Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 237 Otsutsuki Hamura’s first experience with the will of fire, Qing Shui awakens the reincar


Toneri, or rather Otsutsuki Hamura, looked at the confrontation between the Hyuga clan and the branch clan and shook his head helplessly.

Always like this, like this again!

On the moon, a similar conflict occurred among the descendants of Hamura there. The branch family sacrificed almost everyone and gathered the Byakugan into a stone purple reincarnation eye, wiping out the main family with the same bloodline in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, the survivors of the split family merged the Byakugan from the corpse of the family into the purple Tenseigan, turning it into a giant golden Tenseigan.

The Golden Reincarnation Eye not only has the power to move the moon, but it can also absorb the chakra of people without Hamura blood.

"The branch family on the moon believed that the world created by my brother was wrong, so they killed the main family who supported the ninja world to maintain the status quo..."

Otsutsuki Hamura used illusions to cover his own existence, silently watching the farce of his last direct clan members, thinking in his heart:

"Then why in the ninja world?"

Otsutsuki Hamura looked at this scene tangledly. Compared to the Sage of Six Paths who was determined to seal Kaguya, his state of mind has also changed in the past thousand years...

Is it right or wrong to treat Otsutsuki Kaguya so violently and take action without even full communication?

And his brother, Otsutsuki Hamura, developed the ninja world based on mutual understanding as a ninja sect. Is it really right?

Looking at the millennium history of the ninja world, Otsutsuki Hamura did not see a hint of peace.

On the contrary, Kaguya's seal is getting looser and looser, and the person from outside the world who doesn't know when will come, hangs over everyone's head like a sharp sword, who doesn't know when it will fall...

This is also the reason why he chose to possess Kaguya and seize the body to come to the ninja world in person after Kaguya escaped from trouble.

Otsutsuki Hamura wanted to meet Qing Shui.

Meet this magical boy who is the first in thousands of years to pull Kaguya out of the moon and seal it again without the reincarnation eye or contact with the heretic demon...

In Qing Shui, Otsutsuki Hamura seemed to see a glimmer of hope for the future of this ninja world!

As a mortal, challenge the talents of the gods, and still have the love in your heart that is enough to protect this planet!

Otsutsuki Hamura wants to hear what Qing Shui thinks and what he wants to do in the future...

However, if Qing Shui is taken away by Kaguya and wants to destroy the ninja world, Otsutsuki Hamura will still choose to take action...

And at this time.

The heated quarrel within the Hyuga clan also began...

"Hizashi, the purpose of our Hyuga clan is to protect ourselves and never take sides!"

The head of the clan looked at Hinata Hizashi sternly, with a pair of pale eyes showing the majesty gained from holding a high position for many years: "Not to mention Uchiha Qingsui, a genius from another clan who competes with our Hyuga clan..."

"Even in the village of Konoha, you must remember that family comes first!"

"You actually want to mobilize other branch families, and even ask the clan to go out together. Have you considered whether there will be any security issues for the clan in the place where Uchiha Qingshui sealed himself?!"

"You are a branch of the family. Have you forgotten your obligation as a member of the Hyuga clan to separate the family?"

The head of the clan scolded Hinata Hizashi, secretly pinching his hands under his broad-sleeved robe, preparing to activate the Caged Bird Technique...

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Hinata Hizashi has the blessing of a fundamental identity, the head of the clan family would now impose cruel punishment on this rebellious branch family!

Listen to what he said, is there still a hint of family separation?

The only mission of the branch family is to protect the clan, and no other thoughts should appear in their minds!

Hinata Hizashi laughed coldly, shook his head and said:

"This is the Hyuga clan... The old roots established by Shimura Danzo, the rebellious ninja, have always been called the darkest place in this village, which is chilling."

"And here, I think it's darker and more airtight than that place!"

Hinata Hizashi did not hide the disgust in his eyes, stared straight at the head of the clan, and said coldly: "Is this my clan? Just like that scumbag Shimura Danzo, he regards others as soulless tools..."

"Does your behavior conform to the will of fire?"

The head of the Zong family was stunned, with a hint of deep doubt in his eyes, and said tentatively: "Are you okay?"

Will of Fire…

Does anyone really believe this stuff?

To deceive children, or to be chuunin and genin who are not exposed to the darkness and reality of high-level people...

Which ordinary jounin doesn't talk about the will of fire, but only pretends to be doing something about himself?

The adult world is like this.

In such a private place within the Hyuga clan, the head of the clan thought that Hyuga Hizashi might bring out Uchiha Qingsui, or people in high positions like Tsunade and Sarutobi Hiruzen who were on the same front as Qingsui to suppress him.

But I never thought that Hyuga Hizashi would use the Will of Fire as a trigger...

Is it possible that Xingenbu has bowed down to this branch? It really made him believe in the will of fire...

"Hizashi, I think you have worked hard in the family and made certain achievements. I can put aside your rebellious remarks and actions this time and give you a chance..."

The head of the clan family looked at Hinata Hizashi and the branch families behind him with hatred burning in their eyes and even a hint of excitement. Even though he knew that he was bound by the caged bird, he still felt a trace of fear in his bones.

