Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Disguised as a demon


Two interracial men rushed into the woods with madness and panicked.

The snake-tailed man gnawed his teeth and said: "Damn, when the Terran monks are so strong, they will kill the old bulls."

"This is over. After returning, Dawang will definitely not let us go." Another person was crying and sulking.


At this time, a black figure suddenly crossed in front of the two people, followed by an ink-colored giant ruler appeared in front of them, directly blocking the way.

"You two are running too slowly, and there is still a chat when you escape?" Xu lacked standing in front of the two again, faintly laughing.

The two interracial men changed their faces on the spot and trembled: "How... How could it be? How could you catch up with us!"

"How can it be impossible? Don't talk nonsense, and quickly put your head out, I will solve it with one stroke."

"The heroes are forgiving, we are also forced!" The man with a plush tail behind him immediately fell to the ground with a soft leg and cried.

Xu lacked to look at the snaketail man, smiled and said: "He has kneel down and begged for mercy, you are not jealous? It is quite a bone!"

The snake-tailed man was sullen and shook his head. "I... I want to marry, but I don't have legs, I can't keep it!"

"..." Xu lacked a mouth and suddenly pulled a hand, and the heavy weight of his hand was on the ground and said: "First answer a few questions. First, what do you mean by the thunder robbery?"

The plush tail man is busy saying: "This is the sacrifice that our family used to run for the new demon. At the same time, every tribe has participated. As long as someone attracts the most powerful power, then he is the new demon. ""

"So casual? In case there is no one to rob the day on the day of the sacrifice?" Xu lacks some doubts.

At the moment, the snake-tailed man shook his head and said: "It is impossible for no one to go to the robbery. As long as the years before the sacrifice, the people who need to rob will choose to suppress the robbery and wait until that day."

"Hey, can the robbery still be suppressed?" Xu was suddenly interested.

"Of course, as long as the self-styled strength and convergence of the atmosphere can delay the catastrophe, and after a long delay, it may call for a more powerful catastrophe!"

"Do you want to die?" Xu lacked a bit of speechlessness. Actually, it was more powerful than anyone's day. If the catastrophe is too fierce, you will be killed. When you don't say it is a demon, you can even connect with the demon. It can't be done.

"When did your robbery sacrifice begin?"

"Two days later!"

Well? Two days later?

When Xu was absent, he was bright, because his catastrophe happened to be two days later!

‘There is something to play with here. My catastrophe is a difficult mode. It’s better to go to see who’s robbing is more fierce! ’

In his heart, he looked at the two interracial men and asked: "How many people have participated in this robbery festival! What are the realms?"

The two couldn't help but look at each other and smiled bitterly: "We don't know how many people are participating, because there are many tribes involved, but this year's most promising new demon, only two."

"One is the king of our Wanhui tribe, the dragon tiger king, the other is the king of the Tianhui tribe, the nine-tailed fox! They have entered the Yuan Ying period for many years, and the precipitation has been for a long time, just for the thunder robbery two days later. !"

"Is the Yuan Yingying period complete?" Xu lacked an eyebrow and asked: "Is it only the people of the aliens who can participate in the thunder?"

"Well, yes."

"As long as half man and half demon, can you?"


"If it is a demon, it looks like a little bit like a person, can you?"

"It might work."

"Okay, let's go, don't let me see you again in the future." Xu suddenly swayed and waved, indicating that the two could go.

Two interracial men suddenly stunned, and some couldn't believe it. After looking at each other, they didn't spend a single sentence. They suddenly ran up their legs and ran. They were afraid that Xu deficiency would suddenly repent.

Xu lacked and smiled as the two went away. After they disappeared into the field of vision, they did not panic out of the three thousand thunder and followed the past.

So easy to let two aliens leave? Of course it is impossible.

Xu lacks just wants to take the opportunity to mix into their tribes, to rob a robbery, and by the way earn points to force the value.


