Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 118: Wang Tsai Little Shantou

The white fox woman suddenly stayed.

‘This... this monkey, dare to say...’

"Smelly monkey, dead monkey, even my sister dare to play, I am fighting with you!" At this time, the red fox girl screamed and rushed up.

Xu lacked a faint stretch of his arm, and went forward, just on the head of the little red fox, and how the little fox would kick and kick, but they could not reach Xu.

"Wangzi little girl, just your little short hand and short legs, still looking for my life! I am famous for the long legs of Ouba!" Xu lacked a face and disdain.

"You...you are a stinky monkey, shameless!" Xiaohonghu was ashamed and shouted, no matter how hard he couldn’t go any further, he could only kick in the air.

"You have no chest!" Xu lacked a counterattack.

"Smelly monkey, I..."




"Dead monkey, you shut up!"

"Wang Tsai little girl!"

"You..." The little red fox was completely annoyed, and the three red plush tails behind it suddenly lit up.

The white fox woman saw it and was busy and frowning: "Enough, don't quarrel! Sister, don't make trouble. And Sun Wukong, who are you?"


When the little red fox saw the white fox woman angry, she did not dare to make a second time, and pouted a small mouth, hating the stunned Xu, and then backed away.

Xu lacked this and sorted out the clothes. He smiled and said: "In the next day, I will help Sun Wukong. I am coming here, just want to see the thunder and robbery!"

"So you came to the Dragon Tiger King?" asked the White Fox woman.

"Yes, but the attitude on his side is too bad. If you don't move, you will drive away." Xu nodded.

The two fox women suddenly felt a stiff face and some were speechless.

'have a bad attitude? Doesn't people seem to be bad for you? If you don’t say a word, you will sing, and when you sing a song, you will blow up the human form.’

The two couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the guardianship of the Wanxun tribe.

It has been ruined everywhere, white smoke everywhere, terrible, and there are several corpses in the Golden Age period, some of which are estimated to be fried and have no bones left.

More importantly, such a formation, a legacy that has not been known for many years, is gone, and this "Sun Wukong" is ruined!

Such a terrible strength is simply heart-rending!

"Let's go, since the Dragon Tiger King doesn't welcome me, then I will go to you for two days, nine-tailed fox!" Xu lacked his eyes and smiled at the White Fox woman.

The white fox woman suddenly got alert and took a step back and asked, "Do you know me?"

"I don't know, but I don't know what to do. You are a happy Yuan Ying period, and you are a fox girl. It is still so beautiful. It is in line with the identity of the Tianhui tribe king!"

Xu deficiency has already guessed it. The white fox woman has so many tails behind her. It is obviously a nine-tailed family, and it is similar to the description. The Yuan Ying period is complete and quite a bit majestic. The achievement is the king of the Tianhui tribe. In addition to the Dragon Tiger King, another person who has the opportunity to win the new demon!

The white fox woman smiled shallowly: "Since you guessed my identity, I was rude to me. You should also be a Chinese interracial person. I can cure you a law-breaking crime!"

"Da Wang, have something to say! I just didn't mean it." Xu lacked sincerity and asked for a lore, and his tone was extremely contemptuous.

The white fox woman suddenly frowned: "Sun Wukong..."

"Please call me Dasheng!" Xu lacked correction.

"..." Two fox women re-spoken.


Just then, a burst of pressure suddenly came from afar.

"Infant change period?" Xu suddenly lost.

The two fox women also changed their faces and exclaimed: "Not good, the ancestors of the Wanhui tribe came, we are leaving."

"Sun Wukong, let us go." The white fox woman looked at Xu's lack of a look, whispered.

"Please call me Dasheng!" Xu lacked the correction again, but did not hesitate to step forward to the two.

Because from the breath, this time the baby has changed at least three or four times. Although Xu is strong now, if he is dealing with three or four infants, he can only turn around and run.

Unless he now has a 30-layer murder book, he will be powerless! After all, the realm of infants is so powerful that it is too powerful!


Under the leadership of the two, Xu lacked them to drill into a dark cave, and then he immediately threw it up inside.

This is a very complicated cave with many tunnels hidden inside, some connected, and some dead, just a giant maze.

And on some stone walls, Xu lacks the faint feeling of passing light, like being banned by many people.

"Wan demon tribe has a mountain guardian as a heritage, and we also have a natural demon tribe. This cave, unless we are personally led, or has a map route and a token, otherwise it will definitely not enter." On the road, I explained a simple sentence to Xu.

"If it is so safe, what have you just ran to the door of the Wanhui tribe?" Xu shrugged his shoulders and said something that he did not agree.

Although this cave is indeed very complicated, but if he wants to crack it, the problem is not big.

The white fox woman heard a message and bitterly said: "We have traitors in our tribe, and sent maps and tokens to the Wan Yao tribe, so..."

"So you have to start with a strong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to kill the tiger king?"

"Not so. I heard that Tiger King hired a killer organization called Scorpio. I was prepared to kill me before the arrival of the robbery festival, and even blocked me from participating in the thunder and robbery!"

"Do you have these tribes with infants and ancestors? Why do you still use killers?" Xu is a little surprised.

When the red fox girl heard it, she immediately turned over and looked at Xu’s lack of attention. “Smelly monkey, you are still not our aliens, even this one does not know. The robbery sacrifice is a sacred ceremony, and every ancestor goes through The heart swears that it is not allowed to intervene, otherwise it will be destroyed by the sky."

"Oh, no way, I have been wandering outside and saving the world peace since I was a child. I almost forgot my grandson." Xu shrugged his shoulders and lie a little calmly.

The two fox girls seem to have gotten used to his eccentric character, but there is no more suspicion.

After all, from the breath and appearance, they also distinguish, Xu is the alien!

Soon, they bypassed most of the caves, and there was some light in front of them, indicating that the exit was not far away.

The white fox woman also turned to Xu Xu said: "The front is the exit, remember not to talk after going out, otherwise it will be passed to the ancestors... there will be trouble!"

"Do not worry, my person has always been not talking about chaos." Xu lacked his chest and swears.

The two women suddenly felt a stiff, speechless, and apparently did not believe that Xu was missing such a ghost.

"call out!"

Just then, the situation is starting again!

A faint cold mangling suddenly flashed, with a hint of empty voice, appeared on the side of the white fox woman.

It was a flying knife, as thin as a flap, as if it appeared from the void, very abrupt, silent, and went straight to her white neck.

The white fox woman and the red fox girl are unaware!

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