Family separations in the past... were not like this!

Why do they seem to be united? Aren't you afraid that I will torture them with a caged bird?

"Please give me one more chance?"

Hinata Hizashi snorted coldly, then his expression became serious again, and he said in a deep voice: "Well then, I will give you a chance..."

"At this moment when Master Qingshui sacrificed himself to seal the Six Paths Sage for the sake of the Ninja world and Konoha, I ask you in the name of the head of the Root Investigation Department that now it is necessary for the Hyuga clan to dispatch all branches to accept the order. Do you obey the command?"

The head of the Zong family was so angry that he laughed and said with a sneer:

"Return to the Sage of Six Paths...Who doesn't know what happened to that Uchiha Qingsui? It's nothing more than a monster created by the Second Hokage. Do you really think that Senju Tobirama's resurrection has nothing to do with him? Let me tell you, that's body seizing! "

"This is the Will of Fire in this village. It looks glamorous on the surface, but in fact it is rotten! Do you think the caged bird of the Hyuga clan is to imprison you? It is to protect you branch families with poor talents!"

"Don't get too close to the top of the village! That will only make everyone miserable. The establishment of Konoha is nothing more than an act of joining the group to keep warm, but Senju Tobirama worked hard to break the boundaries between the ninja clan and the common people. , what do you think he is going to do?”

"It's nothing more than to benefit their Senju Hokage master and apprentice's rule! Let me tell you, now is the most dangerous time for the Hyuga clan. After Senju Tobirama was resurrected, he has not taken any action against us ninjas! You still want to help It’s ridiculous to look at them!”

The head of the clan, who lives deep within the Hyuga clan, roared out his views on Konoha while criticizing the current situation.

Hinata Hizashi also responded.

The ferocious fist penetrated the chest of the head of the clan, and Hinata Hizashi's forehead with exposed veins vented his anger. After discovering the head of the clan's stubbornness, this man chose to take action without hesitation!

Unlike everyone else in Konoha...

Hyuga Hizashi, who was stationed in Kirigakure and watched the entire process of Qing Shui's self-sealing, saw with his own eyes the entire process of Qing Shui's resurrection of Senju Tobirama...

Qing Shui's instructions to Senju Tobirama and Senju Tobirama's bone-deep grief at that time were all told to Kirigakure, Hinata Hizashi and others...

The relationship between them can never be faked!

Therefore, what the clan leader said is actually quite reasonable, and even a misunderstanding by Tsunade and others...

In the ears of Hinata Hizashi and other branch families, it was so harsh and disgusting!

How can the blazing will of fire allow an old man like you to bark here?

The words Qing Shui once said were deeply engraved in Hinata Hizashi's mind...

All things are created to nourish man, and man has nothing to repay to heaven!

Applied to the Hyuga clan, it means "use all things to nourish the foundation, and nothing in the foundation will repay the distribution"!

What else is there to say?

Just kill!

The head of the Zong family stared blankly at the arm passing through his chest, his eyes full of panic and confusion.


Why did these separate families have the courage to rebel against their own family? Aren't they afraid of death?

Several other old men of the clan stood up, quickly performed the Caged Bird Technique, and roared: "Attack this clan! A capital punishment!"

But the Caged Bird Seal, which had never failed, did not punish the branch families at this moment.

replaced by…

Hyuga Kamon, Hyuga Iroha, and Hyuga Tokuma punished them!

One by one, the old members of the Hyuga clan stood up and were brutally killed by the fierce branch clans!

For a time, the simple and peaceful Hyuga clan land was covered with blood!

"What I just wanted to say...is the seal of the caged bird to protect the branch family? You have always been hiding in the family and almost never go out on missions or go to the battlefield. How much of your core ability as a ninja in fighting is left?"

Hinata Hizashi slowly pulled his fist out of the clan head's chest and said coldly:

"Slavery is slavery, don't use those nice excuses to deceive us... Or do you really think that this kind of rhetoric can deceive us into separating our families? It's just that you are afraid of the torture of the Caged Bird's Mark and don't dare to refute..."

"Does the Uchiha clan have the seal of the caged bird? Why don't they worry about others catching their eyes? You damn clans are worried about us discovering the secrets of the caged bird. You even banned the entire Hyuga clan from learning advanced ninjutsu and sealing techniques, and kept all People are trapped in the path of Rouquan..."

"After so many years of fighting, has the Hyuga clan made any progress? They also said that they want to compete with the Uchiha clan for the number one eye-jutsu clan. How can it be possible with you old immortals here?"

Hinata Hizashi shook off the blood on his hands, took off his forehead protector and revealed his smooth forehead. He kicked aside the lifeless body of the clan leader and murmured to himself:

"The Uchiha clan has Lord Qingsui...but it doesn't matter, Hinata will offer even more ardent loyalty to Lord Qingsui!"

Otsutsuki Hamura watched this familiar scene quietly.

Another massacre!

But compared to the internal fighting over ideals on the moon, the descendants of Hamura in the ninja world are an uprising against oppression...

"It's so bad... The descendants above the moon at least have different understandings of peace. The ninja world created by my brother, how can my descendants in the same family create this kind of slavery system..."