The two interracial men ran fast along the way, and they were all walking in a remote path. There were even some traps in the middle.

But unfortunately, these two people have not practiced the laws of the French law. Xu is far behind, and it is very easy.

Soon after bypassing a few hidden holes, Xu lacked the two and went to a dense jungle.

On the jungle side, there is a barrier to the array, which looks magnificent and very simple.

And there was a horrible killing in the vague.

Xu couldn’t help but be surprised. It can be seen that this method is at least a medium-level formation.

At the same time, the two aliens outside the array did not know what to say in a low voice, and the barrier immediately opened an entrance.

Xu had not had time to see what was behind the barrier. The two aliens had already stepped in and the barrier entrance was closed.

"Interesting, it seems to be disguised."

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and took out the same item from the system package. It was the "disguise" that had been opened from the growth package for a long time.

[Disguise 傀儡]:

One hundred percent disguise the appearance of others, and imitate the realm of its realm, but the real strength does not give rise, duration: one hour. (The camouflage object is only valid for infants and the following realms.)

This thing has a total of two, but there has been no chance to use it. Now, in this case, he can pretend to be a half-man and a half-devil, silently into the aliens.

However, the limitations of disguise are very large and can only last for one hour, and the camouflage object is limited to infants and children.

Xu lacked the system immediately and asked: "System, can this disguise increase the duration? And can the disguised object be a person who does not exist in this world?"

“Hey, it is recommended that the host will disguise and synthesize it, and there will be a corresponding function after the upgrade.”


When Xu was in doubt, the system interface in front of him suddenly changed and became a fusion function interface.

There are nine spaces on the top, all arranged in a circle, and each space has a thin line connecting, and the thin line is concentrated in the middle, a slightly larger space, much like the synthetic interface of some online games. .

Xu's past life is also a game enthusiast. After reading this, you don't have to ask and know how to use it.

Immediately, he took the two camouflage shackles out of the system package and placed them in the two outermost spaces, and immediately thought of a move, shouting "synthesis"!

“Hey, do you consume 100 points of forced value synthetic camouflage?”

I rely on it, this also has money?

When Xu missed his eyes, he could still choose "Yes"!

No way, can't afford the children can't hold the wolf ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as a pre-investment!

"call out!"

In an instant, the system's synthetic interface quickly turned up, and the two camouflage turns into a blur, followed by a white light flashing, and the system's prompt tone rang.

“Hey, congratulations to the host ‘Xu deficiency’ and successfully synthesized ‘Advanced Disguise’!”

[Advanced camouflage 傀儡]:

100% disguise the appearance of others, and freely choose the momentum of the realm, but the real strength does not give rise or decrease, duration: two hours (after the end of the time, each time the consumption of 1 point can be extended for one hour!)

"Rely, the system of your profiteers, actually still engage in this secondary consumption, you are not willing to let go at 1 point, you are still people?" Xu lacked the spot to break the scene.

"Hey, this system is not human!" The system is faint.

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and couldn't help. After all... there is nothing wrong with this answer.

He re-visited the "advanced camouflage" in the package of the article. After the synthesis, it really became advanced, and the degree of freedom was also opened up. For example, you can control your own situation at any time, so that you can play the pig during the training period. If you eat tigers, you can make a baby change.

Of course, the most crucial point is that the object of camouflage has no limitations. It can be said that as long as Xu lacks willingness, even if he pretends to be a Buddha, there is no problem!

However, Xu lacks that he is not the kind of person who loves to be arrogant. He is still very humble in nature. If the Buddha is too high-profile, and seriously does not meet the goal of disguising this time, he must be like a half-man and a half-devil. .

So I don't have to think about it, Xu lacks a system to identify a camouflage object!

"System, just make me... If you come to the Buddha, the Jade Emperor Guanyin Bodhisattva will designate the Western Classical Messenger, the flower and fruit mountain curtain, the beautiful monkey king, Qitian Dasheng, Sun Wukong..."

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