Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1504: Taiyi Tianshi

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All the way forward, the stone steps of the white jade paved, always filled with a quaint atmosphere.

It seems that because it has been dusty for many years, people are soaked, this place is particularly quiet, even if it is known that there are already people, it also gives people a sense of paradise, empty feeling!

"It's really a good place!" Xu could not help but sigh.

In such a place, it is surprisingly refreshing, and the whole person has entered a state of relaxation, very ethereal.

Here, one flower and one wood, one sand and one stone, are like independent individuals. When you see a tree casually, you will feel its past and present life, and it is full of traces.

"Where the emperor has stayed, it will be like this, and all creatures will be submerged!" Zixia Fairy looked around and gently nodded.

Such a place has already been seen in Xianyuanzhou.

Even rumors, the realm above the Emperor, the land touched by the feet, will grow grass, and the gods travel, one step, even the desert, will instantly become a hundred miles of grassland, ten miles to bloom!

"Two, the election ceremony soon began, please move forward as soon as possible!" At this moment, the deep voice came from above.

Xu Wei and Zixia Fairy look at each other, silently marching forward, stepping on the top of the jade steps.

At first glance, there are tens of thousands of monks' squads. Everyone is surrounded by an empty dojo platform. No one is close to the center of the dojo. It seems to be isolated by an invisible ban.

The empty dojo center has a boulder with a height of tens of meters, which is white, crystal clear and radiant.

Even if there is a ban on the blockade, I can still feel the kind of Tianwei that is filled with this boulder!

"This... how is it possible?" Xu suddenly changed his face and was a little weird.

"What's wrong?" Zixia Fairy looked at Xu Xiao, asked.

Xu lacked his brow and said: "This boulder is exactly the same as my Taiyi Tianshu. No, accurately, this boulder is simply Taiyi Tianshu, and it is a hundred times bigger!"

After listening to the Zixia Fairy, she suddenly showed the color of surprise.

She also heard that the person chosen by the day has a Taiyi Tianshu, but she has never seen a real heavenly person, let alone a Taiyi Tianshu. At this moment, I heard Xu Xiao said that the boulder is also Taiyi Tianshu. Can't help but be surprised.

However, Xu’s heart is even more stunned. I have never thought that this place has actually hidden such a huge “Taiyi Tianshu”. At first glance, it is a huge stone. In front of this megalith, his own Taiyi Tianshu is simply a big witch. It is.


At this time, a deafening metal knocking sounded and the snoring sounded round.

The conversations of all the monks outside the Taoist field stopped instantly, and Xu Xiao and Zixia Fairy also looked ahead.

On the top of the hill opposite the dojo, there were a few figures, there were men and women, old and young, and there was a strong momentum on the body, which was extremely majestic and shocking.

One of the white women, Xu Xiao also recognized it, the woman who was previously seen in the cave, Xuanyuanhong!

"Sure enough, these people have come out, five immortals, one fairy, where are the other people hiding?" Xu lacked a face and whispered.

The Tiangongyuan who was in the cave before, can be far more than that!

Many monks and even the ancestors of the celestial kings from all major forces also bowed their knees and made a gesture of the lower class, bowing their heads.

The same is the king of Xian, but in front of the Xianwang and Xianzun of the Tiangongyuan, they dare not treat them as their peers.

According to the age, the talents of the Tiangongyuan are truly ancient people. Their strengths are unpredictable. The ancestors of the great kings of the great powers have discovered amazingly that their breath is far less than any fairy king of the Tiangongyuan!

"These are the real kings and fairy statues!" Xu missed the voice of Zixia fairy.

She whispered: "The aura of that period is incomparable to that of the later period. The realm of those people in the Tiangongyuan is much stronger than the realm of all the monks now. The immortality is concealed to an unimaginable degree, and it has been such a long time. The precipitation, these fairy kings are only half a step away from the fairyland, and those immortal environments are only one way away from the emperor's realm!"

"I see it!" Xu nodded.

The momentum of Xuanyuanhong and several other emperors is obviously much stronger than the two Li Xianqi and Shengzong who were met before. Although they are also the king of the kingdom, the two sides are not a layer of existence.