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned.

He even had a vague sense of identity. No wonder the branch families above the moon were clamoring to destroy the ninja world...

They are obviously from the same family, but they can be divided into two classes with such an evil curse seal. The clan controls the life and death of the separate families, and they also restrict the ninjutsu they can learn in order to maintain their power...

Although the descendants of Hamura above the moon are divided into branch families and main families, there has never been such a system as a caged bird!

Does this mean that there is indeed something wrong with the ninja sect and the ninja world established by his brother?

"Another massacre..."

Otsutsuki Hamura sighed helplessly. Although he did not feel very close to these blood descendants thousands of years later, otherwise he would not have been able to control Toneri's consciousness so simply...

But after all, they are still their own descendants.

As an ancestor, who would want to see such a tragedy as roommates fighting?

From Otsutsuki Hamura's point of view, the powerful branch families such as Hinata and Hizashi will definitely kill the rest of the main family...

"Sure enough, I guessed it right, alas..." Hamura Otsutsuki felt cold in his heart when he heard Hinata Kamon's words.

"Hizashi, let's kill all those clan bastards!"

Hinata Kamon stared at the rest of the frightened head family, including a small child, and said with a ferocious smile: "We have sacrificed so much for our family! It's time to pay for the debt with blood!"

But to everyone's surprise.

Hinata Hizashi, who was the first to take action, slowly shook his head: "No, you can't do that."

"We killed these stubborn clans in order to unite the clan to rescue Lord Qingshui, instead of venting our private hatred under the banner of Lord Qingshui. This is absolutely not in line with the will of fire!"

"Think about Lord Qingshui. The leader of the Uchiha clan and the hawks were so targeted at him at first, but was Lord Qingshui so powerful that he used force to conquer them?"

Hinata Hizashi sighed:

"If Lord Qingshui is here, I believe he can definitely change the Hyuga clan without bloodshed. But there is no way. Lord Qingshui is in danger, and in order to provide support as soon as possible, we have no choice but to take this step."

Hinata Hizashi's expression suddenly became serious: "Remember...the reason Lord Qingshui is willing to help us is because he wants us to receive the warmth of the Will of Fire without oppression like everyone else!"

"Instead of letting you do things in his name! Anyone who dares to slander Lord Qingshui's reputation will be killed by me, Hizashi Hyuuga, with my own hands. Do you understand?!"

The Hyuga branch members, who rolled their eyes to the point of turning red, calmed down instantly after hearing Hinata Hizashi's words about the excessive green water content, and nodded their heads...


Even Uchiha Fugaku, who held his neck stiffly and acted like the leader of the Uchiha clan, Qing Shui didn't kill him...

Isn't it because he is also a ninja of Konoha!

"Hizashi, you're right."

Hinata Kamon lowered his head guiltily: "When Hatake Sakumo was framed by Shimura Danzo, Lord Qingshui seemed to be furious for the first time... I heard that it was the first time he took action against people in the village, and he That guy was disabled..."

"Lord Qing Shui must not want to see us do this..."

Hinata Hizashi nodded solemnly: "It's good that you know. Okay, it's time to organize the staff and meet Master Tobirama to see his next instructions!"

Otsutsuki Hamura listened blankly to the words of the separated family...

The curiosity about Qing Shui is getting worse!

What kind of mortal is this, who can actually make the murderous Hyuga clan members stop their actions, and instead look repentant...

You know, at that time, after the branch family above the moon killed the main family, they all cheered and celebrated!

"Uchiha Qingsui, interesting..." Otsutsuki Hamura muttered Qingsui's name in a low voice, and his figure gradually disappeared.

He wants to see other places in the ninja world...

Look at the planet that his brother has managed for thousands of years. Is there any warmth brought by peace?

And beside a stream in Konoha.

Qing Shui, who was teaching Kaguya how to tread water, slowly showed a bright color in his eyes!

Tenseigan, activate!

Recommend a friend's Naruto heroine story, the protagonist is Uchiha Izumi, and the heroine is Uchiha Hikari!

A new book by an old author. Interested readers can give it a try!


Uchiha Itachi: "No matter what happens, I will protect you."

Izumi: "If I hadn't seen Naruto, I would have almost believed it."

Uchiha Fugaku: "As long as the coup is successful, Itachi will be the future Hokage. I hope that by then, you can assist him well, Izumi."

Quan: "No, where do you get the confidence to think that Itachi is on the same side as you?"

Looking at the two men with abnormal minds, Izumi felt that the future of the Uchiha clan was dark.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, she awakened the "Navy Construction Manual", Vegapunk's technology, three-color Haki, six naval styles, and various devil fruits. As long as she has reputation, she can redeem them all!

Just when Izumi was preparing to re-create the glory of Uchiha, her domineering appearance accidentally disturbed a girl's dream.

Uchiha Hikaru: "The moonlight is so beautiful, Izumi..."

Quan: "I don't want to talk about bullshit love at all now. I just want to build combat power. What's the use of just being afraid of F4? We should take action and become stronger than them!"

"We want to build our own territory, starting now from Nanga Shrine!"

"Through train below":

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