Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1506: Surprise?

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Almost at the same time, there was a whisper on the top of the hill opposite the dojo.

Several people in the Tiangongyuan were alarmed and stood up and looked straight.

"Is it selected by Taiyi Tianshi so quickly?" Xuanyuanhong was surprised.

"Oh, I can't think of it! After so many years, there are still such qualified talents appearing, not much weaker than the Xuanyuan Rong of that year!" The old man of Xianwangjing smiled a little, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Hey, this selected young man seems to be the little lord of the sage, and it is said to be the birthplace god." Another person said.

"Dora tire body? No wonder!"

"There is such a constitution, it is selected by Taiyi Tianshi, but it is normal!"

"It is true that the physical condition is dominant, and the chance of being selected is much greater. However, this son can be selected by Taiyi Tianshi so quickly, which is enough to prove that his qualifications are excellent." The rest of the people are stunned.

Xuanyuan Red nodded: "As a result, there is no need to continue this day's election ceremony. Even if there are other people in the election, the qualifications are not as good as the birthplace. It is better to choose this person!"

"Ran!" The rest of the group nodded and agreed.

At the moment, the edge of the dojo.

Xu lacked a look of sorrow, did not expect to be escaped from the Tiangong Academy, did not have time to clean up the road to the body of the gods Ming Yi Xuan, actually was selected by Taiyi Tianshi.

This special thing can be a big deal!

"You, the people of the day have already appeared, this seat announced that the election of the heavens will end here..." On the top of the mountain, a deep and indifferent voice sounded.

Xu Wei just listened to half, and suddenly the eyebrows picked.

Is this going to end?

Mom sells the batch, what about it? This sacred sacred has not yet shot!


He instantly opened his mind, and the Taiyi Tianshu on his body suddenly shook, giving off a breath, and with the majestic knowledge, flocked to Taiyi Tianshi.


The next moment, before the end of the sound on the top of the mountain, a huge drag suddenly swept over Xu's body, followed by only listening to the "bang", the barrier on the dojo flashed again.

Xu lacked the whole person to be immediately removed from the original place, and also appeared in front of Taiyi Tianshi, covered by a beam of light.


In an instant, many people in the audience were in awe.

This is only a matter of time, there are two people in the world.


On the top of the hill opposite the Taoist Temple, Xuanyuan Red also had a few faces, and some were wrong.

But that's all. Even if I haven't seen this situation, it's not enough to alarm them for a long time.

"It seems that we have a good luck this time. The two selected people are selected at a good speed. So far there is no more than half an hour." The old man of Tiangongyuan took a beard and laughed.

"Alright, there is a better qualified person in the election. The chances of getting through the robbery are much bigger!" Xuanyuan red nodded.

"Hey, let them choose two women with superior qualifications, use the silkworms, and cook the rice, and they can cook the rice, and they will pass through the sea safely! But the result depends on who can end the love and become the first. The real winner!” The old man smiled faintly: “As for being slow, it’s just that he’s not lucky!”


At this time, in the dojo, Taiyi Tianshi uploaded a crisp sound, and Tianshi seemed to have broken a corner.

Everyone heard the prestige, and a rectangular stone tablet of the size of a palm fell off on the Taiyi Tianshi, and fell directly to the front of the birthplace.

Ming Yixuan also opened his eyes, his eyes full of arrogance and self-confidence, magnificent, and a flat stone monument.


Almost at the same time, there was a burst of noise in his ear, and a black shadow was flying toward him.

"Who?" Ming Yixuan sighed and took a shot.


However, he failed to repel his opponent. Instead, he felt an earth-shattering force, shattered his own palm and shocked himself.

"Da Luo Jinxian?"

Ming Yixuan was shocked and shocked.

"Let's go, stop."

In the air, there was a sigh of anger.

Xuanyuanhong and the strongmen of several Tiangongyuan have already swept from the top of the mountain and rushed to the dojo.

Among them, the strong and strong, even the moment to release a huge pressure, through the dojo ban, flocked to the sneak attacker Xu deficiency.


Xu Weiben wanted to continue to kill Ming Yixuan and annihilate him in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, the power of the immortal strong man was so horrible, such as a giant fist, squatting on his chest and shaking him back. A few steps.

"carry on!"

Suddenly, the voice of Zixia Fairy came.

Xu deficiency has not had time to react, the pressure of the immortal strong man was actually smashed by a sudden Huimeng, is the Zixia fairy, and force the fairyland!

