Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 262 Qing Shui’s life of walking on thin ice is narrated by Qian Shu Fei Jian


This strange word came out of Senju Tobirama's mouth, causing everyone present to fall into confusion and panic.

After Uchiha Madara and Ichishi were seriously injured one after another, the reincarnation of the dirty land, other shadows of the hidden village, and important ninjas were also released from their controlled state under the light of the Yang Chakra light ball released by the Qing Shui shadow.

At this moment, these ninjas from other villages were quietly approaching, pricking up their ears and not wanting to miss any useful information...

In the ninja world, a great change unprecedented in thousands of years happened today!

Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju, the two gods of the ninja world, who used to be like myths in the ninja world, can only be reduced to supporting roles on this battlefield...

Instead, there are the heavenly beings Ishiki, Momo Shiki, Ura Shiki, Jinshiki and Six Paths Sage, who have never been known to humans or are as mythical...

This shattered the simple worldview of the ninjas.

Everyone is aware of a problem - the water in the ninja world is extremely turbid!

The heads of these various parties operating on the surface seem to be princes in theory, possessing powerful troops and force, but in fact they are like a group of clowns dancing next to a sleeping volcano.

Before the volcano has awakened, the clowns can still happily play a super-real version of pretending to be a house drinker, pretending to be important figures on the planet, and playing a conspiracy game of intrigue against each other...

And when the crisis broke out, these former shadow-level experts suddenly woke up!

What they have is actually nothing...

And it seems that on the side of the ninja world, the only existence that the local natives can count on is Qing Shui!

Therefore, the information about Qing Shui is the most popular nowadays.

Especially when the usually calm Senju Tobirama lost his temper and shouted that Qing Shui was possessed by a demon...

Everyone wants to hear what this is all about.

After all, you have to understand that you have to die, right?

"Senju Tobirama, are you trying to discredit Qing Shui? You bastard!"

Compared to the outside village ninjas who were just onlookers, Uchiha Madara's words were scolding.

I saw this ninja Shura pointing at Senju Tobirama's nose very forcefully and yelling viciously: "Open your wide eyes and look! Qing Shui is using his chakra to treat everyone, how could he be possessed by a demon?"

The two words "enchanted" seemed to trigger a certain button on Uchiha Madara's body, making him instantly stressed.

Senju Hashirama on the side quickly ran over. Under the light of the Yang Release Chakra Ball, the black rod inserted into his body dissolved, and the ninja god also regained the ability to move freely.

Senju Hashirama grabbed Uchiha Madara's arm tightly, and was very worried that his close friend would be violent. While blocking him with his body, he kept whispering:

"Madara, Madara! Don't be the same as Tobirama. He has a very good relationship with Qing Shui. It's not what you think!"

"Tobirama now has the Mangekyou Sharingan, so he is both a Senju and an Uchiha. Seriously speaking, he is also considered your kin...Don't be so angry...If there is anything, let's calm down and talk..."

After hearing Senju Hashirama's persuasive words, Uchiha Izuna on the side, who had always been very good at cultivating qi, had a distorted expression on his face...

This Senju Hashirama is indeed a villain!

Are you trying to break up a fight or add to the anger? The moment before, Madara Uchiha said that Senju Tobirama had dog eyes, and Senju Hashirama followed suit and said that his younger brother had the Mangekyo Sharingan...

Uchiha Madara obviously noticed something was wrong, but when he was extremely dissatisfied, he turned to look at Senju Hashirama who was holding him, and what came into view was Asura's signature pitiful fool's smile...

Uchiha Madara's anger was like a bucket of cold water being poured on him, and he sighed helplessly: "There's really nothing I can do about you, Hashirama..."

Uchiha Izuna rolled his eyes, forcibly tightened his expression, and said to Senju Tobirama in a deep voice: "What do you mean by being possessed...?"

"Brother, our previous guess about Senju Tobirama may have been misunderstood... He has feelings for Qing Shui. I verified this in the battle just now."

Uchiha Izuna first explained this to Uchiha Madara, then glanced at Senju Tobirama arrogantly: "He can't deceive me!"

The onlookers all fell into silence as they watched the exchange of words between the two pairs of Senju and Uchiha brothers.

Why does it feel so wrong?

The atmosphere is weird!

