Ultimate Devouring Evolution

One hundred and ninety-seven times biospace technology

The students in the slag class were almost all stunned.

Isn't it a joke to go to the meteor class?

Is it really to learn?

Zhang Fan's face was cold, and his eyes swept across the students.

Each of these students was taken aback by Zhang Fan.

I don't know what the hell the teacher is going to do.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang, who had been silent all this time, spoke up: "Their breathing adjustment and step fluctuations when they run are a frequency that I have never seen before. This frequency may make them last longer when they run. And Their penalty is 500 laps. That is to say, their physical fitness far exceeds any of our Lingguang classes.

With the physical fitness of a level 5 quasi-warrior, running 100 kilometers in a row is already the limit.

They ran 200 kilometers directly.

This is enough to show that they attach great importance to physical training in their daily training.

And physical fitness is a very important factor in actual combat.

Compared with them, our physical training is really far behind. "

When Zhuge Liang said this, everyone else suddenly realized.

Before, they were just complacent about bullying Meteor class, but they didn't expect that there are so many ways in it.

Zhang Fan's face softened slightly.

Said: "Since we want to bully people, we should have the ability to bully people. Today we bullied the Meteor class, do you think they will be willing? And with their strength, it is easy to take revenge on the scumbag class. According to me As we know, among the 10 students in their class, there is one level 8 quasi-warrior, two level 7 quasi-warriors, three level 6 quasi-warriors, and the rest are level 5 and 4 quasi-warriors.

With such strength, it is easy to abuse you.

Some of you are brazen, saying that you want to be the champion in the freshman assessment, and some of you say you want to be in the top ten in the freshman assessment.

Now, do you think you can do it? "

When Zhang Fan said this, several students in the slag class fell silent.

The meteor class is like a big mountain lying in front of you,

They want to win the championship and want to be in the top ten. This is simply an impossible task.


Zhang Fan snorted coldly: "It seems that it is difficult for you to get rid of the reputation of scumbags."


The slag class was silent for a while.

After a while, Zhuge Liang raised his head first.

The voice is not loud, but it is very firm: "The champion is mine."

When he said this, the four famous young masters also said: "No matter what, we must enter the top ten."

Wang Dong also said: "Teacher, I know you must have a solution. As long as our class can defeat the Meteor class, we are willing to pay any price!"

"Well, teacher, I am willing too!"

"I do!"

"We are willing too!"

Zhang Fan's hair was black.

It was a good thing for these guys to express their determination.

But why does this sound a bit wrong.

Especially Huo Juxiong and Ling Xiao, when they said this, their style of painting was wrong.

Huo Juxiong said "I do", which made people feel a bit chilly;

When Ling Xiao said "I am willing", there was no sense of determination in his eyes, on the contrary, it looked like he was exchanging rings.


However, Zhang Fan felt very relieved to see a group of students expressing their determination.

Then he said: "It is good to have such determination. As long as you have the determination, I will have a way to make you abuse this meteor class in the freshman assessment!"


A group of students roared in unison, and their voices made the entire classroom tremble.

"Then, let's start with physical training now. All of you, don't talk about 500 laps, let's try 300 laps first."

All the students were dumbfounded.

300 laps, that is 120 kilometers.

He ran 200 kilometers, but he was a level 5 quasi-warrior.

Most of us are only level 3.

However, after Zhang Fan finished speaking, he ignored them.

Head down and play with your nano watch.

In other words, this nano watch is much more enjoyable than a multi-function watch.

All kinds of functions are available.

Seeing that Zhang Fan ignored them, the students in the scumbag class could only grimace and ran out of the classroom.

At the same time, Zhang Fan was thinking while playing with his watch.

It is only one and a half months before the freshman assessment.

In such a short period of time, the only way to make these guys strong enough to defeat Meteor Squad is to buy cell enhancers.

Then buy some potions that can enhance physical fitness and the like.

But those would cost a lot of money, and cell enhancers might not be available even if they had money.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to defeat the meteor class.

Zhang Fan said that there is a way, but in fact there is a woolen way, alas...

At the same time, Zhang Fan had one more thing to worry about.

He has now learned four martial arts, each of which requires a lot of time to practice.

He really felt that there was not enough time.

However, there is no way, no one can stop time.

When he was worried, Zhang Fan accidentally turned to a file in the multi-function watch.

That is also a video file.

Open the video, and there is a line of words appearing in the holographic projection: How to build a sub-biological space.

"Secondary biological space? What the hell?"

Zhang Fan couldn't help wondering.

Then, in the holographic projection, a person who looked like a scientist appeared.

He said: "Martial arts training is time-consuming, but the learning of martial arts, the acquisition of resources, the accumulation of combat experience... all of these take a lot of time. And the life of a warrior is limited, which limits the growth and development of a warrior. Achievement. If there is such a space where time passes more slowly than the time in the main world, then as long as warriors enter this sub-biological space to practice, they will have twice, three times, or even ten times, or a hundred times the strength of other people. time……"

When Zhang Fan heard this, his heart couldn't help but move.

Isn't this what I've always thought about?

He hurriedly continued to look down.

The scientist continued to say: "Actually, this technology of combining space and time was realized more than a hundred years ago."


Zhang Fan's heart became even hotter.

The scientist continued: "More than a hundred years ago, a young man suddenly came to our world. This young man has incredible time and space technology. Time travel is easy for him. In our world at the time, the mayor After pleading again and again, he left behind a technology for creating a sub-biological space before he left.

This technology can create a space where time can pass more slowly. 1 second in the main world is equivalent to 1 minute in the secondary biological space.

However, this technique is extremely difficult to master, and requires rare energy stones as support.

Therefore, in this hundred years, this technology has almost been lost.

Fortunately, after working hard, consulting a lot of information, and spending a lot of manpower and material resources, we finally restored this technology. "()

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