Ultimate Martial Divine King

Chapter 206: it's me

In the evening, the brilliant sunset turned red for half the sky.

The nightlife of the Imperial City is just beginning. Compared with the hustle and bustle during the day, at night, the lights are brilliant and more prosperous.

For the first round of qualifying for the rankings that just passed during the day, the crowd was happy.

"This year's competition is really exciting. It's not worse than last year!"

"I think so, the rankings are so exciting. I can imagine the extent to which the rankings will reach."

"Tomorrow's first battle, Shen Yunxi, will really have a look at Chu Hen."

"Huh, what do you think? Even Long Qingyang was beaten by Shen Yunxi's half-dead. It's unknown whether the rescue came back. Just Chuchen's ability, will Shen Yunxi's opponent be?"

"That may be, you did not see Chu marks today, the look is like a ferocious beast. A fierce battle will definitely be inevitable tomorrow."

"Anyway, I don't think Chuchen is good, and he won't be Shen Yunxi's opponent either."

"I think so."


Just as the good people in the city are predicting the results of tomorrow's match, at this moment, Chu Chen, Long Xuanshuang, and Xu Chuan are waiting anxiously on the closed corridor of a giant Wufu house. .

The few were silent, frowning one by one, and an air of restlessness floating in the air.

"How?" A soft female voice suddenly came from the outside, but only when Chen Yu appeared at the gate of the courtyard. When she saw the three people in Chuhen, he came over and asked, "How is Brother Qingyang?"

It is not surprising that Yu Chenyu appeared here as a student of the giant elephant.

Chu Hen shook his head, his eyebrows covered with gloom.

"Don't worry, Elder Gu is the most exquisite medical doctor in our college. With him, it will be all right." Yu Chenyu just learned that Wufu's medical elder Elder Gu is treating Long Qingyang. She will come over here. Just want to see the results.

Chu Hen squeezed a smile, and nodded gently, "Huh!"

From an early age, Long Qingyang has always assumed the responsibility of his brother. Although there is no blood relationship, the friendship between the two will never be worse than that of their brother.

The reason why Long Qingyang will receive this blow this year, and trace its origins, cannot be related to Chu Hen.

After all, there is no complaint between Long Qingyang and Shen Yunxi. A large part of the reason lies with himself, which is why Chu Hen is so blame.

"Squeak ..."

Suddenly, the door behind the room opened.

The hearts of several people were all bright, and they turned around quickly. Together with the smell of acrid medicine, two middle-aged men stepped out of the room.

One of them was Yue Qing, a direct teacher of Long Qingyang and Xu Chuan.

Another person was slightly fatter, slightly older, and had a more peaceful face.

"How is Qingyang? Elder Gu?" Xu Chuan asked first.

"No more worries ..."

Listening to this sentence, everyone suddenly exhaled a long breath, tense a heart string finally was relaxed.

never mind!

Chu Mark couldn't help but stare at Dragon Xuanshuang, all reading the relaxation in the other's eyes.

"I said that there was Elder Gu, and it would be all right!" Yu Chenyu patted Chu Shen's shoulder lightly, but he was also happy.

"Hehe, the girl Yu has raised her husband too much ..." Elder Gu smiled mildly, then he looked at Chu Hen and Long Xuanshuang, and said, "Fortunately, the two of you have dealt with it in a timely manner, plus the medicinal effect of Blood Rose, Only let him retrieve his life. Otherwise, let alone the old man, even the most medically skilled people in the Imperial City will be treated. "

Chu Chen's eyes were frozen, and a cold chill flashed in his eyes.

Qi then asked, "Elder Gu, can we go in and see him?"

"It's better not to talk!" It was the instructor Yue Shan, who raised his hand slightly, and said, "Qingyang is very weak now, and it's better not to disturb him in the next few days. I will send a few students to watch him later I will let you know if anything happens. "

Chu Hen nodded gratefully. "Thank you Teacher Yueshan."

Yue Shan breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes toward Chu Hen clearly had some appreciation.

To be honest, after two or three contacts, Yue Shan has a basic understanding of Chu marks. The character of this son is not annoying.

"You two go back and adjust your rest as soon as possible! Tomorrow you will have a game." Yue Shan said to Chu Hen and Long Xuanshuang.

The qualifying round of 16 and 8 is even more difficult, especially Chu Hen. His opponent is Shen Yunxi. The strength of the latter is what everyone sees today.

Although Chu Hen's combat effectiveness is far more than the level of the ninth level of Yuanyuan Realm, anyway, his winning percentage is really small and pathetic.

"The mentor is right, you can go back to rest earlier! I will look at Qingyang here ..." Xu Chuan followed, saying.


Chu Hen clenched his fists in both hands, expressing his gratitude slightly.

Later, with the death of Xuanshuang, Yu Chenyu hesitated a little, but also left with them.


After coming out of the giant elephant Wufu, it was almost dark.

A gust of evening wind came, mixed with a cold chill.

"Do you really want to participate in tomorrow's event?" Long Xuanshuang, who had not spoken all the way, suddenly said.

Yu Chenyu, who was next to him, looked at Chu marks with amazement. Chu marks let out a deep breath, looking at the dim sky, and the silhouette of Jun Xiu faintly showed a little fortitude.


