Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 250 Just practice more cooking? Qing Shui's accurate prediction made a terrifying a

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna's chakra is being consumed in huge amounts...

One needs to use the flying thunder god's technique to constantly avoid the attacks of the prison clones on the edge of the wheel tomb...

Although Senju Tobirama didn't know whether Uchiha Madara was attacking him, he had no doubt that this old enemy wanted to kill him with hatred, so he could only keep using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

On the side, Uchiha Izuna, while enduring the constant flames of the Fukutsu sun, had to spare his hands to protect Qing Shui's coffin and prevent Uchiha Obito from transferring it away with his divine power...

Neither Uchiha Izuna nor Uchiha Madara expected...

Uchiha Obito, who had been listless recently and seemed to have lost interest in everything, suddenly turned against him at this last moment!

The battle between Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara couldn't even be called a battle.

As long as Uchiha Izuna sacrifices one eye, Uchiha Madara can completely ignore Senju Tobirama's harassment and take away Qing Shui's coffin, then clean up the other Konoha ninjas, and then gorgeously declare that this attack is a complete victory!

But that’s it…

Uchiha Obito still took action brazenly, like a strange force ambushing in the Senju Tobirama, coming out to haggle over the price!

What made Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna and others even more confused and shocked.

The strength shown by Uchiha Obito is extremely exaggerated. The space turbulence of a pair of divine powers is surprisingly strong. Even Uchiha Madara's complete Susanoo can be twisted easily, coupled with the virtual defense ability...

The perfect Susanoo's slashing blow is enough to break a mountain with one sword, but can it break the space?

If it can't be broken, it can't hurt Obito Uchiha!

for a while.

On top of the scene, Uchiha Madara, who has the Rinnegan Eye, actually fought evenly with Uchiha Obito!

This is really shocking...

Uchiha Madara's name has been praised in the ninja world for a long time. Even the ninjas who are dissatisfied with him can only snort coldly - "Uchiha Madara? I feel... I feel inferior to Senju Hashirama!"

In fact, he also recognized his title as the second person in the ninja world.

But who is Obito Uchiha?

It's nothing more than an Uchiha with decent talent. When the third ninja war started, it was just a three magatama...

In more than a year, he went from being a three-magatama to being able to compete with Madara Uchiha. Even if he opened the door to death, his strength would not increase as fast as he did...

At this moment, Onoki, who was surrendered by Hiruzen Sarutobi because he was resisting the fight and did not use his full strength, stared at Obito Uchiha who was showing off his divine power with a pair of controlled cloudy eyes, feeling very complicated in his heart.

Konoha is really so terrifying...

Others may not know Uchiha Obito, but Ohnoki, who personally intercepted and killed him, knows it!

How on earth did this kid survive?

Onoki used earth escape to control, dust escape to obliterate, and all the dragons were arranged to break the bones and raise ashes. It can be said that it was a sure kill.

But why is Uchiha Obito still alive and kicking now?

He also possesses such terrifying pupil skills and strength, and can even compete with Madara Uchiha...

Does the Uchiha clan really have great luck?

The most stubborn shell of the extremely stubborn Stone Will was torn apart by the bombardment of Qing Shui, and then further destroyed by the enslavement of Otsutsuki Ishiki. The inside was already crumbling.

Uchiha Obito's astonishing growth was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making Onoki completely afraid of the name Uchiha!

These red eyes are all monsters, let alone Uchiha Madara and Qing Shui, Ohnoki never thought of fighting against them!

But even Uchiha Obito has such potential. Three consecutive blows shattered Ohnoki's mind, causing the heir to the Will of Stone to fall into deep disillusionment...

"What a good boy... As expected of the Uchiha I chose, he has made it this far."

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and said coldly:

"Although your pupil technique is very troublesome, it can only be used as a beaten mouse. Your so-called virtualization will reveal its entity when attacking, am I right?"

"You don't dare to use divine power on me because you are worried that my Tomb of Wheels clone will kill you faster than your incarnation..."

"So, are you going to compete with me to see who has the best pupil power?"

Uchiha Madara used his rich combat experience to explain all the mysteries and flaws of Kamui in a few words.

Is Uchiha Obito's aggressive Kamui a threat to Uchiha?


