Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 355 The girl's thoughts, come to verify Tobirama's love for Izanami!

Izumi, who had been lying with his head covered for nearly two days, got up irritably and walked around the room.

Her mind was in a mess. After thinking for a long time, Izumi didn't have a clear idea. Instead, she was anxious to untie the knot in her heart and was in a hurry, which almost led to a deadlock.

Izuno unconsciously picked up the rose on the vase on the table.

The color is as red as the Sharingan, and the roses with sharp thorns on the branches make Izumi feel very similar to herself...

Beautiful, arrogant and dangerous.

As the strongest and most beautiful woman of the Uchiha clan, in this time and space, compared to Uchiha Madara, Izumi is the ninja who enjoys the title of "Battlefield Rose" in the ninja world.

"Is he telling the truth or is he lying? Really...false?" The petals of the rose were picked off one by one, floating high and low in the air, like the tangled and complicated heart of a girl.

Even if Izumi was in charge of the psyche of the entire Uchiha clan, the things she encountered were too outrageous and full of reversals.

Tobirama, who was regarded as a lifelong enemy by Izuno, actually said that he had a crush on her since childhood? I thought I was an enemy that must be killed, but now we have a showdown before the battle...

Who can withstand this?

Normally speaking, the hatred between the two parties has been going on for a long time... Even if it is a secret love, objectively, something has happened between Izumino and Tobirama that cannot be forgiven by each other, so they should fight to the death.

But the problem is that the above logic must be based on the situation where Tobirama and Izuno are close in strength.

In this case, even if Tobirama has other feelings in his heart...

But from his previous performance of commanding Uchiha and Senju in a tit-for-tat battle, and Izumi's tit-for-tat battle with Maimon, to this day's performance, in fact, it is no different from being a mortal enemy.

The reversal of everything lies in Tobirama's hidden strength!

This sworn enemy of Izuno actually suppressed her in all physical and sword skills, including the fire escape that Uchiha is best at...

Even on the use of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Tobirama taught the proud Izumino a lesson - this is how Hitomijutsu and Susanoo are used...

Izumino has no doubt that if Tobirama had murderous intentions towards him in the past, there would be thousands of opportunities to kill her completely!

So why didn't Tobirama do that?

Izumi thought for a long time and based on logic, there was only one truth - Tobirama really liked her!

As for why he waited until now to say it, Tobirama also explained it clearly...

Now, the two stubborn old patriarchs, Senju Buddhama and Uchiha Tajima, are dead.

If they are still alive, then such deviant feelings will definitely be exploited and attacked, and will never be accepted... Moreover, there are also constraints from the father-son relationship. Even if Tobirama becomes so strong, it will be difficult to directly attack Senju Buddhama. Do something.

But when the remnants of the previous generation left the ninja world and Tobirama and Izuno took charge...

Tobirama did express his feelings immediately, without delaying even a moment.

To be fair, if Tobirama had malicious intentions, then with this hidden strength, he could set up an ambush that could wipe out the Uchiha clan!

Izuno tried his best to find evidence that Tobirama was lying.

But the iron-clad facts were placed in her heart, making this calm-minded and intelligent Uchiha Rose unable to deceive herself...

Especially when thinking about Tobirama's eye power which is almost the same as his own...

An extremely complicated feeling surged through Izumino's heart... How much emotion does a person have to pour into himself, so that his eye power can be so similar to his own?

It is no longer something that can be explained simply by thinking about it day and night.

"My heart is confused? What on earth am I thinking..."

Izunano's hands were empty for a moment, and her fingers touched together, which briefly freed her from her chaotic thoughts.

When I looked down, I saw that the rose petals I had unconsciously pulled were scattered all over the floor. There was also a trace of blood on my fingers from grazing the flower branches and thorns...

This confusing scene made Quanno seem to be under some kind of illusion, and the huge sense of atmosphere hit her heart.

The Mangekyou Sharingan nodded unconsciously, violent emotions were rushing through her mind, and the patterns on the red eyes quickly rotated, connecting to each other!

At this moment, Izumi awakened the kaleidoscope eye technique - "Ten Fists: Izanami"!

Feeling the power surge in his eyes, Izumino slowly touched his eyes and let out a long breath with a complex expression.

With this pupil technique...

