Ultimate Devouring Evolution

One hundred and ninety six, run two hundred kilometers

Zhang Fan chuckled and said, "That's up to Mr. Sima. But Mr. Sima is upright and upright. I believe he won't deliberately cover up."

Sima Yu only felt the blood in his chest churning, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Nima, you have covered up your students like this, why can't I cover up?

I just cover up and cover up and cover up.

Mad at you mad at you mad at you!

But even though he thought so in his heart, in order to maintain his image of integrity, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, nodded and said, "That's natural. Teacher Zhang, don't worry."

Then he turned his head and said to the four pigs: "It's an unforgivable crime to deceive the teacher. You will be fined to run 500 laps, so hurry up!"

When the four pig heads heard this, they all felt dizzy.

I wish I could pass out on the spot.

500 laps, that is 200 kilometers!

The four of them have at least reached level 5 quasi-martialists, and it would be no problem to run 200 kilometers on foot.

But just now I was almost scared to pee, and my legs are still in vibration mode.

Run 200 kilometers at this time.

Teacher, are you sure you are serious?

The curator Tian next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and persuaded him, "Mr. Sima, the children just came here, and they probably don't agree with the environment. You can see that they are all flushed, and they are not feeling well. Don't make things difficult for them. Teacher Zhang , you are a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as children. Please help me persuade Teacher Sima."

Zhang Fan nodded in agreement.

Then he said seriously to Sima Yu: "Teacher Sima, I know that you have always been an upright person. No matter what mistakes students make, you will definitely punish them severely. This is well-known in the entire security zone. But today is a special situation. You Just let the students go."

Curator Tian heard a black thread.

Where are you persuading?

First put a high hat on people, so that people can't get off.

This is obviously fanning the flames.

Sima Yu was so angry that his liver was shaking.

This guy is simply too deceitful!

If it wasn't in front of everyone, if it wasn't for the congratulations behind him and the Colosseum, he would crush this little bastard to death in minutes!

But at this moment, he had no choice but to say in a cold voice: "If you make a mistake, you should be responsible. Why don't you go quickly?"

Hao Shuai and those fellows were speechless and choked up, wanting to die.

He could only respond bitterly, and ran out of the corpse hall.

Sima Yu originally thought that this was the end of the matter, but Zhang Fan turned around and said to the scumbag class behind him: "The Meteor class is a famous star class in the entire safety zone. Their every move is our responsibility." A role model to learn from. So while they are running around, we all go to see and learn from them."


Sima Yu spat out another mouthful of invisible blood.

Is Nima still finished?

Learn, learn from your sister!

You obviously want to see a joke.

Boy Zhang Fan, I can't stop talking to you!

Even if you are covered by the Colosseum, I will find a chance to play you to death!

But thinking of Zhang Fan, who has so many eyes, and is so shameless and cunning, the hope of killing him by himself seems very slim.

Director Tian smiled wryly and wanted to persuade Zhang Fan: "Mr. Zhang, please forgive me..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Zhang Fan had already taken the students from the scumbag class, disappeared at the door with a whoosh, and had already gone to the playground.

Sima Yu could only take the remaining students of the Meteor class and rush to the playground.

The faces of those students were as dark as Sima Yu's. When they looked at Zhang Fan's back, their eyes could burst into flames.

Soon, Zhang Fan led the students to the edge of the playground.

All of them looked at the four pig heads running on the playground with great interest.

Sima Yu from behind followed, his face darkened the whole time.

The students in the Meteor class also had dark faces.

After being beaten, he was fined to run 200 kilometers.

What's even more exasperating is that the person who beat them was still watching the joke.

Their shooting star class has never been so useless before.

After watching for a while, Zhang Fan's nano watch rang.

After Zhang Fan pressed the answer button, the holographic projection of congratulations was suspended one meter away from Zhang Fan.

"Brother Zhang Fan, are you free this weekend?"

Seeing the congratulations, Sima Yu frowned slightly.

The last time it was congratulations on making a bid, no one else dared to bid. In the end, he lost at least 200 million yuan.

But seeing Congratulations call Zhang Fan "Zhang Fan's little brother", he knew that the relationship between Zhang Fan and Congratulations was really unusual.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on Zhang Fan, but now it seems that it is best not to do anything.

Even if you do, you have to be careful.

Zhang Fan originally wanted to say that he was not free.

It takes a lot of time for him to practice various martial arts now.

In particular, he wanted to cultivate the Golden Body Art to the Xiaocheng level as soon as possible, so that he could devour the two blood cores and become a warrior.

But after thinking about it, congratulations have helped me a lot from the beginning to the present.

So he nodded: "Brother Zhu, tell me, what's the matter?"

Congratulations smiled and said: "If there is nothing to do on the weekend, I will take you to meet someone."


Zhang Fan asked.

If it's an insignificant person, then don't go, after all, cultivation is important.

Congratulations laughed and said: "You will know when the time comes. I promise, as long as you go, you will never regret it."

Zhang Fan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then it's settled. I'll pick you up at the gate of the college at seven o'clock on Saturday morning."


After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Sima Yu next to him tentatively asked, "Mr. Zhang, how did you and Director Zhu become brothers? This is really surprising."

Zhang Fan smiled slightly, and said mysteriously: "The secret of heaven must not be leaked."

Then he turned around and greeted the students in the scumbag class: "Scumbags, have you learned everything?"


The students in the slag class said in unison.

"Then go back, try to figure it out, and study it carefully. Try to one day be like the four masters in this meteor class."


The students responded in unison again.

After speaking, Zhang Fan led the students away.

Sima Yu's face darkened again.

This guy Zhang Fan is simply too deceitful!

Don't be bumped into by me in the wild, otherwise, you won't be able to survive or die!

Let's say that Zhang Fan brought the students back to the classroom.

The students were all excited.

"Teacher, today is really cool!"

"Out of breath!"

"Meteor class? That's all."

"On the first day of my arrival, I was kicked out by our scumbag class."


"To shut up!"

Zhang Fan's cold shout came suddenly.

All the students were taken aback for a moment, and then they all fell silent.

It's just that they don't understand, what's wrong with the teacher?

Could it be that he is addicted to abuse, just finished the meteor class, and wants to abuse us again when he comes back?

Please let it go.

Seeing Zhang Fan's serious face, he said in a cold voice, "You scumbags, you don't accomplish enough, and you fail!"

"Old...teacher, we...wh...what's the matter?"

The students were too frightened to speak loudly.

But Zhang Fan looked stern, and shouted: "Since you dare to make trouble, you should have the ability to clean up the mess. I have no objection to making trouble, but in the future, I will solve it by myself. If you dare to waste my training time, see if I don't cut it." you!"

Students are a black thread.

Are you still our teacher?

Other people's teachers want to bully us, but you are fine, thinking we are wasting your precious time.

Sure enough, it's not your own?

But Zhang Fan didn't mean to be joking at all, and continued to ask with a cold face: "I asked you to study just now, tell me, what have you learned?"


"Didn't you just go to see the joke? Is it really for us to learn?"


All the students were stunned. ()

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