Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 152: If you don’t accept it, you will hit your service.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight!

In a word, immediately resounded through the entire hall.

Su Linger, who was still worried about Xu’s lack of words and saying something wrong, suddenly stopped.

Many aliens below, but also have a glimpse of their hearts, some wrong!

The simple eight words, but all of a sudden deep into the hearts of the people, said the determination of the new demon emperor.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight. The crown represents the future of the aliens. Therefore, in addition to the crown, it is the responsibility of reviving the aliens!

It turned out that he understood the importance of this position!

He is also prepared to lead my family and move toward strength!

All of a sudden, the mustard of many alien hearts disappeared, and once again looked at Xu’s gaze, it’s already a little more respectful!

Just because I saw Xu’s lack of a position to let the crown give Su Linger, many aliens who felt dissatisfied immediately regained their confidence in Xu’s lack.

It turned out that this monkey is not a play for the Lich King.

It turned out that this Qitian Dasheng, the voices of the heart and the gully shouting out were so deafening.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 50 points for the value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’ and the success of the game, rewarding 60 points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding 80 points for the value!”

Xu lacked the mind, but also sounded the system prompts, plus the trouble with Su Linger, now has harvested nearly three hundred points to force the value!

However, Xu’s lack of that sentence shocked a lot of people, but still some alien hearts still disdain.

An old man stood at the door of the main hall and did not come in. He sneered with other people: "A red-necked stinky monkey, how can you make such a promise? It’s a big deal. If it’s spread, my family is not ridiculous!"

The sound was not too big or small, just passed into the silent hall and fell into everyone's ears.

Suddenly, many people have changed their face and looked at Xu.

Su Linger is also a cold eye. I know that there will be people who are dissatisfied with Xu’s lack of enlistment today. They must first erect the Lich King’s prestige, so the eyebrows sweep out the temple, Shen Sheng: “The Lich King’s Highness Today In the grand ceremony, who dares to talk outside, give me in!"

Outside the temple, an old man with wings behind him walked straight in and sneered: "How? I have made a mistake? Four layers of the Yuan Ying period, how to lead my family to prosperity?"

Everyone was surprised.

"Eagle King!"

"It turned out to be the eagle king of the Cangyun tribe. I didn't expect him to come, but he didn't enter the hall to participate in the grand ceremony!"

"This is deliberately provoking the new demon."

"The new demon emperor is just that, then someone will come to Mawei first, it seems that something is going to happen today!"

"And there are still a few tribes who haven't appeared. Is it difficult for my family to have an infighting?"

Many people began to whisper again, and their faces were filled with sorrow.

Nowadays, the strength of the aliens is weak. If there is another infighting, I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover the strength for hundreds of years, and there is no chance to say anything to be strong!

Xu lacked a glimpse of the old man and sneered: "You are only eight years old, what is the courage to say this to me?"

The old man suddenly laughed: "Ha ha, this king is only eight layers of the Yuan Ying period, and is higher than you, more qualified than you to do that position!"


Suddenly, many aliens in the temple were in vain.

The eagle king dared to say such words, it seems that today is really big.

"So, you are not convinced?" Xu looked at the Eagle King with a smile.

"Yes! This king is a monkey who does not accept a four-layer baby in the Yuan Ying period. It can also become our demon. If this is known to the monsters, it will definitely be considered as a different person, and then attacked." For the safety of the family, this demon...you...no...with..." The Eagle King stepped forward and called for the martyrdom.

When Xu lacked his appearance, he shrugged his shoulders and looked at Su Linger. He asked: "Is there any provision for my family? What should I do with the following?"

Su Linger stunned and said: "The following commits, but the palm of your hand, the heavy..."

"You don't have to be heavy, just palm your hand!"

Xu’s lack of voice just fell, and suddenly there was a large piece of lightning under his feet. The sound of “哧” suddenly turned into a virtual shadow, which appeared outside the temple in the blink of an eye.


Immediately, a crisp sound spread throughout the hall.

The old man was fanned to the ground, his cheeks suddenly swollen a large piece, full of horror.

Many aliens in the temple were also scared, and they did not see how Xu was shot. The heart was shocked.

A four-layer period of the Yuan Ying period, can actually fly a king of the tribe of the eight-layer baby in an instant?

"Old miscellaneous hair, smashed the old people's home in the same year, kicked the kindergarten, went to the mortuary and screamed, "I don't want to stand up," and there is no one who dares to breathe. Now you ran to compare with me than the realm? Come! ”

Xu lacked the martyrdom and waved his hand to the old man's face.

The old man is mad, angry and yelling: "Baby, you..."

"Hey!" The words were not finished, and they were directly fanned back by Xu.

"you dare……"






Looking at Xu’s palm and falling on the face of the eagle king, everyone in the room was dumbfounded and stunned. Every slap in the face of the slap in the face of the eagle king's face, the feathers on his two wings are also scattered to the ground, all the way to kill, all the way to the hand, Yuan Ying eight-layered eagle Wang Juran did not even have the ability to resist.

"What... what? The eagle king was slammed?"

"There is no effort to fight back!"

"This new demon, seems to be much stronger than we think!"

"Yuan Ying four layers, can you fight the eight layers of Yuan Ying and even fight back?"


Everyone has an uproar in their hearts.

"For those who don't accept it, the treatment of cockroaches is very simple. If you don't accept it, then you will get your clothes. Finally, you will have to kneel down and conquer the singer." Xu lacks cold and shouts.

This loud and strong words resounded throughout the hall.

Many aliens have a glimpse of their hearts and are extremely shocking.

Look at the Eagle King who has been beaten into a pig's head and the feathers have withered most of it.

Not only the people shudder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The original demon, there is such a hegemonic side, it seems that this is the real imperial momentum!

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 40 points for the value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 50 points for the value!”

At this time, the system prompts to sound.

Xu Xiao did not pay attention to it. Instead, he looked thoughtfully at the two wings of the Eagle King. He smiled and said: "I have always eaten grilled chicken wings and eat it tiredly. Or do you try to see the roasted eagle wings today? It is said that the eagle After the wings are repeatedly broken, they have the power to swim in the blue sky, so they are roasting... The meat quality is definitely more powerful?"

"What? He actually wants to bake the eagle king?"

"It's terrible! Our new demon, this is going to kill a hundred!"


As soon as I heard this, there were still a few dissatisfied aliens in my heart. I couldn’t help but have a cold back and dare not protest again.

The Eagle King was curled up on the ground and shivered.

He was really scared, and his heart was in utter disappointment. This monkey clearly has only four layers of the Yuan Ying period, but why it seems that it is even more terrible than the infants who have changed their lives!


At this moment, a sound of breaking the air suddenly came out of the hall, and everyone was alarmed.

Looking up, I saw a stranger madly rushing in, but not waiting for everyone to respond, then "squeaky", hit the door of the hall, blood is covered.

This sudden situation has made all the aliens startled.

Xu deficiency also suddenly stopped, surprised to see this alien.

Who is this? Can't you think so? Actually took the head and hit the door?

However, the alien was still awake, lying on the ground and trembled, panicking: "No... not good! Demon... The beast attacked, they all came, I want to scribble us!"

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