Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 356: Tobirama and Izumino's engagement ceremony, sweet or full of danger?

[Sensing Uchiha Izumino's violent emotional fluctuations, a certain amount of different time and air has been extracted. ]

[Your Thousand Hands Sage Body has been fully unlocked. ]

When Uchiha Izumino awakened the Ten-fisted Izanami, Tobirama frowned and found something wrong.

"What is this woman thinking about alone in the Uchiha clan? Why is she still having violent emotional fluctuations..."

After getting this ability given to him by Qingshui, Tobirama quickly got the hang of it.

If you want to cause constant emotional fluctuations to a specific person, the difficulty will increase in a step-by-step manner... A routine may have a good effect when used for the first time, but the effect will be greatly reduced afterwards.

Pulling emotions multiple times in a short period of time will only increase Izumino's threshold quickly...

This is a ninja. One of the characteristics cultivated since childhood is extremely strong adaptability.

And this is even more true for a strong ninja like Uchiha Izumino.

"I made up such a bizarre secret love story and fabricated the Thousand Hands Stele... Especially, I used the marriage contract to stimulate Uchiha Izuno. I haven't figured out how to continue to make her emotions fluctuate..."

"She got excited by herself?"

Tobirama pinched his chin and concentrated on thinking about what was going on with Izuno...

It's so scary for an Uchiha to suddenly get excited, especially for a talented one!

Tobirama couldn't help but recall the past.

During the happy time in Qingshui's body, Tobirama never worried about Qingshui killing people. Even if he blew away tens of thousands of people on the battlefield, he only felt a little bit too radical...

But as soon as Qingshui started to think, he became emotional and asked, "Tobirama, is the ninja world real or fake..."

When this kind of words came out, Tobirama felt as if his whole body was shivering, and he immediately concentrated on communicating with Qingshui, not daring to relax even for a moment...

"Is this the awakening of the Mangekyo eye technique? Or did you fall into the Uchiha devil under my humiliation?" Tobirama kept talking about the devil of Uchiha, but the pattern in his eye sockets was spinning rapidly.

The most difficult point of the Uchiha clan is their so-called eyes of spiritual portrayal.

They will awaken all kinds of strange eye techniques according to their inner needs and emotions, which is hard to guard against and unreasonable...

But for Tobirama, it doesn't matter.

"Dokujutsu: Amagawa"...

On the surface of Tobirama's body, a rich stream of light wrapped around his body, forming a dense layer of armor.

Then, the stream of light armor continued to compress and penetrated Tobirama's skin, forming a mark like the sun on his chest.

The origin of Amagawa was that Qingshui sealed himself in the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin in order to seal Kaguya, but resurrected Tobirama and said goodbye to him at the time of parting...

The emotional source of this dokujutsu is that Tobirama wants to help Qingshui get rid of the so-called invasion of the Otsutsuki.

Amagawa, which can use the power of the eyes to form a technique that offsets the invasion of the individual...

Although this is to fight against the dokujutsu of the Otsutsuki, it is actually a sure kill for the Uchiha.

As a first sight kill, the most difficult dokujutsu of the Uchiha clan after opening their eyes is always an attack on the soul and spirit level, just like the awakened Kotoamatsukami of Shisui in the original time and space.

Even as a warning enemy, it is very easy to be hit.

But Tianyanhu can avoid this, and it is a panacea shield against the first sight of killing... From this point of view, even if Tobirama's starting point is to help Qingshui fight against Otsutsuki, he unexpectedly has a universal treasure of the Mangekyō Eye Technique against the Uchiha clan...

I can only say that he is worthy of him.

"In this way, there will be no big accidents..." A trace of cold light flashed in Tobirama's eyes. Although he was very satisfied with Izumino in all aspects, it was out of the stereotype of fighting against Izumino-

He didn't think Izumino would be so emotional, because he really fell into it because of his words, and there would still be something strange in it!

Tobirama always kept his mission in mind-although Qingshui told him that he was here for a blind date, it didn't matter even if he didn't take back the Shibai bones... But Tobirama didn't think so!

This was the first task that Qingshui asked him to do after he was resurrected!

Tobirama would never allow himself to fail!

If he failed, Tobirama didn't dare to think about what kind of ugly faces Uchiha Izumino and Madara, the two bastards, would mock him?

