Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1540: take it easy

For example, in the scene foreseen in "Zhi Zhai Tong", the middle-aged man landed, and his eyes were fixed on Xu.

Xu lacks leisurely and leisurely back against the big tree, his eyes are slightly blurred, revealing a hint of melancholy, faintly spit out a cigarette, the other hand elegantly holding a bottle of Sprite, gently shaking, lifting his mouth and smelling it. Then took a sip, and did not immediately swallow, let the tongue fully feel the stimulation of carbonic acid, until swallowing the throat, only a sweet smell filled with lips and teeth.

The middle-aged man looked at the scene, his brows were wrinkled and hesitated.

In front of this black robe man is so beautiful, the key is too young, from the perspective of bone age, definitely no more than a hundred years old.

A young Luo Jinjin Wonderland, dare to come alone to the Tiangongyuan, and in this place, can maintain these elegant temperament, taste a certain liquid.

Those who can have such conditions must be cultivated by those big forces. If they are rich, they are not ordinary people!

Therefore, if Guangtianhuai starts with such a person, what will happen in the future...

"Daoyou, are you coming to participate in the recruiting conference of the Tiangongyuan?"

Not waiting for the middle-aged man to think about it, Xu suddenly turned his head and looked at it with a smile on his face and a warm smile.

The middle-aged man looked at this innocent face, and for a moment he was a little bit stunned, and his mind could not help but have a distant memory.

Once upon a time, when I was a child, when I first entered the fairy door, wasn’t it so innocent and kind?

It is a pity that in the sinister and temptations of so many years, the essence of truth, goodness and beauty has long since disappeared.

Those simple and beautiful are the lost childhoods!

At this point, the middle-aged man sighed in his heart, but also fixed some thoughts.

Can't hold on to young people, simply not the original sin, but simply dare to come out and mix, that is, you deserve it, no wonder this heart is hot!

"Yes, is the little brother also coming to participate in the new conference?" The middle-aged man responded with a tone of indifference, and the singer was already flashing, and the killing had begun!

As long as Xu’s shortcomings, he can be sure that Xu’s body has a new order, and he can immediately kill and kill.


However, the middle-aged man did not wait for Xu’s nod or shake his head.

What he waited for was the illusion that Xu lacked his body shape and turned into him.

The speed is fast, breaking through the sound barrier directly, causing a burst of air.


The middle-aged man suddenly did not respond at all. What is the situation?


The next moment, a loud noise roared.

The middle-aged man changed his face and finally slowed down.

Xu deficiency has appeared in front of him, his face is evil, holding a stick of purple gold long sticks, sticking his body, burning black and white two-color hot fireworks, while there are several thick golden lightnings slamming and creaking. Just like a horrible day of robbery!

This is a terrible killing trick, a stick full of punishment, even if it is a fairy kingland, facing this stick, it has produced a deep shudder in the soul!


The middle-aged man screamed in an instant.

What is simple and kind, what kind of simple boy, what elegant temperament, go to your sister's innocence!

For a long time, innocent is my own!

He madly mobilized the body of the sacred body, and rushed to the foot, and even used the blood secret technique to evade the stick at the fastest and fastest speed.

Dignified kings, how powerful, even if the reaction is slow, and after exerting full force, he managed to avoid the lack of Xu.

However, he still couldn’t change his direction in time. He just went straight back. Xu’s lack of this stick was not able to squat on the middle-aged man, but the air blew the air and slammed it down. Middle-aged man's head.

The sound of "砰" was muffled, and the middle-aged man was smashed with a small hole in his head, and the blood splashed.

"Damn!" The middle-aged man suddenly screamed out, but his heart was extremely shocked.

The power of this stick is actually beyond his imagination, even though this injury is nothing, just a skin injury, it can only hurt his body.

Qi Jin can smash his head, if it is directly hit by the stick, is it not the head exploded on the spot?

"Budget, broad daylight, under the gate of Tiangongyuan, how dare you murder?" The middle-aged man retreated, and did not want to fight hard with Xu, and angered.

Xu's strength is beyond his imagination, and he also lost the opportunity to pre-emptive, ready to move the situation, attracting the attention of the Tiangongyuan, when he can even push the boat, saying that Xu lacked his new order.

"Hey, call it so loud, is it because you want to introduce people from the Temple of Heaven? It’s useless, you call it louder, and you won’t be able to take care of you by breaking your throat!" Xu lacks sneer, his golden flash of light flashes, his body shape A sway, press hard.

At the same time, he put away Zijin forcing the king's stick, and the big hand pushed forward, and the void in front of him immediately collapsed.

Bang -!

A huge incomparable shadow obscures the Scorpio, which is actually a huge black palm print, filled with suffocating stagnation, chills and bursts, and the middle-aged man crushed away.

"This... what is this magic?"

The middle-aged man screamed in an instant and was scared.

In the face of this handprint, he actually felt a strong danger, and couldn't help but shudder, far stronger than the stick.

"Oh, there is nothing. When I waited for you, I just learned the Huangquan big handprint, Xiaoxian 诀, don't be nervous!" Xu Xiaoxiao's response, how much more smiles, how much is it, as if to say one A little thing worth mentioning.

The middle-aged man was almost angry with a blood spray.

Little fairy? take it easy?

Damn, can you be nervous if you change?

At the same time, his heart is also in vain.

This kid said to wait for himself here? Did you know that you were coming early, ambush yourself in advance?

No, after I got the new order, I never revealed any winds. The Tiangongyuan is a low-key journey. How can this kid know where he is going?

Could it be... Xiaoli?

Yes, except for Xiaoli, there can be no other people!

Xiaoli ah Xiaoli, I am waiting for you to be sincere, I did not expect you to be so superficial, to like this young man who has nothing but handsome, but also sells cognac.


The middle-aged man wants to get more and more angry, his fists clenched, and he screamed and shouted.


In this crisis moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is a majestic atmosphere in his body, rising from the sky.

The ultimate anger caused him to explode with unprecedented potential. The powerful sage of the sacred sacred sacred sacred in the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred spurs.

"No raw swords, broken!" The middle-aged man screamed and pointed.

The pale blue giant blade, with a strong murderous temper, went through the black giant palm print in the air.



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