The words of Zixia Fairy, let Xu Xiao understand the reasons.

This is like an ordinary person who eats natural ingredients from a young age, breathes fresh air, and eats all kinds of waste oil and junk food from an early age. He grows up in the haze, and at the same age, his constitution will be different.

Excluding certain special cases, in normal terms, the former must be physically and mentally ill, and the latter is mostly frail and sick.

The strong people in the Tiangongyuan are physically weak and sick!

"You can come here, I must have received the news from my Tiangongyuan. The Tianzhou shackles are about to disappear. Countless foreign enemies have already looked at me in Tianzhou. For many years, Tianzhou will have a great disaster. I am waiting for Tianzhou. People should work together to defend against foreign enemies and defend their homeland..."

At this time, a middle-aged fairy king on the top of the mountain walked out and began to speak out loudly.

They didn't even introduce themselves, and they didn't know the information and the origin of everyone present, so they started from scratch.

No one can dare to disagree, and they listen to each other and always maintain a respectful attitude.

In those people, Xu Xiao also saw Yaochi's sacred white sable, and a group of female disciples in Yaochi. They all stood behind several white-haired old cockroaches in the fairy kingdom and looked down.

The people of Shadow Buddhism also came. Xu Xiao saw Ji Wuyun and the family of Jijia, who were also standing behind several old emperors.

"Well, the time has come, the day of the election ceremony officially begins. The boulder that you see in front of you is the Taiyi Tianshi, all the heavens above the fairyland, the king of the fairy kingdom, the release of the gods and other gods, try to be with Taiyi Tianshi is connected, this process will last for three days, and before the end of the announcement, Er et al. can always try!"

At this time, the middle-aged man had finished the opening remarks, and by the way announced the beginning of the grand election ceremony, let everyone release the knowledge.

This sloppy development, and the name of the "natural selection ceremony", seems to be very different, so many people have some reaction.

"It’s not a predecessor of the Tiangongyuan. It’s a resolute and unrestrained form. It’s really a place where I should learn. Well, I send my disciples, listen to the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan, release the knowledge quickly, and communicate with Taiyi Tianshi!” An old man from a sect was immediately flattered and urged his disciples to start.

A sect, if it is a person who can choose a heavenly election, will be the glory and glory of the supreme, and may even rise. The people chosen by the Tiangongyuan are enough to make the entire sect of the sect.

At the same time, the top of the hill opposite the dojo.

Several strongmen of the Tiangongyuan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all faceless, watching a monk in the dojo sitting outside the dojo, trying to communicate with Taiyi Tianshi!

The middle-aged man who spoke, with a trace of intolerance and disgust on his face.

"Without these wastes, can you really have a good person?" He shook his head.

Xuanyuanhong sneered aloud: "If none of my Tiangongyuan is available, if the non-elected person can open the door to Tianzhou and enter the domain of God, it will not find such a group of people!"

"Oh, unfortunately, when we finally cultivated Xuan Rongrong, we managed to escape from control. Now I don't know whether it is life or death, no news." An old man sighed, quite sorry.

"Oh, I have already said that the monk city is quite deep, but you think you can control her. As a result, she cultivated into the fairyland, and also stole the secrets of the Emperor and cracked the dean in her god. The imprint left in the knowledge, go far and high." Xuanyuan red said this, the eyes still appear full of murder.

"Oh, don't mention it. If today's continent is not locked for ten days, it will begin to dissipate. We only have to control the new people who have chosen the day before, and we will have a foothold. When several deans wake up, Tianzhou Still ours!" Another person sighed and said calmly.

Later, several people stopped talking, standing on one side and watching the movement on the dojo.

Xu Xiao and Zixia Fairy have also come to the dojo and squeezed into the crowd.

Many people have already sat down and released their knowledge.

But most people's knowledge can't pass through that layer of ban, let alone communicate with Taiyi Tianshi.

"It's a bit interesting. Now I can figure out what the so-called people in the election are, what is the matter!" Xu was staring at the Taiyi Tianshi, and his mouth could not help but raise a smile, whispering to the Zixia fairy. Road.



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