, hoping that you will become stronger, so that you may be able to protect yourself in times of crisis."

"But Uchiha Madara still took advantage of the Ninja World War. He controlled the middle level in Iwagakure and informed Ohnoki of your name through them, so the third Tsuchikage will come to assassinate you..."

Uchiha Obito finally understood.

Why, why was he, an ordinary Uchiha ninja, actually being hunted down by the Tsuchikage himself!

And at this moment.

Uchiha Obito remembered that Qing Shui didn't want him to take part in the Chunin Exams, and even after participating, Matt Dai, who was teaming with him at the time, showed off his talents and looked like he didn't want him to take action.

"Qing Shui..." In front of Black Zetsu, Uchiha Obito murmured to himself: "You actually thought of me even on the first level..."

Although Uchiha Madara used genjutsu to forcefully control him, there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape.

But Qing Shui's thorough consideration for him made Uchiha Obito feel even more deeply...

Listening to Obito chanting Qing Shui's name, Black Zetsu felt his head buzzing.

It really doesn't want to hear this name that cannot be mentioned. These two words seem to have magic power. As long as they are called, chakra will be absorbed...

And as expected, Qing Shui's position in Obito's heart is indeed unshakable!

Although Black Jue was extremely unhappy, it had to admit that if it had to stand on the opposite side of Qing Shui later...

It will only do a lot of harm and no good!

Therefore, we can only make up a new story based on the assumption that Qing Shui is a good person.

"But in fact, Uchiha Madara didn't expect Ohnoki to be so determined that he would actually take action himself..."

Hei Jue said slowly: "He is old and does not dare to attack head-on, for fear of being discovered, but I used the art of mayfly and the special body created by the heretic demon to carry the dust escape for you..."

"I originally wanted to take you to find Qing Shui, but Uchiha Madara then controlled me and asked me to bring you here to heal your injuries. I also buried a spell deep in your heart as a back-up against you. "

"After that, Uchiha Madara controlled me to be attacked by the ninja coalition, and he chose the right time for you to see the awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, so you joined his camp in the madness."

These words are also true, but Qing Shui is not mentioned.

Uchiha Obito looked at Black Zetsu blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But what Uchiha Madara didn't expect was that I, who was implanted in the Uchiha bloodline by the forbidden technique, and combined with the power of the Heretic Golem and the Yin-Yang Escape, would wake up because I had feelings for you and saw your sad look. Mangekyō Sharingan!”

Black Zetsu shook his head again: "No, or it cannot be called the Mangekyō Sharingan, but a special chakra born in emotions. This chakra allowed me to quietly get rid of Uchiha Madara." The pupil power restrains..."

"It wasn't until today that I found the opportunity to meet you and tell you all this, Obito."

Uchiha Obito took a deep breath, stared at the humanoid body of Black Zetsu, and said slowly: "Lin...I don't know how to face you anymore. I'm very confused now..."

"Obito, are you willing to accept my technique?"

Hei Jue suddenly knelt down again and bowed to the ground: "This is my insignificant atonement!"

Uchiha Obito was no longer confused in an instant, and quickly helped Black Zetsu up: "Lin, Lin, don't do this!"

"Obito, relax, I need to enter your body..."

Hei Jue said straight to the point: "Please believe me, I will give you all my power..."

Seeing that Obito was hesitant and seemed to be no longer interested in power, Black Zetsu could only add: "You still have to help Qing Shui!"

Only then did Obito's eyes light up and he said anxiously, "What's wrong with Qing Shui?"

But Hei Jue just lowered his head: "If you accept my power, I will tell you..."

Uchiha Obito thought for a moment and nodded.

In fact, he doesn't care anymore...

He has confirmed that Hei Jue is Lin. After being deceived by his beloved once, his heart is like broken glass, which is difficult to sew together...

Giving up your life for him is a lie!

Although the daily warmth is real...

But to put it this way, even if Hei Jue was willing to betray him, he still lied to him after all!

But Uchiha Obito is also convinced in his heart that it is impossible for Lin's Hei Zetsu to harm him...

The confused Uchiha Obito now only wants to know what difficulties Qing Shui has encountered. This may be the meaning of his life.