And Tobirama himself could not accept his own failure, he had to complete the task 100% perfectly!

"In this way, sneak attacks on the soul and spirit level can be avoided..."

Tobirama confirmed the pupil power of the Tianyanhu seal on his chest, and calculated the dangerous techniques of the Uchiha clan: "If it is a technique-type attack... I only need to place the Flying Thunder God seal everywhere, and I can avoid it at will."

"Let's not talk about Susanoo, it's flashy... The rest is that Izanagi is very troublesome..." Tobirama reminded himself that if Izumi Noma suddenly turned black and fought him to death, he must remember to prevent this move.


Thinking of Izanagi, Tobirama associated this move and then shook his head.

How could he be forced to use Izanagi... Besides, even if it is used in an extended way, Izanami can only target those who are not strong-minded and have unclear self-awareness.

At this moment, Tobirama has made every possible calculation.

But Tobirama overlooked one point. The awakened eye technique of Uchiha Izumino was not to fight him to death, but to test his sincerity!

Even if he has to fight to the death, he has to do it after he is judged as a "heartless man who tells lies all the time"...

"Tobirama, Madara said that we can prepare for the next peace talks!"

The young Hashirama pushed the door open happily and walked in. After being persuaded by Tobirama, he also felt that the authenticity of the so-called stele was not an important thing at all...

For his temperament, creating a village where everyone can enjoy peace is the ultimate goal of life.

This god of the ninja world has said a classic saying - "As long as the village is threatened, no matter whether it is relatives, brothers or friends, I will never forgive them!"

"But he said that he is not in a hurry to see the Thousand Hands Stele for the time being... He said that he would let people from both clans come and plan to get engaged under everyone's witness!" The young Hashirama said happily:

"You say, should we prepare some gifts for meeting! After all, that is Izumino, whom I have always liked since childhood!"

But after seeing Tobirama's appearance, the young Hashirama's smile suddenly froze.

Tobirama opened the scarlet Mangekyo Sharingan, and the cold pupil power filled the room, which seemed to lower the temperature.

He held a long sword and used his pupil power to engrave a dark curse seal on it, making the sword look extremely strange.

"Tobirama, what are you doing?"

The young Hashirama said tremblingly: "Are you developing some forbidden technique again?"

"Not really... I am imprinting my pupil technique on the blade, assisted by the power of sealing technique..." Tobirama picked up the sword, made a beautiful knife flower, and said faintly:

"The Uchiha who was cut by this sword, even if he has a three-magatama Sharingan, will not be able to use Izanagi."

"Ah, so powerful..." Hashirama praised subconsciously, but then shook his head violently: "No! We all We are going to form an alliance with the Uchiha clan, why are you doing something so dangerous? ! "

"Marriage? I don't think Uchiha Izumino will agree... If she agrees, it's fine, I will treat her well..."

A stern look flashed in Tobirama's eyes, and he said coldly: "But if she agrees insincerely and uses the so-called marriage talks to ambush the Senju clan, then I will never forgive her!"

"This is too fast... There must be something fishy..."

The young man Hashirama listened in amazement, his brain was a little slow to react, and his palms trembled slightly.

No, aren't they preparing for a marriage? Why does it look like the final battle!

It can't be that at the engagement scene, Tobirama and Izumino will chat and throw the wine in the glass, and then the Uchiha and Senju clan members will instantly have their flowers and gifts thrown to the ground, and then pull out sharp knives from their waists and start to chop each other?

"Don't worry, Hashirama..."

Tobirama glanced at the young Hashirama whose brain was in a state of brain failure, and slowly said: "I won't take action first... Since I proposed the marriage, it means that I can really accept Uchiha Izumino as my wife."

"If it is my misjudgment, then I will find a way to keep the engagement going, just as if nothing happened..."

"If Uchiha Izumino is going to lead the Uchiha clan to attack, then Hashirama, as the head of the Senju clan, you must restrict Uchiha Madara from the perspective of responsibility, identity, obligation... no matter which aspect you consider!"

"You are responsible for the lives of all the Senju clan members. This is not the time for you to be indecisive!"

The young Hashirama was stunned.

Why is Izumino not sincere? The young Hashirama only felt that when they parted last time, Izumino's blushing spread to her ears. It was obvious that she liked Tobirama very much...

The young Hashirama wanted to refute a few words, but a few fragments flashed through his mind and he couldn't open his mouth.

