Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: Tianzhou Tiangongyuan

"Xu Daoyou, I really don't know about this!" Bai Caiyan shook his head and said with a slight hesitation: "But... I guess it should be related to the future changes of Tianzhou, it is a big event!"

"Oh? Is it about the change of Tianzhou?" Xu lacked eyebrows and picked it up.

Although I have offended the people in the Tiangongyuan, I don’t think it is necessary for them to make such a big move. Actually, they have to dispatch the entire king of Tianzhou!

However, Bai Caiyu said this, Xu Xiao also remembered about the upcoming changes in Tianzhou.

This statement he has heard more than once, first Mo Junchen mentioned the rumors, so he came to Tianzhou with him, after Xuan Rongrong mentioned it, but unfortunately did not have time to ask in detail, the two were blamed and scattered.

Later, it is the neon fairy and the goddess of the demon temple in Tianzhu City. Two Xianzun strongmen from Xianyunzhou also mentioned this matter, and also prevented Xu’s lack of killing those immortals. He is destroying the fighting power of Tianzhou!

However, Xu did not care about this at the time. He did not hesitate to kill the ten kings, and then returned to Ziwei Xianyu, killing three more.

Now, he heard Bai Caizhen mention this matter, and his heart couldn’t help but sigh. It’s hard to be the day of change of Tianzhou. Is it really coming?

"Xu Daoyou does not need to worry, this matter is only my guess. I have heard a few words from the mouth of the Virgin in the past, which does not necessarily mean that Tianzhou will change." Bai Cai sees Xu lack of color and dignified, thoughtfully, I couldn’t help but laugh: "But even if there is a real change, there are those predecessors in the Tiangongyuan. Why do we have to be so worried!"

"Well, this is also true!" Xu nodded unsatisfactorily, and said a word.

Bai Caizhen is obviously a person who knows less than him, but he is very sure that Tianzhou will definitely change.

How it will change, he can basically guess, nothing more than the shackles of Tianzhou, the return of Dizhou and Xuan Huangzhou, and the integration of Tianzhou, but at the same time they will face countless forces outside of Tianzhou.

After all, it was said that Tianzhou was just a canoe, but many people wanted and wanted to go to the boat.

"Xu Daoyou, I have been able to meet again after so many years. I am quite emotional and happy, but there is a saying, I feel that I have to remind you on the position of a friend!" At this time, Bai Caiyu suddenly stopped and looked calm. Seriously looking to Xu lack.

This makes Xu lack a glimpse: "Remind me what?"

"In fact, we have heard about your strength. You can kill the strong king in the Da Luo Xianjing. I am afraid that you are the first person in history, but you must remember that you must not offend those in the Tiangongyuan!" Bai Caizhen seriously shouted.

This is not her casual mention, but to see Xu deficiency, she remembered Xu lack of him, the feeling that two people gave her, is full of anger and jealousy.

Xu lacked how many people he had sinned in the past, and now he is suffering from Xu. Although the strength of this cargo can ignore any forces in Tianzhou, the power of Tiangongyuan has already appeared. Bai Caizhen thinks it is necessary to remind him that this guy is not allowed. I really offended the big guys.

"Haha, the white girl said that she is heavy, and does not say that I am weak and quiet, and never actively contradicts people. But if I really offend the Tiangongyuan, I am not afraid of it. Three heads and six arms?" Xu lacked a smile and was confident.

He is avoiding the strongmen in the Tiangongyuan because he feels a little thing, there is no need to make trouble with the two cards in his hand. It is too wasteful, not really afraid of the group.

However, Bai Cai’s words are a bitter smile: “Xu Daoyou does not know. Now there are the strongmen of the Tiangongyuan. Although the realm is also the Xianwang and Xianzun, this is far from the true strength of the Tiangongyuan!”

Speaking of this, Bai Caizhen sighed slightly, his eyes flickered, with emotion and fear: "Many people have heard of the Tiangongyuan because of the existence of the Tiangong Academy, and because of the Tiangong Academy, everyone imagined the Tiangong of that year. How strong is the hospital, but after all, everyone underestimated the Tiangongyuan in the heyday of that year!"

"According to the ancestor of the Xianwang of my Yaochi, some ancient books have been lost, so no one knows how strong the Tiangongyuan was, but she remembers very clearly. The Tiangongyuan in its heyday, sitting on thousands of cents Wang, Baida Xianzun, among which ten Xianzun's strength is extremely powerful, ranking among the peaks. And further up, there are ten great emperors sitting in the Tiangongyuan, and the strength of the dean, there have been rumors that it is the Emperor On the existence."

After the completion of Bai Caizhen, Xu could not help but widen his eyes. Several people of Zixia Fairy were also surprised.

The Tiangongyuan in its heyday was so terrible?

Ten emperors, and even the existence of the emperor?

Isn't this even more powerful than Xianyuanzhou?

"Hold the grass, is this too powerful?" the two dogs exclaimed.

Bai Cai smiled and said: "So the Tiangongyuan of that year, everyone only called it Tiangong, and the name Tianzhou is also named because of the Tiangongyuan!"

"What? The name of Tianzhou is from Tiangongyuan?" Mo Junchen was the first to be surprised. After all, he was a native of the continent, and he was very impressed by Tianzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but did not expect Tianzhou The name has actually had such a history.

A force that can make the whole continent famous for it, it is indeed a very powerful existence!

"Yes, the Tianzhou of that year actually belongs to the Tiangongyuan. Whether it is Ziwei Xianyu or Tianxiang Xianyu, it did not exist in the same year, but it was divided into ten peaks, and it was ruled by the ten sages! In the long history of the long years, the top ten peaks changed and gradually evolved into today's fourteenth fairyland!” Bai Caiyu said.

These things are all known from the mouth of the ancestor of the ancestor of Yaochi. At that time, her expression and the shock level in her heart were similar to those of Mo Junchen and Duan Jiude.

Many people know that Tiangongyuan was very strong in the past, but after knowing how strong they are, they found that they really underestimated them!

Looking at the appearance of Mo Junchen and Duan Jiude, Bai Caiyi smiled slightly.

Just looking at Xu's lack of time, she couldn't help but see.

After Xu’s lack of listening, there was no shock at all. The face was extremely dignified, like a big enemy!

"Xu Daoyou, what's wrong with you?" Bai Cai asked.

"Nothing, that is, the responsibility of maintaining world peace is even more difficult!" Xu sighed and was a little embarrassed.

Bai Caizhen was shocked at once: "Xu Daoyou, don't mess around, once you offend the Tiangongyuan, the consequences will be very serious."

"Oh!" Xu smiled. "When can I hear the world say that once you offend the squad, the consequences will be more serious? OK, don't say it, go in, I have something big to want to talk to you. Discuss it!"

After that, Xu swayed his hand and took the lead to step into the holy place of Yaochi.

A few people in the white color are still in the same place. What does this guy mean just now?

Offended the squad, the consequences are more serious?



[First! 】

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