Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 249 In a three-party melee, Black Zetsu instigates Obito to seize the Heretic Golem!

Uchiha Madara carried the sealed Senju Hashirama and quickly rushed to Uchiha Izuna's side, his eyes full of anger and distress...


This bastard Senju Tobirama hurt his brother again!

"Quenna, hold on, I'll absorb the spell you used to help this bastard right away..."

Madara Uchiha put Senju Hashirama aside, his eyes flashed with purple light, and he wanted to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to absorb chakra to pull out the black flames of Fukutsuhi. His brows suddenly twisted into a knot...

It failed!

The fire of the evil sun is the evil fire that pollutes and burns the soul and spirit...

As long as it enters the target's body, it will be entangled in the target's soul and chakra.

Under normal conditions, Uchiha Madara can only touch Uchiha Izuna's body, but cannot touch his soul.

Uchiha Madara can use the power of "Human Way" to extract Uchiha Izuna's soul, and carefully remove the flames of the Fujin Sun...

But this is like performing a delicate surgical operation. It is a very difficult job when no one disturbs you. You need to find a quiet place to operate...

Senju Tobirama was watching eagerly from the side, and Uchiha Madara did not dare to touch Uchiha Senna's soul rashly.

The worst case scenario now is to blind one eye with Izanagi.

If Uchiha Senna's soul is exposed, it will be a matter of life and death...

"Brother, leave me alone!"

Uchiha Izuna saw his brother's anxious look. The shame of being defeated again by Senju Tobirama made him want to commit suicide, but he still quickly said the information he had captured:

"This bastard's eye skills are extremely insidious, you have to be careful!"

"As long as you are hit, it will erode chakra and even your soul like a chronic toxin!"

"But relatively, the release rate of this move should not be fast. It is difficult to hit the enemy in the normal state, and it is slower than Amaterasu's release rate... And before entering the soul, this black flame is substantial, and it can definitely be Absorbed by the samsara eye..."

"In the worst case, I'll blind one eye with Izanagi and kill Senju Tobirama as soon as possible... I always feel that he has a back-up plan, and we can't let him delay it any longer!"

And when Uchiha Senna reported the information.

Senju Hashirama, who is in a sealed state, is also transmitting information to Senju Tobirama.

The ninja god smiled apologetically: "Tobirama, although your dirty earth technique has become stronger again, and even allowed me to exert my power close to the peak of my life, Madara is really strong now. …”

"His eyes are the same as those of the Sage of Six Paths, which can absorb chakra and drag souls. He also has a technique similar to invisible clones. Although I used the wooden escape clone to successfully attack behind him, I was also caught..."

"By the way, his power is now so powerful that he can actually use his body to break through the blockade of the Mingshen Gate..."

"It seems that this time, my brother can't help you."

Senju Hashirama sighed helplessly and lowered his head: "He also absorbed my senjutsu chakra..."

Senju Tobirama stared at Uchiha Madara closely, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Uchiha Madara, you are a slave to the Sage of Six Paths. Are you happy eating this dog food?"

Senju Tobirama shouted angrily in a deep voice: "You have even thrown away the Sharingan that you are so proud of... What kind of Uchiha are you?"

"You are a disgrace to the Uchiha clan!"

From the perspective of Senju Tobirama.

Uchiha Madara's ability to defeat Senju Hashirama had nothing to do with his own efforts...

Is he worthy of defeating his brother, the God of Ninja World, Senju Hashirama?

It must be open!

The reincarnation eyes in Uchiha Madara's eyes are the best proof... They are all the same style as the Demon King of Destruction, there is nothing more to say.

"I thought you had a bottom line... Although you are arrogant and narrow-minded, it's just that your thinking is too extreme and your behavior is confusing. Your intentions are not too bad."

There was sincere anger in Senju Tobirama's tone, and he output fiercely:

"But now it seems that you are just a slave... No matter who gives you more powerful power, you will act like a dog to the enemy without any principles or bottom line. You really bring shame to the name of Shura in the ninja world!"

"It would be more appropriate for you to call yourself the dog son of Sage of Six Paths!"

Senju Tobirama was the first to output and scolded Uchiha Madara so hard that Uchiha Madara was a little confused.

Not only Uchiha Madara, but also Uchiha Senna, Uzumaki Mito, the second generation Mizukage, the second generation Tsuchikage, various Jinchūriki, and the ninjas of Konohagakure on the side looked a little stiff.

Senju Tobirama criticized Uchiha Madara for not being worthy of being an Uchiha clan member...

Is this a little too magical?

But the problem is, Qian Shu Tobijian's heartfelt emotions make everyone feel that he is not pretending, but is really showing his true feelings...

