Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 261 The key to completely conquering Kaguya! Going to Qingshui in the center of the ocean, e

Chapter 261 The key to completely conquering Kaguya! Going to Qingshui in the center of the ocean, everyone regained their status...

Black Zetsu was resurrected, and appeared on the battlefield with the last ripples of Uchiha Obito...

However, Hei Jue did not run away immediately. He was as calm as ever. After he met Qing Shui's eyes, he was firmly nailed to the spot as if he had been struck by the eye technique Qian Yin that froze the space...

One glance for thousands of years.

In Qing Shui's eyes, Hei Jue saw the familiar teasing and teasing, and also saw the Kaguya that made him miss him day and night!

After being separated for thousands of years, Black Zetsu used the Kamui Kaleidoscope given to it by Obito Uchiha to clearly see Kaguya's appearance in Qingshui...

From this moment, Hei Jue knew very clearly how completely wrong he had been!

It thought that Kaguya really won!

Maybe it's because of bloodline suppression, maybe it's because of flaws in the preparations...

Otsutsuki Kaguya, who is regarded as the ancestor of chakra, theoretically has the possibility of killing Seishui. After all, the Otsutsuki clan is engraved in their bones. Planting trees is only one aspect, and parasitism is the true meaning of ensuring inheritance...

And Kaguya took possession of Qing Shui's body, almost making Hei Zetsu confirm this suspicion, and almost opened the champagne on the spot.

In Hei Zetsu's knowledge, Qing Shui would never give his body to Kaguya...

Letting an Otsutsuki control one's body is simply like committing suicide. Isn't this inviting a wolf into the house? Then, the only possibility is that Qing Shui has become Kaguya's container...

Black Zetsu has the ability to control his mind. From a technical point of view, this analysis is actually reasonable.

Even in the original time and space, Black Zetsu can control Obito, who once became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, at the right opportunity, penetrate the heart of Uchiha Madara, cause his chakra to be disordered, and summon Kaguya...

And if Kaguya takes the initiative in a body, no matter how powerful Qing Shui is, Hei Zetsu will never think that this man can make a comeback...

After all, Qing Shui is just a descendant of the bloodline, not the serious Otsutsuki...

But when he looked at Qing Shui, Hei Ze saw Kaguya's current situation!

In the darkness, Kaguya paced back and forth restlessly, his face full of anxiety and uneasiness...

But this kind of anxiety and uneasiness is not as urgent as it is caused by life and death. It looks like a wife who has done something wrong is trying to find a way to lie to the husband she loves. There is more panic and regret. Some…

This caused Hei Jue to fall into the abyss of despair!

It finally understood why Qing Shui dared to hand over his body and let Kaguya do it for him temporarily...

Where did Kaguya win?

This is clearly the stage where Qing Shui is in complete control, and he has every control over Kaguya...

The thoughts in Hei Jue's mind were spinning like electricity.

"I...I understand! The scene where Kaguya was beaten up by Urashiki and Momoshiki must have been intentional by Uchiha Qingsui... After suffering a setback, Uchiha Qingsui simply took care of the two Otsutsuki. I'm afraid I won't even have the last bit of resistance!"

"Damn! It must be like this! Maybe Uchiha Qingsui took the initiative to let Kaguya take over his body..." Black Zetsu rarely cursed in his heart, but the vulgar words could not relieve the trembling in his heart, but made it even more intense. fear.

this moment.

Although Momoshiki's arrogance after devouring Jin-shiki is overwhelming, Ura-shiki's arrogance after absorbing the Noble Phantasm is extraordinary...

But in Hei Jue's view, the outcome of this battle is already determined!

"Uchiha Qingsui has stood in front of the stage again, so whether it is Kaguya, Urashiki or Momoshi, their life or death is actually destined... That guy, that guy, that guy is definitely confident of winning!"

"The subsequent battle, whether there is a reversal or not, is just a drama..."

"These dramas are meant to shake the emotions of the strong men in the ninja world and thus become his food, even those Otsutsuki!"

Hei Jue frantically analyzed in his heart and found the final answer.

And at the moment when he found this answer, although the body composed of Hei Jue Yin Yang Dun had no heart, it felt as if his heart had been crushed in pain, making it almost unable to breathe!

Lose, lose everything!

The millennium plan to resurrect my mother was completely defeated at this moment, and there was no chance of success again...

And the terrible thing is that Black Zetsu is not only worried about Kaguya now, but also has a silly Uchiha Obito that he needs to worry about!

When Uchiha Obito first learned the Life Forbidden Technique...

In order to conceal it, Xian'er told Hei Jue that he could better save Qing Shui when the time came. This explanation also made Hei Jue unhappy, and the two of them had a small quarrel.

Hei Jue really didn't expect it.

