Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 229 Kaguya: I once wanted people to understand each other and become a guardian recognized b

"Someone you trust?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya thought hesitantly for a moment, and then remembered the third son who should have been busy working on her resurrection. There was a hint of warmth in her eyes, and she said slightly harshly:

"I have it. Although I think individual strength is very important, the strength of everyone uniting together is also extremely important..."

Qing Shui nodded clearly and smiled in his heart.

Let’s leave this COS Six Paths Immortal, right?

A witch who wanted to destroy the world and make all humans into White Zetsu weapons talked with him about mutual understanding.

Qing Shui understands Kaguya's thoughts...

In front of Qing Shui, Kaguya acted like a Sage of Six Paths.

With her quick thinking, she couldn't think of anything good to say in a short period of time, so she could only forcefully repeat the ideas spoken verbally by the Immortal of Six Paths, hoping to pretend to be something...

"Tell me the story between you and the Sage of Six Paths? And Otsutsuki Ishiki, and your family..." Qing Shui said softly.

Kaguya nodded, expecting this in her heart.

Qing Shui, who has sensed the existence of Ishiki, Hagoromo and Hamura through her power, will definitely have strong interest and doubts about this.

This must be said…

It's just that Kaguya didn't think clearly about what can and cannot be said.

Qing Shui patted Kaguya gently, met her somewhat wandering gaze, and said seriously:

"Only when I know more information can I think of better ways to help you and help everyone tide over the difficulties..."

Kaguya and Qing Shui looked at each other, and saw the sincere concern in those black eyes, and their hearts moved.


Is it no big deal to tell Qing Shui something?

"I have replaced Hamura's rebellious character, and I can gradually win Qing Shui to my side. Although he is a mortal, he can rely on his talents to get close to Otsutsuki, and he can even pull me from the moon. It was summoned and sealed..."

"If I tell him about the crisis of the Otsutsuki clan, maybe he can help me think of a better way... I can further gain his trust by informing him of this information."

Kaguya quickly went through this logic in her mind and found that there was no problem.

So, Kaguya began to tell the information about the Otsutsuki clan, mixing in some of her little patches...

"I am from the Otsutsuki clan. This is a race that sails in the universe, absorbs the energy of the planet and turns it into chakra fruits by planting sacred trees, and continuously strengthens itself..."

"I was born in a branch family. Although my talent and bloodline are excellent, my mind and fighting skills were rated as inferior. I was classified as a branch family and was reduced to being used by the members of my family when planting the sacred tree. A tool for ripening the sacred tree.”

"I didn't want to resist, but after coming to this planet, I found that this place is special..."

"The natural energy of this planet is extremely abundant. It is so abundant that if I seize the chakra fruit produced here, I can counterattack and kill my family member who wants to sacrifice me - Otsutsuki Ishiki..."

Qing Shui frowned slightly:

"Then after you kill Ichiki, won't you become a character similar to a traitorous ninja and won't be liquidated by the family?"

Kaguya was filled with embarrassment.

She really didn't think much about it at the time, she just didn't want to be fed to the sacred tree in one move, so she took action as soon as her brain got hot.

Afterwards, she was so panicked that she couldn't make up her mind. When she collapsed, in order to have someone to help her plan her future route, she even split herself into two conscious bodies, namely the Sage of Six Paths and Hamura Otsutsuki.

But can this be said?

After saying that, in Qing Shui's eyes, wouldn't she just be a stupid bitch...

This is not possible!

Kaguya quickly thought about how to explain it in her mind, and in a flash of lightning, she remembered a piece of information she had heard in the clan before...

Although the Otsutsuki clan is a powerful clan, they are not the overlords of this universe. There are still many planets that they cannot touch.

In addition to those planets with strong men sitting there, there is one that is extremely special...

It is also in line with the characteristics of the ninja world, especially the mutual understanding that Sage of Six Paths has always talked about, and it can be matched!

"The family will liquidate me, but this planet also has an extremely important characteristic - it has a high probability of awakening Gaia's consciousness! This is why I have been advocating mutual understanding between people..."

Kaguya tried hard to recall the information in her mind and said slowly:

"The so-called Gaia consciousness is that when the organic life forms of a planet collectively produce similar consciousness or emotions, there is a chance that the core power of the planet can be awakened, and the being in the collective that is most recognized by other life forms can become the planet. The guardian of…”

"I created those two villains just because I wanted them to help me promote the concept of mutual understanding in the ninja world, so that everyone's emotions and consciousness could be focused on me, and to maintain a high degree of unity, so that I could become the leader of the ninja world. Defend the planet as the spokesperson of sub-consciousness and fight against the incoming invaders..."

