Ultimate Martial Divine King

Chapter 205: Blood debt must be repaid


The violent force suddenly burst out from that Douwu platform, and the powerful impact was like the impact of the torrent and the mountains.

For a moment, heaven and earth were dim for a bit.

Circles of blue water ripples and white flames swept in all directions, and the huge water polo shrouded by Shen Junxi was violently shaking and shaking, and the interior seemed to be turbulent and disturbing.

Seeing the appearance of this scene, no one in the audience dared to scorn Long Qingyang.

The destructive power of these offensives is truly shocking.

With a horrible explosion, "......" Under the countless pairs of horrified eyes of the audience, the water polo enveloped by Shen Yunxi burst directly from the ground.

The chilling air was mixed with the chill, and the countless lines of crystal clear water were like a fireworks blooming in an instant, venting in all directions.

"Breakthrough the defense of the curse of water!"


"Long Qingyang is so amazing."


Together with the shock of the crowd, the overwhelming ossuary of the corpse was rushing toward the Shen Yunxi, which was exposed to the air ahead.

"Huh, it really surprised me." Shen Junxi's sword rose sharply, and the fierce sword-wrench walked up and down his body, and Sen Han's eyes exploded into two infiltrating lights.

"I now declare that you Qinglong Yang is qualified to be my opponent of Shen Yunxi, and you deserve to use my full power ..."

Use your full strength?


The hearts of the people were once again shocked. Immediately, the monstrous swordsman quickly gathered in Shen Yunxi's sword, and the dazzling Jinmang was dazzling as if dipped in the sun's faint light.

The next moment, Shen Yunxi Yang split his sword with his hand.


The white ossuary spirit fire is like a river cut off from it, and a sturdy sword-mongering force appears like a broken bamboo, flowing out everywhere, wherever it goes, the space trembles endlessly.

"One Yuan Cut!"

The surging power drove the whole airflow, and the rapid noise was extremely sharp.

Long Qingyang's pupils shrank tightly, and a thick dangerous breath poured in. In a hurry, he quickly blocked the blue scale halberd in front of him.


The powerful Jianmang leaned forward, and a bright light burst out. At this moment, Long Qingyang, who was almost exhausted, trembled violently, a blood spurted from his mouth, and the blue-scale halberd in his palm flew away. Out.

"Binary Slash!"

Shen Yunxi's words fell, and a sword stronger than the previous one swept again.

Chu Shen's face on Tianxing Wufu's seat changed greatly, his hands clenched into fists. Long Xuanshuang's eyebrows at Haoyue Academy were tightly frowned, and her beautiful face was full of surprise ...


The second and sharpest sword sword hit Long Qingyang's body once again, while the latter was split and flew out, a blood mark that was deeply visible across his chest was slanted from his shoulders. Eyes cracked, his face flushed suddenly ...

"Hey, it's over!" A smile of indifference appeared on Shen Junxi's face.

"Sanyuan ... Cut!"

"call out!"

The rushing wind breaking the eardrums of everyone in the audience, looking at the dazzling Jianmang that runs through the very fighting martial arts stage, like the streamer that goes back thousands of years, exuding an endless killing gas.

At the same time, Chu Chen and Long Xuanshuang had already quickly swept down from their respective audience seats.

However, the auditorium was a long way from Douwu Station, and before the two had any time to stop, the third killing Jianmang made a strong impact on Long Qingyang.


The painful screams emanated from Long Qingyang's mouth, and the second flesh-wounded wound was once again found on the other's chest.

This sword is more lethal than the previous two swords.

The audience off the court could actually see the internal organs through the **** wound.


Everyone felt that the back was cold, and with this degree of injury, the hope of survival was very slim.

The three consecutive swords directly cut Long Qingyang off the platform.

However, just one second before Long Qingyang was about to fall to the ground, Chu Chen, who was rushed, was firmly in his hands.

"Long Qingyang ..." Long Xuanshuang also reached them.

Long Qingyang was twitching and twitching violently, the blood was constantly blowing out, and his scarred hands were instantly stained.

"Quick, second sister, use your Bingxuan Qi to freeze his wound first ..." Chu Hen said quickly.

Long Xuan Shuangyu shook his hand lightly, and then released without hesitation a ray of Bingxuan Qi rushed to Long Qingyang. The latter's body continued to tremble, and the blood in the wound soon solidified.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Hen's palm moved, and a delicate red lotus flower suddenly stunned into its hands.

"That is?"

"Blood Rose Crystal Lotus?" A surprised exclaiming sound came from the field.

While Shen Xinwen at the Lingxi Wufu auditorium, a few people in Shangze saw the blood rose, their faces were full of coldness. The reason why they formed their grudges with Chu Chen is all because of this blood rose ...

However, now seeing Long Qingyang's half-dead look beaten by Shen Yunxi, their hearts are extraordinarily comfortable.

Immediately, Chu Chen crushed the blood rose crystal lotus into a ball of powder with the power of the true Yuan, and poured it into Long Qingyang's mouth. Long Qingyang, who had taken the blood rose lotus, was obviously stable, but then fell into a coma.

"Qingyang ..."