It had previously used the logic of improving pupil power in order to make Uchiha Obito strong-willed and realize the Kaguya chakra it possesses. However, the "pupil technique will burn its own life" will make this stupid boy do what he said. Such a thing!

You know, Uchiha Obito is fighting for his body with Otsutsuki Isshiki, the man who even Kaguya is afraid of...

In this case, you have to devote your energy to transmit the life force to Hei Jue, and even give up a large part of the pupil power. How is there any chance to survive?

Obviously, Uchiha Obito chose to sacrifice himself and help Black Zetsu and Qing Shui.

What he did was essentially "resurrecting" Black Zetsu and using self-mutilation to destroy the immediate combat power of Ichiki...

Black Zetsu's mind was running at high speed.

"No... Obito can struggle, but Uchiha Qingsui is actually helping him! And with Uchiha Qingsui's ability, if he really wants to save Obito, with the way Ichiki is currently lingering, there is definitely a safe way to do it !”

"But he didn't... instead let Obito resurrect me and sacrifice himself. Did he want to force Obito to death like this!"

But on second thought, Hei Jue denied this conjecture.

Will Qing Shui kill Uchiha Obito?

Black Zetsu didn't think that Qing Shui would, Matt Dai who burned himself for him, Shisui who had overdrawn his power, Yashiro, and the extras who were covered in bruises and worked extremely hard to participate in this battle - Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna and others will not die...

As Qing Shui said, what he absorbs is the emotional power surging in his heart. Every strong person is a valuable source of power to him...

Who will destroy the city wall? Of course, without breaking Qing Shui's script...

As the first person to see Qing Shui's true face, Hei Jue had to admit that his brother didn't like killing people.

Although in Hei Jue's view, Qing Shui likes to use and play with people's hearts.

But because of his pupil skills, Qing Shui's mode of action is to give and help first, and then take back. This is not a way to catch all the benefits, but a positive feedback loop.

And problems arise.

Why didn't Qing Shui completely save Uchiha Obito this time? Isn't this a better opportunity for the stupid boy Obito to be grateful and extremely excited, so that Qing Shui absorbs his power...

Qing Shui has no reason to miss it...

Hei Jue put himself into Qing Shui's perspective, looking for the answer to the question.

In an instant, Hei Jue trembled all over.

Why would you give up absorbing the emotional power of Obito Uchiha? There is only one possibility. What Qing Shui wants to gain is more powerful power!

In this game of chess, Black Zetsu and Obito seem to be worthless, and they are not important targets for Otsutsuki Seishui who has already captured Otsutsuki Seishui...

But the problem is, Black Zetsu has a relationship with Kaguya!

Hei Jue finally understood what Qing Shui wanted...

"He, he wants to choose between Kaguya and Obito!!"

Hei Jue yelled with tears in his heart:

"He even wanted me to choose Obito in front of Kaguya! Yes, that must be the case! Obito and I are no longer of use to him, but Kaguya didn't get along with him for long. , the power has not been fully exploited..."

"Obito is a hostage bound by Yishi, and I must betray Kaguya in order to obtain Qing Shui's redemption of Obito!"

Hei Jue didn't even dare to think about it.

It didn't dare to think that Kaguya, who had been brainwashed by Qing Shui, was in a predicament after being defeated by Urashiki and Momo Shiki. She couldn't hold her head up and was too anxious to face Qing Shui, but she would still be beaten by this third party. The child was stabbed in the back like Hamura and Hagoromo...

How desperate Kaguya must have been at that time!

And all the emotions generated at that time will definitely be used by Uchiha Qingshui, so that the power of Kaguya can be fully absorbed by him!

Hei Jue's first reaction was to say no to the self-righteous Qing Shui!

Who is going to write your script? Damn Uchiha Qingsui, I will never betray Kaguya!


If it wasn't Qing Shui, what would Uchiha Obito do?

Uchiha Obito was the hostage Qing Shui used to threaten Black Zetsu.

What's even more terrifying is that Black Jue has a faint voice in his heart - even if it abandons Obito and is loyal to Kaguya, can Kaguya escape Qing Shui's murderous hand?

It’s just a matter of time! All Black Zetsu did was speed up, and even thinking about it from another angle, he would have bestowed the power of Kaguya, who was not good at fighting, on Qing Shui as much as possible to fight against the outside Otsutsuki...

In fact, this is the best option for Black Zetsu, Obito, Kaguya, Qing Shui, and the ninja world.

"Is this betrayal inevitable?" Black Zetsu glanced back at Uchiha Obito with great sadness.

At this moment, his facial features are not what they used to be. Half of his face is Yi Shi and half of his face is himself. Black lines symbolizing wedges are all over his body one after another, and he is struggling left and right on the ground. .

Black Jue used his divine power to move far to the edge of the battlefield.

Black Zetsu has only one last hope...