"But that traitor in Hagoromo thinks that people's hearts are unreliable and mutual understanding is impossible!"

"He coveted my power even more. He teamed up with Hamura to sneak attack on me, peeled off the Ten-Tails formed by the sacred tree, and created the moon to seal me in it. He wanted to use rough means to drain the entire planet dry!"

"Fortunately...the two children, Indra and Asura, did the right thing and stopped him..."

Qing Shui blinked, digesting Kaguya's information.

Gaia consciousness…

This was the first time he had heard the word.

"If you can activate Gaia's consciousness, can you protect the ninja world and fight against the Otsutsuki clan?"

Qing Shui frowned and asked doubtfully: "No matter how special this planet is, the Otsutsuki clan is a race that can sail in the universe..."

Kaguya shook her head gently:

"Qing Shui, the sacred tree has been planted on this planet for thousands of years, but it has only absorbed half of the energy on the surface..."

"And the power contained in a planet, the surface of the planet is only a small part of it, and most of the planets will never be able to produce consciousness, so no matter how great their potential is, they can only be unconsciously sucked and slaughtered by the sacred tree. "

"If the ninja world awakens to the consciousness of Gaia and recognizes me... then as long as I fight here and am always recognized by the creatures here, then I can easily defeat even those elites from my family. them."

Qing Shui began to think deeply...

Is what Kaguya said about Gaia's consciousness true?

In Qing Shui's view, this was not a lie.

With Kaguya's clumsy tongue and mentality that she had just been beaten by, she was extremely fluent when talking about Gaia's consciousness. Compared with the previous time when the demon changed her story with the Sage of Six Paths and Otsutsuki Hamura, her words were smooth and smooth. And natural.

Apart from this detail…

The final confrontation between the hidden villages and Qing Shui has made Qing Shui feel something in his heart for a long time.

"Heart of Kirigakure", "Calamity of Wind", "Riot of Thunder", "Destruction of Stone"...

The final laning rewards of these special talents are various contracts representing natural energy.

According to what Kaguya said...

Gaia's consciousness is the organic life form on the planet. It has the same consciousness for individuals and all possible products.

In Qing Shui's view, these special talents were like the power given to him by small collective consciousnesses.

However, the key piece of Konoha is still missing...

"Not only is the lack of Konoha, Kirigakure and Konoha's emotions towards me are recognition, while Kumogakure, Sunagakure and Iwagakure are fearful. From an overall perspective, this emotion is not unified..."

"I need to find a big event that will allow all the emotions of the Hidden Village to focus on me and reach an agreement after completing their final confrontation..."

Qing Shui is very interested in Gaia consciousness.

The Otsutsuki clan is like a silent hunting dog, wandering in the universe, using the sacred tree to steal the power on the unconscious and fat planets.

And when the planet wakes up, these bandits will have nothing to fear...

For Qing Shui, who is always manipulating his emotions, the conditions for Gaia's awakening of consciousness are very consistent with the logic of his actions...

In short, it is to make the emotions of all living beings in the entire ninja world bound to Qing Shui in the same way.

"So, did you succeed then?"

Qing Shui and Kaguya asked: "Understanding each other gives rise to collective consciousness..."

Kaguya shook her head in embarrassment. How could she have thought so much at that time?

Moreover, very few people in the Otsutsuki clan have ever encountered the awakening of Gaia consciousness on the planet.

Whenever you encounter one, it’s wise to take a detour.

Kaguya just found an excuse to coax Qing Shui.

"At that time, I had actually established the Ninja Sect and made most people trust me..."

Kaguya said hesitantly: "If those two villains cooperate with me, maybe after a hundred years, there will be a chance...

Qing Shui nodded and began to think deeply.

"Qing Shui, this planet has been delayed for thousands of years. The family must have noticed something abnormal. Maybe the pursuers are already on the road now. We don't have time to slowly awaken our consciousness..."

Seeing Qing Shui's interest in Gaia's consciousness, Kaguya's eyes flashed with a cunning look, and then she said sternly: "I can only think of other ways! It's all Hamura and Hagoromo's fault..."

If you try to awaken Gaia consciousness through normal channels, it will definitely not work.

If you want to speed pass...

There is actually only one way before Qing Shui, and that is the Infinite Tsukuyomi that Qing Shui himself knows!

The so-called Infinite Tsukuyomi uses the ultimate illusion to pull the entire ninja world into a dream. Doesn't this seem to be another kind of unity of thinking?

Just doing it forcefully does not meet the requirements of Gaia's natural unity of consciousness and emotion, but how does Qing Shui understand this?