Simple and clear answer.

Long Xuanshuang's eyebrows froze, and there was a dignified look on his beautiful face. "Since you know that Shen Junxi is targeting you, why are you as stubborn as Long Qingyang?"


Chu Hen smiled indifferently, as if he didn't feel stubborn.

"You abstain tomorrow!" Long Xuanshuang said.

Chu Chen didn't answer, her eyes were gloomy.

"I don't want to see another person lying in the room in need of worry."

"I'll think about it!" Chu Hen smiled, and then he said to Yu Chenyu beside him, "We're going back to college, you can go back!"

"That ..." Yu Chenyu Mei's eyes flowed, Xiu Mei lightly said, "I can't live in the college, I want to go back to General's Mansion! It just happens to be a good way with Tianxing Wufu."

Chu Chen didn't think much, then said to Long Xuanshuang, "Then we leave first!"

Say leave alone.

Looking at the back of the two, Long Xuanshuang always seemed to be blocked by a large stone, and she could only shake her head secretly, and sighed helplessly.


People come and go on the street, especially lively.

Chu Chen and Yu Chenyu marched side by side, their shoulders touching each other from time to time.

"Well, how about we have something to eat?" Yu Chenyu said softly.

Chu Hen shook his head, at the moment he had no appetite.

"But I'm so hungry! You should go with me!"

Speaking of it, Yu Chenyu also ignored Chu Chen's disagreement, and just dragged the other's arm toward a busy street. Chu Chen was a little speechless, and the woman was a bit overbearing.

"I said Miss Chenyu, you openly hold a big man like me, aren't you afraid that others will gossip?"

"What's so scary? Isn't Yu Chenyu afraid that I can't marry if I don't get married?"

"That's true, too." Chu Hen was a little funny, and he said again, "Are you afraid of marrying? I'm afraid that your man will come to me to settle accounts in the future."

"What the hell? Wouldn't you just pull a hand? If that's the case, the man would be too careful, and Miss Ben kicked him with a kick."

Chu Chen couldn't help but was ridiculed by Yu Chenyu, and his mood improved.


"Here it is, this is the store, and the stuff is super delicious." Yu Chenyu's big eyes were shining, cute like a tortoiseshell cat.

Chu Hen smiled. In front of it was a comfortable and generously decorated restaurant with first and second floors. The bright light and thick gourmet aromas constantly flowed out from the inside, making the index finger move.

When Yu Chenyu wanted to lead Chu Hen into, a familiar and harsh voice came from the top of the second floor.

"Haha, that Dragon and Qingyang is really **** good, who is it? It's not good to dare to provoke us Brother Yunxi. This time he tried all the hardships, and dare not mess with us in the future?"

"That's right, hey ... Sister Xinwen, can the evil in your heart come out now?"

"Well, that Long Qingyang is nothing at all, tomorrow I will see my brother clean up the **** of Chu Chu, I can forget it."

"Sister Xinwen, rest assured, there is a Chu mark, even you do n’t even match your shoes to Brother Yunxi. Tomorrow you are going to watch him look pitiful when Brother Yunxi hits him on the ground and begs for mercy!"


The voice from upstairs spread to the surrounding streets. Although many people nearby were dissatisfied, they thought they were too loud, but when they heard the words "Shen Yunxi", they just dared to be angry. Speak.

Yu Chenyu's eyebrows lightened, and then he stopped in and pulled up Chu's wrist, saying, "Let's go to another one! I know there is another one that is very good."

However, Chu Chen was indifferent, Jun Xiu's face was covered with frost.

"No, we are here!"


Brightly lit second floor!

Near the balcony ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Five or six young men and women are talking about the deliciousness of a table and toasting.

"Hey, Shang Ze, your kid is taking advantage today. Brother Yunxi gave you the blue scale halberd. You don't say anything. You have to ask for this meal today." A young man squinted. Laughing, there was still envy in his tone.

Shang Ze, sitting next to Shen Xinwen, was very proud of himself. "Oh, no problem, unfortunately, Brother Yunxi must prepare for tomorrow's competition. Otherwise, I must respect him for a few glasses."

"Well, I can't figure it out, just a Chu mark, garbage-like goods, what Brother Yunxi has to prepare."

"Cut, you might look too high at that guy, right?" Shen Xinwen rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "As far as he's concerned, it's not enough to get into my brother's eyes. My brother is preparing for the next few games. . "

"I'll just say it! Hahahaha."

"Come here, let's celebrate first. Brother Yunxi will win the championship and we will surely win the championship."


Everyone was happy and raised their glasses together!

Of course, at this moment, a rushing windbreak shook everyone's heart.

what's the situation?

Everyone was shocked. Before they could react, a sharp air blade flew towards this side like an electric light. With a bang, the round table in front of everyone was split in half, the aftermath of the powerful air wave was released, and several of them fell back.

The mountain and sea food on the table, the dishes and plates, fell directly to the ground.

"Which thing is not eye-catching here?" Shang Ze scolded angrily.

The words did not fall, a young figure suddenly appeared on the balcony on the second floor.

"it's me……"(..)

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