Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 119: Eat a good old grandson 1 stick!

"Be careful!"

Xu’s face suddenly changed, and he did not hesitate to wave his gold iron rod.

The two fox women also responded very quickly, and they rushed back.

It’s not that I feel the danger, but I think that Xu’s lack of skills is more important.

But this time they thought wrong...


In the dark cave, a splatter of Mars was splattered, and a flying knife was hit by a stick and entered the stone wall, and it was deeply trapped.

At the same time, five Yuan Ying masters dressed in white and wearing red masks have been killed, and Xu is missing three people in this narrow hole.

If Xu lacks this look, he will be happy. Isn't this the same group of killers as the last killer of Yanyang Princess?

"It turned out that this is the killer of Scorpio. It doesn't look so good." Xu missed the stick and leaned against the ground, smiling at the five killers.


The white fox woman and the red fox girl reacted. It turned out that Xu had just missed it. This time they are really in danger!

"I don't think you have come, the Tiger King's action is quite fast." The white fox woman's eyes were cold and he said, "However, you dare to be at the entrance of my demon tribe, is it too confident?"

"Haha, it’s said that the women of the demon fox family are all nationally fragrant, and they are born with a fascinating bone. They can all be hooked and hearty. When you see it today, it really is a well-deserved reputation."

"It’s a pity that it’s going to be fragrant and ruined."

"Since we dare to shoot at the entrance of your demon tribe, it is natural to have a full grasp to kill you. If this monkey is not smart, you are already dead." The five killers sneered, and their eyes gradually fell to Xu.

Obviously, after Xu’s shot was shot, these people could not despise him.

"I can break my life and kill the soul of the flying knife, indicating that your soul should not be simple, but fortunately your realm is only the Golden Year, otherwise our mission today may really fail." A Yuan Ying period is complete The killer stared at Xu, and smiled coldly.

"Conveyance and delivery!" Xu Xiaohe laughed, "No wonder I said how quickly I reacted a lot. It seems that the effect of this spirit is not the same."

The red fox girl suddenly turned his eyes and turned his eyes: "Dead monkeys, they are not boasting about you, you are inheriting what you are there."

The white fox woman also looked very dignified: "Sun Wukong, can not be careless, they are the elite killers of Scorpio, good at killing, even if I am the weakest of them, they may not be guaranteed to win!"

"Don't be afraid, I am a while..."

Xu did not care about waving his hand.

But when the words were not finished, they were interrupted by the white fox woman. "Wait, you listen to me, I know that your power of fire lotus is strong, but in this cave, remember not to display it, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

"Actually, I just want to say that I have just killed a dozen of them before the flowers of the bombing gang. You are watching it, I can do it later, and killing these people, I still don't need to show my Buddha's anger. Lotus!" Xu said faintly.

The two foxes were wrong.

A few killers heard it, but it was suddenly murderous.

They stared at Xu Xiao, and asked coldly: "The last time we were killed in the fire country, more than a dozen colleagues, related to you?"

"There is a little relationship. Anyway, we are going to help the people in the sky. If you don't accept it, let's fight with us to see if it is dead." Xu Xiaoxiao said.

Several killers suddenly sneered: "Oh, fried days help? I have never heard of it. I don't know anyone in the five countries. You are a little gang, dare to provoke our organization?"

"No? Isn't our fried sky help not famous enough?"

Xu lacked surprise and glared at the finger: "I will give you a thought. One of the tricks that blew up Tian Wuzong is Xu Xiao. The one who killed the **** sea gate alone is Xiao Yan. The first few people killed you and organized more than a dozen people. There are a lot of relatively low-key, such as the god-carving hero Yang, the fairy-faced demon head Wang Lin, the one-handed Ye Fan, the seven wives of Wei Xiaobao, the first generation of the master Duanmu, etc. That's right, plus me... Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The five killers suddenly laughed.

"A monkey in the Golden Age, who is not a demon, dare to call himself Qitian Dasheng?"

"We can consider letting you go to **** and go to **** only to kill the monkey!"

After the five people finished speaking, the eyes of the cold flashed, and they raised their thin, fluffy blood red short blades in their hands, directly killing Xu and the two fox women.

Their speed is extremely fast, their body is so strange, as if they sneak into the void, and they smash out from the void, erratic!

The red fox girl's cultivation is only the second floor of the Golden Dan period. It is not the opponent of this group. It is directly guarded by the white fox woman.

However, this is not useful.

For the Scorpio killer, there seems to be no one in the world who can't kill them.


A nine-layer killer of the Yuan Ying period suddenly emerged from behind the white fox woman, with a **** red and cold short blade, which went straight to the neck of the red fox girl.

"call out!"

Just then, a flying knife appeared!

It runs through the void, quietly, and incomparably appears in front of the killer.



The killer's eyes widened, the face under the mask was extremely horrified, and the words were not shouted. He was directly pierced by the flying knife and killed on the spot.

"How can it be possible to take the soul of a flying knife?"

"How come you can be my own law?"

The other four killers were shocked on the spot, and they looked at Xu's lack of sorrow. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The red fox girl escaped from the dead, but she also lost her blood, but she was also full of surprises with the white fox woman.

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill a Yuan Ying period monk, get 200,000 experience and a storage ring!"

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 40 points for the value!”

Xu Xiaoyun waved his hand in a light wind. "I forgot to tell you that I am a talented person. No matter what kind of law, I can learn it. Do you know why? Because I have a fire, come, Look here, this is it, golden!"

He pointed his finger at his slightly golden eyelids.

But in fact, this trick "sends the soul to fly the sword" is only imitated by the use of "no gods", although it can not exert its full strength, but this flying knife method is extremely demanding on the soul, to Xu now This powerful spirit, the use of this tactic to kill the soul of the flying knife, even if it can not play full strength, but also amazing power!

"Pretend to be a ghost, nonsense, first kill the monkey!"

The killer who was imitated by the flying knife became angry and sullen, and screamed and screamed with other three people to kill Xu.

With their rich murder experience, it is clear that Xu is more threatening than the highest-ranking White Fox woman, and must be removed first!

"Sun Wukong, be careful!" The white fox woman's face changed, and she came out to help.

Xu lacked a smile: "Don't come over, stay here, see how I got their life with a stick!"

When the voice fell, his eyes condensed, and the iron rod in his hand suddenly turned, and his figure jumped directly.

"It’s great to eat old grandson!"

Xu lacked a strong drink, and a stick fell to the distorted void on the left.


A killer of the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying period suddenly appeared on the ground, and was smashed into the head on the spot and burst into a **** fog.

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