Kaguya believed that Qing Shui, who was so smart, would not have thought of the alternative usage of Infinite Tsukuyomi after he became interested in Gaia's consciousness by accident...

And as long as the Infinite Tsukuyomi is activated, when Qing Shui collects the tailed beast chakra engraved with her mark in his body...

At that time, it’s time to turn defeat into victory!

She will be resurrected relying on Qing Shui!

"Can't be impatient, I can't be impatient, I can't take the initiative to propose unlimited Tsukuyomi, just let him think about it by himself..."

Kaguya tensed up her expression, stabilized her position, and after some calculation in her mind, she whispered to Qing Shui:

"The current situation is very dangerous for the ninja world."

"Otsutsuki Iski is still alive, and Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo have not been completely sealed by Asura and Indra. I can tell from their monitoring that they already have the combat power to take action."

"Although it seems that you have sealed me now, making these Otsutsuki mistakenly think that we are enemies, the confusion at this moment cannot last forever..."

A figure flashed in Kaguya's eyes, with a hint of fear in his tone:

"For example, Otsutsuki Issou... I once attacked him in a sneak attack and almost killed him. With his strength, if he inspires Wedge to fight to the death, then I will definitely not be able to defeat him in my current state..."

"I know you can't beat him. You can't even beat me, a mortal..." Qing Shui complained at the right time.

[From the laning target Kaguya Otsutsuki: You have obtained the technique - Rabbit Hair Needle! 】

Kaguya glanced at Qing Shui sadly and continued nagging:

"So, you have to collect the tailed beast chakra, and I can help you control it. You don't need a heretic demon to synthesize the Ten-Tails, and let you become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki..."

Qing Shui blinked and said amusedly:

"Those are your chakras. As the goddess of Uo who misses the ninja world in your heart, wouldn't you be able to perform better if you gain the power that once belonged to you?"

Kaguya rolled her eyes in her heart.

Doesn't she want tailed beast chakra?

Of course I want it!

But if Qing Shui becomes suspicious, it will be all over.

Kaguya, who had just been beaten by Qing Shui, still had this in mind...

Moreover, as long as Qing Shui absorbs enough tailed beast chakra, it is actually no different from absorbing it herself.

As long as it is not the real Otsutsuki, then Qingshui will never be able to carry the power of the Ten-Tails, and sooner or later he will lose control and be resurrected by her.

The ending is the same.

"Qing Shui, I don't value chakra. I just want the Otsutsuki clan to stop invading this planet and give me a place to live..."

When she said this, Kaguya's tone became sincere.

She used to be a member of the Otsutsuki branch and had powerful power that no mortal could covet, but so what?

It's just a ripening tool used by my family to feed the sacred tree.

If she loses her power but can live freely and peacefully, it's not that Kaguya can't accept it. She has also imagined it.

It was just the experience of creating Hamura and Hagoromo that told her...

Trust and mutual understanding are the rarest things in this world...

"Kaguya, there seems to be something I forgot to tell you."

Qing Shui coughed lightly: "I thought you were the Sage of Six Paths at the time, so in order to prevent you from having other back-ups in the ninja world, I deliberately killed all the tailed beasts except the Nine-Tails before summoning and sealing you. Already…”


Kaguya's mentality collapsed in an instant. She grabbed Qing Shui's arm and shook it. Her eyes widened and she shouted, "You killed all the tailed beasts?!"

I'm feeling particularly sick today, and my head still hurts a little.

I'll take a leave of absence for four thousand more, and I'll make up for it with twelve thousand tomorrow.

Feel sorry.

I also recommend a book by a good friend, the high-quality Hokage that is about to be ordered by thousands of people - Ninja School Teacher, I can become stronger by teaching.

Introduction: Mu Yue traveled to the world of Naruto and became an ordinary chuunin teacher at Konoha Ninja School and a member of the Root Organization.

Fortunately, after awakening the teacher system, you can become stronger by teaching.

In order not to become Danzo's consumables, Mu Yue worked hard to teach and increase her strength.

"Complete the teaching rated A for the first time and receive the reward - mastery of fire attribute chakra properties change."

"Under your guidance, this disciple has worked hard to practice, and his overall strength has been greatly improved, and he has been rewarded - the Immortal Human Body!"

From then on, there was a teacher in the ninja world who only wanted to make his students strong.

Shisui was not blinded by Danzo, and he successfully prevented Uchiha from annihilation.

When Metkai met the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, he no longer watched helplessly as Metkai opened the door to death and fought hard.

Obito defeated Uchiha Madara's conspiracy and did not turn into a psychopath. He was still the enthusiastic young man who was eager to help others and wanted to become Hokage.

——[Through train below]:

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