Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1539: Great development

Xu spent two hours and thought well, and finally decided his own magical and fairy choices.

Although everything in the system mall is free, this may seem like a good thing, but in terms of magical and fairy choices, it can't be rash.

It is clear that the greed is not bad, and the full profit is the loss.

If you are not careful in your cultivation, you will probably lead to some conflicts on the fairy tales, which will eventually lead to ignorance, so you need to be cautious.

Of course, Xu lacks a system in the body, and does not have to worry too much about conflicts.

What he really cares about is to pursue the perfection of perfection. This requires combining the strengths and weaknesses of oneself to make choices in cultivation and to build itself more comprehensively and more powerfully.

Therefore, he spent two hours, picking out 23 kinds of supernatural powers, 8 kinds of top fairy scorpions, abbreviated as ST23 and D8, once the letters and numbers are categorized and matched, the result is terrible, full of metaphysics, unpredictable !

After determining the magical and immortal methods to be cultivated, the system sends them directly to the inventory.

Xu missed the mind and moved, "all-selection" and "use" in one step, and mastered it all at once.

He stood at the foot of the Tiangongyuan, away from the stone steps, but never left the place.

He lightly closed his eyes, his clothes fluttering, like a sculpture, motionless.

Every kind of supernatural technology selected from the system mall, every top level fairy, has begun to practice in the mind at the moment, from raw to skilled, but between thoughts.

After the interest rate, Xu suddenly suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of scorpions, like the sun, the moon and the stars are flowing, vast and deep, but quickly returned to the ordinary, the ears are slightly trembled, and no longer move.

However, in this eye, he heard this, but he perceives a future.


Xu's lack of mouth can't help but rise.

He has just tried to use the two kinds of magical powers of "knowing the future and robbing the mind and magic" and "nothing to clear the heavens and the ear", referred to as "the knowledge of the robbery" and "the ear of the ear."

The former can learn about the future of the wisdom of the gods, and know that the future can not be said, can not be said to be in the dust.

The latter can be used without any hindrance to the heavens, and in all territories, all voices, ignorance, and freedom.

To put it simply, he just saw that one thing that is about to happen in the future is related to people and related to himself.

Just after that, I heard thousands of miles away, and the person who is about to appear in the foresight is coming over.

"Hey, the top ten magical skills, really worthy of the name, if I can become a ten-passer, I will be the supreme in the sky, I am the supreme!" Xu missed the heart, only experienced two of them, they already know The power is terrible, let alone there are eight other supernatural powers.

But the most crucial thing at the moment is to prepare for it.

Those who are thousands of miles away from his upcoming story are on their way.

The picture that Xu Xiaofang only foresees is that he still stays at the foot of the mountain, thinking about how to mix into the Tiangongyuan and participate in the new conference.

As a result, there was a monk who was swaying from the air and fell right beside him. After squinting at Xu, he frowned and asked if he would also come to the disciples of the Tiangongyuan to recruit a new conference.

The lack of foresight in the foresight, the natural blink of an eye, the response to the swearing.

Unexpectedly, the other party listened to it, and if they did not say anything, they directly sacrificed a flying sword of the Chinese product, and they were short of Xu.

Xu was in danger and dangerously avoided the sword. He asked the other party what the move was. The other side continued to explain and explained the reason.

Originally attending the Tiangongyuan recruiting new conference, it is necessary to get a new order. This monk king has a confidante, and the two met together to worship in the Tiangongyuan. However, they only got a new order and finally got a new order. The two men pushed each other and let the monk of the king of the king come to the Temple of Heaven.

But coincidentally, this monk encountered a lack of Xu at the foot of the mountain. He learned that Xu was also coming to participate in the recruiting conference. He immediately concluded that there was also a new order in Xu’s body, and that Xu’s lack was only Da Luojin’s fairyland, so he moved. The idea is to kill Xu and miss the new order.

As for the final result, Xu lacks enough realm, and can't rely on the "knowledge of robbery" to understand, but now knowing this in advance, it is enough!

This means that he can prepare in advance and solve the opponent in the most effortless way!

"Hey, system, get those top killings out to me, oh, the materials have to be given, anyway, free of charge...emmm, by the way, pack the cigarette!"

Soon, Xu Xiao quickly made some arrangements.

Several sets of big killings made from the system, after the changes, directly overlapped, blooming a luxuriant, covering all directions, covering the square, and then quickly dimmed.


At this time, the south floor of Tiangongyuan.

In a small hole in the direction of the foot of the mountain, a young woman is sitting on the meditation and floating in the air.

A white innocent clothes, but can not cover her snowy skin, a peerless face, with a little tender, but also a cold.

Suddenly, she woke up from the state of cultivation, and suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyebrows were slightly slim.

"Is it an illusion? Why do you feel that there is a strong sensation in the sensation?" She whispered a little doubt, and her body fluttered on the ground.

If she encounters such a situation in the past, she will not care too much. Even if it is not an illusion, it is a normal thing.

After all, this is the Tiangongyuan, the most powerful first force in the whole Tianzhou. There are countless powerful people. It is not surprising that it is a bit windy.

However, what puzzles her is that she deliberately chose such a remote small hole to practice. How can there be fluctuations in Xianyuan?

And that direction seems to be at the foot of the mountain.

"But, there have been no progress in retreating for so many days. If you count the time, you haven’t gone out for a few years..." The young woman whispered softly, and with a slap in the face, she withdrew the Dongfu ban.

She wants to go out and go!


At the same time, thousands of miles away.

A middle-aged man in a blue shirt is driving a sword, and he is one with the fairy sword. It turns into a streamer and gallops in the direction of the Temple of Heaven.

The closer to the Tiangongyuan, the more complicated the mood of middle-aged men in blue shirts.

After many years of cultivation, I have gone through a lot of sinister hardships and stepped into the fairy kingdom. Now I am ready to go to the Heavenly Palace. It should be a happy event, but he is not happy.

He always remembered her in his heart. The two men died together for many years, and they fell in love with each other. On the evening of a good full moon, the two men hooked their little thumbs and agreed to enter the Temple of Heaven together, practice together, ask together, and be a pair of others. Fairy monks.

No one wants to get people, the two have to work hard, and only get a new order.

The closer to the Tiangongyuan today, the man thinks that he will be separated from the Swan for a long time in the future, and his heart will be incomparable.

"Xiao Li, you can rest assured, cognac will soon find a way to bring you into the Tiangongyuan!" The man clenched his fists, his heart was determined, set a grand goal, and at the same time speeded up and flew to Tiangongyuan.

Not long after, he arrived at the foot of the Tiangongyuan, but he had not yet landed, but he had already seen someone at the foot of the mountain.

The middle-aged man glanced and looked at it. It was a young black robe man. He was handsome and gentle. He was sitting under the tree and enjoying the cold. He still had a strange thing in his mouth, and he spit out smoke from time to time.

And at the side of the black robe man ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also placed a small iron can, which said "82 years Sprite."

Whether it is to smoke the smoke, or pick up the bottle of "82 years of Sprite" light drink, the black robe man's movements are very elegant, revealing an aristocratic temperament.

"Da Luo Jin Xianjing... so weak, and dare to come alone to the Tiangongyuan?" The middle-aged man suddenly moved in his heart, and immediately ecstasy.

Xiaoli, God bless, we can reunite again!


Immediately, the middle-aged man slammed into the void, his body suddenly slammed down.



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