Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1533: Can leave

"Stop him, don't let him go to the rooftop!"

Xu lacked a full face and suddenly pointed to Charlotte, shouting.


Lin’s several black men immediately went around and grabbed Charlotte’s arm and squirmed.

Charlotte is on the spot!


What are you doing?

Isn't it to stop me, why are you holding the hands and feet of this young master?

"Xia Gongzi, you don't struggle, we want to save you, but you have to mourn, the family is down, it doesn't matter, the most important thing to be a man is to be happy, don't think about it!" Xu lacked bitterness and persuaded.

The mobile phone has always been aimed at Charlotte. In the eyes of unsuspecting people, Charlotte, who was caught by several black people, fluttered with hands and feet and looked like it was struggling.

The problem is that Xu lacks all kinds of hints before, and Lin boss also said that the roof is ready for Charlotte. The "struggling" of Charlotte is at this moment, and in the eyes of many viewers, it is totally wrong.

This product seems to really not want to jump off the building!

"Let me go, let go of Laozi, I don't want to jump..." Charlotte yelled in anger, but when he didn't finish it, he was stunned by a black man.

"Don't jump? Don't jump to the building, don't you surname Xia, what do you say about this kind of idiot? You guys have to stop him, don't let him break away, otherwise he must go to the rooftop. Jumping from the building!" Xu was seriously ruthless, and several black people told him.

Several black people were fascinated, nodded, and pretended to be careless... they let go of their hands.

The next moment, Charlotte suddenly suddenly "broken off" success, just after landing, several black people immediately shouted: "Xia Gongzi, don't do this!"

After that, a few people rushed to the front and made a move to catch the "Charlotoe", but actually pushed the Charlotte to the stairwell!

"Don't, stop him!" Xu suddenly broke his heart, hated the iron and did not make a steel slam, and rushed up, the mobile phone camera also swayed, no longer aimed at Charlotte.

The people in the live room were suddenly infected by this tense atmosphere, and their hearts jumped.

This guy is acting really bad!

But the question is, should he really want to jump off the building?

Have you played so big?


At the same time, the building is downstairs.

Xu’s three roommates in the dormitory have witnessed the whole process of the live broadcast room. They have already been full of horror and some worry.

This... Is this still missing?

It is quite normal for him to be black in his stomach. When did he evolve so hot?

It was enough to scare the dead man when he got down, but he didn't plan to let Charlotte. But he wanted to let Charlotte jump to the floor and commit suicide.

This is a devil!

Inside the building, Lin Yuxi and Xuan Rongrong also watched the live broadcast of the mobile phone.

"He...he really wants to kill Charlotte?" Lin Yuxi was scared.

The fall of the Xia family seems to be less shocking for her college student.

After all, how strong the Xia family is, even if it is degraded, it seems to the ordinary people that it is only a conceptual fall, not so shocking.

Just like the financial tsunami of Lehman Brothers, it was so sudden, but in the eyes of many ordinary people, it just knew such a concept, and did not feel much shock!

Now, Xu Weiguang is a big show of such a play, clearly wants to let Charlotte lose the floor!

He was pretending to block Charlotte. The people who watched the live broadcast were very clear. The guy had too many deliberate clues in front of him, just as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was deliberate!

"If you kill it, you will kill it. Why not?" Xuan Rongrong looked indifferent.

She can see that Charlotte is not a good thing, but Xu is not a good person. These two people are black and black, and it doesn't matter who is dead.

No, Xu is still unable to die, after all, involves her life.

Then Charlotte is not dead, for her, it is really a small matter that is irrelevant.

"But...but, murder is illegal, Xu is in danger of being arrested and jailed..." Lin Yuxi has already thought of the consequences.

If Xu does not do this, it is very likely that he will be sentenced to intentional homicide or murder!

"Nothing!" Xuanyuan Rong faintly responded, sitting in a prison or something, does not matter, as long as it does not die to affect her.

