Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1535: Tianzhou accident

Xu lacked a full face and was shocked. He shook his eyes and stared at the scene.

This spacious road broke through a gap out of thin air.

It was not the road that was broken, but the void in front of it was broken, and it was filled with a picture that did not belong to this world.

It’s like a virtual projection, or a mirage, it’s amazing.

At most, this can only surprise ordinary people, but Xu is still scared, because the picture that appears in front of him is actually a scene of Tianzhou.

In the picture, the war is in full swing, and countless monks are driving the rituals, and they are rushing into the sky, turning into a stream of light. The thousands of scorpions are colliding in the air, splashing and bursting, like a blossoming fireworks, which is amazing.

This is a melee, a terrible big melee, a dense figure, so it is difficult for Xu to find out how many people there are, but he knows that at least half of the monks in Tianzhou have participated in the war, and they are all in the middle of strength. , Tianxian, Jinxian, Taiyixian, Dalujinxian, and even the fairy king Xianzun also did.

In the big crowd of people, Xu lacked some familiar figures.

The Virgin of Yaochi led many female disciples under the door, and the sacred woman was also among them. She was struggling to display the law, slamming into the sky, and smashing out of the picture, Xu lacked the invisible enemy.

The Shennong clan, the shadow sacred ancestor, the square inch sect, etc., those who have had a number of faces with Xu deficiency, are all in the battle, are attacking the enemy that is invisible.

Obviously, this battle turned out to be all the sects of the Tianzhou 14th Xianyu.

"What is going on, what does this scene mean?"

Xu is in the heart of horror, Tianzhou is actually fighting, who are they fighting, or ... who is resisting the aggression?


At the same time, Xuan Rongrong in the car also exclaimed, and the look instantly became extremely dignified.

She also saw the scene outside the car, but from her expression, it seems that there is not much shock, more is a kind of anxiety and vigilance.

"What is going on, what is this?" Xu's dormitory was sitting in the last row of the business car. At this time, I saw the picture in front of the car.

After Lin’s boss was shocked, he frowned and said: “Why do you have this stereoscopic projection on the road?”

"This is not a stereoscopic projection!" Xu lacked the touch of the chin, said Shen Sheng, his eyes also swept to Xuan Rongrong, asked: "What happened to Tianzhou?"

"Yes, it's faster than I expected..." Xuan Rongrong nodded subconsciously, but when she said half of it, her beauty suddenly became cold, and she directly stared at Xu: "Do you know Tianzhou? No, Do you have a memory?"

"It’s already long ago. Now I don’t care about these details. You hurry to say the things of Tianzhou!” Xu lacked his hand and urged him.

Tianzhou chaos into such a situation, he did not mind to disguise, only worried about the safety of Jiang Hongyan and others.

However, there are two clever ghosts, two dogs and Duan Jiude. In addition, everyone has been hiding in the cave before, and it is expected that it should not be too dangerous.

However, this situation is also temporary. The ghost knows what kind of crisis Tianzhou is facing now. If he goes back late, the daylily is cold.

"Tianzhou also has a name, called Tianzhou, a canoe boat!" Xuan Yurong looked indifferently and stared at Xu for a while, slowly opening: "This is the only continent that can lead to the gods, now the shackles have Broken, other continents will naturally compete for Tianzhou."

"So they are now against monks on other continents? Not like it!" Xu lacked.

This seems to be not quite right. According to Zixia Fairy, Tianzhou is a continent that has been closed for many years. The level of strength is far weaker than other continents. For example, Xianyunzhou is far superior in strength. Tianzhou, and there are four great emperors sitting in the town.

If the Tianzhou shackles are broken, it is absolutely easy for these continents to occupy Tianzhou. It is not even necessary to attack them. Only Xiandi or enough Xianzun strongmen can come out. Tianzhou will definitely not fight. drop.

But now, in this situation, the monks of Tianzhou, the sects of the fourteen sectarians, all united to fight against foreign enemies, it is incredible!

Those people in Tianzhou will unite to the outside world?


"Yes, it's really not like!"

Sure enough, Xuan Rongrong also nodded and responded to the problem of Xu deficiency.

The monks of Tianzhou do not seem to be against monks on other continents.

"What is the situation now?" Xu continued to ask.

He has been staring at the picture outside the car. He can only see the monks of Tianzhou fighting, and can't see other areas in the picture, such as the people who fought against Tianzhou.

"What is the situation, what are the two of you talking about?" At this time, the dormitory boss spoke.

Xu lacked this and found that several people in the car looked at him and Xuan Rongrong with a look of confusion and confusion. Obviously they could not understand the two conversations they had just had.

Xuan Rongrong ignored them and looked at the scene in front of him. After a while, he said: "If you didn't guess wrong, you should have those things sealed in the shackles."

When Xu missed it, he couldn’t care for other people. He was shocked and said: "Those things?"

Xuan Rongrong’s words made Xu’s feeling a bit horrified. What are those things, meaning that Tianzhou is not confronting people now, is it something?

"After the demon war, the gods were closed. At the same time, in order to preserve the Tianzhou, there were kings who took out their hands and smashed those things into shackles and sealed them. Therefore, they had enough energy to seal the Tianzhou and maintain it to this day. Xuan Rongrong nodded.

Xu suddenly rushed to his eyes: "Although you are not talking nonsense, but my focus is on those things, what is it?"

Xuanyuan Rong immediately became a slap in the face, murderously staring at Xu deficiency, if it is in Tianzhou, if her strength is still there, now she must first give Xu a hand.

"Hey..." At this moment, the sound of the phone rang in the car.

It is Lin’s mobile phone.

She was still immersed in the dialogue between Xu Xiao and Xuan Rongrong, and her face was wrong. The phone had a phone call, and there was no first-time reaction. She still looked at Xu.

So the fourth person in the bedroom thought that his mobile phone was ringing. He took a look and found that there was no phone call, but he seemed to see something else. His expression suddenly changed. He was surprised: "There is a change in the trough." ?"

"What do you mean?" Several people subconsciously looked at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu lacked and did not ask Xuan Rongrong what they meant, looking at the mobile phone screen of the fourth.

A news page is open above, along with a video.

Xu lacked eye pupils suddenly sharply contracted, shocked: "Quick, open this video."

He is not calm, because the cover of the video is also the projection of the image of Tianzhou, and it is a different angle projection.

More crucially, in the picture, in the crowd, Xu Xiao saw a familiar dog shadow!



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