Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Overbearing Heaven Palace

All... Free for the whole audience?

Xu lacked the prompt of the system, suddenly widened his eyes, unbelievable.

When was this profitemic system so generous? Not scientific!

You must know that since the upgrade of the system, the price of the items in the mall has already broken through the sky. Although most of the products are not used in the absence of Xu, there are still many super strong existences. of.

Reluctantly, every time I see those prices, I can only do it.

After all, with his strength, after the system of retaliation was opened, on the Tianzhou at that time, it was enough to crush countless people, and even face the strong people of Xianzun, and there would be no power to fight.

Therefore, the lack of Xu at that time did not require the painstaking efforts of the family to redeem the system's goods.

However, this time, Tianzhou, where he lived, was the Tianzhou that had peaked tens of thousands of years ago. It belongs to the era of Xuanyuanrong. It is said that there is also the existence of Xiandi. Therefore, it is difficult to mix it only by systematic retaliation. .

However, the system has now changed the tricks of the past, becoming so generous, opening up the mall free of charge, retaliation mechanism and other functions are free, which makes Xu lack of horror, it is full of ecstasy.

"Ha ha ha, system, this sacred sacred has begun to appreciate you!" Xu lacked nostalgia and nodded. If the system can come out of the entity, Xu will definitely pat its shoulders and then touch Touch the head!

After that, Xu lacked the system, entered the mall interface, and began to browse.

The system upgrade to version 11.0 is the so-called second level.

In other words, the 11.0 version of the system has been reborn, correctly speaking, it should not be called the 11.0 version, it is more appropriate to use the "second-order system level 1" to describe it!

The items in the system mall have also completely experienced a big baptism. Many of the rituals that once made Xu lack of jealousy have been brushed to the bottom of the inventory, and the upper position has become a variety of top fairy tales, and even There are many magical techniques.

"Scorpio thirty-six changes, the earth's seventy-two changes... Hey!" Xu lacked a glance at the "Shentong" column, only saw the names of the first two magical techniques, and could not help but laugh. .

This special thing is really great, now it can be used for free!

Oh, happy!

Xu lacked a face full of joy, and continued to look down, more magical skills, so that his heart could not help but pounce.

The most exciting thing for him is undoubtedly the ten kinds of magical powers that are connected together. It is known as the "Ten Great Magical Powers", such as "Nothing to Clear the Eyes of the Eyes", referred to as "Tianyantong", such as "Knowing His Mind and Mind", referred to as " His heart is "...

This well-known top ten supernatural powers, once completed, is a great success in the fairyland, can be called the Ten-passer, its creation is not a fairyland, or even a Taoist emperor, are just around the corner.

The helplessness of the top ten gods wants to be exchanged. The required value is an astronomical number. When Xu was missing, he ignored it directly, but this time, he can use it for free.

Even after leaving the world, all this will disappear, but you can experience it once in advance, and the harvest is huge.

"It’s awful, it’s awful. If you have all the school, I’m afraid you will meet the Emperor, you may have played it!” Xu was so excited that he suddenly looked up and looked at the fairy-fam column in the system mall. I laughed.

Whether it is a magical technique or a variety of fairy tales, it is extremely powerful, and it can be used to make countless monks smash the head, but this time he can use it all.

With these things, it may be a lot easier in this world, and you can earn more value for yourself, break the ban, and return to Tianzhou.

"The system is in hand, I have it in the world!" Xu Wei finally couldn't help but feel the excitement in his heart, and shouted.


Suddenly, a powerful pressure suddenly struck from the stone steps.

"Let's go, who is outside my palace?" A stern resentment suddenly came.

Xu lacked on the spot and was shocked by the chest. His face was slightly white and his heart was amazed.

That is the breath of Da Luo Jin Xian, but the strength of this Da Luo Jin Xian is far more powerful than the big Luo Jinxian I have seen in Tianzhou!

Just a pressure, it can make you feel pressure.

Sure enough, the monks who were tens of thousands of years ago were enchanting!

Xu lacked inner heart and could not help but smile. He is also a big Luo Sanxian. In Tianzhou, killing Luojinjinxian is like killing a chicken. Even when he meets Xianwang, he can kill. I didn’t expect Tianzhou, which was tens of thousands of years ago, to face a big one. Luo Jinxian will have pressure!

"Who are you, report it!" At this time, the other party seems to find the strength of Xu deficiency, the tone is no longer aggressive, Shen Sheng asked.

Xu's lack of eyeballs turned, his face showed a courteous and humble smile, and he handed it into a series. He whispered: "In the next day, it will help Xu, and the long-awaited Tiangongyuan is famous, and the reverence in the heart is like a river, and it is endless. Another example is the flooding of the Yellow River, which can't be cleaned up, so I came here to visit!"

Xu lacked intentionally lowered his posture and wanted to play pigs and eat tigers once.

Although I have a free trial of the whole system mall, I don’t have enough time to practice and control it. If I rush to fight with the Tiangongyuan, I will be shocked by what the Xianzun Emperor is, and I will suffer a lot.

What's more, I haven't seen Xuan Rongrong yet, and it's not so good to be in a hurry with Tiangongyuan.

After all, come here, it’s a pity to not look at what Xuan Rongrong was tens of thousands of years ago.

"Hey!" The other party suddenly snorted. "What fried gangs, unheard of, and a big Luo Sanxian in the district, how come to meet my Tiangongyuan? If you are not coming to our hospital to recruit new, then please call back quickly, otherwise Don't blame me, you are welcome!"

Lying in the trough!

Xu was suddenly stunned, and Tiangongyuan was so overbearing?

Nima, Ben is so polite to come to visit you, you are so aggressive, it’s really deceiving, it’s not true!

"Okay, let me go ahead!"

Immediately, Xu missed the arch and turned his head.

Oh, it’s gone!

It’s not that the big Luo Jinxian is too strong, but on this stone ladder, obviously there are a few more breaths, and the whole special is the real amnesty of the immortal world, can not afford it!

"What is the big noise here?" A gentle and gentle, but not angry voice.

Although Xu Xiao went down the mountain, he could still hear the dialogue above.

The big Luo Jinxian was also very respectful in response: "Returning to the elders of Liu, there is a small monk who is very vocal, wants to visit my Tiangongyuan, I reprimanded it!"

"Nothing hurts?" asked the elegant voice.

Da Luo Jinxian responded quickly: "The disciple does not dare!"

"Yes, it's handled very well. If you encounter such a thing in the future, you can swear it. If you move your hand, those outside will have to say that my Tiangongyuan is unreasonable, and it is too deceptive! OK, you will continue to be good. Shanmen, our hospital is recruiting new things today, and there can be no troubles." The voice of the elegant language gradually drifted away.

The great Luo Jinxian also sent away the other party with respect and respect. "The disciple will follow the elders!"

"..." Xu lacked to hear this, the footsteps have stopped, and his face is strange.

I am so angry!

Drinking and swearing, can you be unreasonable and deceptive?

Mom's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is Tiangongyuan so overbearing in the past? More arrogant than my fried days!

Xu is very annoyed in his heart, but the reason is not that the other side is overbearing, but the big Luo Jinxian, actually just a goalkeeper!

By the way, such a ratio, I actually do not even have a goalkeeper?

No, this can't be tolerated.

Is your Tiangongyuan recruiting new ones? This sacred sacred day is going to be noisy in your Tiangongyuan!

"System, fast, give me the fairy law, give me a magical power, by the way, come back dozens of top grades, I have to force it!"



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