As for Hei Zetsu or Lin.

Uchiha Obito didn't think about such a complicated situation for a while, how he should face this relationship and this person.


Uchiha Obito somewhat hoped that Black Zetsu had deceived him again and entered his body to try to control him...

In this case, he can tell himself - Hei is definitely not Lin!

When Black Zetsu turned into a pool of black mud-like substance, it clung to Uchiha Obito as if possessing Nagato...

Uchiha Obito relaxed his mind and motioned for Black Zetsu to continue.

Anyway, there is a talisman in his heart. This is what Hei Jue told him...

There was no need to lie to him, after all, he had been in a coma for so long, and even White Zetsu's limbs were installed on him by Madara Uchiha. It was normal to have a charm.

Black Zetsu slowly entered Obito's body, residing in his body and spirit just like the tailed beasts and jinchūriki.

And in the next moment...

Uchiha Obito first felt his heart relax.

"The spell has been broken, Obito, now you don't have to worry about being controlled by Uchiha Madara..."

It wasn't Black Zetsu, but Uchiha Rin's voice that came to mind in Obito's mind:

"Obito, I can only use my life to atone for my deception... When I saw you being assassinated by Ohnoki and felt pain because of my diary, I deeply disgusted and hated myself."

"My pupil technique exists for this purpose."

"I will burn my life and chakra to sublimate and fill the gaps in your eye power, allowing you to reach a higher state..."

Uchiha Lin's pleasant voice carried a hint of lightness and relief: "In this case, I can die for you again... Obito, you can no longer stop me. When the pupil technique is running, it is irreversible..."

"Do you feel better now?"

Uchiha Lin's voice had a hint of crying:

"I can probably only get along with you for a while longer. When my chakra burns out, I will die... I don't expect that I, who have deceived you, can be truly forgiven by you. I only hope..."

"do not talk!!"

Uchiha Obito suddenly interrupted Black Zetsu's words, with tears streaming down his face: "Why are you so stupid? I don't need you to die for me again, I have forgiven you a long time ago!"

"You are my Lin!!"

Uchiha Obito howled like a beast, unable to control himself in pain.

In a short period of time, he first lost his precious Lin, but then gained a new one!

But after getting it, we are about to face loss again!

Why, why did God treat him like this!

But what Uchiha Obito didn't want to admit was that despite the immense pain in his heart, Uchiha Lin's willingness to sacrifice his life for him made him experience the taste of love again.

Maybe twisted.

But this is exactly what Obito Uchiha wants...

The good thing is this extreme love!

"Obito, there is no need to be sad. This is my punishment for blaspheming the relationship between you and me. I am willing to..."

Black Zetsu was guarding Obito's spirit and chakra, feeling a little relieved.

It did not feel that Uchiha Obito's power was lost...

In other words, its guess is correct. Qing Shui's pupil technique is not invincible, but can be interfered with!

Under this assumption, Black Zetsu has treasured it for thousands of years, and the chakra left for it by Otsutsuki Kaguya is slowly released in Uchiha Obito's body, using its thousands of years of experience to inspire people from all over the world. Because of Uchiha Obito’s bloodline and eye power!

Indra Chakra reincarnation?

My chakra reincarnation, Otsutsuki Rin, is not at a disadvantage either!

Feeling the obvious increase in eye power and chakra, and even his body becoming extra powerful, Uchiha Obito became more and more panicked:

"Lin, don't give me any more power, I don't need it!"

"I just want to be with you, really, really, I beg you!"

Uchiha Lin's voice was very soft: "I won't lie to you, Obito... This eye technique is irreversible..."

"When I saw you sad because of my deception, I just wanted to kill myself. This is the reflection of the eyes of the Uchiha clan's soul on me. There is no way..."

What kind of regret can make Lin embark on the path of self-destruction?

this moment.

Uchiha Obito had only one thought in his mind: he must not let Uchiha Rin die again.

So how can it be done?

"Lin, Lin was given life by the heretic demon combined with the Yin and Yang Escape. So as long as I become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, or let Qing Shui become the Jinchuuriki, Lin can definitely rebuild her body!"

