Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1537: Xu lacks angry

After a minute, Xu lacked the initiative to retreat and ended the kiss!

"Are you crazy?" He looked at Xuanyuan Rong with horror.

"Well?" Xuan Rongrong was also very surprised. Xu lacked this performance, but it didn't seem like she liked her!

"This method is useless?" Xuan Rongrong immediately screamed, and there was already anger in the beautiful, a small fist, a cold voice: "Nothing deceives me!"


Xu lacked his eyes and his face was speechless.

"Xu... Xu lacks..."

At this time, Lin Yuxi suddenly called for Xu deficiency, and the voices were trembled.

Xu lacked a look and looked at Lin Yuxi. At this moment, she was holding her forehead with her hand, her face was pale, and her expression seemed to be very painful.

"What happened to you?" Xu asked.

"I... my head, it hurts..." Lin Yuxi said in a difficult way. "It seems that there are a lot of strange information, there are... there are monsters, there are many immortals, there are a lot of blood, I am in danger..."


Suddenly, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Xu Xiao, full of horror: "Xu deficiency?"

"Ah?" Xu lacked a bit of awkwardness, and felt that Lin Yuxi at this time was vaguely different.

The previous second was still in a panic, headache, she was very calm at this moment, and her eyes were clear.

"Oh..." At this time, Lin Yuxi suddenly smiled and seemed to be a little self-deprecating. Some Xu Qingxing: "I can't think of it, I can see you again before I die. Here... Hey, I am probably a dream!"

She said, looking at the surrounding environment, it seems that something is wrong, but there is no thought and thought, directly to the dream.

"But, even if it is a dream, you can see you, but there is no regrets. The continent has collapsed, and many people have an accident. I thought that if I got the creation, I would be eligible to stand by you again, but unfortunately I will finally..."


Lin Yuxi’s words were not finished, and the sound was interrupted by a noise similar to the current, followed by Lin’s body in the car, stiff in place, and became like everyone else, and began to illusion until it became a halo.

"This..." Xuan Yurong was slightly wrong by Lin Yuxi's sudden change.

Xu lacked himself and was embarrassed, but from the last few words of Lin Yuxi, he heard a lot of clues.

He was surprised that the previous Lin Yuxi was definitely the memory world, Lin Yuxi who was still on campus.

However, after Lin Yuxi said that there was a headache, the reappearance of this consciousness seemed to become Lin Yuxi who had been to the continent.

When Xu was short of the land, she had seen Lin Yuxi. She was taken from the earth by a high-ranking man. She met Xu and then left on her own, seeking the creation of her master.

Xu Wei also believed that she had already let go of her feelings and grievances. She did not go to find her. Only the people who sent the Tiantian Academy secretly protected her. After returning to Tianzhou, she never saw her again.

I did not expect that I would meet in this way, and this way, even Xu lacked myself to feel incredible, Lin Yuxi's consciousness seems to be transmitted directly to Lin Yuxi in this memory world.

And from her last words, it is not difficult to hear that she is experiencing a crisis of life and death.

There is also a collapse of the continent, which proves that the words that Mo Junchen said in the past are correct. Tianzhou is a huge boat bound by shackles. Once the shackles are unlocked, Xuan Huangzhou and the continents will collapse, only to escape to Tianzhou. In order to keep up with this huge boat.

"This is a big trouble, Mom, this **** Taiyi Tianshi, you have to be at this time..."

Xu lacks the head, and Tianzhou has an accident. Jiang Hongyan and others don't know what the situation is. Plus, now I know that Lin Yuxi is in danger in the continent, and all sorts of things are all together.

More crucially, now he is still trapped in the memory world of Taiyi Tianshi, and there is no way to go back.

"Well, now we have only two of us!" At this time, Xuanyuan Rong said with a blank expression.

When Xu was absent, he made a stunned spirit and bowed to Xuanyuan Rong: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, if you do your best, you can't like me, then you will die together!" Xuanyuan Rong faintly responded.

Xu lacked this and he was relieved. He was really afraid that Xuan Rongrong had found a more exaggerated way. In case she proposed to vibrate in the car, she did not know if there was any kind of arrogance to refuse.

Most men, between the beasts and the beasts, are sometimes difficult to make choices. After all, not everyone can be like a well-known gentleman on the whole network - too on the cloth!

"Hey, your thoughts are too extreme. Who said that we will die?" Xu looked at Xuan Rongrong and said indifferently.

"You are sure?" Xuanyuan Rong Ming is slightly bright.

"I didn't say it, I have a way, but you have to let me finish the words, but also kissed me, stinking!" Xu said, but also made a strange expression, white Xuanyuan Rong glanced.

Xuanyuan Rong felt a bit of aversion in the blink of an eye, and there was an unprecedented impulse.

However, she still suppressed this impulse, Shen Sheng said: "This memory world is facing a collapse. If we do not get through the robbery, it is very likely that Taiyi Tianshi will default to the failure of love, you can still have a way to cross. Pass this pass?"

"Yes, and soon it will be good!" Xu lacked a corner and raised a confident smile.

A systematic tone has appeared in his mind, suggesting that the ban will be completed in advance.

The system detected the reason that Taiyi Tianshi was impacted by external forces, which led to the memory world being affected. This may be related to the shackles of Tianzhou being broken, causing such a momentary impact and destroying the prohibition of the memory world. .

