Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: Sudden change

"Beep beep..."

When the other party finished speaking, he hanged up the phone directly.

Xu lacked the busy voice from the phone, could not help but see.

Lying in the trough, what the ghost Zhao Gongzi, so arrogant?

What is great about the whole game, I can still eat the king meal!

"Three hours, OK, anyway, nothing to do, just take this time, in the past, hit your face!" Xu lacked his head and looked at the time, his mouth raised.

Since others have taken the initiative to ask themselves to go to the face, there is still no reason to go.

Anyway, the system has been banned for three hours, and it doesn't need to be dealt with after the face is finished. It can be sneaked directly!

"Mr. Xu, please, the car is ready!" From the stairwell, Lin Boss immediately greeted him, and the respectful Xu Xu said.

At this moment, she already understands the weight of Xu deficiency, can directly talk to Zhao Lao, and let Zhao Lao not hesitate to unite with the other two. In such a short period of time, it is not easy to smash the summer home!

Therefore, she felt that it was necessary to re-examine the young man and express her greatest respect to restore all the disrespect for Xu Xiaoyu!

"Don't be so anxious, my appointment with Zhao is about eight o'clock. It's only six o'clock. There are still two hours. Let me go to this place first!" Xu said, taking a text message from the phone. Lin boss looked.

Only one address was written in the text message, apparently from the Zhao Gongzi, it was actually a nightclub!

Lin boss looked at the phone and stunned it, but did not say anything. He nodded immediately and ordered his men to arrange the car and change the itinerary.

Immediately, Xu’s gaze was also swept to other people present.

Those martial arts masters have not left, they are watching the lack of eyes, waiting for Xu to fulfill that promise, and giving them a chance to make a difference.

Xu lacks in this place, there is nothing to be embarrassed, directly from the system mall to exchange a few small cheats, plus a few Dan Fang, handed to the white-haired old man.

The main reason is that these old men don't look bad, and there is nothing wrong with them. Even if this is just a false world, it will have no effect on the benefits.

"Get it back and study it, but it doesn't matter if the martial arts don't progress. What's important is the character. You yell at your apprentices. If you practice martial arts, you will bully the weak. Does this have a little martial spirit? You are so called. Do you feel ashamed when you are in the martial arts?"

Xu lacked to talk and slammed it.

"Mr. Xu is right, we must pay attention to this in the future!" Several old men bowed their heads and responded.

This is really humbly to listen to Xu’s lack of words. After returning to the inner court, I must vigorously grasp the moral teaching of these disciples. I must not let them come out again.

In the unlikely event that you encounter a stronger and stronger one, all the factions will be given off in minutes.

Fortunately, this time I met a good person. The real masters are still giving these martial arts and Dan Fang, and the Huaxia martial arts will be even more important.

With excitement and shame, they watched Xu’s absence and Lin’s departure, and the heart was full of respect.

At the same time, the building is downstairs.

The cordon has not been lifted, and Xuan Rongrong and Lin Yuxi are still unable to go upstairs.

The key is that Xu’s live broadcast room is also closed, and now no one knows what happened in the upstairs.

However, the things that fell from the top of the building have been checked by the police. It is a humanoid silica gel that was originally lifelike, but it has been smashed and unrecognizable.

After investigation, this is a bad high-altitude parabolic event. The suspect is locked into the Charlotte Peak, which is on the roof of the building, and is ready to round up.

However, what surprised everyone was that Xu Xiao did not kill Charlotte. He thought that this time he would definitely make a murder case. After all, even Xia Jia was dumped, and it was a trivial matter to create an accidental death of Charlotte.

As a result, Xu Xiao did not kill Charlotte, and many people think that this is probably the kind of wicked person who is not imagined.

But Xuan Rongrong was amazed. When did this guy feel so soft and soft? What will happen without it?


Soon, an elevator bell rang.

The elevator door slowly opened, and the person who walked out of it made Xuan Rongrong slightly relieved.

Xu was short of it, and it was intact, and the familiar smile was on his face, which proved that the matter had been solved.

"Hey, I changed my clothes, it’s so scent!" Xu missed the elevator door and immediately saw Xuan Rongrong in the crowd.

No way, this woman is too eye-catching, and the costumes are eye-catching. Now I have changed my modern clothes, but it is still so conspicuous and full of scent.

"Oh, you will still praise people?" Xuan Rongrong sneered, the impression of Xu lacking has not changed much, especially this guy's mind is too bad, if he said it in his mouth, can be a bit true.

Xu Wei did not care about Xuan Rongrong's opinion on him. It still has a few hours to solve this love robbery. It doesn't matter.

"Go, take you to a fun place!" He waved and walked straight to the door.

Lin’s boss slammed and stopped him: “Mr. Xu, the car is in the underground parking lot. Are we going underground?”

She is suggesting that Xu is lacking. Now the door is full of people. Most of them are still watching Xu’s live broadcast. If Xu is missing this time, it will definitely cause a big commotion.

"No, no, we are bright, we must go to the main entrance, you let the driver drive the car up!" Xu swayed his hand and looked forward to the door.

Just kidding, such a good opportunity to make a big impact, how can you hide?

However, when Xu missed the door, it did not seem to cause any ups and downs.

The crowd outside the building is still surrounded by a lot of arguments, and there is no shortage of people who are too concerned about going out.

Even if someone saw it, it was just a rush, not much attention.

"The trough, this is not the same as I thought!" Xu missed the mistake.

Lin boss is also wrong, it seems that I did not expect the reaction to be so calm!

"What is the situation?" Xu lacked some loss.

Next to Lin Yuxi blinked and whispered: "Maybe you opened the beauty when you broadcast, so..."

"..." Xu was short of a corner of his mouth.

I have to say that the face of his present is really not as delicate and handsome as that in the cultivation of the fairyland. At most, he is a handsome little brother who is far from handsome.

However, it is also considered to be recognizable. It will not be recognized if the beauty is closed!

"The third child!" At this moment, someone shouted.

Xu lacked a look, turned to look at it, the three roommates in the dormitory are quietly crowded from the crowd.

"Hey, how come you?" Xu asked.

"I still don't see you live, I am afraid that you have an accident! How is it?" The boss immediately asked.

"What can I do, come right, go, take you to force!" Xu lacked a smile, too lazy to explain, just waved a hand, went forward.

The car arranged by Lin Boss has already been opened from the underground parking lot. When a group of people saw Xu missing the car, they also followed up.

After the car started, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The car was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were looking at Xu.

Lin Yuxi indulged in a moment and finally couldn’t help but say: "Xu deficiency, you..."


The words have not been finished, just the car that has accelerated on the road, suddenly came an emergency brake, the friction between the tire and the ground made a harsh sound, everyone in the car suddenly planted in front of inertia, his head stunned.

Only Xu lacked a person to wake up, his eyes swept forward, through the front windshield of the car, saw an amazing scene, his mouth could not help but stunned, "How is it possible?"



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