At this moment, the Yang Escape Chakra light ball left by Qing Shui was still shining on everyone. After treating most of the people's injuries, it penetrated into the body of Matt Dai who had not fully recovered...

In an instant, the color of blood appeared on Matt Dai's body, and the wounds that had burned like lava marks slowly began to heal, and light red flesh grew out of the charred ravine.

Following the trajectory of the Sun Release Chakra Light Ball, all the ninjas looked at this ten thousand-year-old genin of Konoha with solemn and respectful eyes...

Apart from Qing Shui, Matt Dai was the only one who challenged the gods as a mortal and succeeded!

Surpassed Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama...

No one will doubt that if the ninja world still exists in the future, Matt Dai's name will be engraved in history, and he will be praised by the world as the god-killing Ye Kai!

Matt Dai stood up slowly and walked toward Qianju Tojian with a weak step.

On his path, everyone slowly made a way and watched him come over.

"The Second Hokage...Does Lord Qingshui need me to help him now? I should be able to burn again!"

After Matedai ​​came closer, he took a deep breath and his eyes were unparalleled in determination: "I believe that Master Qingshui has chosen you. I will not be stingy with my life. Please give me orders on what to do!"

Qianju Tobirama looked at Matt Dai with emotion.

Can you still burn yourself? It seems the answer is no…

Although Qing Shui's Yang Release Chakra was extremely miraculous and could heal even Uchiha Madara's serious injuries, Matt Dai had burned out his life force from head to toe.

So even if the Yang Escape Chakra Ball penetrated into Matt Dai's body, the man was actually just recovering from a serious illness, and even the most basic ability to move had not been restored.

But Senju Tobirama has no doubt...

If necessary, Matt Dai can once again burst out with amazing willpower and use his own flesh and blood to catalyze extremely powerful power!

And all of this... is because of Qing Shui!

A little-known genin, only Qing Shui's discerning eyes and persistent trust can inspire the late blooming seed of Matt Dai into such a powerful force...

"Perhaps, this is the true will of fire..." After sighing in his heart, Qianju Feijian pressed Matdai's shoulder and looked into his eyes seriously:

"Dai, if Qing Shui is in need, I will definitely ask you to use the power of youth to assist him!"

Matt Dai nodded and shouted in a deep voice: "Second Hokage, I am the guardian of the Qingshui family. When I do things for Qingshui, please be sure not to use the word request!"

"I know, Dai."

Qianshou Feijian coughed slightly and looked around the crowd with a serious expression.

Tsunade, Shisui, Uchiha Yashiro, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu, Beiruhu, Kaguya Junjiro, Kisame, Senju Hashirama, Uzumaki Mito...

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, the shadows of each village and the ancestors and jinchūriki who came out of the dirty soil...

The total number of people present represents the history of the ninja world for nearly a hundred years.

They are all waiting for Senju Tobirama's explanation.

What exactly is obsession? What happened to Qing Shui!

"Compared to everyone else, I am the person who knows Qing Shui best in this ninja world...I was once like the tailed beast in Qing Shui's body, living with him for several years..."

Senju Tobirama said slowly: "At that time, the conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan reached its peak. In order to solve the problem from the source, Qing Shui turned his attention to the wise men in history and wanted to seek help..."

"He chose me. He was only eleven years old at the time. He must have been inspired by the Earth Turning Technique and summoned my soul into his body. From the beginning, he had the mind of Hokage..."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly: "A wise man in history? You really know how to boast... You are the culprit against the Uchiha clan. Qing Shui found you and wanted to eradicate it!"

Senju Tobirama ignored Uchiha Madara's harsh words. In fact, this was also a point that he was very afraid of.

Qing Shui told Senju Tobirama honestly that his first choice was Uchiha Izuna of the same race, but this guy didn't respond to Qing Shui's call. This Senju evil ghost like him was actually a spare tire...

If Uchiha Izuna ran into Qing Shui's body, Senju Tobirama couldn't even imagine how bad the current situation would be!

The child will definitely be severely spoiled!

Now it is just a demon, let Uchiha Izuna say it may have destroyed the world...

"Qing Shui's intelligence is extremely astonishing... Around that time, Qing Shui had awakened the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique. His Eye Technique, as those outsiders had already guessed, was an ability similar to imitation and copying..."

