Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 153: Enemy


Immediately, all the alien faces changed dramatically, and the flustered atmosphere instantly filled the audience.

"Worms? How can they know that we are here?"

“Is anyone exposed our tracks?”

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at the injured alien.

The aliens were carrying **** wounds and painfully said: "I... I don't know. I am a Yunhai tribe. Originally, our king and other tribes came, but... but they said they wanted to give new demon. The emperor was under Mawei, so we ordered us to wait in the woods hundreds of miles away, but I did not expect that a large group of monsters suddenly appeared, and they slaughtered us without saying anything."

Xu lacked to hear this, the eyebrows could not help but pick one!

Give me a horse? Oh, you are not dead, you, the typical equipment is not forced to be grass!

The rest of the aliens, but more and more flustered.

"As soon as you come up, you will kill, and those monsters are obviously prepared."

"Well, we may have been surrounded!"

"But this is not right. How do the monsters know that we are holding a throne ceremony here? And have you chosen today?"

"There is definitely a traitor venting letter."

"Yes, my family has been hiding and living for so many years, and it has been safe and sound. If it is not for someone to report, it is impossible to attract so many monsters."

"Good vicious heart! Actually colluding with the enemy of that year, to kill the compatriots, who is it!"

In the temple, many aliens are shocked and angry!

Someone asked: "How many monsters have come specifically? If we join forces, can we have a battle?"

The injured aliens were full of fear, and they shook their heads in despair: "We can’t fight, they are too many, comparable to the four or five beasts, I don’t know how much, but definitely not less than 10,000. And...and they also have a leader of a baby-changing layer!"


When I heard this, everyone in the room was shocked.

Not less than 10,000? And there are also strong infants, this... This is really going to kill our aliens!

"It's over!" A man swayed a few times and sat down on the ground.

"Not less than 10,000 monsters, even if it is all in the base period or the knot period, we can also take us here into ruins!"

"No, just relying on the infant to be strong, it is enough to obliterate all of us here!"

"Well, my family... dangerous!"

"What are we doing wrong, why should we kill us!"

In an instant, the entire hall was shrouded in a desperate haze, and many aliens were desperate.

Su Linger and others are also frowning, their faces are dignified, and the eyebrows are full of worry!

The old men of the Tianhui tribe couldn’t help but tremble and muttered: "He is going to die my family!"

"Why... why should I treat my family like this!"


Su Linger looked at Xu Xiao, sighed softly and looked sad: "You just got into the throne, they are not willing to leave it to you for a day, now... what should I do now?"

Xu lacked a smile, his fingers pressed on Su Linger's eyebrows, and he said, "Don't always frown, it will wrinkle. As for the monsters... Hey, how much, I will kill!"

How much, how much to kill!

Xu’s voice is already full of strong killings, and people can’t help but feel chilling!

Su Linger gave a slight glimpse and shook his head. "The other side has a strong infant." At this moment, even if we inform the ancestors of the family, I am afraid it is too late!"

"I haven't been afraid of the baby's change," Xu missed a glimpse of his eyes.

Baby change period! Since the handing of Zhang Danshan in the past, Xu Xiao has always been jealous of the strong in that realm.

But now he has stepped into the fourth floor of the Yuan Ying period. For the last beast of the baby, I can't help but want to try it. It is stubborn and weak!

"No, we can't sit still!"

At this moment, an alien old man suddenly stood out from the crowd and shouted, "Continue to stay here, and you will only die, it is better to kill, rush out of the beast, and perhaps survive."

The audience was slightly silent, and most of them saw madness in their eyes.

Even if it is an animal, once it is forced to a desperate situation, it will stimulate bloodyness and bite one bite. What's more, nowadays, there are so many different ethnic groups, and they have been oppressed for many years. Now they are forced into a desperate situation by the monsters. impulse.

Immediately, the old man’s shouting, even the response.

Several young interracials stood up and said loudly: "Yes, fight with them!"

"And now on the front line, the compatriots of other tribes are also fighting. We will kill them and we will be able to make those monsters unprepared!"

"It’s all a matter of death, it’s better to let go!"

"Whether you die, you have to pull a few monsters to back up!"



Suddenly, more and more aliens got up and shouted, full of blood.

Several older people with different qualifications turned around and looked at Xu’s lack of enquiries. “Please ask the demon emperor to lead us and kill them!”

However, Xu lacked his head and shook his head. He said: "They have tens of thousands of monsters, and there is a strong infant who is in a strong position. Are you sure to rush out? Even if you rush out, you think there are several people in the end. Live it?"

Xu deficiency is really not optimistic about what they call a desperate fight, so it is not worth it.

And his words, suddenly watered like cold water, suddenly let a lot of people take the blood of the head to pour out.

However, many people have been annoyed and angry: "You are a demon emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it is disturbing morale here. If you are afraid, you can stay here and die, don't pull us. Launched."

"Ha ha!"

Xu could not help but sneer, shaking his head and saying: "I admire the courage of fighting for a fight, but you have to look at the situation when you fight for a battle! Now that the other side is under pressure, you want to rush to go shopping with others. Equivalent to being sent to death, only mental retardation will do this!"

"What do you say about it? Stay with you here, wait for them to kill? Then I would rather die on the battlefield!" an interracial man sneered.

Xu lacks a faint smile: "Why, there is a squat, why do you have to fight to death, but now it has not fallen to that point!"

When the words came out, all four were shocked!

Everyone has turned a blind eye to Xu.

Su Linger couldn't help but be moved. He was surprised: "You...you have a way?"

She witnessed Xu's lack of creation of countless miracles, and now seeing Xu deficiency in this situation, she can still be so calm, she could not help but hope!

Is it the Buddha's anger lotus? No, the power of the Buddha's anger is very big, but in the face of so many monsters, there is also a strong infant, I am afraid it is difficult to fight! He must have other methods!

Su Linger looked forward to Xu Xuan with full expectation.

Xu lacks a smile: "I have a law that does not damage a soldier, and promises to kill them without leaving a film, crying and crying!"



[Say a thing, recently someone pretending to be my identity, privately built other readers, this has happened before, posing as a member of my identity, and then borrowing money with my friends, but fortunately I am smart and intelligent. Discovered and blocked with the administrator in a timely manner. So here to emphasize, we only have one of the bombing gangs (see group number: 575088701), the other is fake! 】

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