Uchiha Obito's eyes flashed with overwhelming hatred: "Uchiha Madara, I will kill you!"

But at the next moment, Black Zetsu stopped Uchiha Obito's thoughts.

"Obito, you can't kill Madara Uchiha yet. Qing Shui is actually being plotted against me just like me. It's just that the person plotting against him is the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama..."

Hei Jue said solemnly:

"You don't know yet... the White Zetsu network has been controlled by me, and I can see all the information in the ninja world..."

"Qing Shui is actually a forbidden art creation of Senju Tobirama. Under the control of the second-generation Hokage, Qing Shui was sealed deep in the waters of the Kingdom of Water. Senju Tobirama took the opportunity to control Qing Shui to resurrect himself. Now he returns By the time Konoha has reincarnated Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito, they have already been reincarnated..."

"Senju Tobirama even possesses the Mangekyou Sharingan. This kind of lineup is not something we can face alone. We need to rely on the power of Uchiha Madara and the others..."

Uchiha Lin's voice was clear and she said:

"At the right time, I will control Bai Jue to tell them about Qing Shui. At least until you absorb most of my power, otherwise we will not be able to successfully save Qing Shui among a group of strong men..."

"Don't worry, Obito...I will definitely accompany you until the day you rescue Qing Shui..."

Uchiha Obito nodded solemnly: "Lin, you have to tell me everything about Qing Shui in detail. I must get more information!"

Just when the two of them were planning to continue talking about Qing Shui...

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, and Orochimaru came over and knocked on the door: "Uchiha Obito, what happened?"

The noise caused by Uchiha Obito caught their attention.

"Obito, tell me you'll kill me!" Black Zetsu quickly ordered Uchiha Obito: "Be more extreme in your tone!"

Under Black Zetsu's orders.

Uchiha Obito put on a crazy fighting face, and the extreme emotions that remained due to the Black Zetsu showdown were naturally revealed:

"It's nothing. I found that black thing wandering near me. I didn't like it, so I killed it!"

Uchiha Izuna glanced at Uchiha Obito and nodded clearly.

Classic symptom, well, it’s nothing, just let him stay by himself for a while...

"Take a rest, Obito..." Uchiha Izuna patted Uchiha Obito's shoulder, and said with a smile to the somewhat unhappy Uchiha Madara:

"Brother, please understand the young man. After all, he has just gained the power of the kaleidoscope."

Uchiha Madara snorted, turned around and left.

Orochimaru, who was on the side, looked at Uchiha Obito with interest - is this Uchiha?


What no one knew was that Orochimaru, whose soul and five senses had been controlled by Qing Shui for a long time, what he saw was transmitted to Qing Shui's heart at this moment...

Qing Shui, who was chatting with Kaguya, saw the scene of Obito killing Hei Zetsu, and his heart moved, and he couldn't help but laugh gently.

This warm smile made Kaguya across from him stunned for a moment.

So gentle, I love pinching!

However, what Kaguya doesn't know is...

Qing Shui thought with some joy in his heart: "You are very bold, Hei Jue... I like your spirit of daring to fight..."

"Since you have already taken action, it would be polite for me to comply."

Kaguya and Qing Shui talked a lot, and now it’s time to talk about people’s hearts...

After Black Zetsu's operation, Qing Shui had an interesting idea - if Obito saved Black Zetsu, and then asked him to choose one between Obito and Kaguya, what would he do?

It is to continue the road with an iron heart and resurrect Kaguya...

Or finally succumb to Uchiha's love?

And seeing this scene, how will Kaguya react in her heart after being betrayed by her most trusted third son?

Especially Kaguya now.

In order to pretend to be the goddess Mao who saves the world, she and Qing Shui were still discussing the human heart and the issue of mutual trust...

"Kaguya..." Qing Shui stared at Kaguya and said softly:

"Even if you have been betrayed, do you still have someone you can trust?"

Thousands of days completed!

I made up for the 2000 I missed yesterday!

Please give me a monthly pass!

To be honest, my update time is not unstable...

It's just more like hell...

Basically around 23:45 every day...

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