Obito Uchiha, who had been strengthened by Black Zetsu, released a divine power that was not as powerful as when he first awakened his eyes and was able to break the barrier with Shinra Tensei...

It only takes a blink of an eye to absorb the entire heretic demon.

Especially for this type of time and space technique, it is difficult for Uchiha Madara's Hungry Ghost Path to absorb...

But the problem is that when Uchiha Obito uses the offensive Kamui, he cannot enter the virtual state and will be attacked by the soundless Ring Tomb clone. Therefore, he can only keep trying to shoot and change places, and he does not dare to last long. Sexually launched an onslaught.

"You are already an old man who has half-stepped into the coffin and resurrected with a corpse..."

Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Madara with disgust: "You keep saying that you want to save the world and dispel the evil thoughts in people's hearts, but all you do is exacerbate the conflicts and blood debts between people..."

"Originally, I just wanted to live a quiet life with Lin, let alone awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan! The difficulties I have experienced were all caused by you, a bastard!"

"Now, you have to take away Qing Shui, the only person who has put this world on the right track, and use your theory to hypnotize him..."

"I'm telling you, don't even think about it!

"Lin and I will rescue Qing Shui. In this world full of falsehoods and lies, we will use the wisdom of the three of us to come up with effective ideas and bring true peace!"

Uchiha Madara was silent for a moment.

This guy discovered his script? Uchiha Obito's repeated emphasis also made Uchiha Madara aware of the name "Lin".

Isn't that the name that Black Zetsu would use to coax Uchiha Obito?

Uchiha Madara is a little impressed...

Based on Uchiha Obito's performance, Uchiha Madara seemed to have noticed something, tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Obito, and said funnyly: "You kid, I thought you understood the hellish current situation of this ninja world, and Thinking about changing…”

"It seems that I overestimated you. You are just a brat who fell in love with a puppet."

"You don't know, don't you? What you call Uchiha Lin is actually the product I created using Yin Yang Dun, which is the mud-shaped guy you see later, called Black Zetsu..."

Uchiha Madara smiled coldly, like a devil whispering: "Didn't you kill him when you were upset? So, you ridiculous boy, what do you love is the one I put on it with White Zetsu?" A layer of skin…”

"Or its mind?"

Uchiha Madara is looking forward to Uchiha Obito showing signs of collapse and further losing his mind...

It’s normal to fall in love with Uchiha Rin…

Because it was tailor-made by Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu based on the traditional taste of the Uchiha clan and the past of Uchiha Obito. It is a top-notch leather case made with ancient craftsmanship and ingenuity.

But the so-called performances such as leather cases and masks...

The most unacceptable thing is that the original body was revealed to be extremely ugly after being uncovered.

As for Black Zetsu, who has no facial features and is essentially no different from a puddle of mud, Uchiha Madara never believed that when Uchiha Obito knew the news, there would be no fluctuation in his heart...

Face control is the essence of everyone!

But to Uchiha Madara's surprise, Uchiha Obito was unmoved and even laughed.

"Uchiha Madara, do you think I'm as shallow as you? It doesn't matter to me whether it's Ze or Rin, as long as she is her, it's enough..."

Uchiha Obito showed the same mocking smile as Uchiha Madara:

"Do you think I really killed Lin? I actually found out a long time ago... It was Lin who gave me power with the Mangekyo Sharingan, which made my eye power increase rapidly!"

"Do you think you know everything? Let me tell you, Lin has already instigated the rebellion of Bai Jue under your command. I knew from the beginning about the resurrection of Senju Tobirama that you are just a poor old man who was kept in the dark by both of us. That’s all!”

Uchiha Obito turned to look at Uchiha Izuna again, and smiled disdainfully:

"And you, Uchiha Izuna... Do you think that if you pretend to be as gentle as Qing Shui, I will be misled by you? Let me tell you, I have seen your fake performances too many times!"

"Qing Shui's sincere and passionate will of fire cannot be imitated by an old man like you from the Warring States Period!"

Uchiha Obito looked up to the sky and smiled, ignoring the slashing wave wielded by Uchiha Madara and Susanoo, and vented his dissatisfaction at having been fooled in a cloud of smoke and dust!

What about the complete Susanoo and the Samsara Eye?

Even in front of Kamui!

At least, it is difficult to win against him...

And after Uchiha Obito finished speaking.

Uchiha Madara is indeed red and warm!

