Ultimate Martial Divine King

Chapter 207: Coming early

"it's me……"

The cold voice was as sharp and harsh as Han Mang, and Shen Xinwen, Shang Ze, Lin Hai and the others saw the people, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Chu marks!" Lin Hai's eyes sank, and he pointed at the other side, saying, "What are you doing here?"


Chu Chen sneered, his eyebrows were full of playfulness, and when his body moved, he lifted a palm and hurled towards the other side.

"You ..." Lin Hai was startled, but he did not expect the other party to do it, gnashed his teeth, and faced the opponent's palm. "Hum, it's crazy to be here."

However, when Lin Hai touched Chu Hen's powerful palm strength, he realized how big the gap was between him and the other party.

With a bang, Lin Hai felt as if he had been hit by a mountain, and flew out directly, smashing another table and chair, and a large mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

"Miscellaneous things ..." Shang Ze, on the other side, was quite furious, and his sharp sword came into his palm. Without a word, he lifted his sword toward Chu mark. "I want your life."

"Huh, how dare you stand up for it?"

Chuchen's disdain was revealed on his face, and he quickly detected it with one hand, clasped the opponent's wrist with a thunderbolt, and then moved his palm. Chu's mouth spread, Chu marks lifted his feet on the other's abdomen.


Shang Ze directly fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Immediately after that, several other people also rushed towards Chuchen, and each individual set off a strong breath.

"Chuchen little thief, don't be too blind."

"Stop it!"


"A group of wine sacks and sacks dare to speak up?"

The voice didn't fall, and an imposing overbearing momentum was released from Chu Chen's body, and the rich black halo was like a ripple air wave rising from the water surface, suddenly swinging around.

"Bang, bang!"

Together with several overlapping muffled sounds, the powerful shock wave swept away several other people. One by one, they fell around, vomiting blood, and couldn't get up.

The other guests around were already scared to hide behind.

But Shen Xinwen, who did not take any action, was furious, and she was glaring at Chu mark with anger.

"What on earth do you want to do? Chu Hen, I tell you, tomorrow you are absolutely dead, my brother will not let you go ..."


There was a heavy metal tremble in the air, and Shen Xinwen hadn't finished cursing. She felt a cold throat, and a sharp spear was already against her neck.

Shen Xinwen's whole body suddenly became cold, and there was a great panic on his face.

The breath emanating from Chu Hen at this moment was cold and scary.

"Don't dare to say one more word, I'll kill you ..." Chu Hen said in a deep voice.

Shen Xinwen shuddered and looked pale as paper.

"Chu, Chuchen, how dare you?" Lin Hai, who was rising from the ground, was extremely angry, and a pair of angry eyes stared at Chuchen fiercely.

Chu Hen sneered, his eyelids lightly, and said indifferently, "Give you half an hour, let Shen Yunxi roll over for me immediately ..."

"What did you say?" Lin Hai shook his hands with fists, his face full of surprise.

"Tell Shen Junxi that if it is not within half an hour, this gun will definitely pierce the woman's throat."


"Not rolling yet?"

Chu Chen's shouting and yelling was directly scared by several people running towards the stairs.

"Sister Xinwen, don't be afraid, I'll find Brother Yunxi here."


Immediately, Lin Hai and the other person left in a hurry, and several others were here to keep from moving. If something happens to Shen Xinwen, a few of them should not have a good life.

"Chu ..."

Before this meeting, Yu Chenyu was choked by the scene before she finished speaking. Just from a kung fu upstairs, Chu Hen made the scene so chaotic.

"What are you doing?"

"Do what I should do!" Chu Hen replied lightly, and then withdrew the pistol gun from Shen Xinwen's throat. The latter's legs softened and collapsed to the ground.

"Sister Xinwen ..." Several people in Lingxi Wufu wanted to come forward.

Of course, Chu Hen's indifferent voice once again drunk the crowd, "If anyone dares to come near her and try!"

The faces of several people changed again and again, and they immediately stepped back, and did not dare to provoke Chu marks.

"Chu Hen, let's go back! Don't make a mess, let's solve something tomorrow!"

Yu Chenyu regrets that she came here with Chu Hen. She did not expect that the party of Lingxi Wufu happened to be here, and she did not expect Chu Shen to hold Shen Xinwen here to wait for Shen Yunxi to come.

Chu Hen did not speak, but stood quietly on the balcony, looking coldly at the wide street below.

More and more people are attracted to this place.

The crowd came and went around the restaurant, whispering and whispering.

Shen Xinwen, who was paralyzed on the ground, was angry and hateful. She looked at the cold silhouette of Chu Hen, and suddenly there was an unspeakable anxiety ...

