Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 236 Thousand-handed evil ghosts disrupt time and space and invade all the hidden villages. Q

A few days later.

The country of wind, desert, Loulan.

Qianju Tobijian shook the blade in his hand, blood dripping on the ground casually.

In front of him, An Lushan, who was crouching near the dragon veins and trying to use this power to conquer the entire ninja world, was burned to ashes by the burning will of fire between the thousand hands before he could show his ambition.

Senju Hashirama frowned and said in a deep voice: "Tobirama, we are here to borrow power, not to invade... Why can't we discuss it with him?"

"There's nothing to discuss, brother, the malice in his heart cannot escape from my eyes..."

Senju Tobirama waved his hand and turned to look at Uzumaki Mito: "Is that so? Sister-in-law..."

Uzumaki Mito looked at the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in Senju Tobirama and nodded helplessly.

Although she is no longer the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the specially made reincarnation of the dirty land allows her to retain the power she had during her lifetime, including the ability to sense malice.

After meeting An Lushan, Uzumaki Mito accurately sensed the strong malice in this ninja's heart...

But before he was reminded, Qianju Tojian targeted An Lushan's body with an illusion, followed by a Flying Thunder God Slash to end the battle.

"Hashirama, Tobirama, he is right..."

Uzumaki Mito shook his head and said to Senju Hashirama on the side.

Senju Hashirama hesitated to speak, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

After Senju Tobirama awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan and discovered that there was part of the power left to him by Qing Shui in his body...

In the past, he didn't dare to argue with Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito when it came to major matters, so his back became extra hard.

This strange contrast between Tobirama gave Senju Hashirama and his wife a strange sense of sight...

Isn't this a classic Uchiha character?

After gaining power, his personality became relatively egoistic and extreme, and he was less able to listen to other people's opinions, even those close to him...

It can only be said that even Senju Tobirama will be subtly affected by the blood and eye power of the Uchiha clan...

"I really... I never thought that Tobirama would still stare at me with his Sharingan, just like Madara..." Senju Hashirama thought strangely in his heart.

"Okay, brother and sister-in-law, it's time for us to start transforming the dragon veins..."

Qianju Tobijian stared at the seal of the dragon vein in front of him and said in a deep voice:

"According to the plan, sister-in-law, you are responsible for unlocking the seal of the dragon vein. After my elder brother and I turn on the immortal mode, we will guide the chakra into the psychic technique we have arranged before. I will then use my power to mark the contract..."

Senju Tobirama's mind is very unique.

After doing some research, Senju Tobirama discovered that Dragon Vein Chakra has the unstable ability to travel through time and space.

Senju Tobirama planned to use a method similar to a "disposable time and space bomb" to deal with the Six Paths Immortal in Qing Shui's body.

If the situation is good and Qing Shui can still suppress the Six Paths Immortal, then after unlocking the seal of the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin and everyone works together to find a solution, then naturally this somewhat extreme method can be postponed.

If the situation becomes critical and Qing Shui is further eroded by the Immortal of Six Paths, and there is even a possibility of fighting Qing Shui, this method will come into play.

After all, when he was absorbing the tailed beast chakra, Senju Tobirama had clearly sensed the increasing turmoil of Qingshui chakra...

These are all manifestations of the Six Paths Immortal exerting his strength.

So after subduing Qing Shui, how to banish the Six Paths Immortal in his body?

The best solution Senju Tobirama has found is Dragon Vein!

The Immortal of Six Paths, who can even be controlled by Qing Shui, must be extremely powerful and not so easy to deal with...

Then, it would be better not to fight the Sage of Six Paths head-on, but to throw him directly to another different time and space, and expel the Sage of Six Paths from this ninja world like throwing garbage!

Uzumaki Mito had a strange expression when he heard the plan.

It's very similar to what she told Tsunade before - "Just throw your second grandfather out as trash..."

However, this time Senju Tobirama is going to throw the Sage of Six Paths!

As for whether this bomb will affect Qing Shui...

Senju Tobirama has already thought of a countermeasure!

The first is the contract of the psychic dragon vein, which uses the power of Qianju Feijian...

The sword power of Senju Tobirama is approximately equal to Qing Shui's sword power. This pair of kaleidoscopes comes from the Uchiha power given to him by Qing Shui...

Therefore, when the dragon vein detonated as a space-time bomb, Qing Shui, as a half-master, had resistance.

And Senju Tobirama's Eye Technique Tianyan Shou also has the effect of resisting external chakra states, which can help Qing Shui avoid being affected by the explosion of dragon veins as much as possible.