"Nothing? How can this be all right? In case..." Lin Yuxi said.


However, if I didn’t finish it, there was a huge muffled sound outside the building, as if there were heavy objects falling from the sky, dull and loud.

Followed by a burst of exclamation screams, very fierce.

In an instant, Lin Yuxi was stupid in the same place, lost his blood, and did not dare to move, even the courage to turn around to see what happened outside.

Because it seems that I don't need to see it, she has already guessed the result.

At this moment, her brain is almost blank.

However, after the blank, many pictures are continuously flashed.

In the past year, Xu’s face has been flashing back in her mind.

The smile is bright and innocent, and Xu, who can always make fun of her laughter, will be able to save the stray cat from climbing to the tree in spite of danger...


Suddenly, those pictures that were once beautiful were suddenly torn by a piece of darkness.

A face full of evil spirits and unruly faces filled her mind with a full-bodied smile.

Xu lacks!

This is still a lack of Xu, but it seems to be from a funny person to a devil!

"What's going on, why... It seems like some familiar? I..." Lin Yuxi suddenly got a little upset. In the vagueness, she seemed to feel that there was something familiar, calling her, but not knowing where it came from!

"Well?" Xuanyuan Rong discovered the change of Lin Yuxi, a slight glimpse, and some mistakes.

She seems to perceive that there is a hint of aura between the heavens and the earth. The void around Lin Yuxi seems to be distorted and restored to normal.

"This woman, what happened?" Xuanyuan Rong was shocked.

How can this happen in the memory world of Xu deficiency?


“Hey, congratulations to the host for success, get three hundred points of forced value!”

At the same time, Xu’s lack of system sounds continued.

He looked at the total number of forced values ​​on the interface, and it has already reached 3,000, which is enough to force the memory world to return to Tianzhou.

"Is the host sure to consume three thousand points to force the value, forcibly crack this enchantment?" the system asked.

"OK!" Xu lacked hesitation and nodded directly.

He only has this method to leave, because he has no way to have feelings with Xuan Rongrong in this love affair, and the two sides have no intention, how can the normal path succeed?

"Hey, the system has started to crack, it is expected to be completed within three hours, please prepare the host!" The system responded.

When Xu was short of disappointment, he straightened his eyes: "Nima, still three hours? I rely on it. Fortunately, I am wit, I have not really pushed Charlotte. Otherwise, how can I escape legal sanctions in these three hours!"

After he finished, he let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes also slammed into Charlotte, who had fallen unconscious before his feet.

Yes, he did not really let Charlotte lose the floor.

He just dropped a high-quality version of the silicon/plastic doll in front of Charlotte, and shattered it under the floor. Charlotte was directly scared.

Immediately after Xu Xiao picked him up, the whole person fainted on the spot.

But fortunately, Xu is missing the right value. If it is not, he may actually throw the Charlottes and finish the last time.

"Oh, stop, let me go!"

Xu Xiao looked at the Charlotte Rock on the ground, smiled and turned to the stairwell and left the rooftop.

His state of mind has long been different from the past, no longer entangled in the past, no longer entangled in the enemies of the past revenge, everything in the past has actually been put down for a long time.

The lack of Xu now is much more mature than before, and I can afford it.

The most important thing is that he is not as vengeful as before.

Because there is a hatred, he must report it on the spot!


Just walking down the stairs, the phone in Xu's pocket was suddenly shaken.

Zhao Jialai called!

"Hey!" Xu lacks direct access to the phone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The end of the phone is not the voice of Zhao Lao, but instead is replaced by a young, even with a mad young voice.

"Hey, are you missing? I am Zhao's eldest son. Before 8:00 tonight, before you meet my grandfather, I will come to the luminous bar to meet me. I have a big business to talk to you!"

The person at the end of the phone said this, cold and cold: "Right, you can bring a few more friends to come and play together. Tonight, I will pay for the whole audience by Zhao Gongzi!"



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