The Yin-Yang Escape product he created, Black Zetsu, dared to betray him, and he followed a stupid boy like Uchiha Obito?

This is simply a shame!

In front of so many heroes in the ninja world, Uchiha Madara, who was tricked by Obito Uchiha, felt that he had lost all face...

What's even worse is that Hashirama is here too!

During the battle just now, Uchiha Madara boasted that he had mastered the situation in the ninja world and so on...

Uchiha Izuna frowned and said to himself: "How can a mere Yin-Yang Escape product awaken the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique and help him improve his strength... This is simply impossible!"

In the flash of lightning, Uchiha Izuna thought of Uchiha Obito's initiative to ask and learn the forbidden technique to replenish Uchiha Madara's vitality...

"Brother, I understand!"

Uchiha Izuna shouted: "He colluded with Black Zetsu to steal the life force we converted with White Zetsu, so his eye power is close to the strength of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Uchiha Madara is even more angry!

"If it weren't for you, a dirty thief, and I had fully recovered to my prime, how could I have been hurt by Hashirama with a dirty earth body! You ruined my perfect revenge!"

When Uchiha Madara was fighting Senju Hashirama.

Due to the Six Paths Sage's strengthening of Senju Hashirama's dirt, in order to rescue Uchiha Izuna, he was attacked from behind by Senju Hashirama's Wood Release, and was seriously injured...

At this moment, Uchiha Madara easily placed the blame on Uchiha Obito's head.

Uchiha Obito shook his head speechlessly: "You are so funny... If it weren't for your pair of samsara eyes of unknown origin, do you really think you can defeat Senju Hashirama?"

"Let me tell you... Practice more if you are good at it, don't play if you can't afford to lose... The past was the past, and the present is the present... If you always regard the past as the present, why don't you compare it with the Warring States Period?"

Uchiha Obito's hands were like two crab claws, shaking rhythmically, and launched the ultimate taunt:

"Oh, by the way, you couldn't beat Senju Hashirama before, so now you can make such a statement when you bully a dirty earth body..."

Uchiha Madara was furious!

No, do you really think I can't defeat Senju Hashirama?

"You angered me, Uchiha Obito..."

Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo and released an extremely continuous and intensive slashing wave at Uchiha Obito. While slashing wildly, he said with red eyes:

"I don't believe that your virtual transformation can be maintained forever!"

"Aren't you competing in eye power? As long as you dare to reveal your true body for a moment, my Susana and Rinku clones will tear you to pieces in an instant!"

"You...and that bastard Hei Jue, I will turn your bodies and souls into dust together!"

Uchiha Madara chose a strategy of vigorously producing miracles...

Uchiha Obito can move when he is in the virtual state, so to force him to become virtual continuously, he needs to attack crazily and continuously with saturation attacks...

Moreover, Uchiha Obito's movement speed is not slow, so the frequency of attacks needs to be extremely intensive.

This consumes chakra and eye energy extremely.

But the irritated Uchiha Madara has decided not to fight Uchiha Obito in an elegant way, but to use the most brutal force to defeat all methods!

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes and looked at the slashing waves that passed through his body like a heavy rain. He frowned and felt a little troublesome.

Hei Jue inside his body spoke out at this moment:

"Obito... this guy is completely irritated by you. When the virtualization ends, use Susanoo to support him temporarily. At the same time, beware of Uchiha Izuna's space-freezing pupil technique, and try to move to the Kamui space to avoid the limelight. "

"Take a short rest and then transfer back."

Uchiha Obito nodded helplessly: "Although I am very worried about Qing Shui being out of my sight, it seems that this is all I can do... This old man is going crazy, he is really a bit crazy..."

Black Jue shook his head: "Don't worry, Obito, nothing will happen to Qing Shui..."

In fact, Hei Jue was already laughing in his heart.

He just wanted to see Uchiha Madara so crazy!

As long as Uchiha Madara works hard enough, and with Uchiha Izuna at the side, it is impossible for Uchiha Obito to use his divine power to move Qing Shui's coffin away...

After Obito moved away, Black Zetsu had already prepared his second set of words.

He only needs to analyze the strength of Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara and their restraint on Obito, let Obito realize the gap, and let him become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki before he can save Qing Shui...

In this case, the plan is completely on track!