"In order to resolve the conflict between the Uchiha and the village, Qing Shui acted like me to the outside world, and acted like Uchiha Izuna to the inside. The two sides bonded the two sides together."

"Qing Shui has sacrificed a lot... In order to eliminate conflicts, Qing Shui has been misunderstood by others, and has been misunderstood as someone else's chakra reincarnation... But he doesn't care, and always smiles gently, just to make the village better."

"Even if he seems to have lost himself, he still has to perform the drama of losing himself to make others believe in his life experience..."

Uchiha Madara slowly exhaled a long breath.

As a loyal audience of Qing Shui, Uchiha Madara had to admit that Qing Shui really deceived him! For many days and nights, Madara Uchiha felt that Qing Shui must be the reincarnation of the chakra between his brother and Senju Tobirama...

But Uchiha Madara couldn't get angry at Qing Shui's invisible deception...


Because Qing Shui relied on this method to pull the Uchiha clan back from the cliff step by step, which was about to fall into the abyss, making the entire family prosper and become better and better...

As a proud Uchiha, Uchiha Madara would never believe that a strong man with Qing Shui's talent would like to play the reincarnation of others!

The Uchiha clan is proud...

During the Warring States Period, Uchiha Madara was extremely disgusted and irritated many times when he heard the hypothesis of reincarnation.

He is himself, Uchiha Madara!

So how could Qing Shui, who was more talented than him, be willing to play someone else? This is all a sacrifice for the family!

"This is Qing Shui's wisdom... an eleven-year-old child, using his own thinking and techniques, has gradually saved the rift between Konoha and Uchiha..."

Qian Shu Feijian's expression gradually became serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"But... Qing Shui is just too smart! What I mean by being possessed by demons is the trace of demonic nature inherent in the Uchiha clan. In other words, the Uchiha clan is born with the potential to go to extremes."

"This is not my slander, Uchiha Izuna, you should understand what I mean..."

Uchiha Izuna nodded reluctantly, but still said honestly: "There is such a phenomenon... The stronger and smarter the Uchiha is, there will always be some ideas beyond ordinary people's imagination..."

In fact, the representative figure among them is his brother.

I don’t know where this stone tablet came from, and an unlimited monthly reading plan that sounds funny, but I have actually implemented it for decades, and I still have no doubts about it...

If he wasn't his biological brother, Uchiha Izuna would really like to describe Uchiha Madara's brain circuit as "defying the heavens."

"As Qing Shui grew up, he saw the ugliness of the ninja world and people's hearts... Qing Shui's outstanding talent also made him targeted by the Immortal of Six Paths, and he became a container for reincarnation..."

"Under this huge pressure, Qing Shui kept thinking about how to bring peace to the ninja world and how to get rid of the darkness and falsehood in people's hearts..."

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath and looked deeply: "When an Uchiha considers killing, it is not a big problem, but if it considers peace, that is the most terrifying thing..."

"Regarding this issue, Qing Shui has tried many times with his methods...including signing a peace agreement, testing whether the hidden villages in the ninja world really yearn for peace, and using Shimura Danzo as a bet. If he can use his life to atone for his sins on the battlefield, , then the will of fire is real and not false..."

"What I regret most is that I taught Danzo Shimura, a disciple."

"The will of fire and the human heart have disappointed Qing Shui... Especially when Qing Shui still has the Six Paths Immortal in his body, his thinking is definitely unstable and he is more likely to go to extremes..."

Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "What I'm worried about is that Qing Shui will restart the ninja world! In the Uchiha clan, there is a stone tablet, which records a method..."

"It's called Infinite Tsukuyomi. It's essentially a huge illusion that will brainwash all ninjas and abandon the falsehood in people's hearts. But in fact, I have studied that this illusion will definitely destroy reality and make everyone Live in virtuality, die in reality..."

"The way Qing Shui just looked like he was about to start this so-called infinite Tsukuyomi!"

And at this moment.

Qian Shu Feijian's words had just finished.

From the center of the sea, a tsunami about a hundred meters high violently bombarded the coast. This natural disaster-like scene stopped this conversation!

Qing Shui, Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki started fighting!

"With the Mangekyou Sharingan opened and Susanoo, take everyone to hide in the sky!"

Facing the tsunami, Qianju Feijian shouted angrily: "In short, go to support Qing Shui first, but don't act rashly!"

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