"Boom, boom, boom···"

A deafening sound came from the dark abyss

"What sound is so terrifying? The sound itself has such terrifying power!"

Analyze the sound carefully. If you are a strong and knowledgeable person, the sound alone is enough to analyze useful information.

"This is the heartbeat!"

But the results of the analysis shocked even Ling Tian. What kind of terrifying creature could have such a heartbeat!

"The chaos indicates that there is more than one unknown creature, and with such a strong heartbeat, their owner is definitely an unprecedented and terrifying creature.···"

What to do, do you want to continue?

But my senses told me I had to go down, and lo, it was calling me again.

Miraculous fluctuations appeared from the abyss, and he tempted Ling Tian to continue moving forward.

"Oh, have the five years of staying on earth completely weakened my heart?"

He said that he seemed to be weakening, but his actions were the opposite. He jumped forward, and Ling Tian jumped into the bottomless abyss.

"Ha ha ha ha! What are you afraid of! This is what makes it interesting! Let me see what you are and why you called me here!"

Laughing crazily, spreading the laughter into the abyss with more power, covering the terrible heartbeat, showing his strength, declaring 'I'm here!'.

Three thousand five hundred meters, nothing abnormal.

Five thousand Meter, the water temperature began to drop, rapidly approaching zero.

At seven thousand meters, the water temperature was already below zero, but the terrible water pressure prevented them from solidifying.

At ten thousand meters, the water pressure began to increase sharply, and there was no strength above the twenty-fifth level. It will be crushed into a ball immediately.

At 15,000 meters, the light has completely disappeared, but the visibility of about 100 meters can still be maintained in the field of vision of the strongest person, but the water temperature also changes rapidly, hot and cold, there may be something nearby. Undersea volcano.

It's 20,000 meters, but it hasn't reached the bottom yet. Damn it, how deep is the sea on earth?

At 25,000 meters, normal life has disappeared, and only microorganisms exist in the surrounding seawater.

It's terrifying. The abyss, its birth should be caused by the collision of the earth's plates. The power of forty heavens has been used to protect the body here, and I don't know how deep this place is. As for the green light that appeared before, it is still deep. It's scary. By calculation, they already have the power of fifty layers or more.

I can feel their presence from 40,000 meters away, but this terrible environment limits my vision. It's already dark a hundred meters away, even if I use it. Detecting the power of magnetic fields is like a stone’s throw away.

"Hey, there is such a terrible place on earth, and I want to see what can survive in this place!"

Fifty thousand meters!"

"Hehe, what the hell, it’s already out of the earth’s crust, why hasn’t it bottomed out yet?"

What the hell! How can there be such a deep place, it has already emerged from the earth's crust and reached the mantle!

"Um? what?"

Just after breaking through the depth of 50,000 meters, a strange feeling suddenly swept over me. If I wanted to compare it, it was like breaking through a layer of water moth.


After breaking through some mo, the thing that limited the power of the magnetic field suddenly disappeared, so Ling Tian finally saw the surroundings clearly.

In the extremely cold sea water, they swam freely. When they saw Ling Tian appearing here, they Just start to surround them

"It's the devil! how come! How come they are here? And them, how could they have such terrifying power!"

Yes, the life form that finally appeared in front of Ling Tian was the demon god. It was different from the demon gods created by the two emperors in the southeast. The smallest one among them was five hundred meters long, and its power was as powerful as fifty heavens!

The surrounding ones were They are all demons. I don’t know how many there are, but the number is absolutely terrifying.

"Could the scary thing be the devil? And the demon god at this depth already has the power of the fifty heavens, so what about the lower ones?"

I didn't feel afraid, because what Ling Tian felt from the demon gods was a friendly message.

Friendly? Will the demon gods be friendly? What a big joke!

But that's the fact. Not only are they friendly, Ling Tian can also feel their kindness. Welcome, they are still urging Ling Tian to continue downwards

"Are you calling me? So what's underneath?"

If I came here just based on my feelings and just wanted to take a look, now I am really curious.

"It feels like you have been around for a long time, and Mercury had not exploded at that time. Why do you still have such power? Let me solve the mystery!"

At 60,000 meters, the number of demon gods began to decrease, but their size became even greater, and their power was as huge as seventy-five heavens!

"It's scary. If any one of these appeared on the earth, the earth would be finished long ago."

Seventy thousand meters away, there are less than a few hundred demons left, but···

A thousand-meter-long body swims here, and the surging power declares its existence.

"Eighty-fifth heavenly power···"

Even Ling Tian was speechless at this moment. If they hadn't been hostile, Ling Tian could guarantee that he would have finished the game.

Eighty thousand meters away, there are less than a hundred Demon Gods left, but each one is fifteen hundred meters long. Their huge body is no less than that of the God of Destruction, and their power is even greater. Each one has the power of the Ninety Heavens.

They wandered around Lingtian, welcoming his arrival

"It’s getting more and more interesting, let me see what’s down there!"

Ninety thousand meters! The number of demon gods at the moment is only three, but!

Each one has the power of more than ninety-five heavens!

A body of two thousand meters, skin up to tens of meters thick, and cold bone spurs indicate that they the power of

"Ninety-five heavens, ninety-seven heavens, and one more! Ninety-nine heavens!"

As strong as Ling Tian, he was completely shocked now. The smallest of the last three demon gods was two thousand meters long, while the strongest one was three thousand meters long!

They surrounded Ling Tian, even though they exuded friendliness and welcome. Even the breath cannot change their terrifying power!

"···Amazing places, who created them?!"

The demon god is not born naturally, Ling Tian can be sure of this, so who can be the person who can create such a terrifying demon god!

"Are you welcoming me?"


The strongest demon began to swim downstream.

"!! Are you going to lead the way?"

Yes, he wants to take Ling Tian to a place

"Okay, let me see who the owner of this place is!"

It kept sinking, and finally, it was 100,000 meters!

"This is!!"

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