"Well? So strong... Who are you?" The fairy statue was shocked and his eyes swept to the Zixia fairy, and asked with a frown.

"Killing you!" Zixia fairy indifferent, the huge pressure once again swept out, and the strong and continued to be hard.

"Oh, a little awkward, but I like it!"

Xu lacked a smile, his feet stepped into the void, and his body shape swept to Ming Yixuan as a ghost.

Zixia Fairy can at least drag the Xianzunqiang for a few moments, he must quickly kill Ming Yixuan, prevent the goods from becoming a person of the day after the election, or else it will be his turn to Xuanyuan Rong died.

However, Xu’s idea is still frustrated!

The immortal strong man was temporarily dragged by Zixia Fairy, but the pressure of Xuanyuan Red's several immortal kings was already shrinking.

Although it is not as strong as the immortal environment, it can also affect the speed and strength of Xu deficiency, and even the strength of 30% is difficult to play.

"Damn, this group of troublesome ghosts, I knew that I would let the two dogs come with Duan Jiude!"

Xu lacks the gas to bite his teeth, immediately calls out the system interface, ready to open the retaliation mechanism to increase strength.


Suddenly, Taiyi Tianshi suddenly shocked and a muffled sound came out.

Xu Tai’s book, which was hidden in his body, flew out on his own and was pulled to Taiyi Tianshi a little bit.

"Taiyi Tianshu?" Xuanyuanhong immediately exclaimed, unbelievable.

Everyone in the room also faltered. Everyone did not see that Xu was demarcated by Taiyi Tianshi, but Xu’s body was actually flying out of Taiyi’s book.

What does this mean?

"This guy has long been the chosen person!" The old man of the Tiangongyuan was shocked.

"How is this possible? For many years, Taiyi Tianshi has been kept by me, and there is only Xuan Rongrong in the world. It is a man of heaven. Who is this guy from..." Another strong speaker of the Tiangongyuan Just said half, suddenly stopped.

The other powerful members of the Tiangongyuan were also silent.

They already know the answer. The only possibility is that Xuanyuan Rong has made this young man a Taoist and made him a good person.

"Oh, that little monk is still alive!" Xuanyuan red eyes chilled, coldly smiled: "But... her eyes are not so good, thousands of choices, have chosen such a waste? Now even Taiyi Tianshi must take away Taiyi Tianshu and cancel his identity as a natural person!"



The lack of Xu in the dojo, after hearing the words of Xuanyuanhong, was a bit dumbfounded.

This Taiyi Tianshi is to take away the Taiyi Tianshu and cancel the identity of his chosen person.

In this way, as long as Taiyi Tianshu was taken away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is the person of the election, it has nothing to do with himself?

Hahaha, it’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes!

"The birthplace of the birthplace, you can come out, do not care about the waste! To be recovered, the person will be destroyed by the heavens!" At the same time, Xuanyuan Red looked to Ming Yixuan, Shen Sheng ordered.

Followed by her, her mouth also raised a cold smile: "This person is dead, Xuan Rongrong that small monk will also die, it is really a stone two birds to the door!"

"I rely!"

Xu lacks the excitement of the excitement, and the moment, like a burst of fire, has been ruined by a basin of cold water.

I dare to spend a long time, lost Taiyi Tianshu, and I have to die?

Mom sells the batch, then I still play a chicken!

Xu lacked a big hand and tried to catch the stone monument that drifted to Taiyi Tianshi.

"Oh, it depends on you, what qualifications are the people of the day?" At this moment, a cold voice came.

Ming Yixuan did not escape, but instead directly killed Xu Xuan, trying to prevent Xu from recapture Taiyi Tianshu.

"Hey, are you still dare to come?" Xu was short of breath, this little spicy chicken, daring fat!

"Oh, although you are a big Luo Jinxian, the realm is higher than me, but you are now suppressed by several predecessors of the immortal king, I don't believe you can still be my opponent!" Ming Yixuan is full of confidence, very proud, and sacrificed a handle Lee sword, squatting to Xu.

"Hey, then I might want to show you a surprise..." Xu lacked a laugh and made a move. He dismissed the disguise effect and directly revealed the true face. He smiled at Ming Yixuan and continued: "How? It’s a surprise, it’s not a surprise, it’s not an accident, is it unhappy?”

"You... Xu... Xu is missing?" Ming Yixuan's face suddenly changed dramatically, and he was screaming with horror!



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