So much so that Uchiha Madara couldn't help but feel that maybe Senju Tobirama really thought that his Samsara Eye came from the Sage of Six Paths?

"Stop being so disgusting, Qianju Tojian..."

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "My eyes are all due to my hard work! They are ancient inheritance passed down from the Uchiha stone tablets. What do you, a Senju, know?"

"Get ready to die... you stole the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, and you are still throwing dirty water here... No one can save you today!"

But unexpectedly…

When Uchiha Madara revealed his Samsara Eye and Uchiha Stone Tablet...

Everyone in Konoha looked at him with something wrong. Even Senju Hashirama frowned and shook his head, looking very disappointed with Uchiha Madara.

Although Uchiha Madara is confused, the top priority is to capture Senju Tobirama.

How precious is the Mangekyō Sharingan!

He didn't want his brother's pair of kaleidoscopes to become one-eyed, and Uchiha Madara couldn't accept it at all...

Uchiha Madara originally wanted to use Senju Hashirama to threaten Senju Tobirama...

But looking at Senju Tobirama's behavior, why does he care about Senju Hashirama's life?

What an evil bastard!

The purple light in Uchiha Madara's eyes skyrocketed, and he instantly used "Whisper's Grave and Border Prison" at full power!

The four Wheel Tomb clones were like invisible ghosts, quietly attacking Qianju Tojian...

In the original time and space, Uchiha Sasuke, who had activated the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, was also instantly killed by this move!

But Thousand Hands Tobirama started to move...

I saw.

Senju Tobirama's hands were instantly filled with flying thunder god kunai, like flying feathers all over the sky. He threw these flying thunder god kunai to distant places in different directions, and he shuttled rapidly...

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes dangerously: "He is of low character, but he has a useful brain..."

It is clear.

This is Senju Tobirama's analysis of some information about the Ring Tombside Prison based on the information sent by Senju Hashirama just now...

"The so-called clone technique... I can't even detect my elder brother's perception in sage mode. That's really tricky... If I stop, I will be attacked by this bastard..."

Senju Tobirama tried his best to mobilize his senses, and after taking a look at Uzumaki Mito, who had several dirty jinchūriki stacked up with diamond seals not far away, his heart sank.

Uzumaki Mito shook his head slightly.

This means that even her Kagura Inner Eye cannot sense Uchiha Madara's Reincarnation Eye Technique...

Big trouble!

This means that Senju Tobirama can only maintain a high-speed teleportation state, constantly consuming chakra to prevent the invisible clone from catching up with him...

Continue like this.

The best case scenario is just to slow down Uchiha Madara and make Uchiha Izuna lose a kaleidoscope to use Izanagi.

Uchiha Madara, who possesses the Rinnegan Eye, is much stronger than Senju Tobirama expected.

Senju Tobirama really didn't expect that the Sage of Six Paths would recruit Madara Uchiha as a thug...

As for the Six Paths Sage in the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Hamura was watching silently from the side.

The expressions of these two brothers are very subtle.

Is it right for Senju Tobirama to curse?

That's probably wrong, because Madara Uchiha is the reincarnation of Indra, and both of them can tell that.

This eldest son is an out-and-out rebellious son...

It has nothing to do with Six Paths Sage's dog.

But does this Samsara Eye come from the Six Paths Immortal? That's really...

It can only be said that although Senju Tobirama fell into some misunderstanding, he still miraculously guessed some truths.

"Alas, I always feel that there is something wrong with Asura's side regarding my reputation..." The Immortal of Six Paths shook his head and thought helplessly in his heart, but his overall mood was still favorable.

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Although in those Kage-level duels, Konoha's side generally had the advantage, steadily suppressing the opponent.

But in terms of high-end combat power, only one Uchiha Madara is needed to turn the tide and prevent Senju Tobirama and others from releasing Qing Shui, which means they will not release Kaguya...

Under the strong oppression of the Wheel of Hell and the Side Tomb...

Senju Tobirama could only maintain high-speed teleportation, but could not prevent powerful counterattacks. The flying thunder god technique again and again was constantly consuming his chakra.

And Uchiha Madara is also constantly using ninjutsu, trying to shoot down Senju Tobirama midway...

Just when Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara were dueling, the situation was gradually turning one-sided.

Black Zetsu said in a deep voice: "Obito, right now... Uchiha Madara's attention is still on Senju Tobirama. He will first move the heretic demon away, and then move the black coffin that seals Qing Shui!"

"After he takes care of Senju Tobirama, it will be difficult for us to start!"