Senju Tobirama is confident and determined!

For the sake of Qing Shui, Qian Shu Feijian was not stingy in draining all his strength until it was exhausted, even at the cost of failure or even his life...

"Let's take action!" Qianju Toijian ordered...

With the action of Uzumaki Mito, the strongest sealing magician, and under the influence of the Senju brothers' chakra...

An Lushan has been dormant for decades, and the dragon veins that wanted to gain power from it were very obediently marked by Senju Tobirama's force, like a tailed beast captured by Uchiha...

The seal continues...

From the outside, nothing unusual happened.

But as the dragon veins entrenched in the earth were contracted, the mysterious and mysterious power of time and space sent out fluctuations that were difficult to detect.

Therefore, the creatures that migrated in time and space did not come to this time and space when they were supposed to.

For example, Namikaze Minato who has not yet become the Fourth Hokage, and Hatake Kakashi who is still a child.

At this moment when the Third Ninja War was over, this was the time when the Minato team in the original time and space was carrying out the Dragon Pulse mission.

But Minato's team isn't the only ones traveling through time.

There is also the Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who is trying to snatch the Kyuubi through the treasures of the Otsutsuki clan...

And the adult Sasuke who is chasing him, who has obtained the Six Magatama Rinne Sharingan, and his apprentice Boruto.

After the dragon veins were interfered with, this trio from the future may soon appear in a certain corner of the ninja world...

But Senju Tobirama didn't know this, or he didn't care.

Senju Hashirama had questioned his plan before, believing that it would be irresponsible to throw evil existences like the Sage of Six Paths into other time and space instead of eradicating them in this time and space.

Senju Tobirama said that he was right.

But everything is to save Qing Shui first, other ethics and morals can be put aside first!

The transformation of Dragon Veins is in progress...

Senju Tobirama takes the lead!

At the other end of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara was looking at his body intoxicated. He felt that power was constantly pouring into his body...

Batch after batch of White Zetsu, under the forbidden technique tailored by Orochimaru for Uchiha Madara, and with the blessing of the heretic demon, turned into delicious vitality, nourishing Uchiha Madara's dry body!

Although the conversion rate is not high...

Assuming that a White Zetsu has 100% of its vitality, the amount that can really replenish Madara Uchiha's vitality gap may only be 2 to 3...

But no harm.

Bai Jue is like a domestic animal. It is cannon fodder after being created. As long as the conversion rate is not zero, it doesn't matter how many people die.

At worst, it can be re-manufactured...

"Quanna, give me a little more time, and I will let you see what kind of state I am in when I have the reincarnation eye at my peak!"

Madara Uchiha waved his hand angrily, his eyes shining brightly:

"No one can defeat me!"

Uchiha Izuna listened with a smile and nodded:

"I always think that my brother is the strongest!"

Uchiha Izuna looked at Uchiha Madara who was in excellent condition and felt very pleased.

After hearing about Madara Uchiha's plan to observe Qing Shui and train Obito as a spokesperson...

Uchiha Izuna instantly grasped the crux - aging made his brother worry about gains and losses.

The pride and fame of the past have become a heavy burden, making Uchiha Madara afraid to take the plunge and dance in the ninja world like before...

Instead, you have to hunker down and find a spokesperson.

Fortunately, Qing Shui's progress inspired Uchiha Madara and made him take the first step to try:

Part of his body was repaired using the Chest of Bliss.

And when Uchiha Izuna was resurrected, he was keenly aware of this, and began to coax and trick Uchiha Madara into believing that he could return to his peak.

Uchiha Izuna was like a gentle whetstone, re-sharpening Uchiha Madara's old ambition.

"Brothers work together and we are invincible!"

Uchiha Madara laughed boldly:

"With Izumi by my side, we two brothers will definitely be invincible!"

And on the side.

Uchiha Obito stared at the forbidden life force technique developed by Orochimaru in his hand, looking extremely fascinated.

Until he was disturbed by the arrogant laughter of Uchiha Madara brother, Uchiha Obito curled his lips speechlessly and snorted disdainfully.

Just you two brothers dare to claim to be invincible?

Back then, one was beheaded by Senju Tobirama and the other lost to Senju Hashirama with the Kyuubi. Can this be called invincible?

"Do you think that the Senju brothers are all dead, so you have no rivals in the ninja world? It's really funny. I'm really looking forward to it when Uchiha Madara sees Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Izuna sees Senju Tobirama. What kind of expression?"

Uchiha Obito raised the corners of his mouth while continuing to learn forbidden techniques.

