Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1507: Just by you?

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Xu lack?

Countless people in the audience instantly widened their eyes and looked away.

How come this cargo is coming? Do things?

"This..." Yaochi's holy woman, Bai Cai, looked awkward.

Previously, she tried to invite Xu Xiaotong to come together in Yaochi. It was because the Tiangongyuan secretly ordered the pursuit of Xu deficiency. As a result, Xu lacked it, so she did not stay strong. She planned to close her eyes and ordered Yaochi’s interior. Do not reveal traces of Xu deficiency.

But now, this guy has ran over himself, and he still reveals his identity. What is the difference between this and death?


Xuanyuan Red also looked sad and murderous on the spot.

Xu lacked to wake them up in advance, and this made them angry, the key is that the goods are still in the Dongfu, did not do anything else, they took away her apron, it is not as good as a beast!

"It is this person, let us wake up in the past 100 years?" The old man of Tiangongyuan looked cold and stared at Xu, and asked quietly.

"It's him!" Xuanyuan red nodded coldly.

"Then he **** it!" The old man in the Tiangongyuan pressed his voice, and the murderousness also filled out.

For a hundred years, for those who are in their realm, they can only count between the fingers.

But this nearly a hundred years, but it is very crucial, is their final precipitation, until the Tianzhou shackles naturally collapse, they wake up, everyone's realm can be broken.

The problem is that Xu lacks to wake them up in advance, and after they wake up, the realm is still stuck on the threshold and cannot really cross the past.

Moreover, because of their emergence of the fairy kingdom and the immortality, the disintegration of the Tianzhou shackles has accelerated, shrinking from a few hundred years to a few dozen days.

Therefore, all this hate, it is certainly a logical lock on Xu deficiency.

"Hey, there are so many acquaintances!"

At the same time, the lack of Xu in the dojo ban, revealing the true face, looking around, the corner of the mouth raised the iconic sneer.

Ming Yixuan was shocked to see Xu Xiao, and couldn’t help but shudder, remembering the battle in the Tiangong Academy in the past few days, watching the big devil killing three immortals, but they can only fear to be crazy. Run away.

In that battle, although he did not participate in it, he has become a demonic of him, very terrible.

Now Xu is in front of him, and his legs can't help but tremble.

Too... too scary, too scary!

"Ming Yi Xuan!" Suddenly, a crisp cold drink, Ming Ming Xuan will wake up.

He looked for his voice, Xuanyuan Hong was staring at him with a gloomy face, Shen Sheng said: "This prohibits the king of the king and the above can not pass, but can be restrained by the gods, I will help you, kill this people!"


The voice just fell, the fairy king of several Tiangongyuan, instantly released the majestic pressure, like a giant mountain invisible, suddenly descended, and fell heavily on Xu deficiency.

The ground under Xu’s foot was also cracked on the spot, and the body was somewhat difficult to straighten. It seemed to be under great pressure, and it was difficult to move the bullets.

"Family, Ming Yi Xuan, you still can't shoot?" Xuan Hong also shouted at the same time.


Ming Yixuan suddenly stunned the gods, and then looked at the lack of Xu that was pinned down, and the fear in his heart slowly subsided, followed by evil and born from the gall.

"What is it? Do you dare to try it for me?"

Xu lacks a sneer, and it seems that the clouds are light and windy, but the forehead has already emerged from the cold sweat, as if the pressure of the pressure, it is difficult for him to survive.

Ming Yixuan’s eyelids began to pick up, the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, his heartbeat began to accelerate, and his teeth gnashed his teeth: “Xu deficiency, new hatred and old hate, today I want to be clear with you! Take your heart!”


In an instant, Ming Yixuan started his body shape, offering a sword, and smashing the void, and a sword shadow would be like a sword, a cold mang, covering Xu.

"Oh, weak chicken!"

Xu lacks a cold laugh, and his mind is moving, directly opening the retaliation mechanism!

A group of molten metal suddenly emerged from his body, filled the whole body and condensed into ferrous metal.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang!"

In the sound of the dull metal crash, Xu lacked a blink of an eye and was trapped in a metal cage. The purple gold was used to force the king's stick in the hand, and it was covered with a layer of metal. The momentum of the whole person suddenly rose sharply.

"Forcing the king umbrella!"

He quickly changed his hands in the hands of the king, the metal blocks flocked to the top of the stick, propped out a metal umbrella, and the crossbar was in front of him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The swords and shadows that Ming Yixuan sacrificed have fallen down, and they hit the metal umbrella surface, causing a sound.

However, this is only "thunder and heavy rain". After all the swords and shadows touched the metal umbrella, they immediately fell like steel and steel.

Xu lacks not only no damage, but also helps to force the king to go up!


The power of the gods of the celestial kings in the Tiangongyuan was directly crushed by the king.


"How can it be?"

Xuanyuan Red and several Tiangongyuan strong, suddenly changed his face, unbelievable.

The ancestors of the celestial kings, including all the powerful forces, also squinted and took a breath.

Although I heard that Xu lacked a strange and varied soldier, and killed three emperors with one's own strength, but now witnessed it, I found out how shocking this is.

A stick can be quickly changed into an umbrella, and under the sweep, the gods of the predecessors of the Tiangongyuan are directly crushed!

What kind of **** is this?


At the same time, the lack of freedom to restore the lack of people, the whole person is also suddenly easy, such as dislocated wild horses, electric light and fire petrochemical into a virtual shadow, facing the Ming Yi Xuan.

"Do not!"

Ming Yixuan's face was shocked, and he was madly retreating. He was horrified and screamed: "If you dare to kill me, I will also write Jiang Hongyan's name to Taiyi Tianshu, let her come to me to bury it!"

In the shouting, he has already pulled out the Taiyi Tianshu, and at the same time he reached out and waved, and he had already begun to write his name.

His threat is not only in the verbal, but really to take action ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will write Jiang Hongyan's name, so that not only can ensure that Jiang Hongyan, but also Xu is afraid to kill him It is equivalent to holding a death-free gold medal.

"Just by you? What are you?"

Xu lacked a sneer, and forced the king's umbrella to move forward slightly, and the tip of the umbrella instantly shot a black mans.


Ming Yixuan did not have any reaction, and the two wrists were entangled by the black mans, and the blood was splashed.

"Ah..." He screamed on the spot, his arms stiff in the air, and he couldn't move any more.

The black awning that forced the king's umbrella tip to be smashed out is a black hook with a black metal wire. It can be used as a squadron, and it can be used as a hidden weapon.

"I really thought that I got the Taiyi Tianshu, and I chose the son of the day?" Xu lacked the king's umbrella and controlled Ming Yixuan's hands. He smiled coldly: "As long as you punch, don't say it is too much for you." B-day book is destroyed, even your social security card can burst!"


The voice just fell, Xu lacked a fist, while two fireworks burst out, black and white, wrapped around his fist, at first glance like a black and white flame fist.


Suddenly, Xuanyuan Red and several strong people in the Tiangongyuan saw this flame and exclaimed again.

The lack of Xu was not moved, and the flash of the cold mang, a fist hit, two black and white flames instantly picked up, turned into two flames, one black and one white, unicorn, straight into the Ming Yi Xuan!

"No, no, no... ah!!!" Ming Yixuan was terrified, but could not move at all!


One blinked, two flames unicorned in the Ming and Xuanyuan, and the cockroaches were suddenly flesh and blood, and the burnt taste was pervasive!


An inhalation sound was heard in the audience.

Everyone feels numb scalp and chills!

This ... is too embarrassing, and the shot will directly break the grandson!



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