Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1499: They are back

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"I rely on, this has something to do with the younger sister, boy, you are heavy-hearted friends?" The two dogs were dissatisfied with their faces, yelling at Xu.

"This has nothing to do with the heavy-colored friends, but the relationship with the younger sister is gone!" Xu lacked a wave of hands, and calmed down.

Originally, he really only wanted to find someone, go to the Temple of Heaven to see if he could find out the news of the mighty.

But when I mentioned Yao Chi, Xu Xiao suddenly came up with an idea. On the boring continent of Tianzhou, it was time... to form a female group!

"Small gaps, what do you say? What kind of relationship do you have with the younger sister?" At this moment, Liu Xiaojing's sneer came.

Xu lacked a sharp look, turned his head and looked at it. Liu Yuning looked at himself like a smile, Jiang Hongyan and Zixia Fairy, also staring at himself.

Lying in the trough!

Xu’s lack of survival is bursting out: “Hey, don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean that!”

"What do you mean?" Zixia fairy asked faintly.

"It's no wonder that you have nothing to do with Yaochi, but you really remember them!" Liu Yuning also said.

"This is absolutely non-existent!" Xu lacked his face and condensed himself. Yizheng said: "Other people don't know me, can you still know? I am missing someone, except for you, I am fundamental to other women. Not interested!"

"Well?" The two dogs and Duan Jiude snorted and grabbed their chests. They took a step back with great vigilance.

Xu lacks to bother to pay attention to these two goods, and continues to shout: "Since I came to Tianzhou, I have not approached other women, even when I eat chicken wings, when I know that the chicken wings are hens, I will not eat directly. It!"


Liu Yan Ning couldn't help but laugh out loudly. He turned his eyes and did not breathe. He shook his head and said, "Well, don't tease you. Hurry and say good things. What do you want to do with Yaochi? This is stronger than those of Tiangongyuan." What is the relationship?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter, it's just a whimsy, I can profit from it, Yaochi will benefit from it, and win-win!" Xu smiled, and his heart began to look forward to it, as if he saw a large amount of large-scale loading value. Waiting for him!

"Make profit? I rub, kid, now we should have headaches for the old things in the Tiangongyuan. Do you still want to make a profit?" Duan Jiude immediately became angry.

Xu lacked a corner and said: "As long as I make a profit, when I have a headache, it will only be the old things in the Tiangongyuan!"

In fact, he is not going nowhere now.

In addition to a card he has left, he has another trump card, which is the system's free drip chance.

Even if you step back 10,000 steps, as long as you use the system's retaliation mechanism and fight for a battle, it is also possible to kill the group of strong people, but the risk is too great.

Therefore, in the absence of a last resort, Xu Xiaoyi did not want to use the two trump cards easily. After all, Xianyunzhou also had a large emperor level, and then he did not want to offend.

Then, there is another routine way to go, continue to earn value, continue to upgrade the system, upgrade its realm, and force the opponent!

And the group of little fairies in Yaochi is Xu Xiaoling’s flash of light, and he wants to earn a forced value method!

On the same day, the group made a direct departure.

Several people still maintain the costumes of disguise, cover up the atmosphere, directly take the transmission array, leave the Ziwei Xian domain, cross the Tianxiang Xianyu, and arrive at the Tianxiang City!

Although Yaochi closed the mountain gate, Tianxiang City was still half-open, but it was only a few hundred miles away from the Yaochi Holy Land. It was covered by the guardian mountain array, and the ordinary monks could not get close.

After Xu’s arrival in Tianxiang City, he did not waste time and rushed to the direction of Yaochi Holy Land.

The guardian array is definitely not necessary to destroy people's homes. A direct visit to the post, the signature "Fried Tian Gang Xu lack" is enough!

"Kid, this visit is used by people who are ceremonial. Isn't it like your style? Is it reliable? People may not see you when you see your name!" The two dogs expressed doubts about this.

"Oh, look at it, you can't come out and meet us!"

Xu shook his head and shook his hand. By the way, he waved his hand and changed all the disguised appearances back to the original appearance, but the breath still covered up.

He is very convinced that as long as the people in Yaochi are not fools, as long as they do not know that they have offended the power of the Tiangongyuan, they will definitely come to greet them.

"Erase, this God respect is not to believe this evil, five or four..." The two dogs seem to be very confident, and it is impossible for people in Yaochi to meet Xu.

However, just down to the fourth, I am preparing to shout out "three."


The mountain guards suddenly shocked and sounded a muffled sound!

"The trough!" The two dogs suddenly stayed on the spot.

The eyes of a group of people also swept into the line.

A few figures rushed in, but Yao Bai’s disciple headed by Bai Caizhen.

They did not hesitate to open the guardian array.

After a long period of time, even though Xu was once in contact with Bai Caiyu as Xu’s lack of his identity, it was a long time since Bai Caizhen’s meeting with Xu’s.

However, she still recognized the lack of Xu at first sight. After all, the excellent and good-looking people are often impressive, especially the unique suffocation of Xu’s body, which is really not something that other people can imitate. .

"Nima, this is really out!" The two dogs had no face and sighed two sentences.

"Xu Daoyou, Jiang Sheng, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

At the same time, Bai Caizhen, with a few female disciples from Yaochi, has already arrived and greeted Xu with a few people.

She still holds a flag in her hand and opens an entrance and exit on the guardian array.

The other few Yaochi female disciples have also invited Xu’s group to visit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the eyes are curious and look at Xu.

Recently, the legendary man who has been so ridiculous in the outside world is the one in front of him?

Was Xu Lao, who was resurrected in Yaochiyu Taoyuan, the father of this young man?

Several female disciples were curious and seemed to be full of interest and strangeness to Xu Xiao.

"White girl, is it good recently?" Xu Xiao also smiled and responded to Bai Cai.

As for the female disciples of Yaochi, he is very familiar, but he did not show it. He simply pretended not to know. The smiling people were led by Bai Caiqi and others to take them into the holy place of Yaochi.

"Xu Daoyou has been full of enthusiasm in recent days, and I can show my face to my Yaochi, and I am very honored to be in the Yaochi Holy Land!" Bai Caixiao smiled.

"The white girl is polite. I heard that I have a good relationship with Yaochi. I have said that I should come to visit it. I wonder if the Madonna of Yaochi is in the Holy Land?" Xu lacked a commercial smirk, a fake polite side, and appeared to be Courteous.

Bai Caizhen had a slight meal, and smiled bitterly: "Xu Daoyou is not the time to come. Our Lady has left Tianxiang Xianyu in the past few days and went to Ziwei Xianyu!"

"Oh? Go to Ziwei Xianyu?" Xu lacked some mistakes. He just made a big wave in Ziwei Xianyu. What did Madonna do this time?


Bai Caiyu hesitated a bit, or said: "In fact, it is not a secret. Xu Daoyou did not know. The Tiangongyuan strongmen who disappeared in the past, some of them are now back. They held a conference and asked all the ancestors of the forces to go. It’s just to accompany me to several ancestors in Yaochi!”

I rely on!

Xu lacked his eyes immediately, and the appearance of several people in Duan Jiude also changed slightly.

"What do they want to do at the conference?" Xu asked directly.



[The late second is sent! Continue to two more tonight! 】

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