Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Hold the grass! Shemale!

"Awful! My fortune! It's amazing for my brother!"

Xu lacked standing on the top of the mountain, looking up at the white clouds drifting in the air, listening to the system in the mind still echoing, reminding me.

The breeze blew gently, and the clothes swayed gently, looking far away, as if a master was feeling the invincible loneliness of the world.

In the next moment, a few figures passed by in the deep forest not far away, talking about what to walk.

Xu lacked a glance, and suddenly a glimpse: "Fog grass, my eyes are spent? What happened to those people? I just seem to see a guy whose head is long and diagonal, and one is a long tail."

A few figures have disappeared into the field of vision, but Xu is still very surprised. He just saw it very clearly. The figures are clearly human and they are wearing clothes, but it seems that they are not complete human beings.

"The aliens invaded the immortal world?" Xu lacked his eyes and thought about it.

Soon, he immediately brightened his eyes: "Right, I almost forgot that in addition to the Terran and the Wicked Beast, there is still a different ethnic group, but this alien is not saying that it is going to be extinct?"

He is quite puzzled. It is the memory of the original owner of the body. The aliens are actually half-human and half-devil.

They are descendants of the combination of Terran and Yaozu. They used to be very powerful. When they are born, they are human appearances. They can have some characteristics of monsters, such as keeping the horns, some keeping the tail, and some keeping the wings. .

But then the relationship between the Terran and the Wicked Beast has completely deteriorated, and the aliens are paralyzed. Both sides regard them as enemies, shouting and killing them. In the end, they can only secretly sneak into the world and rarely appear again.

Some people say that this family has become extinct, but some people have often seen their tracks in some wild mountains and mountains, all kinds of legends.

Xu did not expect that he wanted to find a remote place to carry out a robbery, but encountered a few legendary aliens in this wilderness.

"Interesting, this is the original shemale." Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and followed the past with interest.

It's not that he is interested in the shemale, but he wants to see what the sneaky aliens want to do, maybe they can make a profit!

Stepping on three thousand thunder, Xu lacked from the top of the mountain.

Soon, he approached the few aliens, only to find that the three men were repaired in the Golden Age, and all men.

One of them has two horns on the head, the other has a furry tail, and the other one is amazing. The upper body is a human and the lower body is a snake!


Xu lacked a sigh of cold breath, could not help but feel that this Nima is a human grass snake, or a snake grass people, if it is the former, then you have to admire, it is simply the second generation of Xu Xian.

At the same time, several different conversations were heard.

"This time I really have to catch a few fine-skinned children to go back, or else the king must be angry."

"Yeah! The last time I caught an old man, the king smashed into the teeth and sent it for three days, and the little six sons were ruined."

"This time is different. The King is very valued for this thunder and robbery, and he is determined to be in the position of the new demon. If we don't catch a few people, we must be disabled."

"Hurry up. I found a few children a few days ago. I often play at the lake. There is also a naughty day calling out what is going to be a king. We can start with them."

"it is good!"

After a few people finished, they accelerated their speed and rushed down the mountain.

Xu lacked to hear these, suddenly eyebrows picked.

"Rely, I thought that these aliens are good classes. I didn't expect to be like a monster, but also eat people!"

He quietly converges all the breath, following all the aliens.

Soon, I came to a lake next to the mountain.

Several aliens stopped and hid in a big tree. The snake-tailed man also slipped and sneaked into the lake.

Xu lacked slowly to the edge of the woods, his eyes swept away, and there were really a few children playing at the end of the mountain road, while running to the lake.

After a short time, they went to the edge of the lake. A child picked up a small stone and threw it into the lake, suddenly splashing a splash of water.

In the vagueness, Xu lacks as if he still heard the snaketail man crying in the lake.

"Hey, these bear children, I really want to play. But their grown-ups are really true. Actually, regardless of the management, let the children run to the lake to play like this. In case, if the flowers and plants are broken, the environment will be destroyed. What can I do?" Xu can't help but worry about the environmental protection consciousness of this world.


