What appeared in front of Ling Tian was a small city with a radius of about 1,700 kilometers. If it were a city, it was a bit small, but that was not the point!!

Where is this place?

Damn it, this is an abyss of 100,000 meters under the sea!

Who can build a city here!

This is already as deep as the mantle layer!

The water pressure here has reached hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. The terrible pressure can compress a tall building into a ping pong ball!

Because of the submarine volcano, the water temperature changes rapidly, from minus 50 degrees to 700 degrees.

Not to mention who can come here, what’s more important is how to build houses here, and it’s the size of a city!

"Damn it! What terrifying power and unscientific science and technology the master who built this place must possess!"

Although Ling Tian's memory can only be traced back to five years ago, in these five years, Ling Tian can guarantee that he has established correct common sense, otherwise he would not have made such a fuss.

And in the three years in the Bai family, he has With the permission to browse the central database, Ling Tian dares to vouch for it. Even if there were more powerful people and the strongest technological power five thousand years ago, it would be tens of thousands of times more difficult to build a city here than to transform the atmosphere of Venus.!

"horrible···What is calling me? Is it in this city?"

After a while, Ling Tian, who had a strong heart, finally calmed down and asked the demon god who brought him here.

The head, which was several hundred meters long, shook greatly, and the sea current formed could wash away a person with a strength of ten heavens.

"Yeah? Then let me see what it is."

Approaching this underwater city from above

"Hey, what is this?!"

I haven't noticed it from a distance, but up close I feel that the city is covered by something huge.

"Something like the canopy on the moon?"

The canopy means artificial sky. It has its own atmospheric environment and can also be used for defense."

"No···wrong! This is a magnetic field shield!"

So that's it!

No wonder a city can be built in a place like this. It turns out that a strong man used his strength to support a huge magnetic field shield.

"There should be a limit to not having common sense!"

Even Ling Tian had to smack his tongue.

To support a power shield of more than 3,000 kilometers in this environment, how strong a magnetic field level is required? How strong a power flow is required! And, what is the need? What a shocking and terrifying cultivation level!

"I don’t know when it was built here, but this shield still exists today.···Use your strength here and eat more!"

Even if it's just a rough estimate, that person's power flow is at least a thousand times stronger than the God of Destruction!

"Really don't know what to expect here."

My strong curiosity was aroused, and it is precisely because of curiosity and adventurous spirit that humans have become the masters of this planet!

Put your hand gently on the shield

"Sure enough, it has a recognition sensor. If it is not recognized correctly, it will turn me into powder if I shine it."

Since it can summon itself, it must be able to correctly identify me, and feeling the power contained in it, Ling Tian felt like he had arrived in the deep space of the universe.

"Terrible traffic, boundless."

Slowly passing through the magnetic field shield, entering the interior, it suddenly became clear!

There is no trace of water around, and it is completely isolated from the sea water outside.

"fresh air···And being able to isolate these hundreds of billions of tons of seawater, hey, is becoming more and more interesting to me."

Suddenly, the light came on, and countless houses that seemed to have stopped functioning lit up.

"Oh, are you welcoming me? Then let me unravel the mystery of this place."

Ling Tian slowly descended to the sea bed.

‘despair! '

Kicked hard, but there was no damage at all.

"···Have you hardened all the materials here with power? And I have only seen something comparable to this level of hardening."

Those with strong magnetic field power can harden materials through pressure or changing the arrangement of atoms. The power of the twenty-fifth heaven can make materials as hard as diamonds. Lingtian himself can even make things hundreds of times as hard as diamonds, but Once upon a time, Ling Tian had seen an even harder substance, which was the Hell Earring - something hardened by the ultimate power of Hell's 990,000 horses.

"Hey, something with the same hardness as the hell earrings is just a basic material here, which is an outrageous waste."

Continue to observe the city. Since you are already here, there is no need to rush, they will not run away, and you have plenty of time.

Strange but tall buildings, inexplicable mechanical equipment, hey, actually There are also automatic robots. It seems that they are responsible for the maintenance and some of the work here.

The bizarre scenery is displayed in front of you. This is not only a high-tech city, but also beautiful natural scenery that has not been seen in this era. Some animals that have long been extinct are here. Still thriving here

"Finally here, let me see what is calling me here."

Looking up, a 100-meter-tall building stands in front of Ling Tian. This is the center of the entire city.

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