Then, she can tell whether Tobirama lied or not!

The most primitive version of Izanami's technique involves sacrificing a three-magatama Sharingan, allowing the opponent to sink into an infinite loop of action with him.

Only by accepting the "original" destiny, which is actually the fate preset by the interpreter, and recognizing it from the heart and sincerely repenting, can we escape from this infinite cycle.

The founder of this technique was Uchiha Governance, but now Izuno has sublimated this eye technique to the level of kaleidoscope!

It is roughly the same as Izanami's ability. As long as it cannot pass the test of the illusion in a short period of time, it will sink forever under the power of the eye power and the Ten Fist Sword, and become Izumi's food from spirit to soul!

And it can be stored and used multiple times...

Uchiha Izuno has already made a plan, she doesn't want to save her pupil power...

She wanted to test Senju Tobirama's heart with strong demands in front of him! Use the full power of a complete Mangekyō Sharingan to torture him in the illusion!

If what Tobirama said is true...

Stimulated by the awakening technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Izunano faced his own heart.


Isn’t it just about getting married? Then get married!

Anyway, now, if we want to be hostile, with the strength that Tobirama has shown now, even if Izumi awakens such a terrifying pupil technique, the chance of hitting the unfathomable Tobirama head-on is very slim.

Izumino knew very well that this white-haired bastard was not only a kaleidoscope Uchiha, but also a good player specializing in Uchiha... He was proficient in both forehand and backhand, and he had more exquisite techniques and rich experience in preventing eye spells than anyone else.

"With the determination to marry, I want to conduct this test on him... If he has a clear conscience, he will not refuse! If he really... has love for me, then I will agree!"

But what’s funny is that even though there’s no one around, Izumi seems to be arguing with some unknown entity: “Tsk, there’s nothing we can do about it. Who told me to lose a bet with him?”

"I'm not some despicable Thousand-Armed Dogtail Grass. I'm the rose of the Uchiha clan. I can't break my word!"

"If he lied to me ... haha ​​ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Quan Nai looked embarrassed, and it seemed to be covered with a very strong shadow on the eloquent and beautiful facial features. A hatchet is average.

"You lied to me like this, which means you have a very terrible conspiracy against the Uchiha clan! And you insulted me to this extent... That is my best chance to get rid of this scourge for the Uchiha!"

Quanno's eyes were fierce, and his white fists were clenched to the point of turning red: "Even if I am blind in both eyes! I will tear into pieces the soul and spirit of the unfaithful person who deceived me!"

After this idea was established, Izunano suddenly felt that the huge stone in his heart was relieved.

If Tobirama really loves her, of course, the premise is that it's true what this man said. If she, an Uchiha, could really have that kind of love...

From the perspective of mate selection standards.

Identity, wisdom, strength, and compatibility are the four important aspects of the two people who are in perfect harmony with each other. They are simply a pair of natural yin and yang jade pendants.

Especially after the marriage between the Uchiha and Senju clans, it still has historical significance.

From then on, a behemoth will be born in the ninja world, which will make other ninja clans irresistible and surrender, creating an unprecedented peace in this land where the war has lasted for thousands of years.

This is what Uchiha Izumi certainly wants to see.

"Not only that... what that guy said, the so-called Indra's chakra in my brother's body is also a fatal thing..."

After Izumi figured out what happened between him and Tobirama, he calmed down and regained his overall perspective: "How could I allow other beings to seize my brother's body!"

"But things related to the soul and spirit... I wonder if my pupil technique can do it?"

At this moment, Izumi was a little anxious.

Even if a problem is discovered, if Indra Chakra cannot deal with it and watch this existence affect Uchiha Madara...

Wouldn't that be torture?

But at this moment, a familiar figure appeared in Izumino's mind.

Soul, spirit, parasitic chakra, these mysterious and mysterious forbidden arts... Even for Uchiha who has Sharingan, it is an extremely unfamiliar restricted area. Unless the kaleidoscope eye technique is accidentally awakened, otherwise it is almost Not involved.

In the Uchiha classics, there are only a handful of records in this regard.

But if it were that man, this extremely difficult thing might really be done perfectly...

At this moment, Izunano once again realized Tobirama's excellence.

When Tobirama is not an enemy, but an ally, it is simply incredible in all aspects!