Just then, there was a loud noise from the lake, and a large stream of water suddenly splashed out.

"Hey, little brother, is it fun to take a rock and water? I will take you to play more fun!"

The snake-tailed man plucked out of the lake, opened his arms and smirked at several children.

Almost at the same time, two aliens hiding in the big trees by the lake also jumped down and directly blocked the retreat of several children.


"爹娘...Save me!"

A few children were suddenly scared and crying, and their noses were full of faces!

"Human children are annoying, and they stunned them quickly. Don't alarm the Terran." The man with a long horn on his head frowned.

The three men approached several children.

"Bold and enchanting, bright and sunny, dare to dare to bully children by the lake, not to stop me!"


Suddenly, with a series of lightning, Xu lacked three thousand thunder, and shouted out, swept out of the air, and fell straight into front of several people.

Several children and three aliens have a glimpse of them, staring at him.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 30 points for the value!”

Xu lacked a corner and raised his hand. He held a sturdy ruler and pointed his fingertips at three different ethnic groups. He sneered: "This road is open to me. This tree is planted by me. You are robbing the children on the site of my fried days. Does the god-carving hero Yang Guo agree?"

Obviously, this cargo is full of stuff, and now it has been changed to Yang.

However, his appearance was somewhat domineering. First, he was thunderous on the ground. He made his debut, apparently shocking three aliens.

And these three aliens saw that Xu was a monk, and suddenly his face changed and he was full of panic.

"Well, it was discovered by the Terran monks."

"We have been in the world for so many years, it is hard to be today..."

The snake-tailed male eyes suddenly stunned, and coldly said: "No, you must kill this person, otherwise the traces of our family will be leaked out, and you will suffer!"

"Old snake, you see a few people of the human race, this person is only a golden period, we can solve." The man on the head of the long horn nodded slightly, and his eyes were already murderous.

Xu lacked pleasure and shook his head. "I haven't said that I want to kill you. You want to kill me. Come on, let me give you ten tricks!"

The man with a long horn on his head suddenly grinned and said: "Oh, a big tone, we don't need you to let me, I..."


When the words were not finished, Xu lacked a sneak peek on the man's head. The two sharp corners burst into pieces, and a blood ran down the man's forehead and slowly slipped down.

The man was sluggish~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked at Xu.

Xu lacks strength and arrogance: "Look at me why! Don't you say I don't need it?"


The man’s eyes turned over and he couldn’t even catch it. He fell heavily on the ground and died on the spot!

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill the Jindan period interracial, get 50,000 experience and a golden Dan!"

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 40 points for the value!”

The system prompts the sound, and Xu’s gaze is also swept to the other two: “Come, it’s your turn, let’s say, how many tricks do you want me to make?”

The two aliens were full of horror, and they couldn’t even say anything, just turned and ran.

Xu lacked watching them not even the body, but even the legs are running hard, especially the snake-tailed man, although there is no leg, can not run slow.

Xu could not help but shook his head and turned to look at a few children: "This hero is going to catch the two bad guys, you go home quickly, don't run around, don't you know?"

"Know, thank you, God-carved heroes!" Several children chicks nodded like a glutinous rice.

"Well! Go ahead." Xu lacked a smile, and immediately raised the heavy weight, he had to chase the two aliens.

At this time, a child behind him caught up and curiously said: "God carving heroes, your carvings? Can we look at your carvings?"

Xu lacked a meal, and said: "My carving, sleeping in the pants, children can not look at it."

After that, he picked up the mysterious ruler, stepped on the lightning, and went straight to the two aliens to catch up, the back gradually became smaller...

A few children were watching, and one of them muttered: "The gods and heroes are so powerful. When I grow up, I will marry him!"

"Two eggs, you are a man."

"That... then I will marry my mother."

"Then you will kill you."

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