"What's going on? Am I afraid my brother will lose to him? Impossible, absolutely impossible." Shen Xinwen shook his head and scolded secretly, "Well, wait for my brother to come and see how you die? "


Time passes by every minute.

Hundreds of people had gathered on the entire street.

Just then, a strong figure suddenly attacked here.

The hearts of the people were all shocked, and the sharp sword was swept up by the wind. The next moment, a young man appeared in the street below the restaurant.

As soon as this person appeared, the surrounding crowd could not help but step back.

"Brother ..." Shen Xinwen, who was sitting next to Chu Hen, was overjoyed as if she saw a savior.

Shen Yunxi's face was covered with frost, and his gloomy eyes looked at the figure holding the spear like a sharp sword. "You just want to die?"

"Huh!" Chu Hen flirted with a sneer, his right hand clenched the magic gun and pointed at the other side, "Shen Yunxi, you and I do not have to wait until tomorrow, and sword out!"

"Ha ha ha ha." Shen Junxi laughed recklessly, and the laughter was full of irony. "Chu Chen, you are too worthy of yourself. Are you worthy to let me have a sword?"

"Hey, I hope you can laugh when you meet."

"Buzz ..."

Suddenly, a strange wave of power was released from Chu Chen's body. Together with the overbearing power of the black true elements, the inexhaustible purple spurs burst out of the body.

The bright purple awns extended like vines over the gun body.

The surrounding crowds were all horrified. The breath emitted by the Chu mark was indeed only as close as the ninth level of the Yuanyuan Realm, but the intensity of the agitation generated by its true power was far beyond his realm.

"What's happening here?"

"Good overbearing true power!"

"Is it the power of bloodline boundaries?"


Looking at the purple light and black awns lingering outside of Chu marks, Shen Yunxi's brows frowned slightly, and Morin's eyes flashed a murder.

"Since you want to die so much, why am I incomplete?"

The voice didn't fall, and Shen Yunxi condensed in the palm of his hand, and a delicate and bright plum blossom flew out. The powerful momentum whistled towards Chu marks.


Chu Mark's eyes narrowed, and his spear shot, and he broke the railing on the balcony directly.

As he jumped down, Han Gun shattered the plum blossom into powder with a subduction.

So amazing breath ...

The surrounding people were secretly shocked.

Chu Chen landed steadily, followed by a movement of his body, dancing with a three-foot spear, driving straight down, and attacking Shen Yunxi ahead.

"Huh, I don't think that if you accidentally broke into the top 16, you will be eligible to fight with me." Ya, greet the gun marks of Chu marks.


Thought that the disparity in the realm, Shen Junxi's blow was enough to shock Chu marks.

But no one had thought that the moment when the petal met the purple lance, it burst into a scattered light spot again.

And the next second, the sharp gunpoint had already reached Shen Junxi, the latter was frightened, a step on the right side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to easily avoid the offensive Chu Chu.

Then Shen Yunxi raised a palm in front of the spear and shook it away.


A circle of water ripple halo swung between the two, Chu marks a turn, and the phantom gun also completes a 360-degree rotation, and then turns towards the other side with a sweeping force.

Shen Yunxi did not expect Chu Chen's reaction speed would be so fast. Before he had enough time to occupy a favorable distance, the opponent's next offensive followed.

"Huh, I'm going to see how much you can do ..."

Facing the spear sweeping from the right, Shen Junxi actually reached out to the right palm and grabbed it.


The body of the gun collided with the palm of his hand, and the torrential force suddenly pulsated in the air. Shen Junxi felt only a numbness in his arm, and the sword-cover that covered his palm was smashed and repelled, and the spear lingering around the purple awn seemed to have great power and great power.

Shen Junxi dodged again.

But Chuchen didn't intend to give the other party any time to stabilize his body. A horrible momentum erupted in the demon gun. A dozen solid gun shadows tore the air and attacked the other as many as possible.

Faced with such a threatening attack, Shen Yunxi couldn't even care what he had just said. With a palm of his hand, he then called out a long sword ...

The long sword trembled, and a ten-meter-wide arc-shaped sword mang traversed across, hitting the powerful gun shadow on the front.


A series of sword air guns exploded in the air, and the majestic aftermath caused the surrounding crowd to recede. This level of fighting is enough to reach within 100 meters.

"Hey, this is what you said is not qualified for a sword?" Chu Hen sneered sarcastically.

Shen Junxi's face sank, killing intentions were stacked, and the endless sword force was swept over Chu marks.

"Boy, I want your life ..." (..)

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