From childhood to adulthood, the Senju clan almost fell into the Uchiha ambushes several times, but they were all resolved by Tobirama after he saw through them... and the enemy who created these ambushes was none other than Uchiha Izumino.

It can be said that if there was no Tobirama...

The Senju clan would have been destroyed by this woman known as the Uchiha Rose!

"This... Since this is your judgment, Tobirama, then it has to be this way..."

The young Hashirama shook his head in frustration: "I sincerely hope that you are wrong, Tobirama! Can't our two clans really eliminate the previous hatred and sit together as a family?"

Tobirama shook his head indifferently: "This is not my decision... I said, Hashirama... I will not take the initiative, but we can't bring our clan members into danger!"

"If she really wants to be with me, then I will naturally agree... But if she sets a trap with me, don't blame me for being rude!"

The murderous aura in Tobirama's scarlet eyes was materialized, and he said loudly: "If someone threatens the family, then even the woman I have always liked will never be forgiven!"

Hearing this, the young Hashirama was stunned, and then nodded helplessly.

He really couldn't refute Tobirama...

Whether it was the love between Tobirama and Izumino or the friendship between him and Madara, in the cruel era of the Warring States, they were not a priority in front of the obligations that the Senju and Uchiha heads needed to fulfill.

The first priority was to keep the clan members alive as much as possible.


"Do you understand, everyone?"

Dressed in a pure black haori, Tobirama stroked the special short sword in his hand and said coldly: "Everyone, be on guard at all times, watch my movements, as long as I take out the sword, we will immediately enter the combat state!"

In front of Tobirama, there are all the Senju clan members.

At this moment, the expressions of the Senju clan members are like the young Hashirama before, full of entanglement and confusion.

Their genius young clan leader has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan and is going to get engaged to his mortal enemy Uchiha Izumino...

This is explosive enough!

This is not over yet. Tobirama ordered all clan members to bring short swords and sufficient ninja tools to the dresses for the engagement scene, and be ready for the fight that may happen at any time!

Is this an engagement or a decisive battle? It's really confusing...

The only thing to be thankful for is that although their young clan leader Tobirama has awakened the Uchiha bloodline, he is still the anti-Uchiha pioneer of the Senju and even the entire ninja world. He will take out seven and a half days a week to plot against the Uchiha...

"Do you understand? Although in theory, Uchiha Izumino has the possibility of agreeing to marry me, but this is very unlikely..."

Tobirama emphasized again, and stuffed the short sword that could seal Izanagi into the haori after being prepared.

The young Hashirama looked at this scene with a complicated expression.

This haori, he spent a lot of money to go to the daimyo of the Land of Fire to customize it. It uses the best materials and the style is also excellent...

The best version is very figure-flattering, which makes Tobirama particularly handsome, and the pure gold tassels embellished on the haori have a sense of nobility.

But who would have thought that under this beautiful haori, there is a short sword that can pierce the heart? Even Izanagi, who can reverse life and death, can't escape the power of this blade!

The young Hashirama sighed, but what can he do?

Even a marriage is like this, maybe this is the terrible Warring States period.

With the last glimmer of hope, the young Hashirama prayed in his heart-"Please, Izumino, please really want to marry Tobirama!!"


"Do you understand?"

Uchiha Izumino held a short sword that seemed to be the same as Tobirama's, and a terrifying red light was emanating from the kaleidoscope. Her gorgeous face should have been more beautiful under the white dress, but at this moment it could only show a contrasting horror.

"If my eye technique shows that the bastard Tobirama Senju is lying to me..."

"Then I will kill him! Watch my movements, I will ask to test his sincerity... As long as I find a slight problem, pay attention to my movements, as long as I take out the knife, everyone will immediately start to attack the nearby enemies!"

The Uchiha Madara clan members wore formal clothes and showed the same shocked expression as the Senju clan members.

Uchiha Madara sighed like the young Hashirama, what is this?

It can only be said that the combination of Tobirama and Izumino is indeed not that simple from beginning to end... How can two people with deep thoughts be so confident in each other...

This is a contest of equal strength, and also a final life-and-death battle!

"Let's go, everyone!" Uchiha Izumino hid the short knife in the formal dress, adjusted the position, took a deep breath, and his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface:

"Senju Tobirama, you bastard... you'd better not lie to me!"

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