Compared to the so-called young talents of the Uchiha clan, they are really not worth mentioning in front of Tobirama, as ridiculous as mayflies compared to the blue sky.

"But...if he doesn't love me and deceiving me is just a scam..." Izumino took a deep breath and turned around resolutely to go out.

With a bang, the door opened.

Uchiha Madara looked at Izumino with surprise and worry.

Finally, his sister stopped locking herself up.

The first words Izuno said when he opened the door made Uchiha Madara faint: "Brother, forgive me... If this guy Senju Tobirama is lying to me, I can't pretend to marry him. Thereby tricking him into removing the Indra Chakra from your body..."

"After all, he who lied to me can no longer be trusted. He definitely has malicious intentions towards the Uchiha clan! I can't trust him to do such dangerous things for you!"

"But don't worry, brother... I have awakened the powerful pupil technique! If he is a heartless man, I will kill him and inherit the knowledge of forbidden techniques in his mind, and find a way to solve Indra's chakra for you! "

"However, if what he said is true..." Quanno's face instantly turned red and she whispered:

"Brother, please help me prepare a generous dowry... After all, I have been given up by him on the battlefield for more than ten years. I don't want to take advantage of him when I get married, okay?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes had dizzy circles, looking like he had awakened his samsara eye.

What is this?

Izuno realized the truth in her boudoir, first awakened the Mangekyō Eye Technique, and then she was going to marry that bastard Senju Tobirama?

His sister, who was so arrogant that she beat the young men in the clan and made them run away in fear, was actually deceived by the bastard of the Senju clan with just a few words?

Although Izuno herself felt that she had not fallen.

But Uchiha Madara, as a bystander, saw it clearly... She was almost ready to marry!

Even before she arrived at the Senju clan, she was thinking about bringing more dowry to Senju Tobirama...

Uchiha Madara felt as if his face was hit by the fire escape, and the temperature was rising!

At this moment, Uchiha Madara only felt that the bastard looked extremely hateful under the filter of the fire in his heart, and even his white hair looked as evil as yellow hair!

"Tell me about your plan first, Izumino! Why did you marry Senju Tobirama? What eye technique have you awakened? How do you plan to test him?"

"Tell me about it, my heart is beating a little fast... As for the dowry, you can bring as much as you want, but don't talk about the dowry first!" Uchiha Madara asked frantically. His sister, who was always calm and intelligent, spoke so incoherently...

Even though Uchiha Madara had zero experience in love, he knew that this situation could be summarized as-"Izumino is miserable, she is about to fall in love!"

Uchiha Izumino only then reacted, and her face turned red in an instant.

She told Uchiha Madara in detail about the pros and cons of her analysis and the ability of "Ten Fists·Izanami".

After listening to Izumino's plan, Uchiha Madara fell into deep silence.

Even he had to admit it.

Apart from the fact that Senju Tobirama was a jerk, if he was sincere to Izumino and Izumino herself was willing to accept it, it seemed that the marriage between these two people was really the most perfect option.

It can make the Senju and Uchiha who formed an alliance feel relieved.

These two people have reconciled, and others should learn to let go of the past hatred and start a new era...

Especially according to what Izumi said.

If the inside story of Indra and Ashura's chakra parasitism is figured out, then perhaps the hatred between Uchiha and Senju is because of these two behind-the-scenes manipulators!

Senju and Uchiha should unite and seek justice as victims!

Uchiha Madara sighed.

"Izumi... No matter what, I only have one request... Don't consider me or the Uchiha clan. If you can really accept being with Senju Tobirama, then I will agree to whatever you do."

Uchiha Madara stared at Izumi. He was afraid that his sister would sacrifice her happiness for the so-called overall situation.

"I know, brother..."

Izumino shook her head gently: "Everything depends on whether he can pass my test."

"Even if he has a plan, Senju Tobirama could not expect that I have awakened such a pupil technique! True or false, Izanami will give me the most truthful answer..."

Uchiha Madara closed his eyes and nodded after a long time: "Okay."

"I will contact Hashirama and prepare for the next meeting."

At this moment, Tobirama, who was forging the Thousand Hands Stele, did not realize a problem.

The emotional Izumino actually awakened a new pupil technique under his words...

I'm going to test his quality!

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