Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 120: We are 1 pair of cp!


There were three exclamations at the same time in the virtual space.

The three killers were shocked on the spot and emerged from the virtual space. The figure suddenly plunged away from Xu’s lack, but his face was amazed.

A stick killed a killer in the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying period. How can this be?

How can Jindan period do this step?

The two fox women were also stunned, even though they knew that Xu had a powerful horrible fire lotus, but I did not expect that even if there was no fire lotus, Xu was still so strong.

That stick, although mixed with the power of the law, can be strong enough unless it is self-powered, otherwise it is impossible to easily explode a killer of the eight-layer infant in the Yuan Ying period!

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill a Yuan Ying period monk, get 200,000 experience and a storage ring!"

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 50 points for the value!”

"The killing of the killing sword is really easy to use!"

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth, as long as he put the full layer of killing sword on his body, the extra bonus power will always exist.

As long as you don't get hurt, this full state will not fall!

Even if the dragon has not changed, it will directly be able to turn a Yuan Ying killer into a blood mist. This extra bonus power is terrible!

Xu lacked a good mood, holding a stick of flowers, set off the theme song of the adaptation of Journey to the West: "I just turned over two mountains! I also touched a river! The killer's wife has a lot of water! Oh! Eat old Sun Yibang. Killing your hood and throwing your pants off, your legs are also shaking and chrysanthemum, and you will find a Tongtian Avenue... wide and wide..."

The two fox women all smiled and smiled. How did the monkey pick up the song again, and how could it sound strange?


"Can't continue, this monkey is not easy!"

"The mission failed, we retreat!"

The three killers were very determined. After realizing that Xu’s strength was so strange, they immediately chose to retreat.

A hit can not be missed, a thousand miles away!

This is the rule of the killer, and it is also the way to kill them. It will never cause a demon.

They are not going to let them leave.

Immediately redeem three cold iron flying knives from the system mall, and smash it into the hands, and directly pull out the "sudden life to kill the soul flying knife" approach!

"Puff puff!"

The three killers instantly fell from the darkness.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding 80 points for the value!”

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill a Yuan Ying period monk, get 200,000 experience and a storage ring!"

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill a Yuan Ying period monk, get 200,000 experience and a storage ring!"

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill a Yuan Ying period monk, get 200,000 experience and a storage ring!"

The knife was smashed and smashed, and Xu’s mind sounded at the same time.

But then, he felt a dizzy mind, as if he was feeling oxygen-deficient, dizzy, spinning around, his body swaying, almost standing still and falling!

The two fox women were still immersed in the shock, but when they saw Xu’s appearance, the white fox woman suddenly rushed forward and held him: “Sun Wukong, what happened to you?”

"I do not know either……"

Xu lacked a face and his face was dizzy.

He quickly called out the system and asked: "System, what is the state of my body? Give me automatic repair function!"

"Oh, because the host has been performing four times in a day, "the soul of the soul-killing knife", the soul of the soul is reversed, automatically weakened by 10%."

"What the hell?"

Xu lacks immediately stunned, and the soul is weakened by 10%. This Nima has to eat 10 Tiandan to make up, add up to a full 100 points!

The next moment, he saw the introduction of the law given by the system.

[Sorcerer's Soul Flying Knife]:

The middle-level method of the cultivation of the people in the magic gate, from the ancient inheritance of the residual technique, has thousands of miles to chase the soul, the powerful killing power of a knife, the stronger the soul, the greater the power! (Note: This murder is very expensive for the soul, and can only be used twice a day. If it is forcibly displayed, it will automatically weaken the soul!)

"The trough! I am dizzy!"

Xu lacked his eyes and turned it over to the white fox woman's arms.

This time, the head is unbiased in the center of the chest, immediately felt surrounded by a soft and smooth fleshy group, while a touch of scent directly to the nose and mouth!

Xu made a decision when he was absent, and continued to stun!

Immediately, I closed my eyes and directly squatted on the white fox woman, but my heart was dark.

He used to imitate this "destination to kill the soul flying knife", but also because the red fox girl is in danger, determined in a hurry, and can see its introduction in the future.

I did not expect that a Scorpio killer would have a law of the heavenly level, and it would still be intermediate.

However, from the introduction of the "Fighting Souls and Flying Souls", this law is really worthy of the heavens, and it is not a matter of law.

The only drawback is that the limit is too big and can only be applied twice a day. If forced to display, it will be the same as now, the soul of the soul is reversed, automatically weakened!

However, in general, it is not a loss. The three killers are too strange. Xu is not able to easily use the fire in such a narrow place. It is only after three thousand thunder or Liu An Lingbo pursues. Maybe one or two of them will run away.

Now it is equal to spending 100 pieces of forced value to make up for the soul, in exchange for the killer of the whole team, and learn a long-range killing method, but it does not lose, and the whole battle, even deduct 100 Clicking on the value, he also earned more than one hundred points to force it!

Thinking of this, Xu Xiao was relieved, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile, and his cheeks continued to feel the soft touch.

"Sun... Sun Wukong, you wake up... How are you?" The white fox woman was flushed at the moment, feeling the heat of the person who breathed when she was breathing. She couldn’t help but feel a little soft, but she couldn’t push Xu. Missing, for fear that he was seriously injured.

The red fox girl just came over and stunned Xu and looked at it. He suddenly exclaimed: "Sister, you are watching, this dead monkey is laughing, he is taking advantage of it."


The white fox woman suddenly slammed and suddenly pushed open Xu.

Xu lacked the shameless "Oh," a voice, supported the stone wall, "woke up" and looked at the confused eyes: "What happened to me? Where is this? What happened?"

"You..." The white fox woman was clever and snowy. When she couldn’t see Xu’s lack of garlic, she couldn’t speak at all. When she snorted, she turned and went straight to the exit.

The little red fox also screamed at Xu Xiao, and waved her little powder boxing: "Dead monkey, stinky monkey, don't think that you saved us, you can take advantage of us, my sister is a nine-tailed fox!"

"Yeah, I am still in the sky, don't you know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is Qitian Dasheng and Jiuwei Yaohu a pair of CPs in the game?"

"What is West Phi Phi?" The little red fox suddenly stunned.

"It means a couple born by nature, well, don't say it, my sister and I really love each other. You don't always break up us. Even if you occupy me, my heart won't belong to you. Goodbye. !"

After Xu’s lack of explanation, he went straight to the exit.

The little red fox stood in the same place with a confused look, and seemed to be confused by Xu’s lack of words.

After a while, she reacted abruptly, her face shy and said: "Dead monkey, you want me to serve with my sister, you dream."

However, Xu deficiency has already left the cave behind the white fox woman, otherwise he will hear the words of the little red fox, which is generally understandable, and will be surprised to say to her, the little girl has a good understanding!


Out of the cave.

What caught the eye was a vast field, and many interracial people who wore clothes but kept half-human and half-devil.

They are strange, some have a pair of huge wings behind them, some are upper body, the lower body is a horse, and most of them have horns of various mammals on their heads.

These people work in the fields, using the law, large areas of cultivated land to grow or harvest.

In the distance, there are countless small houses and smoke on the roof.

At first glance, this is almost a beautiful village isolated from the world!

"A good demon tribe!" Xu was amazed.

The white fox woman still seems to be angry, and she ignored the lack of Xu.

At this time, a pair of horns on the head, a young woman wearing simple clothes rushed over, anxiously burning: "Great king, not good, there is a problem in the alchemy room!"



[Thanks to the "Guagua" local tycoon's million coins! muah! 】

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