Several friends of Long Qingyang's friend Xu Chuan also ran down from the audience seat of the giant elephant Wufu.

Seeing Long Qingyang, whose breath was weak and faint, Xu Chuan was furious, pointing at Shen Yunxi on the table, saying, "The surname is Shen, you may be too cruel!"

The eyes of everyone in the audience turned to Shen Yunxi again. Except for the five deans on the north stand, the eyes of the others quietly changed.

There are prudence, fear, indignation, and more amazement ...

"It's interesting!" Wei Qingfan frowned, murmured, and sneered. "If nothing unexpected, my last opponent is probably you."

Yao Zhan let out a sigh of relief, secretly in his heart, saying, "This person is a strong opponent. If you meet him, I am afraid to be careful."


Facing Xu Chuan's question, Shen Junxi's face had a playful smile on his face.

"Oh, I said before, I'll kill him."

"You ..." Xu Chuan frowned, but refuted with no words.

Murder is allowed in the martial arts competition in the whole hospital.

After all, the sword has no eyes and everything will happen. Even if Shen Yunxi beheaded Long Qingyang on the spot, no one could hold him accountable.

In the eyes of Chu Hen, the gloom of Senhan was surging.

"The person you're targeting is me, why are you angry at others?"

"Oh, that's good!"

Shen Yunxi didn't take it for granted. He gave a slight glance at Chu marks, and then slowly walked towards the green scale halberd that Long Qingyang had just dropped on the table.

"Although Lu Shao's friendship with me has not reached the level where I can avenge him. However, you are really not worthy of this green halberd ..."

Immediately, Shen Junxi lifted his toes and kicked them gently on the blue scale halberd.


"call out……"

I saw the blue scale halberd dragging a long tail line in the air, and flew straight towards the audience seat of Lingxi Wufu. Shang Ze's eyes lighted up, and he quickly got up, firmly holding the blue scale heavy halberd in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha, thank you Brother Yunxi ..."

Shangze was so proud that the surrounding crowd was envious. You know, the blue-scale heavy halberd is a magic weapon, which makes countless people covet.

When Shang Ze put away the blue-scale heavy halberd, he did not forget to cast a contemptuous look at Chu marks.

The marks of Chu are very clear. Shen Yunxi's approach is undoubtedly telling himself that the old account in the Holy Bell City last time has not been calculated.


The atmosphere on the court seemed to be frozen and tense.

The proud arrogance and the cold chill rise from the bodies of Shen Junxi and Chu Hen respectively, and the air seems to be filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Ahem ..."

Just then, a coughing sound was transmitted from the north stand. Looking at the scene, Lu Tong estimated that there was going to be an accident, and quickly took control of the situation.

"Oh, the sixteen exciting games have finally been played. First of all, congratulations to the geniuses who broke into the top sixteen ..."

The atmosphere off the court picked up a bit, everyone turned to Lu Tong, and subconsciously swept across the players who were promoted, such as Wei Qingfan, Yao Zhan, Shao Yan, Luo Mengshang, etc.

"The first round of qualifying is almost over here. However, I believe that everyone here is very much looking forward to tomorrow's sixteen and eight matches. So, I make my own decision and that is now Announce the opponent group for tomorrow's eight games ... "


This statement immediately aroused the approval of the audience.

Each face showed a strong look of anticipation.

Lu Tong smiled. First, he turned around and looked at the deans of the five colleges, nodded slightly, and then injected the power of Zhenyuan into the water mirror next to him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Buzz ... "

In that moment, the water mirror bloomed a soft light.

The names of the sixteen promoted students above began to change positions recklessly.

"Stop!" Lu Tong sang softly.

Immediately, under the look of great expectations from everyone in the audience, the sixteen lists began to be divided into eight groups, and each two became a group ...

"Spirit Rhino, Shen Yunxi!"

Looking at the first name of the first group, everyone in the audience was a little surprised.

In the first round of the final appearance, I did not expect tomorrow to be ranked first.

Then, everyone was staring closely at the second name. When the second name was at a standstill, the whole area started a mess.


Everyone was calm, and I saw that who appeared next to Shen Yunxi's name, it was ‘Sky Star, Chu Hen’ ...


All kinds of loud noises broke out in full, and everyone couldn't help wondering whether this Lu Tong was intentional?

This is too incredible!

Shen Junxi's pupils coagulated slightly, and a cruel sneer rose in the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, Chu Hen stood up slowly, facing the right fist with Long Qingyang's blood in front of Shen Junxi ...

Everyone was stunned by Chu Hen's move.

Chu Chen stretched out his index finger, pointed at the other side, provocatively, and fully revealed ... his throat rolled gently, and he spit out a few words coldly.

"The blood debt must be repaid!"


(Thanks for the 588 reward from 'The End of the World and the Cape 1994' and the 100 reward from the 'Jun not cheap' brother !!!! My wish is that someone will give a reward every day, collect the reward of chasing coins, go to hot pot, and eat today Spicy hotpot, eat sauerkraut and fish hotpot tomorrow, and pork bone hotpot the day after tomorrow! (* ^ __ ^ *)!) (..)

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