And there won’t be any big flaws in Obito’s personality and the logic of doing things…

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Just when Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara were competing with each other with three red eyes...

Senju Tobirama, who had relaxed slightly, glanced at Senju Hashirama, who was lowering his head helplessly, and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Something's wrong...

He himself knows the art of reincarnation from dirty soil...

How could it be possible for my brother to have the same strength as before? I'm afraid there might be some problem that he doesn't know about!

Who else is meddling?

As well as what Uchiha Obito said, the yin-yang escape life created by Uchiha Madara awakened the kaleidoscope pupil technique and greatly improved his pupil power, which also made Senju Tobirama feel even more strange.

Although Uchiha Izuna said it was about stealing life force or something...

But Senju Tobirama just wants to say...

Uchiha Izuna is just a reckless man. He has never even done basic scientific research and does not understand the basic principles of the Uchiha clan's eye power!


He understands the Uchiha clan better than he does!

Even with Senju Hashirama's cells full of vitality, it can only delay or supplement the consumption of pupil power. Even if it is enhanced, it is only a slow and insignificant improvement. It is absolutely impossible to make a leap like Uchiha Obito...

According to the analysis of the intelligence heard, the strength displayed by Uchiha Obito's twin Kamui is from a short-term kaleidoscope to the level of an eternal eye!

During this time, only high-level chakra similar to the Mangekyō Sharingan can do it...

Excessive vitality may seem possible, but in fact it is simply not the right thing!

In other words, that Black Zetsu also has great weirdness, and it is very likely that he is not the product of Uchiha Madara Yin Yang Dun at all...

Senju Tobirama did not believe that Uchiha Madara's technique could create a life form that could allow Mangekyou to advance to the Eternal Eye.

And while Qian Shu Feijian was brainstorming and analyzing this clueless and sensitive information rapidly...

Kaguya's expression inside Qing Shui's body became obviously unnatural.

Uchiha Madara's description of Black Zetsu - "a puddle of black mud", as well as the cultivation of Obito's power and the ability to control White Zetsu...

Let Kaguya understand who is responsible for the sudden rise of Uchiha Obito...

It can only be her third son - Zetsu Otsutsuki!

"Kaguya, what's wrong?"

Qing Shui turned his head, looked at Kaguya who looked a bit uncomfortable, and said softly: "Is there anything wrong?"

Kaguya was startled and tried hard to control his expression and shook his head: "No, Qing Shui... I was just wondering when guys like Ishiki and Hamura would take action..."

Qing Shui nodded clearly, narrowed his eyes and looked at Obito and Uchiha Madara, and said softly: "If it were me, I would take action the moment Obito ends his Hollow..."

"If Ishiki has enough combat experience, he should choose this way."

Kaguya nodded doubtfully, looking at Uchiha Obito who was in a fighting state, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

Although Black Zetsu is not as powerful as her, he can abduct an Uchiha as strong as Qing Shui...

But being able to recruit and train thugs of Obito's level is considered quite loyal to her.

And Kaguya is also thinking...

Although Qing Shui is extremely talented, can he accurately guess Yi Shi's actions this time?

That's Otsutsuki Ishiki!

Time flies by...

At the moment when the blur is about to end.

"Get ready Susanoo, Obito!" Black Zetsu shouted quickly:

"Withstand the first wave of Uchiha Madara's blow, use the impact to move aside, and escape into the Kamui space!"

Uchiha Obito nodded!

Uchiha Madara, who was furious, also noticed that Uchiha Obito's virtualization seemed to be ending, so he jumped up!

Two Susanoo statues collided!

The smoke and dust exploded instantly, and a violent shock wave tore through the earth, like an earthquake!

The surrounding ninjas worked hard to stabilize their bodies...

After the aftermath cleared and the smoke lifted off, an extremely terrifying scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna...

These four absolutely powerful men in the center of the battlefield were actually pierced by extremely dense black Yin-Yang escape sticks, and fell into a pool of blood one by one.

And in the center of the battlefield.

A monk whose face was covered with black lines, like curse marks, laughed coldly and with murderous intent: "You are very talented, you mortals..."

"But in the past thousand years, I have discovered your most fatal weakness, which is that you like meaningless internal fighting..."

Ci Xian, or Otsutsuki Ishiki...

Officially enter the battlefield!

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