Uchiha Obito, who had a poor information, realized how pleasurable it is to be a superior "behind-the-scenes man"...

Uchiha Madara is in good condition, but so what?

In the past few days, Uchiha Obito has noticed that his eye power is rising rapidly. Whether it is the release speed of Susanoo or the twin Kamui, the intensity is increasing step by step!

The reason is simple. The special chakra given to him by Black Zetsu awakened the integrity of his Uchiha bloodline, just like Indra's chakra, and even more powerful...

After all, Black Zetsu comes from Kaguya's Yin Yang Release.

It contains the power that can pierce the physical body of Uchiha Madara of the Six Paths, which is more powerful than the Indra chakra that has been lost a lot after being reincarnated for thousands of years, and it also has the consciousness to actively give it to Uchiha Obito.

Unlike Asura and Indra Chakra, which can only have a subtle influence, the speed is very slow.

"How can Madara Uchiha, who possesses the Rinnegan Eye and peak body, be used again? When they go to fight Senju Tobirama, after I transfer the heretic demon away with divine power, what else can he do? "

"Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna said they are invincible?"

Uchiha Obito whispered to the black Zetsu in his body: "Lin, our combination is invincible in the world!"

Black Zetsu smiled and nodded: "That's right, Obito!"

Uchiha Obito's words were very helpful to Black Zetsu, so much so that he was very unhappy with Obito's stupidity of always thinking about how to use forbidden techniques to help Qing Shui, and was unwilling to care about it.

Anyway, from Hei Jue's point of view, these are useless!

When Qing Shui's plan was disrupted, Black Zetsu would turn around and tell Obito that Qing Shui was controlled by Senju Tobirama, and the only solution was for him to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki...

In that case, when Kaguya obtains the Ten-Tails and possesses absolutely suppressive power, he will be able to escape Qing Shui's imprisonment and conspiracy, and escape from his terrible brother in one fell swoop!

As for what to do with Uchiha Obito, Black Zetsu promises that he will plead with Kaguya to treat him as one of his own...

But what it doesn't know is...

Uchiha Obito said it was for Qing Shui, but with his deep knowledge of Qing Shui, how could he worry that Qing Shui, who was essentially the strongest medical ninja, would not have a stronger forbidden technique than Orochimaru, a grass-roots team? ?

All he needed to do was to help Qing Shui get out of trouble, and Qing Shui could do the rest by himself.

Uchiha Obito learned the life force forbidden technique, but it was actually so that Uchiha Rin could survive!

Uchiha Obito could not accept having to say goodbye to Uchiha Rin again in life and death!

If only one of the two people can survive, Uchiha Obito will choose to let Uchiha Lin... without hesitation.

And it's not just the ninjas in the ninja world who are promoting their own plans.

The Otsutsukis are also taking action.

Otsutsuki Ishiki, who had sneaked into Sunagakure, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure respectively, and controlled Rasa, the Third Raikage, and Ohnoki with his pupil power and techniques, was sitting grandly on the Raikage's seat in Kumogakure Building, taking stock. The number of ninjas in the three villages.

"Mortals, it's really useless. I was worried that using my pupil power to control them would fail and expose my existence. If I had known it would be so easy, I might have been able to try a more in-depth layout a hundred years in advance..."

Otsutsuki Isshiki said to himself.

Even he didn't expect that the shadows of each village, who seemed to have a certain degree of resistance, could be easily captured by the power of his eyes.

What Otsutsuki Isshiki didn't know was...

It's not that mortals are incompetent. Otsutsuki Ichishi, who has not yet opened the wedge state, can only exert a part of his extremely limited power, which is not enough to take down these Kages.

Rasa might be able to, but Ohnoki and the Third Raikage can definitely handle it.

But Qing Shui helped him...

As early as when he gave these two surviving Sannin names, Qing Shui used genjutsu to deeply ingrain them in their spirits while they were in an extremely weak state.


Otsutsuki Isshiki thought he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

In fact, every move he made now was clearly seen by the Third Raikage who seemed to be controlled by him, and was transmitted to Qing Shui in real time like a surveillance camera.

And in Konoha at this moment.

Toneri, who was quietly controlled by Otsutsuki Hamura, came to the territory of the Hyuga clan.

He wanted to come and see that the tribesmen on the moon had ended up killing each other, but what about the ninja world?

Otsutsuki Hamura came by chance...

Just in time to catch up with Hinata Hizashi coming from Kirigakure, he opened the door of the family with a group of branch families covered in dust!

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