Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1505: The person of the day

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Taiyi Tianshi, containing a lot of energy, is higher than Xianyuan, similar to Tianwei, but in fact it is the divine power of the gods!

This is the result of the system identification. Xu lacks even knows from it that the Taiyi Tianshu in his hand is also from this Taiyi Tianshi, which is part of it falling off from above!

Therefore, he can basically confirm that this so-called natural selection ceremony is actually a person who chooses the gods to communicate with Taiyi Tianshi and who has a piece of Taiyi Tianshu from above.

Such a person is also known as the person of the election.

However, according to the judgment of the system, if you want to know God and communicate with Taiyi Tianshi, you must be qualified, and you will be able to withstand the power of God.

Such people are indeed nothing in the world and rarely exist.

Xu deficiency itself was forced into the Taiyi Tianshu by Xuanyuan Rong, and was forced to become the person of the election. Therefore, it is not difficult to connect the gods with Taiyi Tianshi, but to obtain another copy of Taiyi from above. The book of heaven is basically impossible!

However, these do not matter, Xu lack of this overcoming, not at all for the sake of Taiyi Tianshu, purely want to engage in destruction, to avoid the emergence of new candidates.

Zixia Fairy’s words woke him up. The people of the heavens had nothing to do with the safety of Tianzhou. The Tiangongyuan was eager to hold the grand election ceremony. It was completely intended to control the people in the election and avoid being taken away by other external forces. The control of Tianzhou.

"Hey, what do you think is the time to destroy it?" Xu looked at it for a while, then turned to look at the Zixia fairy, and asked.

Zixia Fairy is very calm, whispered: "No need to worry, wait and see, if there is no person in the election, the day after the election of the day will end, we do not need to take risks, you can leave!"

"I am afraid that I will not be able to support the third day. Although they have not checked our identity just now, but now you see it yourself, some people have begun to conduct a gradual investigation, as if they have found someone in a targeted manner." Smile bitterly.

Among the crowds, it has been seen that several monks are holding small books and determining the identity and appearance of the disciples of each party to the elders of each power.

The monks who are responsible for doing this are all dressed in white, and the chest is embroidered with two characters, "Sheng Zong", which is obviously a saint.

"I am afraid that the people in the Tiangongyuan nodded their consent. Otherwise, the saints did not dare to do this, nor did they have this qualification." Zixia Fairy whispered, and the eyebrows were slightly stunned: "If you didn't guess wrong, the holy sect should rely on it." Tiangongyuan, and want to search for people who have no bangs!"

"Oh, I guess most of the same, or how the Heavenly Palace may let the people of the Holy Family go here. The key is that the ancestors of the great kings, who dare to ignore the saints, obviously have problems. !! Xu lacked a corner and smiled.

He does not worry that he will be seen through his true identity. After all, his ecstasy is still very advanced, enough to cross the sea, no one can see the clue.

But the question is, once the group asks their origins, how can they answer?

After all, if you receive the invitation of the grand election ceremony, all of them are big, medium and small forces with heads and faces. If you just report a force, you will feel strange when you hear it. If you look at it immediately, you will definitely notice it for three days. It will be inevitable at that time. It must be checked again.

Thinking of this, Xu lacked touch and touched his chin, but suddenly there came a saintly disciple, and he directly looked at Zixia Xianzi: "This predecessor, in the lower Shengzong disciple Mei Jixin, was accepted by the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan. Commanded, come to register all the information of the participants in the election ceremony, I wonder if the seniors can tell the name of your power and the information of the disciples under the door?"

Rub, come so soon?

When Xu was absent, he picked up his eyebrows.

Zixia Fairy also frowned slightly, opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Xu lacked the first step to open the door: "It turned out that there is no memory of friends, long-awaited for a long time, and the name is Mei in the lower, the number is Xia, the person said nothing!"

The Shengzong disciple is a glimpse, and he is surprised to see Xu: "This friend, you are in line with the conditions for participating in the election ceremony, why haven't you started yet? And... have you heard of me?"

At this moment, all the heavens on the field, the monks under the king of the king, have basically opened their minds, trying to communicate with Taiyi Tianshi.

Therefore, these holy disciples did not bother to intervene. They could only find the seniors above the king of Xian and the king of the fairy kings. So when Mei Jixin came over, he directly asked Zixia Fairy, but did not expect that Xu suddenly suddenly spoke out. .

"Haha, don't pay attention to these details. To be honest, I have never heard of Mei Daoyou, but the name of Shengzong is as good as it is. I can see the disciples of the saints today. It is a great honor!" Xu missed a haha, drowning fish A 瞎 BB.

Mei Jixin also heard some reaction, and subconsciously smiled: "Daoyou praised, praised!"

"How can I praise it? I said that it is all the words of the heart. Mei Daoyou joined the Shengzong. Now he is valued by the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan. It is responsible for recording our information, which proves that the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan trust. Mei Daoyou, this is a rare opportunity!" Xu lacks the state of the hype-like dog ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ once again 瞎 BB.

Mei Jixin was a bit stunned this time, although he knew that this errand could not be remembered by the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan. It can be seen that Xu’s face is full of envious expression, and Mei Jixin can’t help but vanity. Burst.

"Dao You is really a prize! I don't know what my friends are doing?" Mei Jixin smiled, but did not forget the business, once again asked Xu's sect.

Xu's lack of smile on his face suddenly became a stalemate. How is the memory still so good?

"Dao You?" Mei Jixin looked at Xu deficiency and began to doubt.

Xu lacks a slight smile: "Fried Tian Bang!"

"What?" Mei Jixin suddenly changed his face, showing the color of horror.

Xu lacks to continue: "Feng Tian help not wear a day!"

"Ah?" Mei Jixin stunned for a moment.

Do you want to wear the sky?

He seems to have reacted, his look is slow, he breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled bitterly: "Daoyou, if you don't talk with you, you still pause. I almost thought you were a tyrant. You can not only bombard the sky here. Helping us not to wear the sky, our holy sage and the smashing gang are the real ones!"

"Is it?" Xu lacked a smile and said something.

"This is of course, but the Taoist friends still rushed to the sect. It has to go down..." Mei Jixin nodded and continued to turn to the topic.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded on the dojo, disturbing everyone.

I saw the barrier on the dojo flashing. A figure was sucked in and fell directly in front of the Taiyi Tianshi. At the same time, a beam of light appeared on the Taiyi Tianshi, covering the figure.

The person chosen by the day has appeared?

Everyone, including Xu, is shocked!



[Congratulations IG lost the runner-up, tearful crown! IG Niubi! 】

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