Uchiha Obito nodded, looked at each other with Shisui and Matt Dai, looked at the hesitant Dai and chuckled: "Dai, Shisui, this is not a battlefield for weaklings like you... Look at me. !”

Matt Dai and Shisui were both confused. Although you have the Mangekyō Sharingan and the pupil technique is very strange...

But you can’t say we are weak, right?

Is it because I no longer have the Eight Gate Dungeon, or does Shisui no longer have the Kaleidoscope?

But the next moment.

The eye power that Uchiha Obito unleashed shocked everyone present!

Due to the careful dedication and training of Black Zetsu, Uchiha Obito, who was infiltrated with Otsutsuki level chakra, showed eye power that far exceeded Shisui, and even Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama. Almost as powerful as Uchiha Madara!


In the blink of an eye, the huge space-time turbulence enveloped the outside demon statue, swallowing it all in an instant and transferring it to the divine power space.

Uchiha Obito was like a ghost, using his divine power to keep an eye on the black coffin where Qing Shui was "located"...

But at this moment.

Uchiha Izuna endured the burning of evil fire in his body, and used the power of Chiyin to freeze space and chakra to resist the transfer of divine power...

"Uchiha Obito, what are you going to do!" Uchiha Izuna shouted in shock and anger.

Uchiha Madara, who was on the side, flashed a stern look in his eyes, and drove the Ring Tomb clone to come to Uchiha Obito silently. He held the black stick made of Yin and Yang in his hand and struck through his chest!


Uchiha Obito used virtualization to perfectly avoid the attack of the Ring Tomb clone!

Uchiha Obito laughed wildly: "Madara, do you really think your Rinnegan is invincible? Tell me, I am the strongest Uchiha when I work with Lin!"

"Well, if you don't count Qing Shui..." Uchiha Obito suddenly felt guilty and added in a low voice.

Senju Tobirama watched this sudden scene and still maintained a high-speed movement, but quietly reduced the burning of Uchiha Izuna by the fire of the sun.

So much so that Uchiha Izuna turned his head to look at Senju Tobirama and snorted coldly.

What does this bastard mean?

This is asking him to stop Uchiha Obito from rescuing Qing Shui, right...

In an instant, the scene became extremely chaotic!

And Black Zetsu inside Uchiha Obito almost shouted happily!

Got the Heretic Golem!

This is the first step to save Kaguya, but it is also the last step!

As long as there are heretic demons around, with the mobility of Obito's twin Kamui, he can always collect tailed beasts faster than others...

By gradually injecting the tailed beasts into the heretic demon statue one by one, you can forcibly summon Kaguya out of the body of the damn Uchiha Qingsui, get rid of that terrifying man's plan, and gain peak power!

Although the road to collecting tailed beasts...

With obstacles like Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, and Senju Tobirama, it must be a long and difficult road.

But after all, he has mastered the heretic demon, and he can be considered as having a head start, instead of just watching Qing Shui play with Kaguya at his wits' end...

This is a good start!

At this moment, Black Zetsu is already thinking about how to make Uchiha Obito retreat...

Just like Kaguya wants Qing Shui to give up everyone in the ninja world, find a place to practice well, and don't fight to the end...

Black Zetsu didn't want Uchiha Obito to save Qing Shui at all, but took the Heretic Golem and ran away.

If Qing Shui is really released, wouldn't it be over?

The two girls may have different IQs, but their ideas are all carved from the same mold...

The twisted power of Kamui continued to destroy Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, and the Ring Tomb Prison raided Uchiha Obito and Senju Tobirama again and again.

Just as these three people were fighting.

Uchiha Izuna frowned...

Senju Tobirama temporarily slowed down the burning of Futsuhi, and seemed to want his pupil technique to freeze the space where Uchiha Obito was, but he himself had the immunity control of Amagamon, and his slippery hands stood on the invincible position…

But every time Uchiha Izuna tries to freeze Uchiha Obito, Senju Tobirama will suddenly increase the intensity of Fujinhi, rendering Senju ineffective.

"What a plan, you bastard..."

Uchiha Izuna was so angry that her teeth were itching: "You want me to control Uchiha Obito, but you don't want to kill him, so you want to use Uchiha Obito to consume my brother, right?"

"Let the brat charge forward, and you are still as despicable as ever!"

The fighting continues...

Whether it's Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Izuna, their eye skills are very difficult, and they can't find a way to break the situation in a short period of time. They can only think of fighting like this and waiting for the opponent's mistakes. .

The tug-of-war lasted for a long time.

The spectator laughed cruelly at this moment:

"Okay, it's time for me to appear... I have seen through all these mortal ninjutsu!"

"It's time to devour Kaguya!"

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