Because of this, the difficulty of the system cracking the ban is greatly reduced, and it can be directly cracked by counting the time.

"Soon soon? How fast?" Xuanyuan Rong was wrong, some did not believe.

“Hey!” Xu lacked a smile and made a note, “It’s now!”


In the next moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded around, and the environment outside the car was like a high-hanging canvas, which quickly fell down.

The car that followed the two of them was also broken down and scattered into a small spot of light.

Just this moment, all the environment outside the two disappeared, and the surrounding became a white light and shadow world, boundless.

"This..." Xuan Rongrong suddenly looked surprised and unbelievable.

The love of Taiyi Tianshi, from ancient times to the present, no one can control, no one can escape.

But now Xu Xu actually did it, and even broke away from that memory world.

"How did you do it?" Xuan Rongrong looked at Xu's lack of surprise.

"Here!" Xu Xiaoshen pointed his finger at his head.

Xuanyuan Rong frowned: "Is your head melon?"

Xu lacked his eyes again: "This is wisdom, relying on my wisdom, understand?"

"Unbelievable!" Xuanyuan Rong shook his head, but also relieved: "Since you can crack this love, I don't have to worry about the next level."

"Ah?" Xu suddenly burst into surprise: "What do you say? Next level?"

"What you ask is nonsense. The first pass experiences your memory world. Then the next pass is naturally going through my memory world. Although I don't know how you restored your memory, I don't recommend that you help me recover my memory. Otherwise, there will be a big mess!"

Xuanyuan Rong seriously looked at Xu deficiency, solemnly said: "Remember, do not try to restore my memory, do not tell me everything about me, you just need to break the love like this time Just!"

"What? Who cares about cracking the ruin, I mean, how can there be a next level? Now the urgent task is to return to Tianzhou!" Xu was suddenly anxious.

I thought that if I cracked the ban, I would immediately return to Tianzhou.

Now Tianzhou is very hot, he is very worried about Jiang Hongyan and others, and Lin Yuxi is still in the continent, in danger, everyone knows a story, there are stories, not to save it can not say it.

But in this critical moment, there is still a next affair?

"System!" Xu lacked the heart and immediately called out the system.


However, before he issued instructions, a powerful traction suddenly came from all directions, suddenly covering the whole body.

Xu deficiency and Xuan Rongrong's body were torn into pieces in an instant, turned into two streams of light, dissipated in the white space.

In a short time, the space of the white sacred flashes into a green hill, clear water, birds and flowers, and a vast world.

This is a towering mountain with a stone ladder straight up.

At the top of the stone ladder is a mountain gate. There is a stone monument at the entrance of the mountain. The three characters are written vigorously and powerfully - "Tiangongyuan".

Xu lacked a black robe in his body, carrying a purple gold black stick behind him, standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at this scene, his face was incomparably ugly.

When he returned, he returned to Tianzhou, and his body repairs returned to the peak state.

But the problem is that he returned to Tianzhou tens of thousands of years ago, here is the memory world of Xuanyuan Rong!

"Mom, Taiyi Tianshi, after I go back, I will not throw you into the Maokeng as a pit stone, I will not believe Xu!" Xu lacked heart and angered.

He didn't like the feeling of being controlled, especially by a stone.

“Hey!” At this time, the crisp system sounds, and it sounds in Xu’s mind: “Welcome to the host!”

Hearing this familiar system sound, Xu lacks to call out the system, and then knows that the original loading system is back, not the previous replica.

Inexplicable, he has a little more stability in his heart.

"Hey, it was detected that the host was temporarily out of contact with the system. The reason is that the system level is too low to fully compete with the power. Therefore, the host is isolated, and the system can only use the vulnerability to deliver a replica to help the host!"

"In order to prevent this from happening again, it is recommended that the host work harder and continue to force the system to upgrade the system level as soon as possible!"

The system said a bunch in a series.

Xu lacks helplessly spread the hand, the level is low, blame me?

But now that you don't care about the system level, you must crack the world's ban as soon as possible, and you can quickly return to Tianzhou.

He was thinking and was preparing to communicate with the system.


Suddenly, the system beep sounds again.

"Because of the influence of divine power, the system and the host are temporarily out of contact. Although the reason is too low at the system level, the behavior of the divine power can also be considered as a provocation to the system. The host is very angry and the system is more angry!"


Xu lacked to hear this, and suddenly he was dumbfounded.

This system, and a small temper?

Lying in the trough, this is a big surprise!

"Hey, according to the special case of the system, the current world of the host is a virtual banned world. In view of the high level of strength in the world, in order to ensure the survival of the host, the system mall will provide free goods, free retaliation and other functions~ Www.wuxiaspot.com~ is valid until it leaves the world!"



[Tianzhou wants to change is the normal plot direction, not what is going to end in advance, don't misunderstand! Then, I didn't have anything to do without any reason. What happened specifically, I really don't want to mention it, I can only say that I can still come back with strong code words, usually few people can do it.

If I really want to be thorough in the future, I will be very willing to share with you, but it is not now. So no matter how you spray me and say what I am saying, I can fully understand and accept, and take responsibility and blame, and apologize to you.

Finally, I wish you all a happy May Day, I will update, accompany you to a happy holiday, and start this holiday as a new start, continue to work hard to write down! 】

. m.

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