That means that all of its guesses are wrong. It's just that it doesn't hesitate to speculate the worst thoughts about Qing Shui, not that its brother is really so inappropriate!

Qing Shui looked at Hei Jue, who was mourning for his concubine, and smiled in his heart.

Although there was no direct communication between the two, from Hei Jue's gesture, Qing Shui knew that Hei Jue had probably guessed what he wanted it to do...

This is a smart person who always communicates smoothly.

In fact, not only Uchiha Obito, but also Kaguya in Qingshui's body is another hostage?

If Black Zetsu wants to redeem its two most important people, it needs to play the role of a bridge and help Qing Shui quickly smash Kaguya's heart to pieces!

Only in this way can there be a good ending.

And Black Zetsu has no choice. The only one who can save Uchiha Obito from Ichibo and give Kaguya a good ending is Qing Shui...

And on the battlefield.

Qing Shui looked at Urashiki and Momoshiki after their transformation. After the second stage of transformation, the auras of these two Otsutsuki became somewhat dangerous.

After devouring Jinshiki, Momoshiki's white eyes and the samsara eyes in his palms turned into a brilliant golden color.

A golden samsara eye was opened on the forehead, the upper limbs were covered with dense black stripes like armor, the long white hair surged, and the horn representing Otsutsuki protruded fiercely...

After the transformation, the postures of Urashiki and Momoshiki are somewhat similar. A pair of white eyes turned into gold, and there was a golden samsara eye on the forehead, but the human body changed into the state of a giant bird, which looked very... It's vicious.

"It's as strong as a monster...so scary..."

Qing Shui narrowed his eyes, as if there was something strange happening in his body, and his chakra became unstable. Kaguya's shadow flashed back at that moment, muttering to himself:

"As expected of Otsutsuki, it seems he has to take a break from the spotlight..."

Qing Shui suddenly retreated, and after taking a look at Qian Shu Feijian, his eyes flashed red, and he flew towards the sea in the distance as if he was about to run away!

"Ha! You know it's okay to be afraid, you damn native!"

After the transformation, Urashiki laughed. After turning into a birdman, his mind seemed to have lost its sanity, which was very different from the glib posture of the human form.

Ushiki flapped his wings, followed Qing Shui's back closely, and flew over quickly...

"Don't let him go, Urashiki! This guy swallowed up Kaguya's power in reverse. Although that woman is incompetent, she still knows how to resist without losing all Otsutsuki's face!"

Momoshiki laughed coldly and helped Ishiki open a black-red portal. After sending him in, he followed Urashiki's footsteps and rushed towards Qingshui.

How could Otsutsuki's power be easily coveted by a mere mortal? Even though Kaguya was a disgrace to her clan, Momoshiki didn't think Qing Shui could be easily controlled!

Sure enough, Kaguya is resisting! This is the best fighter plane...

As for other mortals, such as Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara...Momoshi didn't take it seriously. There was only one worthy of note, Matt Dai, who was almost lifeless at this moment, so there was nothing to worry about.

The only thing that needs to be dealt with is Qing Shui!

For a time, the three most capable beings went to the sea and left the coast of the Kingdom of Water.

Hei Jue looked at this scene in shock and anger... Sure enough, he guessed it right! Qing Guo did not directly save Obito...

After Qing Shui, Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki left.

Senshou Tobirama suddenly half-knelt on the ground, and a shadow of Qing Shui appeared behind him, looking at the injured or disabled people with an indifferent expression, holding a ball of extremely bright chakra in his hand...

"Heal your injuries and leave. This battle has nothing to do with you."

Qing Shui Xuying said indifferently, and the chakra as bright as the sun rose into the air, like a small sun, and entered the body of each wounded person bit by bit, treating their injuries.

Shisui and Uchiha Yashiro resurfaced their patterns during treatment due to the kaleidoscope's depleted pupil power.

And even Matt Dai, who was burning like ashes, his body as gray as charcoal began to show blood, and he could breathe again.

As for the wounded with penetrating injuries such as Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama, and Uchiha Izuna, they recovered faster.

After everyone recovered, Qing Shui's shadow shattered in an instant, leaving no other words behind.

Uchiha Madara jumped up. Under Qing Shui's treatment, his condition was even better than before he was injured.

At this moment, he felt that he had truly returned to his peak state! Orochimaru's so-called forbidden life force technique is nothing compared to Qing Shui's Yang Escape Chakra healing technique...

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly to support Qing Shui!" Uchiha Madara shouted as he looked at the heavy-looking Senju Tobirama with disgust.

Although he didn't know why Qing Shui let this bastard be used as a carrier of power, he also knew that now was not the time to quarrel...

"Madara, Qing Shui will not lose..."

A trace of fear that shocked everyone appeared in Senju Tobirama's eyes, and he whispered:

"But the problem is, he... he may be possessed!"

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